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2023年01月22日 尋找失蹤媽媽 Ana Walshe 如何導(dǎo)致她的丈夫被指控犯有謀殺罪:所有細(xì)節(jié)





How the Search for Missing Mom Ana Walshe Led to Her Husband Being Charged With Murder: All the Details
尋找失蹤媽媽 Ana Walshe 如何導(dǎo)致她的丈夫被指控犯有謀殺罪:所有細(xì)節(jié)

Weeks after Ana Walshe was reported missing, her body has not been found—but prosecutors have laid out a grisly case for murder against her husband, Brian Walshe.

Ana Walshe and her husband, Brian Walshe, said goodnight to their New Year's Eve guest at around 1:30 a.m. on Jan. 1.
1 月 1 日凌晨 1 點(diǎn) 30 分左右,Ana Walshe 和她的丈夫Brian Walshe向新年前夜的客人道晚安。
"We hugged and celebrated and we toasted, just what you do over New Year's," Gem Mutlu, who spent the evening with the couple, later told CBS News Boston. "There was a lot of looking forward to the new year. There was no indication of anything other than celebrating the new year, problems on hold."
“我們擁抱、慶祝、舉杯,就像你在新年所做的那樣,”與這對(duì)夫婦共度一晚的杰姆·穆特魯 ( Gem Mutlu ) 后來告訴哥倫比亞廣播公司波士頓新聞。“人們對(duì)新的一年充滿期待。除了慶祝新年,沒有任何跡象表明有任何問題被擱置。”
But Mutlu never saw Ana again, and neither has anyone else, according to police in Cohasset, Mass., who were first to entreat the public's help in locating the 39-year-old mother of three.
但根據(jù)馬薩諸塞州科哈塞特警方的說法,穆特魯再也沒有見過安娜,其他人也沒有,他們首先請(qǐng)求公眾幫助 尋找這位 39 歲的三個(gè)孩子的母親。
For several days, Massachusetts State Police and Cohasset Police led the search, bringing in troopers from the MSP Special Emergency Response Team, three K9 teams and the State Police Air Wing to comb the woods near the Walshes' rental house, while divers searched a stream and a pool. They found no trace of Ana, and police announced the end of the ground search on Jan. 7.
幾天來,馬薩諸塞州警察和 Cohasset 警察領(lǐng)導(dǎo)了搜索,從 MSP 特別應(yīng)急小組、三個(gè) K9 小組和州警察空軍聯(lián)隊(duì)調(diào)來了士兵,在 Walshes 出租屋附近的樹林中進(jìn)行搜索,同時(shí)潛水員搜索了一條溪流和一個(gè)游泳池。他們沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)安娜的蹤跡,警方于 1 月 7 日宣布地面搜索結(jié)束。
The next day, Brian was arrested on suspicion of misleading the investigation, detectives alleging in a criminal complaint affidavit filed Jan. 9 in Quincy District Court that the 47-year-old had lied to detectives about his actions following Ana's disappearance. At his arraignment, at which he pleaded not guilty, Norfolk County Assistant District Attorney Lynn Beland told the judge that a search of the Walshe home had turned up a knife and traces of blood in the basement.
第二天,布萊恩因涉嫌誤導(dǎo)調(diào)查而被捕,偵探們?cè)?1 月 9 日向昆西地方法院提交的刑事訴訟宣誓書中稱,這位 47 歲的男子在安娜失蹤后向偵探謊報(bào)了自己的行為。諾??丝h助理地方檢察官林恩·貝蘭德在出庭時(shí)拒不認(rèn)罪,他 告訴法官,在搜查沃爾什家時(shí),在地下室發(fā)現(xiàn)了一把刀和血跡。
And on Jan. 17, Brian was charged with murdering and dismembering his wife. He has again pleaded not guilty.
1 月 17 日,布賴恩被控謀殺和肢解他的妻子。他再次拒不不認(rèn)罪。
In a statement released after his Jan. 18 arraignment, Brian's lawyer Tracy Miner said she'd prefer that media outlets "not inundate" her with requests for comment, as the court of public opinion "has already tried and convicted Mr. Walshe."
