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Listen To This3lesson 33

所屬教程:Listen To This3



News in Brief

New Item 1:
1. General Comprehension. Choose the best answer (a, b, c, or d) to complete each of the following statements.
(1) Britain tried to persuade ____________ but failed.
a. the United States to take joint action against Syria
b. its European allies to take joint action against Libya
c. its European allies to take joint action against Syria
d. the United States to take joint action against Libya
(2) Syria has been said to play a role in ______________,
a. conducting terrorist activities in Paris
b. sponsoring international terrorism
c. fighting against international terrorism
d. sponsoring terrorist activities in Paris
(3) The United States has withdrawn its ___________ from Damascus.
a. troops
b. Ambassador
c. scientists
d. technicians
(4) The United States has sent Ambassador Paul Bremmer, ____________, to London to coordinate any further Western action against Syria.
a. the State Department spokesman
b. Secretary of State
c. the head of its anti-terrorism office
d. Assistant Secretary

2. True or False Questions.
(1) The Syrian Foreign Minister described, today, the US reaction as a routine or normal procedure.
(2) The United States used to take a stronger action against Libya last April, regarding the problem of terrorism.
(3) Charles Redman explained in his speech why the United States had taken a stronger action against Libya.
(4) The report is done by Elizabeth Colton in London.

News Item 2:

1. General Comprehension. Choose the statement that best summarizes this news item.
(1) There are nineteen Nicaraguans in US jails.
(2) Griffin Bell's proposal of a prisoner swap to free Hasenfus.
(3) Hasenfus is on trial in Nicaragua today.
(4) Eugene Hasenfus will probably be free.

2. Choose the best answer (a, b, c, or d) to complete each of the following statements.
(1) Hasenfus is on trial in ___________.
a. the Supreme Court
b. a state court
c. a people's tribunal
d. the national court in Nicaragua
(2) Among the nineteen Nicaraguans in US jails, ____________ are imprisoned on drug charges.
a. all
b. eighteen
c. sixteen
d. ten
(3) Griffin Bell says that _____________.
a. the US and Nicaraguan governments have already accepted his proposal
b. he is sure that US and Nicaraguan governments will accept his proposal
c. the United states and Nicaragua have refused his proposal
d. he is not sure the United States or Nicaragua will accept his proposal

3. Dictation. Listen to this news item twice and write down everything you have heard on the tape.

News Item 3:

1. General Comprehension. Fill in the blanks to complete the following statements.
(1) A has been arrested.
(2) He has been charged for .
(3) His name is .
(4) He was arrested in .

2. Focusing on Details. Fill in the detailed information according to what you have heard.
    was arrested while trying to deliver the plans of to men he thought were . He faces up to if convicted.

News in Detail

1. General Comprehension. Choose the best answer (a, b, c, or d) to complete each of the following statements.
(1) The meeting of the European Community was held in _____________.
a. London
b. Luxembourg
c. Bekaa Valley
d. Paris
(2) At the meeting, _____________ called for a collective response against Syria.
a. Sir Jeffrey Howe
b. President Reagan
c. Daniel Shore
d. Clifford Smith
(3) By a collective response, he meant _____________.
a. all of Britain's European partners should break off diplomatic relations with Syria
b. countries of the European Community should establish a joint army to fight against Syria
c. countries of the European Community should do something to tell Syria that its behavior is unacceptable
d. all of Britain's European partners should do whatever Britain has done
(4) At the meeting, ____________ the collective response against Syria.
a. all the countries were willing to have
b. most of the countries were willing to have
c. some of the countries were reluctant to join in
d. most of the countries were reluctant to join in
(5) Last month, Jeffrey Howe called an emergency meeting at the request of ____________.
a. Germany
b. France
c. Italy
d. Sweden
(6) ____________ passengers were there on board of the El Al airliner.
a. Two hundred
b. Three hundred and seventy-five
c. Four hundred
d. Three hundred and thirty-five
(7) Last April, _______________.
a. an Arab-German Friendship Club in Berlin was bombed
b. a bomb in Beirut killed two hundred and forty-one Americans
c. Nezar Hindawi attempted to blow up an El Al airliner
d. a Berlin discotheque was bombed.

