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NO-BOOK 傻瓜機(jī)英語口語中級(jí)版There's a good three miles to the stat

所屬教程:NO-BOOK 傻瓜機(jī)英語口語中級(jí)版



There's a good three miles to the station.這里距車站足足三里。
1.There's a good three miles to the station.這里距車站足足三里。
2.I'll give it a good try.我得好好試一下。
3.I'll give them a good dry.我要徹底地晾干它們。
4.I have a good day's work today.我今天整整干了一天的活兒。
5.It needs a good wash.得好好洗一下。
6.We should give it a good cleaning.你們得來一次徹底的清潔。
7.I had a good night's sleep.我足足睡了一夜的好覺。
8.I'll give you a good lesson.我會(huì)狠狠地給他一次教訓(xùn)的。
Our forefathers handed down the customs to us.這都是先輩傳給我們的習(xí)俗。
1.These are the customs our forefathers handed down to us.這都是先輩傳給我們的習(xí)俗。
2.Those were handed down from one generation to another.這是一代一代傳下來的。
3.The diamond has been handed down for generations.這鉆石已經(jīng)傳了好幾代了。
4.Why follow the traditions handed down?干嘛要按傳下來的習(xí)俗去辦呢。
5.The ceremony was handed down for centuries.這個(gè)儀式已傳下來幾代了。
6.It was handed down by my grandfather.這是祖父傳下來的。
7.My father handed it down to me.這是父親留給我的。
8.Property was usually handed down to the oldest son.財(cái)產(chǎn)一般是傳給長子的。
Personally,I'm in favour of the new policy.以我個(gè)人態(tài)度,我贊成這項(xiàng)政策。
1.Personally,I'm in favour of the new policy.以我個(gè)人態(tài)度,我贊成這項(xiàng)政策。
2.Personally,I'll be sorry if you leave.從個(gè)人來講,你離開我會(huì)很遺憾的。
3.Personally,I think it is very good.我個(gè)人認(rèn)為還不錯(cuò)。
4.I'd like to make some personal comments.你到底愿意講幾句個(gè)人意見。
5.You may not agree,but personally I think he is a good man.別人可能不同意,但我個(gè)人認(rèn)為他是個(gè)好人。
6.Personally,I don't believe what you said in the report.我本人不相信你匯報(bào)的內(nèi)容。
7.Personally,I see nothing wrong with it.我個(gè)人看來報(bào)告沒有什么毛病。
8.I want to say something personal about the report.我想就報(bào)告談一些個(gè)人的看法。
His speech was just ordinary.他的講座很一般。
1.His speech was just ordinary.他的講座很一般。
2.It was an ordinary dinner.那天我們吃了一頓平常的飯。
3.His latest book is quite ordinary.他出版的新書太平常了。
4.The topics in the discussion are too ordinary.那些討論題目太平庸了。
5.This isn't piece of ordinary dance music.這可不是普通的舞會(huì)音樂。
6.It only talk of the most ordinary things.這個(gè)節(jié)目只談最普遍的問題。
7.I'm an ordinary man too.我也是普通人。
8.It's nothing out of the ordinary.沒有什么不尋常的。
I'm not quite clear about it yet.我對此還不清楚。
1.I'm not quite clear about it yet.我對此還不清楚。
2.Are you clear about what to do?你是否明白該做些什么?
3.I'm clear as to what you expect of me.我明白她期望我什么。
4.Our stand on this question is clear.在這個(gè)問題上,我們的立場是明確的。
5.To me it's not clear why he did it.我不清楚他為什么這樣做。
6.You should give me a clear explanation.你應(yīng)該給我一個(gè)明晰的解釋。
7.It's clear that he doesn't intend to come.很顯然,他是不打算來了。
8.The water in the lake is as clear as glass.湖水像玻璃一樣清澈。
I'm busy preparing for my exam.我正在準(zhǔn)備考試。
1.I'm busy preparing for my exam.我正在準(zhǔn)備考試。
2.I was busy looking after my grandfather.我在忙著照顧我的祖父。
3.What have you been busy doing?你一直在忙什么?
