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2023年01月26日 少狼:電影終于來了:看看這些關(guān)于 OG 秀的驚人秘密





Teen Wolf: The Movie Is Finally Here: Check Out these Surprising Secrets About the OG Show
少狼:電影終于來了:看看這些關(guān)于 OG 秀的驚人秘密

In honor of the premiere of Teen Wolf: The Movie, we're revealing fun facts about the OG MTV series, including the Emmy winner who almost beat out Dylan O'Brien to play Stiles.
為紀(jì)念《少狼:電影》首映,我們將揭露有關(guān) OG MTV 系列的有趣事實(shí),包括差點(diǎn)擊敗迪倫·奧布萊恩飾演斯泰爾斯的艾美獎(jiǎng)得主。
When Teen Wolf debuted on June 5, 2011, series creator Jeff Davis thought the show was "f--ked."
當(dāng)Teen Wolf 于 2011 年 6 月 5 日首次亮相時(shí),系列創(chuàng)作者杰夫戴維斯認(rèn)為該節(jié)目是“f-ked”。
With a cast of mostly unknown actors—including Tyler Posey, Crystal Reed, Dylan O'Brien, Tyler Hoechlin, Colton Haynes and Holland Roden—and an attachment to the cheesy '80s movie of the same name starring Michael J. Fox, the pressure was on for the show to deliver MTV its first scripted hit. And then there was the part where the network decided to pit the premiere against an episode of Pretty Little Liars, one of the biggest teen dramas of the decade.
演員陣容大多不為人所知——包括泰勒·波西、克里斯托·里德、迪倫·奧布萊恩、泰勒·霍奇林、 科爾頓·海恩斯 和霍蘭·羅登——以及對(duì)邁克爾·J·??怂怪餮莸?80 年代俗氣同名電影的依戀,壓力正在為該節(jié)目提供 MTV 的第一個(gè)腳本熱播。然后是該網(wǎng)絡(luò)決定將首映式與美少女的謊言的一集進(jìn)行對(duì)比的部分,這是十年來最大的青少年劇集之一。
"I was like, 'You guys, if live ratings are that important to you, why are you putting us up against the exact demo you want? Do you really think they are going to watch?'" Davis recalled to E! News last June. "And they didn't. Our ratings sucked the first year. And the second!"
“我當(dāng)時(shí)想,'你們這些家伙,如果現(xiàn)場(chǎng)收視率對(duì)你們來說那么重要,你們?yōu)槭裁匆屛覀儗?duì)抗你們想要的確切演示?你們真的認(rèn)為他們會(huì)觀看嗎?'”戴維斯回憶道 E!去年六月的新聞。“但他們沒有。第一年我們的收視率很糟糕。第二年!”
While the show had developed a small but mighty following online, it wasn't until Teen Wolf's first two seasons hit Netflix in 2013 that the show's pack of viewers grew immensely.
雖然該節(jié)目在網(wǎng)上獲得了少量但強(qiáng)大的追隨者,但直到2013 年Teen Wolf的前兩季在 Netflix 上線后,該節(jié)目的觀眾群才大幅增長(zhǎng)。
"Suddenly, our reach grew and we had actually good numbers for our season three premiere without the MTV Movie Awards as a lead-in," he recalled, adding that MTV quickly ordered 24 episodes for the season to quell the new fanbase's hunger. "They just said they wanted more and more."
“突然之間,我們的影響力擴(kuò)大了,在沒有 MTV 電影獎(jiǎng)作為開場(chǎng)白的情況下,我們的第三季首映實(shí)際上取得了不錯(cuò)的成績(jī),”他回憶說,并補(bǔ)充說 MTV 迅速為該季訂購了 24 集,以平息新粉絲群的渴望。“他們只是說他們想要越來越多。”

Teen Wolf went on to hit 100 episodes before its series finale in 2017, turning cast members like O'Brien and Posey into major Hollywood stars. Along the way, it said goodbye to series regulars, while adding fresh faces to its roster. See: Shelley Hennig, Arden Cho, Dylan Sprayberry, Daniel Sharman and Max and Charlie Carver, to name a few.