2. True or False Questions.
(1) At last month's emergency meeting, a solidarity with France was declared against the terrorist bomb attack in Paris.
(2) Sir Jeffrey Howe expected France to support him.
(3) All the other ministers were reluctant to support Jeffrey Howe, because they recognized that Syria had an important role in maintaining peace in the Middle East.
(4) Israel once forced down a Syrian plane in a search for terrorists, and this made Syria very unhappy.
(5) It was not clear whether Colonel Quddafi was involved in the Berlin Discotheque bombing.
(6) The Reagan Administration decided to treat Syria in the same way as it dealt with Libya.

3. Identification. Match each item in Column I with one item in Column II by recognizing the person's identity.
Column I             Column II
(1) Jeffrey Howe     a. BBC reporter
(2) Clifford Smith   b. the one who attempted to blow up an El Al airliner
(3) Daniel Shore     c. President of Syria
(4) Nezar Hindawi     d. news analyst
(5) Assad             e. British Foreign Minister

Answer: (1) ?? ; (2) ?? ; (3) ?? ; (4) ?? ; (5) ?? .

4. Fill in the blanks to complete the following statements.
(1) Syria has been charged with
  a. organizing to with on board,
  b. bombing of , and
  c. probable complicity in that killed .
(2) Reason for the Reagan Administration in an uncomfortable situation with regard to the problem of Syria:
  a. On the one hand,

Key: President Reagan has promised to treat Syria in the same way as he did to Libya-ordering a retaliatory raid.

  b. On the other hand,

Key: he is afraid that any use of force on Syrian territory will result in a response from Soviet Union and that an attack on a Syrian controlled Bekaa Valley, terrorist staging area in Lebanon, might jeopardize American hostages who are believed to be held in that area.

Special Report

1. General Comprehension. Choose the best answer (a, b, c, or d) to complete each of the following statements.
(1) Jury deliberations begin ___________ in the case of Nezar Hindawi in ____________.
a. tomorrow; Boston
b. today; London
c. the day after tomorrow; Paris
d. tomorrow; London
(2) Hindawi insisted that he believed the bag that he had given to his girlfriend contained no explosives, but ____________.
a. cocaine
b. cocaine or heroin
c. heroin
d. cocaine and heroin
(3) Massad is the ____________ secret service.
a. Israeli
b. Jordanian
c. Egyptian
d. British
(4) Hindawi traveled to London from ____________ with _____________ airline crew.
a. Damascus; an Arabian
b. Jordan; a Jordanian Arab
c. Damascus; a Syrian Arab
d. Lebanon; a Lebanese Arab
(5) When Hindawi heard that the explosives were found, he _____________.
a. went back to Syria immediately
b. went to the Syrian Embassy in London and met the Ambassador
c. went back to Jordan
d. went to the Jordanian Embassy in London
(6) The judge urged the jury ______________.
a. to make a decision as quickly as possible
b. to give a verdict of "not guilty"
c. not to rush their decision
d. to return a verdict of "guilty"

2. Focusing on Details. Fill in the detailed information according to what you have heard.
(1) Nezar Hindawi, a , has denied that he tried to in April by giving a bag to his girl friend . He said the bag produced in court was he gave his girlfriend, and suggested the bag had been at as part of by Syria.
(2) Hindawi came across as an person, often and as he gave his account.
(3) He carried a of a kind usually for . It was name.

3. Fill in the blanks to complete the following statements.
(1) Hindawi was said to have confessed to the police that he had come to specifically to on the instructions of he had met in .
(2) In court, Hindawi said that the confession was .
(3) General Mohammed Alcooly is the who is described by sources in London as and .
(4) If the jury returns a verdict of "guilty", the British government will have to to the question that has been throughout : . Strong diplomatic action will be .

1. Luxembourg
    Independent grand-duchy of Europe, situated between France, Germany, and Belgium. The capital is the city of Luxembourg. Luxembourg is a constitutional monarchy.

2. Heathrow
    Location in the Greater London borough of Hounslow, England, site of Heathrow Airport, London, opened in 1946.

3. El Airline
    The national airline of Israel. It now spans four continents. It offers regular service to New York and major European cities and carries half of all air passengers to and from Israel. Its freight service is vital for certain agricultural exports.