4.I'm busy day and night with conferences.日夜不停地忙于各種會(huì)議。
5.Are you busy this afternoon?你下午忙不忙?
6.This is one of the busiest streets.那正是最繁忙的的街道之一。
7.The shop is busy in the Christmas season.圣誕節(jié)期間店鋪很忙。
8.I'm not busy,I'd like to go .不忙,我愿意去。
Unusual exertion may affect the heart.超常付出體力會(huì)影響心臟。
1.Unusual exertion may affect the heart.超常付出體力會(huì)影響心臟。
2.Gossip will not affect me.別人的閑話不會(huì)影響我。
3.The financial crisis didn't affect our investment.這次金融危機(jī)沒有影響到他們的投資。
4.Smoking affects your health.吸煙會(huì)影響健康。
5.Music always affects me very strongly.音樂總能強(qiáng)烈地感染我的情緒。
6.The speech deeply affected the audience.這個(gè)報(bào)告深深地打動(dòng)了聽眾。
7.The sales of our product will be naturally affected.我們的產(chǎn)品勢必受到影響。
8.The region was affected by drought.這個(gè)地區(qū)是受到了干旱的影響。
I don't feel my age.我沒感到自己老了。
1.I don't feel my age.我沒感到自己老了。
2.At what age do children start school in your country?在你們國家兒童幾歲開始上學(xué)?
3.I began to write at the age of forty.我在四十歲起開始寫作的。
4.The children began to work at the age of seven or eight.孩子們七八歲時(shí)就開始勞動(dòng)了。
5.I knew nothing about computers at your age.我在你這么大的時(shí)候?qū)﹄娔X一無所知。
6.You should never ask a lady's age.你千萬不要打聽女士的年齡。
7.You look much younger than your age.你看起來比實(shí)際年齡年輕多了。
8.You live a highly advanced age.你們生活在一個(gè)高度進(jìn)步的時(shí)代。
I'm getting you a wonderful gift.我會(huì)送你一份精美的禮物。
1.I'm getting you a wonderful gift for Christmas.我會(huì)送你一份精美的禮物。
2.I'm getting you a piano as a gift.我要給你們買鋼琴作禮物。
3.I'm getting you a steres for your birthday.我要買一套音響作為你的生日禮物。
4.Are you getting me a new car for my birthday?你會(huì)不會(huì)買一輛新車作為我的生日禮物?
5.I won't get you anything because you're so mischievous.我再也不給你買任何東西了,因?yàn)槟闾{(diào)皮了。
6.I'm getting you something to congratulate you.我要買點(diǎn)什么東西送給你,作為祝賀。
7.What am I getting him?我該給他買點(diǎn)什么呢?
8.I only want you to get me the skirt.我只想讓你買那件裙子。
I'll go see it.我要去看一看。
1.I'll go see it.我要去看一看。
2.Go get the paper for me.先把報(bào)紙給取回來。
3.I'll go find him for you.我替父親去把他找回來。
4.I'll go take the medicine to dad.我去給父親送藥。
5.I'll go do some washing.我要去洗衣服。
6.Do you want to go see her in the hospital?要不要去醫(yī)院看一看她?愛多美麗,充滿新奇,我一天一天
7.Will you go reserve a ticket for me?可不可以去給他訂一張火車票?
8.Would you go buy some food for me?愿不愿意為我去買點(diǎn)食品?