《少狼》在 2017 年大結(jié)局前連續(xù)播放了 100 集,將 O'Brien 和 Posey 等演員變成了好萊塢的主要明星。一路走來,它告別了系列賽的???,同時(shí)為其名冊(cè)增添了新面孔。參見:  Shelley Hennig、Arden Cho、 Dylan Sprayberry、Daniel Sharman以及Max和Charlie Carver,等等。
And now, four years after the show ended, (most of) the pack has reassembled for Teen Wolf: The Movie, which premiered Jan. 26 on Paramount+. (Sitting out of the revival are Cho and O'Brien.)
而現(xiàn)在,在節(jié)目結(jié)束四年后,(大部分)包裝已經(jīng)為Teen Wolf:The Movie重新組裝,該電影于 1 月 26 日在 Paramount+ 首映。(坐在復(fù)興之外的是 Cho 和 O'Brien。)
For Davis, who also created the new Wolf Pack series for the streaming service that debuted the same day, Teen Wolf's true legacy is the bond the young cast formed during the show's six-year run.
"What was really unusual to me was that the cast loved each other," he said. "There were little fights and disagreements and people grew out of touch, but they still all hang out together. Daniel and Max just did a road trip on a bike together. Colton and Holland are still the best of friends. It's nice to see that everybody really had such a good time making it."
In honor of Teen Wolf: The Movie's long-awaited debut on Paramount+, we're looking back on Davis' interview with E!, in which he opened up about assembling the cast (including auditioning an American Horror Story fan favorite for Stiles!) and all of the spinoffs that were being considered.
為了紀(jì)念《少狼:電影》在 Paramount+ 上期待已久的首映,我們回顧了戴維斯對(duì) E! 的采訪,他在采訪中公開了演員陣容(包括試鏡 美國(guó)恐怖故事粉絲最喜歡的斯泰爾斯!) 以及正在考慮的所有衍生產(chǎn)品。
Surprising Inspiration
After being approached by MTV with the idea of rebooting Teen Wolf, series creator Jeff Davis said he watched the original 1985 movie starring Michael J. Fox. Knowing the network was hoping to enter the scripted market with a big series, he wondered what tone they were hoping to strike. Did they really want a TV show about basketball inspired by the "dated" film?
在與 MTV 接觸并提出重啟《少狼》的想法后,系列創(chuàng)作者杰夫戴維斯說他看了 1985 年由邁克爾 J. 福克斯主演的原版電影。知道網(wǎng)絡(luò)希望通過大系列進(jìn)入腳本市場(chǎng),他想知道他們希望發(fā)出什么樣的聲音。他們真的想要一部受“過時(shí)”電影啟發(fā)的關(guān)于籃球的電視節(jié)目嗎?
Davis found inspiration in The Lost Boys and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, hoping to be "sexy, suspenseful, scary and funny," he detailed. "I mostly was only interested in doing it if it could also have a sense of humor and jokes, or, at least, have a sense of irony. And not be so utterly serious like all the other teen shows that were coming out at that point."
Before writing the pilot, Davis also read the first two Twilight books. While he understood why teenage girls—MTV's desired demographic—was into it, he found the story "melodramatic." For Teen Wolf, he wanted the audience to "be laughing one minute and then scared s--tless the next."
在編寫試播集之前,戴維斯還閱讀了前兩本《暮光之城》。雖然他明白為什么十幾歲的女孩——MTV 的理想人群——會(huì)喜歡它,但他發(fā)現(xiàn)這個(gè)故事“太戲劇化了”。對(duì)于少狼,他希望觀眾“這一分鐘還在笑,下一分鐘就害怕了”。
Still, MTV had one major note when they read the pilot script: "'There needs to be more sexiness. Every single scene must be oozing with sex,'" he recalled. "I'm sitting there thinking to myself, 'Do you want the scene with Scott and his mom to be oozing with sex?!' Every single scene?!' But they were like, 'This is how we draw an audience.'"
不過,MTV 在閱讀試播劇本時(shí)有一個(gè)重要注意事項(xiàng):“‘需要更多的性感。每個(gè)場(chǎng)景都必須充滿性,’”他回憶道。“我坐在那里心里想,‘你想讓斯科特和他媽媽的場(chǎng)景充滿性愛嗎?!’ 每一個(gè)場(chǎng)景?!但他們說,‘這就是我們吸引觀眾的方式。’”
As he recalled, "I remember seeing the first trailer and thinking to myself, 'OK so, they're selling it just like Twilight. We're f--ked.'"
