According to a new scientific study, the scientific formula for superheroes is:
Strength+intelligence+technology+speed+likeability+superpowers+morality = superhero
The study of 2,000 Brits found that strength (79%) like Thor's and intelligence (71%) like Iron Man's were both rated more highly than actual super powers, showing that being a superhero is not all about flying and x-ray vision.
Similarly morality (57%), like Captain America's, and likeability (45%) like Bruce Banner/Hulk both make the formula ahead of traditional superhero traits like a superhero outfit or a catchy name, with more women (51%) than men (39%) valuing likeability in their hero.
When it came to the super powers we would like ourselves, it was invisibility that topped the list for both men and women, with 23% of the vote, followed by he ability to time travel (19%).
Technology features highly in the make-up of a superhero, with superhero cars (30%) topping the list of 'super gadgets' Brits would most like to have, followed closely by Virtual Reality headsets (17%).