Brian 的律師Tracy Miner在 1 月 18 日傳訊后發(fā)表的一份聲明中表示,她希望媒體“不要淹沒”她的評(píng)論請(qǐng)求,因?yàn)檩浾摲ㄍ?ldquo;已經(jīng)審判并定罪了 Walshe 先生”。
"It is easy to charge a crime and even easier to say a person committed that crime," she said. "It is a much more difficult thing to prove it, which we will see if the prosecution can do.
Despite the multiagency search and seemingly everyone on the Internet on the case, Ana's body has still not been found. But here's a breakdown of the investigation that led to a murder case against her husband:
What was Brian and Ana Walshe's relationship like before she disappeared?
Brian 和 Ana Walshe 失蹤前的關(guān)系如何?
Naturally, once the public got wind of the investigation, the theories started flying and every tidbit of information was parsed on social media, the case of yet another young, pretty mom gone missing serving as the usual catnip for online sleuths. And while police conducted the physical search for Ana, the other kind of digging also commenced.
Multiple outlets unearthed a 2014 police report Ana filed in Washington, D.C., alleging her then-boyfriend had threatened over the phone to kill her and a friend. A Metropolitan Police Department spokesperson told NBC News that Brian (who was unnamed in the report) was the accused and that the case was closed after Ana refused to assist with an investigation.
多家媒體披露了一份 2014 年安娜在華盛頓特區(qū)提交的警方報(bào)告,指控她當(dāng)時(shí)的男友在電話中威脅要?dú)⑺浪鸵粋€(gè)朋友。大都會(huì)警察局發(fā)言人告訴 NBC 新聞,布賴恩(在報(bào)告中未透露姓名)是被告,在安娜拒絕協(xié)助調(diào)查后,案件結(jié)案了。
The couple, who had met in 2008 when Ana was working as a reservations manager at a hotel in the Berkshires, married on Dec. 21, 2015, at Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Boston. They have three sons, ages 2, 4, and 6, who are now in the custody of Massachusetts Children and Family Services, NBC News confirmed.
這對(duì)夫婦于 2008 年相識(shí),當(dāng)時(shí)安娜在伯克郡的一家酒店擔(dān)任預(yù)訂經(jīng)理,并于 2015 年 12 月 21 日在波士頓的伊曼紐爾圣公會(huì)教堂結(jié)婚。NBC 新聞證實(shí),他們有 3 個(gè)兒子,年齡分別為 2 歲、4 歲和 6 歲,現(xiàn)在由馬薩諸塞州兒童和家庭服務(wù)中心監(jiān)護(hù)。
Injecting a preemptive twist into the entire case, the aforementioned Jan. 9 affidavit noted that Brian had been on pre-sentencing probation and had to request permission from authorities to leave the house to transport his kids to and from school, visit his mother, go to the grocery store, etc. He pleaded guilty in April 2021 to wire fraud and other charges for selling two counterfeit Andy Warhol paintings on eBay that the buyer was led to believe were the real deal.
上述 1 月 9 日的宣誓書為整個(gè)案件注入了一個(gè)先發(fā)制人的轉(zhuǎn)折點(diǎn),  指出布賴恩一直處于判刑前緩刑期間,不得不請(qǐng)求當(dāng)局允許他離開家去接送孩子上下學(xué)、探望他的母親、去到雜貨店等。他 于 2021 年 4 月承認(rèn)在 eBay 上出售兩幅 安迪·沃霍爾 ( Andy Warhol)偽造 畫作的電匯欺詐和其他指控,導(dǎo)致買家相信這些畫作是真品。
In a June 2022 letter pleading for leniency on her husband's behalf, Ana wrote to a federal judge about the time he'd been at home awaiting sentencing, per Boston 25 News, "During these eight months, our family was able to be together during many of the milestones: our youngest son turned one, our middle son started to speak and our eldest son who had just started kindergarten when we saw you last is now only a few weeks away from completing the year and preparing for first grade. He also lost his first tooth."