Thankfully, he was wrong.
The Leader of the Pack
Though Davis had looked up all of the actors in serious consideration before their auditions and was impressed specifically by Tyler Posey's work on the ABC Family drama Lincoln Heights—"It was a sort of charming, sort of romance scene and I was like, 'OK, I think this could be him"—the creator revealed other producers weren't initially sold on him as their teen wolf.
盡管戴維斯在試鏡前仔細(xì)考慮過所有演員,并且對(duì)泰勒波西在 ABC 家庭劇林肯高地的工作印象特別深刻——“這是一種迷人的、浪漫的場(chǎng)景,我覺得, “好吧,我想這可能是他”——創(chuàng)作者透露,其他制作人最初并沒有把他當(dāng)作他們的少年狼來賣。
"His auditions were really subtle and everyone sort of shrugged their shoulders," Davis recalled. "And I said, 'No, get closer.' So I made them record him in close up and that's where he worked best. You could see the range and the charm in him in close-up. So I made them push up the camera several feet."
“他的試鏡非常微妙,每個(gè)人都聳了聳肩,”戴維斯回憶道。“我說,‘不,靠近點(diǎn)。’ 所以我讓他們近距離記錄他,那是他最擅長(zhǎng)的地方。你可以在特寫鏡頭中看到他的范圍和魅力。所以我讓他們把相機(jī)推高幾英尺。”
It even "became a rule on set," Davis continued. "I said to directors, 'Tyler's better in close-up. Always remember that.' He has such expressive eyes and that strange lopsided face that's uneven but utterly beautiful."
它甚至“成為片場(chǎng)的規(guī)則”,戴維斯繼續(xù)說道。“我對(duì)導(dǎo)演說,‘泰勒在特寫鏡頭方面做得更好。永遠(yuǎn)記住這一點(diǎn)。’ 他有一雙富有表情的眼睛,還有那張奇怪的歪臉,雖然參差不齊,但非常漂亮。”
The first actor cast, however, was actually Crystal Reed: "She was the first person to come in for an audition and I knew she was Allison from the moment she left."
No Resume, No Problem
"I believe they submitted him for both Scott and Stiles," Davis said of Dylan O'Brien, who was eventually cast as Stiles, the sarcastic sidekick. "He came in and I remember very clearly seeing his headshot, flipping it around and most resumes have this long list of who they were trained by, what films they've been in and guest star roles, what their special skills are. His was two YouTube links and that was it. I thought, 'OK.'"
“我相信他們?yōu)樗箍铺睾退固査苟纪扑]了他,”戴維斯談到迪倫奧布萊恩時(shí)說,他最終被選為斯泰爾斯,諷刺的伙伴。“他進(jìn)來了,我記得非常清楚地看到了他的頭像,翻了翻,大多數(shù)簡(jiǎn)歷上都有一長(zhǎng)串的名單,上面寫著他們的培訓(xùn)對(duì)象、他們出演過的電影和客串角色,他們的特殊技能是什么。他的是兩個(gè) YouTube 鏈接,僅此而已。我想,‘好吧。’”
But once Davis watched O'Brien's video, he was blown away, recalling, "He had this quality about him. He just seemed elastic. He reminded me of a young Jim Carrey."
While the creative team knew O'Brien would be "a great comic foil," they weren't anticipating how skilled of dramatic actor he would be. "He could play everything," Davis said. "It was stunning to see."
Also stunning? The fan response to O'Brien, who became the show's breakout star, though the network didn't realize it when the show premiered, relegating Stiles to the back of the first season's poster.
"He eventually moved to the very front," Davis said. "In season three, it was Tyler Posey in the back, which I was a little worried about because I was like, 'Guys, that's the star of our show!'"
A New Wolf In Town
In season four, viewers were introduced to Liam, a talented young lacrosse player who ends up becoming a member of Scott's pack. And when looking to cast the character, Davis explained they were needed an actor who could potentially lead the series if Posey ever chose to leave. Enter: Dylan Sprayberry, who was 15 years old at the time.
