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NO-BOOK 傻瓜機(jī)英語口語中級版Don't think so little of yourself.別太小瞧

所屬教程:NO-BOOK 傻瓜機(jī)英語口語中級版



Unit 16第16單元
Don't think so little of yourself.別太小瞧自己了。
1.Don't think so little of yourself.1、別太小瞧自己了。
2.I can't bother you with my little affairs.2、我這么點小事不愿意麻煩你。
3.Was there a little stream with willows on both sides?3、那里有沒有小溪和兩岸的柳樹。
4.I like the country, but I have little opportunity to go there.4、我喜歡這個國家,但很少有機(jī)會去。
5.There is still a little.5、還有一點兒。
6.That is too little.6.那太少了。
7.I have little money.7、我沒有錢。
8.I know little of the political situation.8、我對政治形勢知之甚少。
9.I see very little of him.9、我很少見他。
Unit 17第17單元
How long does it take you to get there?你要多久才能到那里?
1.How long does it take you to get there?1、你要多久才能到那里?
2.But it takes ten minutes' drive to get there.2、但是開車只需要十多分鐘。
3.It takes the computer only a few seconds to confirm the reservation.3、用電腦只需要幾秒鐘就可以確認(rèn)他的預(yù)定票了。
4.It won't take more than a year to finish it.4、最長用不了一年就完工了。
5.It took him ten years to become a famous pianist.5、他花了十年才成為有名的鋼琴家。
6.The flight will take you more than ten hours.6、飛機(jī)要飛十多個小時的。
7.Will it take long for you to repair the machine?7、要很久才能修好嗎?
8.It took me a long time to make up my mind.8、我用了很長時間才打定主意。
Unit 18第18單元
I'm afraid I can't stay.我恐怕不能再久留了。
1.I'm afraid I can't stay.1、我恐怕不能再久留了。
2.I'm afraid I've got bad news for you.2、恐怕我給你帶來一個壞消息。
3.I'm afraid you have to stay in bed for a week.3、恐怕得臥床一周。
4.I'm afraid there's some sort of misunderstanding.4、恐怕有某種誤會。
5.I'm afraid you don't see my point.5、我恐怕你是不得要領(lǐng)。
6.I'm afraid I'm not much of a dancer.6、恐怕跳舞我不是內(nèi)行。
7.I'm afraid I can't go together with you.7、恐怕我不能同去。
8.I'm afraid we'll miss the train.8、我恐怕要誤火車了。
Unit 19第19單元
Take the medicine again at five.5點鐘再吃一次藥。
1.Take the medicine again at five.1、5點鐘再吃一次藥。
2.Make up your mind not to do it again.2、你們要下定決定不能再這樣做了。
3.I'm glad to meet you again.3、我又一次見到你很高興。
4.And again, I've another thing to tell you.4、另外,我還有一件事要告訴你。
5.That isn't much-I could eat as much again.5、不算多,可以再吃那么多。
6.He read the letter through again and again.6、他把信從頭到尾讀了一遍又一遍。
7.Let's try again.7、讓我們再來試一次。
8.Time and time again, you think about the same question.8、就是把同樣的問題反復(fù)地想。
Unit 20第20單元
The car takes a lot of oil.這車太耗油。
1.The car takes a lot of oil.1、這車太耗油。
2.Writing a book will surely take a lot of time.2、寫一本書肯定是會耗時的。
3.It takes a lot of convincing.3、花費很大的力氣才能說服他。
4.It takes some believing.4、難以置信。
5.Take you time.5、不用急。
6.The airplane takes two hundred people.6、這飛機(jī)能容下200人。
7.Take things as they come.7、既來之,則安之。
8.Let's not take anything too seriously.8、別把事情看得太重。
9.I take this seriously. I'm not kidding.9、我是認(rèn)真的,不開玩笑。
Unit 21第21單元
We're looking forward to it too.我也一樣希望再見到你。
1.I'm looking forward to it too.1、我也一樣希望再見到你。
2.We're looking forward to beginning to cooperate with you.2、我們盼望能與你們建立合作關(guān)系。
3.I'm looking forward to the expansion of the trade relationship.3、希望擴(kuò)大貿(mào)易關(guān)系。
4.I'm looking forward to spending the holiday at home.4、盼望能夠回家過年。
5.We're looking forward to seeing him as soon as possible.5、盼望能夠盡快地見到他。
6.We look forward to the cooperation between us in the future.6、盼望與你公司在將來能夠合作。
7.The children had been looking forward to the party.7、孩子們一直在盼著這個晚會。
8.The people are looking forward to an early reply.8、大家正盼著早點答復(fù)。
Unit 22第22單元
Do you mind if I call you later?是否介意我以后給你打電話?
1.Do you mind if I call you later?1、是否介意我以后打電話給你。
2.Do you mind if we don't dance?2、我不想跳,請你不要介意。
3.Would you mind if I stay up late?3、是否介意我晚睡?
4.Do you mind if I smoke here?4、介不介意我在這里抽煙?
5.Would you mind if I keep you waiting here?5、可不可以在此等一下?
6.Would you mind not making the private call in the office please?6、請不要在辦公室里打私人電話。
7.Do you mind mailing the letter for me?7、幫我郵一封信,好嗎?
8.Do you mind if I use your bike?8、介不介意我用你的自行車?