All my efforts were wasted.我的努力全白費(fèi)了。
1.All my efforts were wasted.我的努力全白費(fèi)了。
2.The routine work is a waste of her talents.做這樣千篇一律的工作,是浪費(fèi)了她的才能。
3.The waste drove it into bankruptcy.是浪費(fèi)導(dǎo)致了它破產(chǎn)。
4.Haste makes waste.欲速則不達(dá)。
5.That's waste of water.那是浪費(fèi)水。
6.Don't waste time on him.別在他身上浪費(fèi)時(shí)間了。
7.I don't want to waste time by chatting.我不愿意浪費(fèi)時(shí)間跟別人閑聊。
8.Don't waste time going to and from.不要花時(shí)間來回跑了。
I've got to start working out.我必須開始做健身運(yùn)動(dòng)了。
1.I've got to start working out.我必須開始做健身運(yùn)動(dòng)了。
2.I've got to take some medicine.我得吃些藥了。
3.I've got to get some vegetables for a change.我必須換換口胃吃點(diǎn)蔬菜了。
4.I've got to find another way home.我得另想辦法回家。
5.I've got to leave for a moment.我得離開一下。
6.I've got to find another job.我得另找一份工作。
7.I've got to prepare will.我得好好準(zhǔn)備一下。
8.I've got to tell her the truth.我得告訴她事實(shí)。
That really makes sense.真有道理。
1.That really makes sense.真有道理。
2.The slang doesn't seem to make any sense.不知道這些俚語是什么意思。
3.It doesn't make any sense.一點(diǎn)兒道理也沒有。
4.The explanation in the book makes no sense.書中的解釋令人莫明其妙。
5.It doesn't make sense until you read it again and again.得讀好幾遍,不然根本讀不懂。
6.I can't make sense of the message.我看不懂這張字條。
7.Does it make sense to leave him aloned in the room?怎么能把孩子一個(gè)人留在家里?
8.It makes sense to take care of your health.注意身體是應(yīng)該的。
Really,the prices are rising rapidly.真是這樣,物價(jià)上漲得很迅速。
1.Really,the prices are rising rapidly.真是這樣,物價(jià)上漲得很迅速。
2.Really,we have known each other since childhood.真的,我們從小就認(rèn)識(shí)。
3.Really,he could read and write at the age of four.是的,他四歲就可以讀寫了。
4.Really,it cost me 700.的確,花了700元呢。
5.Really,it looks like it's pouring down.一點(diǎn)兒也不假,雨水像是潑下來的。
6.Really,my son took care of me on the way home.是啊,回家的路上他一路照顧我。
7.Really,I can't recognize it myself.是啊,我自己都認(rèn)不出來了。
8.Really,he took a walk for three hours.是啊,他今天散步走了三個(gè)小時(shí)。
A little exercise would do you good.做點(diǎn)兒運(yùn)動(dòng)對你有好處。
1.A little exercise would do you good.做點(diǎn)兒運(yùn)動(dòng)對你有好處。
2.Taking a walk every day would do me good.每天散散步對自己有好處。
3.Eight glasses of water a day would do you good.每天八杯水有益無害。
4.A day in the country will do me good.到鄉(xiāng)下去呆一天會(huì)對我有好處。
5.Has it done you any good?這對你是否有點(diǎn)兒作用?
6.Take it and it will do you good.吃了吧,這對你有好處。
7.The chicken soup will do you good.這雞湯對你有益。
8.Too much smoking will do you no good.吸煙多,對你沒有好處。
He will end up as president someday.他有朝一日能成為總統(tǒng)。
1.He will end up as president someday.他有朝一日能成為總統(tǒng)。
2.I finally ended up as a lawyer.我最后當(dāng)上了律師。
3.He'll end up in prison.他最終會(huì)進(jìn)監(jiān)獄的。
4.We ended up staying home for the holiday.車子壞了,最后只好呆在家里過節(jié)。
5.You'll end up in the hospital.你到頭來非進(jìn)醫(yī)院不可。
6.We started with soup and ended up with fruit.開始有湯喝,后來還有水果。
7.How did the story end up?故事是怎樣結(jié)局的?
8.He'll end up achieving nothing.這樣來,他到頭會(huì)一無所成的。


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