在第四季中,觀眾認(rèn)識(shí)了利亞姆,一位才華橫溢的年輕長(zhǎng)曲棍球運(yùn)動(dòng)員,最終成為斯科特的一員。在尋找角色時(shí),戴維斯解釋說,如果波西選擇離開,他們需要一個(gè)有可能領(lǐng)導(dǎo)該系列的演員。輸入:Dylan Sprayberry,當(dāng)時(shí) 15 歲。
"He auditioned for young Derek," Davis recalled. "He was so good, but I knew he was a little too young. This other kid just seemed more like Derek to us. But I knew I was going to call him back in for something and said to him, 'You're really good, you'll be hearing from me again.' And when we came up with the character of Liam, he was my first and only choice."
Casting What-Ifs
Talk about a sliding doors moment: American Horror Story star Evan Peters read for the role of Stiles, while YouTube star Cameron Dallas also auditioned. And before joining the cast of The Fosters, Davis revealed that Noah Centineo came in four times hoping to get a spot on Teen Wolf.
談?wù)撏评T時(shí)刻:美國(guó)恐怖故事明星埃文彼得斯 為斯泰爾斯的角色進(jìn)行了閱讀,而 YouTube 明星卡梅隆達(dá)拉斯也參加了試鏡。在加入《福斯特一家》之前,戴維斯透露諾亞·辛蒂尼奧曾四次參演,希望能在《 少狼》中占有一席之地。
Davis also spilled that a fan-favorite was nearly cast a different character.  "J.R. Bourne came in and we almost hired him as Deaton, he auditioned for that," he said. "But then I thought to myself, there's something about him and he just felt right as Allison's dad."
戴維斯還泄露了一個(gè)粉絲最喜歡的角色幾乎換了一個(gè)角色。“ JR Bourne進(jìn)來了,我們幾乎雇用了他作為 Deaton,他為此試鏡,”他說。“但后來我心想,他身上有一些東西,他覺得自己是艾莉森的父親。”

Pressure to Kill
One decision Davis regrets? Killing Allison in the season three finale after Reed expressed her desire to leave the show.
"I don't know if I would've done it now, but back then, it was the time of Game of Thrones' big death and it was all about which character could you kill off to shock the audience?" Davis reflected. "There was a lot of pressure to kill a main character. I remember the network saying you have to kill someone off. And me being like, 'I don't want to kill anyone, they're like my children!'"
“我不知道我現(xiàn)在會(huì)不會(huì)這么做,但那時(shí)候,是《權(quán)力的游戲》大殺四方的時(shí)候,最重要的是你能殺死哪個(gè)角色來震驚觀眾?” 戴維斯反映。“殺死一個(gè)主角的壓力很大。我記得網(wǎng)絡(luò)上說你必須殺掉一個(gè)人。我當(dāng)時(shí)想,‘我不想殺任何人,他們就像我的孩子一樣!’”
Reed wasn't the only cast member to leave the show, with Colton Haynes shocking fans with his exit in season two and Daniel Sharman choosing not to return for the fourth season. Tyler Hoechlin ultimately decided to step back from the show in season five, because, as Davis joked, "He decided he had enough of standing in the woods brooding and staring, which I don't blame him!"
里德并不是唯一離開該劇的演員,科爾頓海恩斯在第二季的退出令粉絲震驚,而丹尼爾沙曼 選擇在第四季不再回歸。Tyler Hoechlin最終決定退出第五季的演出,因?yàn)檎绱骶S斯開玩笑說的那樣,“他決定站在樹林里沉思和凝視,我不怪他!”
But, Davis admitted it was "hard" to adapt the storylines in the wake of the respective exits, going on to explain how the writers ultimately handled the revolving door of actors.
"You try to first go with what's the best story we can tell," he detailed. "And then the second is you realize and remember who the main characters of the show are. I remember saying, 'Look guys, the show's called Teen Wolf. The one we really have to worry about leaving is Tyler Posey."
Davis also had to find a creative way to write Stiles out of episodes in season three after O'Brien booked the lead role in The Maze Runner.
在 O'Brien 在The Maze Runner中擔(dān)任主角后,戴維斯還必須找到一種創(chuàng)造性的方式將斯泰爾斯從第三季的劇集中刪掉。
"We had to do the old trick of knocking him out, so he's in a coma," he said with a laugh. "It's the old put the character in a coma trick!"
Navigating Social Media
After its premiere in 2011, Teen Wolf became one of the most dominant shows on social media, often bringing in more than one million tweets per live episode. And Davis admitted that he and the writers "looked at a lot of it" in the beginning. (Yes, including all of the love for "Sterek.")