根據(jù)波士頓 25 新聞,在2022 年 6 月代表丈夫請(qǐng)求寬大處理的一封信中,安娜寫信給一位聯(lián)邦法官,講述了他在家里等待判決的時(shí)間,“在這八個(gè)月里,我們的家人能夠在一起許多里程碑:我們的小兒子滿一周歲了,我們的二兒子開始說話了,我們最后一次見到你時(shí)剛開始上幼兒園的大兒子現(xiàn)在距離完成一年級(jí)和準(zhǔn)備一年級(jí)只有幾周的時(shí)間了。他還掉了他的第一顆牙。”
After her mother suffered a brain aneurysm in December 2021, Ana continued, "Not only did [Brian] save her life, but he als
o brought her and the entire family comfort and joy during the course of her illness." He was also devoted to their boys, she explained, writing, "Brian has been working consistently on breaking the past bad habits of his family and we are all looking forward to the new chapter of his life." (It's unclear what she meant by saving her mom's life, but Brian's late father was a neurologist.)
在她的母親于 2021 年 12 月患上腦動(dòng)脈瘤后,安娜繼續(xù)說道,“[布萊恩] 不僅挽救了她的生命,還在她患病期間為她和整個(gè)家庭帶來了安慰和歡樂。” 他也很關(guān)心他們的兒子,她解釋說,寫道:“布萊恩一直在努力打破他家人過去的壞習(xí)慣,我們都期待著他人生的新篇章。” (不清楚她所說的挽救她媽媽的生命是什么意思,但布賴恩已故的父親是一名神經(jīng)科醫(yī)生。)
Ana's mother Milanka Ljubicic, who lives in Serbia, told Fox News Digital that Ana had asked her in a Dec. 25, 2022, text message to fly to D.C.—where Ana commuted weekly for work at real estate firm Tishman Speyer—the very next day, but didn't explain why.
住在塞爾維亞 的安娜的母親米蘭卡·柳比西奇 ( Milanka Ljubicic ) 告訴Fox News Digital  ,安娜曾在 2022 年 12 月 25 日的一條短信中要求她飛往華盛頓特區(qū)——安娜每周都會(huì)去華盛頓特區(qū)的房地產(chǎn)公司鐵獅門 (Tishman Speyer) 工作——就在下一個(gè)一天,但沒有解釋原因。
Ljubicic said she offered to come on Jan. 5 or 6, to which her daughter replied, "'You don't have to come in January. Brian and I are making plans for February.'"
Ljubicic 說她??提出在 1 月 5 日或 6 日來,她的女兒回答說:“'你不必在 1 月來。Brian 和我正在計(jì)劃 2 月。'”
Where was Brian Walshe when Ana Walshe went missing?
Ana Walshe 失蹤時(shí),Brian Walshe 在哪里?
Ana was first reported missing Jan. 4 by her employer after she never showed up at the office in D.C. that week. Brian told police who went to their house that day for a welfare check that Ana had said a work emergency required her to fly to D.C. on Jan. 1. She'd kissed him goodbye, ordered a car and left for the airport sometime between 6 and 7 a.m., Brian said, according to the affidavit.
安娜在 1 月 4 日首次被她的雇主報(bào)告失蹤,因?yàn)樗谀且恢軓奈闯霈F(xiàn)在華盛頓特區(qū)的辦公室。布賴恩告訴那天去他們家進(jìn)行福利檢查的警察,安娜說工作緊急情況要求她在 1 月 1 日飛往華盛頓特區(qū)。她吻別了他,訂了一輛車,然后在 6 點(diǎn)之間的某個(gè)時(shí)間離開去機(jī)場(chǎng)根據(jù) 宣誓書,布賴恩說,早上 7 點(diǎn)。
Per the affidavit, Brian told detectives he made breakfast for their three young sons at around 7 a.m. on Jan. 1, Ana having already left. A babysitter came that afternoon and he ran errands till 3 p.m., he said, then drove out to Swampscott, where his mother lives, about 38 miles away by car. He didn't have his cell phone, he told police, so he ended up on a route that added at least 20 minutes to what should've been a 60-to-70-minute ride. While he was out there he shopped for his mom at Whole Foods and CVS, his account of events continued, then was back home by 8 p.m.