4. Hafez al-Assad
    Syrian military officer and public official. He was born to a poor farmer family in Syria and was raised as a member of the Alawite sect of the Shi'ite Muslim. In March 1971, he was elected president of Syria. As president against a background of unrest among religious and political elements at home, Assad tried to improve Syria's relations with both the Soviet Union and the United States, as well as with his Arab neighbors.

5. Bekaa Valley
    It is a valley in Lebanon which is about 110 miles long and from 6 to 10 miles wide. The Bekaa Valley is the richest cereal-producing area in Lebanon.

Britain apparently failed today in its efforts to persuade its European allies to take joint action against Syria for its alleged role in sponsoring international terrorism. But the US government insisted it was continuing to assess the situation and considering further actions. NPR's Elizabeth Colton reports." Here in Washington, State Department spokesman Charles Redman emphasized that the American action of withdrawing its Ambassador from Damascus represented a strong signal and was not at all a routine or normal procedure as the Syrian Foreign Minister described it yesterday. 'To define what we did, withdrawing one's ambassador is, in diplomatic terms, an extremely serious measure, a sign of great displeasure with a country's policies.' But Redman skirted the issue of why the US had not taken stronger action against Syria now as the American military did against Libya last April. 'We've often said in the past that we're not on some sort of automatic pilot in the case of any of these questions. And finally, that we're in the process of consulting with the British and our allies on what other steps may now be appropriate.' The State Department has sent the head of its anti-terrorism office, Ambassador Paul Bremmer, to London to coordinate any further Western action against Syria. I'm Elizabeth Colton in Washington."

In Nicaragua today, former US Attorney General Griffin Bell proposed a prisoner swap to free American Eugene Hasenfus. Hasenfua is on trial in a people's tribunal for allegedly shipping supplies to contra rebel forces. Bell suggested trading Hasenfus for nineteen Nicaraguans held in US jails. All but one of the Nicaraguans is imprisoned on drug charges. Bell says he isn't sure the US or Nicaragua will accept the proposed deal.

A former air force enlisted man has been arrested for allegedly trying to sell information to the Soviets. The Justice Department said today that Allen John Davies was arrested in San Francisco while trying to deliver the plans of an air force reconnaissance project to men he thought were Soviets. Davies faces up to life in jail if convicted.

Today in Luxembourg, Britain pushed for sanctions against Syria. At a meeting of the European community, British Foreign Minister Sir Jeffrey Howe called for a collective response against Syria which Britain accuses of involvement in an attempted airline bombing in London. From Luxembourg, the BBC's Clifford Smith reports.
Sir Jeffrey Howe is not asking his European partners to do exactly as Britain did, for instance, to break off diplomatic relations with Syria. He is asking, however, for what he calls a clear collective response, something that will tell Syria that its behavior is unacceptable to all twelve. On this point, he seems to have found reluctance among at least some ministers. But he also seems to have been taking a very firm line. At one moment, he pointedly reminded the meeting that only last month he had called an emergency meeting of the twelve Ministers of the Interior at French request and that that meeting had not only declared solidarity with France against the terrorist bomb attacks in Paris, but had produced what he called 'useful and practical results.' Sir Jeffrey's implication was clear. France, he thinks, should not now be hanging back, but should help in getting similar results from this meeting in Luxembourg. The certain ideas which are said to be at the forefront of discussion here among the twelve have not yet been officially revealed. But there are indications they may include the banning or restriction of flights to or from Damascus and the reduction of embassy staffs. Against this, some Ministers are clearly putting the point that it would not be good for the prospects of Middle East peace to isolate Syria too much. Since everyone here agrees that Syria has a necessary role in that process. The BBC's Clifford Smith reporting from Luxembourg.
News analyst Daniel Shore says that Britain's evidence linking Syria to the attempted bombing places the Reagan Administration in an uncomfortable situation.
The Reagan Administration has been aware for months of the solid evidence that Syrian air force and intelligence organized Nezar Hindawi's attempt to blow up an El Al airliner with two hundred Americans among its three hundred and seventy-five passengers, apparently in revenge for Israel's forcing down of a Syrian plane in a search for terrorists. The case against Syria also includes the bombing of an Arab-German Friendship Club in Berlin and probable complicity in the Beirut bombing that killed two hundred and forty-one American marines. That case is at least as strong as the evidence of Colonel Quddafi's involvement in the Berlin Discotheque bombing last April, which led President Reagan to order a retaliatory bombing raid on Libya. The President, having said he would take similar action against Syria if a similar smoking gun were produced, faces the dilemma now that Britain has produced a smoking gun of how to orchestrate a response short of an attack on Syria that he has no intention of ordering. Syria raises problems that Libya did not. A sign from President Assad's ambiguous contribution to gaining freedom for hostages and his dubious role in the stagnant Middle East peace process: any use of force against Syrian territory would probably trigger a response from the Soviet Union under a treaty commitment. And an attack on a Syrian controlled Bekaa Valley, terrorist staging area in Lebanon, might jeopardize American hostages who are believed to be held in that area. And so, the administration seeks to divert attention from President Reagan's rhetoric of swift retribution, by allowing the issue to be framed by the European community in terms of verbal, diplomatic and, as an ultimate recourse, economic sanctions against Syria. The European controversy arrays Britain which provided bases for the American attack on Libya, against France, which denied overflight rights. And yet the Reagan Administration has not even joined Britain in breaking relations with Syria, let alone pressing Europe for more vigorous action as it did in the case of Libya. The loud-mouthed Colonel Quddafi may talk more provocatively than the wily President Assad, but officials know that Syria has cost a lot more American lives. And yet, Syria is a different ball game offering America fewer safe options. But President Reagan might wish he had not made such unqualified promises of anti-terrorist reprisal. News analyst Daniel Shore.

