hardly, barely, seldom, rarely, scarcely, little, few; nobody, nothing, neither, not, no, nor, never, none; deny, fail, miss, doubt, beyond, without, no one, nowhere, past, ignore, overlook, above, off, miss, dislike, eliminate, reject, deny, fail, stop, lease, decline, grudge, refuse
at a loss, out of, instead of, short of, independent of, devoid of, ignorant of, innocent of, far from, free from, rather than, not everywhere, all… not, both… not, every…not, no…no (not), not…without, no (no not, nothing, never)… but, too…to, can’t but, can’t help but, not (never, no) …unless, not…until, neither… nor, anything but, not better than
She should know better than to trust such a man.
=She shouldn’t trust such a man.
Catch me doing that.
=I shall not do that.
If ever I heard the like.
=I never heard the like.
That science is all Greek to me, and I cannot follow it at all.
=I know nothing about that science, I can’t understand it.
I’ll eat my hat if I do.
=I shall not do that.
God knows!
=It is not something that ordinary people can know.
例如:① How could anyone do such a thing? ↓
=It is unlikely that anyone could do such a thing.
② Have I enough time? ↓ =I don’t have enough time.