根據(jù)宣誓書,布賴恩告訴偵探,他在 1 月 1 日早上 7 點(diǎn)左右為他們的三個(gè)年幼的兒子做了早餐,安娜已經(jīng)離開了。他說,那天下午一位保姆來了,他一直跑腿到下午 3 點(diǎn),然后驅(qū)車前往大約 38 英里外他母親居住的 Swampscott。他告訴警方,他沒有帶手機(jī),所以他最終選擇了一條比原本應(yīng)該 60 到 70 分鐘的車程至少多了 20 分鐘的路線。當(dāng)他在外面時(shí),他在 Whole Foods 和 CVS 為他媽媽購(gòu)物,他繼續(xù)講述事件,然后在晚上 8 點(diǎn)之前回到家
Brian said he found his phone under his pillow the next day, and ventured out to take his sons for ice cream—which he did, according to the affidavit. But, detectives stated, he also made a trip on Jan. 2 that he didn't mention—to a Home Depot in Rockland, Mass., where he made a cash purchase.
布賴恩說,第二天他在枕頭底下發(fā)現(xiàn)了手機(jī),于是冒險(xiǎn)帶兒子們?nèi)コ员苛?mdash;—根據(jù)宣誓書,他確實(shí)這么做了。但是,偵探說,他在 1 月 2 日還去了一趟他沒有提到的旅行——去了馬薩諸塞州羅克蘭的一家家得寶,在那里他用現(xiàn)金購(gòu)買了東西。
Brian's attorney reportedly said during his Jan. 9 arraignment that he had called Tishman Speyer to inquire about his wife's whereabouts, after which someone from the firm called police Jan. 4. But according to a Cohasset Police call log reviewed days later by Boston 25 News, the company's head of security called police after first contacting Brian and finding out that he hadn't yet filed a missing person report.
據(jù)報(bào)道,布賴恩的律師在 1 月 9 日的傳訊中說,他曾打電話給鐵獅門公司詢問他妻子的下落,之后該公司的某人于 1 月 4 日?qǐng)?bào)警。但根據(jù)波士頓 25 新聞幾天后查看的 Cohasset 警方通話記錄,公司的安全負(fù)責(zé)人在首先聯(lián)系布賴恩并發(fā)現(xiàn)他尚未提交失蹤人員報(bào)告后報(bào)了警。
After Brian was charged with murder, CEO Rob Speyer told NBC News, "Ana's vivacious energy and warmth made her a true friend to so many at Tishman Speyer and in the broader Boston and D.C. communities. All of us at Tishman Speyer are devastated by the tragic and untimely passing of our beloved colleague."
在布賴恩被指控犯有謀殺罪后,首席執(zhí)行官羅伯斯派爾告訴 NBC 新聞,“安娜活潑的能量和熱情使她成為鐵獅門公司以及更廣泛的波士頓和華盛頓社區(qū)的許多人的真正朋友。我們鐵獅門公司的所有人都為我們敬愛的同事悲慘而英年早逝。”
Did Brian Walshe lie to police?
Brian Walshe 對(duì)警察撒謊了嗎?
The Jan. 9 affidavit states that investigators determined Brian didn't drive his mother from his home in Cohasset, where he said she was recovering from cataract surgery, back to her house in Swampscott—which he had received permission from authorities to do—nor did they find evidence to prove he was at Whole Foods or CVS during the time he specified.
1 月 9 日的宣誓書指出,調(diào)查人員確定布賴恩沒有將他的母親從他在 Cohasset 的家中(他說她在那里正在從白內(nèi)障手術(shù)中恢復(fù)過來)開車送回她在 Swampscott 的家中——他得到了當(dāng)局的許可——也沒有他們是否找到證據(jù)證明他在他指定的時(shí)間內(nèi)在 Whole Foods 或 CVS 工作。
Brian told detectives that his mom drove herself home, but he still used the time to visit and run errands for her. And though he had said he didn't have his phone on him that day, cell data showed that the phone was in nearby Brockton and Abingdon, neither place on the list of his approved travel destinations, according to the affidavit.