Unit 23第23單元
The Jacksons are sweet people.杰克遜是心地善良的人。
1.The Jacksons are sweet people.1、杰克遜是心地善良的人。
2.Tom is always sweet to all of us.2.Tom待人一向很和藹。
3.It's sweet of you.3、你真好心。
4.You look so sweet in the picture.4、相片中的你很漂亮。
5.She has a sweet voice.5、她有一個甜美的嗓音。
6.How sweet the music sounds!6、這音樂多么美妙!
7.The fruit is sweet and tender.7、這水果又鮮又嫩。
8.I want to have a walk and smell the fragrance of flowers.8、我想出去走一走,聞一聞花香。
Unit 24第24單元
Your brothers look very much alike.你們兄弟倆長得太像了。
1.Your brothers look very much alike.1、你們兄弟長得太想像了。
2.All the houses in this project are alike.2、這個工程所建的房子都很相似。
3.All these men are alike in the world.3、他們這些人到處都是一幅模樣。
4.I believe they are alike in character.4、我相信他們的性情也差不多。
5.All music is alike to me.5、所有的音樂對于我來講都是一樣的。
6.He treats everyone alike.6、他對大家都一視同仁。
7.The ways you walk is very much alike.7、你們連走路的樣子都很像。
8.The sun shines over all alike.8、機(jī)會面前,人人平等。
Unit 25第25單元
The sooner the better.越快越好。
1.The sooner the better.1、越快越好。
2.The more the better.2、多多益善。
3.The sooner he leaves here the better.3、他離開得越早越好。
4.The more I think about it, the less I like it.4、越想,我就越不喜歡它。
5.The less witty a man is, the less he knows what he wants.5、一個人越不富于智慧,就越不知道他需要智慧。
6.The more you laugh, the less you eat, the better you'll be.6、你笑得越多,你就吃得越少,你就會越健康。
7.The more he gets, the more he wants.7、他得到的越多,想要的就越多。
8.The more he reads, the less he understands.8、讀的越多,腦子里越糊涂。
Unit 26第26單元
You don't have to worry about money.你不必再為錢而發(fā)愁了。
1.You don't have to worry about money.1、你不必再為錢而發(fā)愁了。
2.What we're worring about is her innocence.2、現(xiàn)在讓我們擔(dān)心就是她的無知。
3.Why worry about the future?3、干嘛要為未來而發(fā)愁呢?
4.Your father is really worried.4、你的父親為這事很著急。
5.I'm awfully worried.5、我實在擔(dān)心。
6.Don't worry, I've got a good idea.6、別著急,我有一個好主意。
7.Don't be worried about me, I'm all right.7、別為我擔(dān)心,我能行。
8.Will it worry you if I play the piano?8、我彈鋼琴是否會打擾你?
Unit 27第27單元
It's my pleasure.不必客氣了。
1.It's my pleasure.1、不必客氣。
2.It's a pleasure to work with you.2、樂意跟你一起干事。
3.Your visit will be my pleasure.3、有你在是我高興的事。
4.It's my greatest pleasure in my life.4、那是我生平最大的樂趣。
5.I'll do it with pleasure.5、樂于效力。
6.May I have the pleasure of seeing you later?6、我能否有幸日后再次見到你。
7.May I have the pleasure of your company for lunch?7、可否有幸共進(jìn)午餐?
8.It gave me much pleasure to hear of your success.8、聽到你成功我很快樂。
Unit 28第28單元
Will you join us for dinner?可否與我們共進(jìn)晚餐。
1.Will you join us for dinner?1、可否與我們共進(jìn)晚餐。
2.I'll join you in a few minutes.2、我很快就到,用不了幾分鐘。
3.Will you join us at lunch?3、你是否回家一起吃飯?
4.I'll join you shortly.4、我會回家跟你們在一起。
5.May I join in the game?5、我可不可以參加進(jìn)來?
6.Will you join us in a game of bridge?6、愿不愿意與你們一起打橋牌?
7.Who said you could join in?7、是誰允許你參加的?
8.I hope you'll all join in the chorus.8、我希望大家都能參加這次合唱。
Unit 29第29單元
I'm just killing time.我僅在消磨時間。
1.I'm just killing time.1、我這是在消磨時間。
2.Are you just killing time by coming here?2、來這里是否僅僅是為了打發(fā)時間的?
3.To kill time we may walk around here.3、不妨在周圍轉(zhuǎn)轉(zhuǎn)打發(fā)時間。
4.Let's play cards to kill time.4、我建議打牌來消磨時間。
5.How shall we kill the rest of the time?5、余下的時間怎么打發(fā)?
6.Is it a good way to kill time by talking?6、聊天不是很好的消磨時間的辦法嗎?
7.It's a stupid way to kill time by talking.7、聊天消磨時光太愚蠢了。
8.They're just killing time.8、他們只是在消磨時光而已。
Unit 30第30單元
Would you kindly give me her address?請你告訴我她的地址?
1.Would you kindly give me her address?1、請你告訴我她的地址?
2.Would you kindly close the door?2、勞駕你把門關(guān)上?
3.Kindly remove those from the desk, would you?3、勞駕你把東西從桌上拿開?
4.Would you kindly stop that horrible noise?4、請求你們不要弄出噪音?
5.Would you kindly write down her address?5、請你千萬要把她的地址記下來?
6.Will you kindly not interrupt us?6、請你不要再打斷?
7.Would you kindly help me in this difficulty?7、可否請你發(fā)善心幫個忙?
8.Kindly come this way please.8、請客人從這邊走。


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