2023年02月03日 杰西卡·辛普森回憶起與“巨星”的秘密婚外情時“生活在謊言中”
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    Jessica Simpson Recalls “Living in a Lie” During a Secret Affair With a “Massive Movie Star”
    Jessica Simpson revealed that she was pursued by a world-famous actor…while he was still in a relationship. Says the author: "They always say they're single."
    Jessica Simpson just proved that this tea is made for spilling.
    杰西卡·辛普森 (Jessica Simpson  ) 剛剛證明這種茶是用來灑的。
    The singer revealed that "a massive movie star" tried to seduce her, detailing the experience in her new short story for Amazon Original Stories, Movie Star.
    這位歌手透露,  “一位巨星” 試圖引誘她,并在她為亞馬遜原創(chuàng)故事《電影明星》創(chuàng)作的新短篇小說中詳細描述了這段經(jīng)歷。
    "This is a very personal story and I really thought I would never share it!" the 42-year-old told People Feb 1. "The whole period was very surreal. There were times I had a lot of fun, don't get me wrong! But a lot of the time it felt isolating because I am someone who likes to deeply connect with people and I didn't know who was trustworthy and who was not."
    “這是一個非常私人的故事,我真的以為我永遠不會分享它!” 這位42 歲的人在2 月 1 日告訴人們。“整個時期都非常超現(xiàn)實。有時候我玩得很開心,不要誤會我的意思!但很多時候感覺很孤立,因為我是一個喜歡與人深入交流的人,但我沒有知道誰值得信賴,誰不值得信賴。”
    However, looking back Jessica learned, "you can't always take people at their very persuasive word—seems obvious but it really isn't when you are dealing with someone who sells it so well."
    The Dukes of Hazzard star and her unnamed famous fling met at Jennifer Lopez's 2001 VMAs after-party when she was on a break with Nick Lachey and then reconnected after the couple divorced in 2006.
    哈扎德公爵 明星 和她不知名的著名情人在 詹妮弗洛佩茲2001 年的 VMA 余興派對上相遇,當時她與 尼克拉奇 分手,然后在這對夫婦于 2006 年離婚后重新建立聯(lián)系。
    Seeing him again at the Beverly Hills Hotel, The Open Book author wrote, "I felt this warm rush all the way down my body to the tips of my toes in my wedges."
    But after an intense first kiss, the fashion designer saw pictures of her paramour and his then-girlfriend on the red carpet.
    "I was never ever in a million years going to be the other woman," she shared, expressing that the movie star assured her that his relationship was "completely over" and he only had eyes for Jessica.
    But their whirlwind romance didn't stop there, as the two continued to see one another, attending nightclub events together and bonding over the birth of the "Irresistible" singer's goddaughter.
    The Employee of the Month actress detailed how a visit to her man on the set of his movie made her feel like she was only there to "have sex" with the mystery man.
    "Yes, there was something sexy and enticing about all this, but there was also something demeaning about it," Jessica recalled. "I felt like a call girl. I didn't care if he was my teenage fantasy come to life, this was not a choice that same girl, my younger self, would be proud of."
    But that time in her life did leave the pop star with some very valuable life lessons learned.
    但她生命中的那段時間 確實 給這位流行歌星留下了一些非常寶貴的人生教訓。
    "Not betraying your own heart and diminishing your self-worth actually feels so much better than immediate gratification if living in a lie," she continued. "I also learned that there is a wide range of what monogamy means in Hollywood!"
    Flash-forward to 2023, the Jessica Simpson founder is now married to Eric Johnson—who she tied the knot with in 2014—and shares Maxwell, 10, Ace, 9, and Birdie, 3.
    快進到 2023 年,杰西卡·辛普森 (Jessica Simpson) 的創(chuàng)始人現(xiàn)在與埃里克·約翰遜 (Eric Johnson) 結婚——她于 2014 年與他結婚——并分享了 10 歲的麥克斯韋、9 歲的艾斯和 3 歲的小鳥。
    "I have learned that self-love is one of the keys to really loving someone else and that a true love will never make you question yourself or what's real," Jessica added. "Thanks to my amazing soulmate and husband, I am able to love passionately and without fear of being hurt."
    “我了解到自愛是真正愛別人的關鍵之一,真愛永遠不會讓你質疑自己或什么是真實的,”杰西卡補充道。 “多虧了我出色的靈魂伴侶和丈夫,我才能充滿激情地去愛,而不用擔心受到傷害。”
      上一篇:2023年02月02日 泰勒·洛特納罕見地評論了前任泰勒·斯威夫特 下一篇:2023年02月03日 里奇·斯邁利稱兒子布蘭登·斯邁利的死是“可怕的噩夢”