Alleging in the affidavit that Brian had willfully misled investigators, Cohasset Police Detective Harrison Schmidt emphasized that time was always of the essence when it came to tracking down missing people, and Ana's husband had clearly intended to delay their quest.
Cohasset 警探Harrison Schmidt在宣誓書中指稱 Brian 故意誤導(dǎo)調(diào)查人員,并強(qiáng)調(diào)在追蹤失蹤人員時(shí)時(shí)間總是至關(guān)重要的,而 Ana 的丈夫顯然打算推遲他們的任務(wù)。
Beland, the Norfolk County ADA, said in court Jan. 9 that investigators also hadn't been able to find any evidence that Ana had taken a car to the airport on New Year's Day, nor did she board her scheduled Jan. 3 flight to D.C. for her regular commute.
諾??丝?ADA Beland 于 1 月 9 日在法庭上表示,調(diào)查人員也未能找到任何證據(jù)表明 Ana 在元旦當(dāng)天乘車前往機(jī)場(chǎng),也沒有登上預(yù)定于 1 月 3 日飛往機(jī)場(chǎng)的航班。 DC 用于她的常規(guī)通勤。
After pleading not guilty to misleading detectives, Brian was jailed in lieu of a $500,000 bail at the Norfolk County House of Correction.
在對(duì)誤導(dǎo)偵探表示不認(rèn)罪后,布賴恩在諾??丝h懲教所被判入獄,保釋金為 500,000 美元。
What other evidence led to Brian Walshe being charged with wife Ana Walshe's murder?
還有哪些其他證據(jù)導(dǎo)致 Brian Walshe 被指控謀殺妻子 Ana Walshe?
Brian's online search history—some of it Googled on his son's iPad right around the time he told police he last saw Ana—included "how long for someone to be missing to inherit," "can you throw away body parts?," "10 ways to dispose of a dead body if you really need to" and "how to stop a body from decomposing," Beland said in Quincy District Court during Walshe's Jan. 18 arraignment on murder charges, per NBC News.
布賴恩的在線搜索歷史——其中一些是在他告訴警方他最后一次見到安娜的那一刻左右在他兒子的 iPad 上用谷歌搜索的——包括“某人失蹤多久才能繼承”、“你能扔掉身體部位嗎?”、“10根據(jù)NBC 新聞,Beland 在 1 月 18 日 Walshe 因謀殺罪被提審期間在昆西地方法院說,如果你真的需要,如何處理尸體”和“如何阻止尸體腐爛” 。
He also searched for "what's the best state to divorce for a man" on Dec. 27, the prosecutor said, adding, "Rather than divorce, it is believed that Brian Walshe dismembered Ana Walshe and discarded her body."
檢察官說,他還在 12 月 27 日搜索了“對(duì)男人來說離婚的最佳狀態(tài)是什么”,并補(bǔ)充說,“據(jù)信布賴恩·沃爾什肢解了安娜·沃爾什并丟棄了她的尸體,而不是離婚。”
Laying out the prosecution's case, Beland said that Brian bought three rugs at a HomeGoods on Jan. 2 and then paid $450 cash at Home Depot for cleaning products, mops, brushes, tape, tarp, a Tyvek suit with boot covers, buckets, goggles, baking soda and a hatchet. Store security cameras captured him putting those items in his cart while wearing a surgical mask and gloves.
Beland 在陳述起訴案件時(shí)說,Brian 于 1 月 2 日在 HomeGoods 購(gòu)買了三塊地毯,然后在 Home Depot 支付了 450 美元現(xiàn)金,用于購(gòu)買清潔產(chǎn)品、拖把、刷子、膠帶、防水布、帶靴套的 Tyvek 套裝、水桶、護(hù)目鏡、小蘇打和斧頭。商店的安全攝像頭拍下了他戴著外科口罩和手套將這些物品放入購(gòu)物車的畫面。
Brian's online searches that day, Beland said, included "hacksaw best tool to dismember," "can you be charged with murder without a body" and "can you identify a body with broken teeth."