自 2011 年首播后,少狼成為社交媒體上最具影響力的節(jié)目之一,每集直播通常會(huì)帶來超過一百萬條推文。戴維斯承認(rèn),一開始他和編劇們“看了很多”。(是的,包括對(duì)“Sterek”的所有熱愛。)
"So one of the first mistakes we made was looking at social media and seeing something critical and thinking that's what everyone thinks and that's not true at all," Davis said. "Because some of the most vocal on Twitter and social media are actually a small subset of your overall audience. It was a learning curve for us."
戴維斯說:“因此,我們犯的第一個(gè)錯(cuò)誤是查看社交媒體并看到一些批評(píng)性的東西,然后認(rèn)為這是每個(gè)人的想法,而這根本不是真的。” “因?yàn)?Twitter 和社交媒體上最有發(fā)言權(quán)的一些人實(shí)際上只是您整體受眾的一小部分。這對(duì)我們來說是一個(gè)學(xué)習(xí)曲線。”
But there was one social media-influenced storyline that definitely worked.
"I could say that Stiles and Lydia could be influenced by the demand online. It was hard not to see that," Davis revealed. "But they also just were great together! They looked great onscreen and they were funny together and they just made a great pair."
Bromance Over Romance
While Teen Wolf emerged as a part of the pack of early aughts teen dramas, along with Pretty Little Liars and The Vampire Diaries, unlike those shows, Davis had an aversion to one genre trope.
"I said to MTV, 'I don't want to do love triangles,'" he explained. "That is the norm and it's usually one girl caught between two guys. I said, 'I'm not going to do that.' They said they want it to be an epic romance. I had this idea that Scott and Allison don't even kiss until the final episode of the first season and they were never going to allow me to do that."
“我對(duì) MTV 說,‘我不想做三角戀,’”他解釋道。“這是常態(tài),通常是一個(gè)女孩夾在兩個(gè)男人之間。我說,‘我不會(huì)那樣做的。’” 他們說他們希望這是一部史詩般的浪漫史。我的想法是斯科特和艾莉森在第一季的最后一集之前甚至不會(huì)接吻,他們永遠(yuǎn)不會(huì)允許我這樣做。”
Davis said he saw the connection between Scott and Stiles as the series' central relationship. It's OTP, if you speak Internet.
戴維斯說他認(rèn)為斯科特和斯泰爾斯之間的聯(lián)系是該系列的核心關(guān)系。它是 OTP,如果您使用 Internet。
"It was a story about friends, two best friends going out into the woods to find a dead body," he explained. "It was very Stephen King, very Stand By Me. I loved the two Coreys [Haim and Feldman] in The Lost Boys, that was a big inspiration."
“這是一個(gè)關(guān)于朋友的故事,兩個(gè)最好的朋友去樹林里尋找尸體,”他解釋道。“這非常像斯蒂芬金,非常支持我。我喜歡《迷失男孩》中的兩個(gè)科里 [Haim 和 Feldman] ,這是一個(gè)很大的靈感。”
Saying Goodbye
While Teen Wolf ran for six seasons, Davis was surprised when MTV ordered a final season, admitting, "I thought season five was it. And I remember when MTV said, 'We want a season six, we want another 20 episodes.' I remember thinking to myself, 'There's no way I can do another 20 episodes.' And I just was completely burnt out by that point."
雖然《少狼》已經(jīng)播出了六個(gè)賽季,但當(dāng) MTV 訂購最后一季時(shí),戴維斯感到很驚訝,他承認(rèn),“我以為第五季就這樣了。我記得 MTV 說,‘我們想要第六季,我們想要另外 20 集。’” 我記得自己在想,“我不可能再拍 20 集了。” 到那時(shí)我已經(jīng)完全筋疲力盡了。”
Though he was exhausted, Davis said it was "exhilarating" to reach 100 episodes. And when it came to the series finale, he wasn't looking to wrap things up with a nice, tidy bow.
盡管他已經(jīng)筋疲力盡,但戴維斯說達(dá)到 100 集是“令人興奮的”。當(dāng)談到系列結(jié)局時(shí),他并不想用一個(gè)漂亮、整潔的蝴蝶結(jié)來結(jié)束一切。
"I always knew the way it ended for me was not to do the flashforward, where everyone has kids and they're all happily married and stuff," he said. "I didn't want to do the Harry Potter thing. I wanted to do something slightly less satisfying actually and more of a cliffhanger."