In London Jury deliberations begin tomorrow in the case of alleged Arab terrorist Nezar Hindawi. Today the judge gave his instructions to the jury. Hindawi, a Jordanian, has denied that he tried to blow up an Israeli airliner in April by planting explosives in his pregnant girl friend's luggage. Vera Frankle has a report.
"During three days on the witness stand, Hindawi insisted that he believed the bag he gave Anne Murphy contained not explosives, but cocaine or heroin given him by the head of a drug syndicate in Syria. Hindawi told the jury the bag produced in court was not the one he gave his girlfriend, and he suggested the bag had been switched at the El Al check-in at Heathrow as part of a plot by Massad, the Israeli secret service to discredit Syria. Hindawi came across as an affable kind of man, often smiling and gesticulating as he gave his account. But what he said must have come as something of a surprise to the jury. They'd been told by the prosecution on the opening day of the trial that Hindawi had confessed to police that he'd come to London specifically to blow up the El Al plane on the instructions of senior intelligence officers he'd met in Damascus. In court, Hindawi said the confession was a fabrication. But the prosecution urged the jurors to look at the facts, and not to let any possible political repercussions of the case cloud their judgment. Hindawi carried a Syrian passport of a kind usually reserved for government officials. It was in a false name. He traveled to London from Damascus with a Syrian Arab airlines crew and planned to return to Syria with them hours after parting from Anne Murphy at Heathrow. He'd gone to the Syrian Embassy in London and met the Ambassador as soon as he heard the bomb had been found. Hindawi didn't dispute any of these facts, but he stuck firmly to the drug story. It didn't appear to cut much ice with the judge, however. In his summation, he drew the jury's attention to a list of names of contacts allegedly drawn up by Hindawi in custody. Among them was that of General Mohammed Alcooly, head of Syrian Air Force Intelligence who's described by sources in London as President Assad's closest advisor and head of Syria's National Security Council. How, the judge asked the jury, did those names get on that piece of paper? No doubt about it, that's his handwriting. The judge recalled the prosecution's point that if the El Al jumbo had blown up in mid-air, there would have been no evidence of Syrian involvement, or Hindawi's involvement either. It might have all worked out smoothly if Hindawi hadn't panicked when the explosives were found and fled to the Syrian Embassy. He would have been back in Syria within hours. The judge urged the jury not to rush their decision. Clearly, if the jury returns a verdict of 'guilty,' the British government will have to provide a speedy answer to the question that's been on many minds throughout the three-week trial; what to do about Syria. Strong diplomatic action will be inevitable, because as one British commentator put it, 'Syria will stand more conclusively convicted of terrorism than Colonel Quddafi has ever been.' For National Public Radio, I'm Vera Frankle in London."

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