On Jan. 3, the prosecutor continued, surveillance footage showed a man who appeared to be Brian getting out of his Volvo and dropping a bag in a dumpster near an Abington apartment complex, and then he allegedly made two more drops, another in Abington and one in Brockton. (Those bags were apparently transported to a processing center and their contents were destroyed before police could find them, Beland said.)
檢察官繼續(xù)說,1 月 3 日,監(jiān)控錄像顯示一名疑似布賴恩的男子從他的沃爾沃車?yán)锍鰜?,把一個(gè)袋子扔進(jìn)了阿賓頓公寓大樓附近的垃圾箱,然后據(jù)稱他又丟了兩次,另一次在阿賓頓和一個(gè)在布羅克頓。(這些袋子顯然被運(yùn)到了一個(gè)處理中心,里面的東西在警察找到它們之前就被銷毀了,Beland 說。)
The next day, Beland said, Brian went to Home Goods and TJ Maxx, buying towels, bath mats and men's clothing, and then bought squeegees and a trash can at a Lowe's.
Beland 說,第二天,Brian 去了 Home Goods 和 TJ Maxx,買了毛巾、浴墊和男裝,然后在 Lowe's 買了吸水扒和垃圾桶。
Beland also told the court that, in addition to the knife that had been recovered from the family's basement, investigators found 10 trash bags that had been originally dumped outside his mother's Swampscott apartment complex containing, among other things, a hacksaw, a hatchet, cutting shears, towels, rugs and a Tyvek suit. Authorities recovered those items, as well as Ana's COVID-19 vaccination card, a necklace she'd been seen wearing in photos, a Prada purse like one Brian had previously described as Ana's, slippers and more at a waste transfer facility in Peabody, about 20 miles from Cohasset.
Beland 還告訴法庭,除了從家里的地下室找到的刀外,調(diào)查人員還發(fā)現(xiàn)了 10 個(gè)垃圾袋,這些垃圾袋最初被丟棄在他母親的 Swampscott 公寓大樓外,其中包括一把鋼鋸、一把斧頭、切割剪刀、毛巾、地毯和 Tyvek 套裝。當(dāng)局收回了這些物品,以及安娜的 COVID-19 疫苗接種卡、她在照片中佩戴的項(xiàng)鏈、布萊恩之前描述為安娜的普拉達(dá)錢包、拖鞋等等,大約在皮博迪的一個(gè)廢物轉(zhuǎn)運(yùn)站。距 Cohasset 20 英里。
Traces of the couple's DNA was found on various objects in the bags, Beland said, while cell phone data and surveillance video put Brian in the area near the dumpster at his mother's complex on Jan. 5.
Beland 說,在袋子里的各種物品上發(fā)現(xiàn)了這對(duì)夫婦的 DNA 痕跡,而手機(jī)數(shù)據(jù)和監(jiān)控錄像顯示 Brian 于 1 月 5 日出現(xiàn)在他母親住所的垃圾箱附近。
Miner, Brian's lawyer, entered a not guilty plea on his behalf to charges of murder and improper transport of a body. He's been remanded without bail and a status hearing is scheduled for Feb. 9.
Brian 的律師 Miner 代表他對(duì)謀殺和不當(dāng)運(yùn)輸尸體的指控進(jìn)行了無罪抗辯。他已被還押,不得保釋,身份聽證會(huì)定于 2 月 9 日舉行。
The only thing he said in court, when asked if he understood the charges against him, was "I do."
In her statement to reporters afterward, Miner said she wouldn't be commenting on what prosecutors had laid out so far because she planned to "try this case in the court and not in the media," and the other side hadn't yet provided her with any evidence.
"In my experience," she continued, "where, as here, the prosecution leaks so-called evidence to the press before they provide it to me, their case isn't that strong. When they have a strong case, they give me everything as soon as possible. We shall see what they have and what evidence is admissible in court, where the case will ultimately be decided."


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