Davis' only regret when it comes to the final episode was not being able to bring back several characters, including Kira, Deaton and Braedan (Meagan Tandy), but he explained scheduling and budgetary issues prevented their returns.
Spinoffs That Could've Been
Throughout Teen Wolf's six-year run, Davis came up with several spinoff ideas, though none ultimately came to fruition because "we were so laser-focused on getting more episodes of Teen Wolf out that we never really had time."
One potential project would've starred Arden Cho as Kira, who joined the show in season three. At the time, Davis saw the kitsune storyline as a jumping off point for another series. Another possibility was a series focused on Derek Hale's upbringing, with Ian Nelson being cast with that idea in mind.
一個(gè)潛在的項(xiàng)目是由Arden Cho飾演基拉,他在第三季加入了該節(jié)目。當(dāng)時(shí),戴維斯將狐貍的故事情節(jié)視為另一個(gè)系列的起點(diǎn)。另一種可能性是制作一部關(guān)注德里克·黑爾成長(zhǎng)經(jīng)歷的系列片,伊恩·尼爾森就是考慮到這個(gè)想法而出演的。
But Davis also revealed that he really wanted to do a spinoff called Echo House that centered on Eichen House, Beacon Hill's mental health treatment facility and would've starred Seth Gilliam.
但戴維斯還透露,他真的很想拍一部名為Echo House的衍生劇,該劇以 Beacon Hill 的精神健康治療機(jī)構(gòu) Eichen House 為中心,由Seth Gilliam主演。
"It would've been Dieten as a sort of a Professor X that brings in supernatural teens into Eichen House and helps them deal with their abilities," he detailed. "So you'd have werewolves, wendigos...and they wouldn't know it at first but they would eventually find out. It would've been fun."
“Dieten 就像 X 教授一樣,將超自然的青少年帶入 Eichen House 并幫助他們處理自己的能力,”他詳述道。“所以你會(huì)有狼人、雪怪……他們一開始不知道,但他們最終會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)。這會(huì)很有趣。”
Netflix, you up?
So, About That Failed Revival
Weeks before the series finale aired on July 2017, MTV announced that a reboot was already in the works, that would turn Teen Wolf into an anthology series with a new cast and some returning faces. But fans never got to see that revival, with Davis explaining it came down to a dispute between the network and MGM, the studio that owns the rights.
在該系列大結(jié)局于 2017 年 7 月播出前幾周,MTV 宣布重啟已經(jīng)在進(jìn)行中,這將把少狼變成一個(gè)選集系列,有新演員和一些回歸面孔。但粉絲們?cè)僖矝]有看到這種復(fù)興,戴維斯解釋說,這歸結(jié)為網(wǎng)絡(luò)與擁有版權(quán)的工作室米高梅之間的糾紛。
"MTV, at that point, wanted to own its stuff outright and MGM wanted to make Teen Wolf and capitalize on it," he said, "and that was going to be situation where we could call it Teen Wolf but it would have to have no connection whatsoever to the universe that we created for MTV. We had been talking about it with MGM, but now...that's a dead thing."
“當(dāng)時(shí),MTV 想要完全擁有它的東西,而米高梅想要制作《少狼》并利用它,”他說,“在這種情況下,我們可以稱它為《少狼》,但它必須擁有與我們?yōu)?MTV 創(chuàng)造的宇宙沒有任何聯(lián)系。我們一直在與米高梅談?wù)撍?,但現(xiàn)在……那是一件死事。”
Cut to September 2021 and fans were howling at the moon when MTV announced that a Teen Wolf movie would finally be happening, with original stars Tyler Posey, Crystal Reed, Tyle Hoechlin, Holland Roden and Colton Haynes reprising their roles in the Paramount+ feature film.
時(shí)間切換到 2021 年 9 月,當(dāng) MTV 宣布一部《少狼》電影終于要上映時(shí),粉絲們正對(duì)著月亮嚎叫,原創(chuàng)明星泰勒·波西、克里斯托·里德、泰爾·霍奇林、霍蘭·羅登和科爾頓·海恩斯將重新出演他們?cè)谂衫?故事片中的角色。


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