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> 英語語法 > 中級美國英語 >  第8篇






   在這一課里, 我們繼續(xù)學習過去式動詞.

   首先還是依照慣例,  請你聽一段對話,   內容是說彼得星期六下午遇見了他的同學瑪麗,  兩個人談到星期五晚上學校開舞會的事情. 現在我請兩位英文老師念
這段對話, 請你特別注意英文老師的發(fā)音和語調.

   M: Where were you this morning?
   F:  This morning? I was at home, helping my mother.
   M: Why weren't you at school? Weren't you on the clean up committee for the dance?
   F:  No, I wasn't on that committee. I was on the decorating committee.
   M: Oh! Well, the decorations were very nice.
   F:  We worked on them all day Friday. Were you at the dance last night?
   M: Yes, I was. I didn't see you there.
   F:  I was there, but there  were a lot of people, and I didn't   stay very long.
   M: It was a nice dance, wasn't it?
   F:  Yes, I enjoyed it very much.

   現在我再請英文老師把整段對話用慢速度念一遍. 這次請你特別注意對話里的過去式動詞.

   M: Where were you this morning?
   F:  This morning? I was at home, helping my mother.
   M: Why weren't you at school? Weren't you on the clean up committee for the dance?
   F:  No, I wasn't on that committee. I was on the decorating committee.
   M: Oh! Well, the decorations were very nice.
   F:  We worked on them all day Friday. Were you at the dance last night?
   M: Yes, I was. I didn't see you there.
   F:  I was there, but there were a lot of  people, and I didn't   stay very long.
   M: It was a nice dance, wasn't it?
   F:  Yes, I enjoyed it very much.

   在剛才那段對話里有幾種不同的過去式動詞,   現在我挑選出幾個例子, 請英文老師再用慢速度念一遍:

   M: Where were you this morning?
   F:  I was at home.
   M: Why weren't you at school?
   F:  I wasn't on that committee.
   F:  We worked on them all day Friday.
   M: I didn't see you there.
   F:  I enjoyed it very much.


   好了, 現在我們開始作練習. 首先我們練習動詞 be,  b-e,   be 的過去式.下面我舉的例子都是跟剛才那段對話有關系的.   比方彼得跟瑪麗參加了學校的舞會,  這個舞會是在學校體育館舉行的等等. 每個句子我們念兩遍, 請你聽一句, 跟著老師重復一句.

   M: Peter and Mary were at the dance last Friday night.
   F:  Peter and Mary were at the dance last Friday night.
   M: There were a lot of people at the dance.
   F:  There were a lot of people at the dance.
   M: It was a nice dance.
   F:  It was a nice dance.
   M: The dance was in the school gymnasium.
   F:  The dance was in the school gymnasium.
   M: Mary was on the decorating committee.
   F:  Mary was on the decorating committee.
   M: Peter was on the clean up committee.
   F:  Peter was on the clean up committee.

   下面一組練習是把 was 跟否定式 was not  也就是 wasn't 作個比較. 句子的內容還是跟剛才那段對話有關系. 每個句子我們還是念兩遍, 請你聽一遍, 跟著老師重復一遍. 

   M: Mary was at home this morning, but Peter wasn't.
   F:  Mary was at home this morning, but Peter wasn't.
   M: Peter was at school this morning, but Mary wasn't.
   F:  Peter was at school this morning, but Mary wasn't.
   M: Mary was on the decorating committee, but Peter wasn't.
   F:  Mary was on the decorating committee, but Peter wasn't.
   M: Peter was on the clean up committee, but Mary wasn't.
   F:  Peter was on the clean up committee, but Mary wasn't.

   下面一組練習是比較 were 跟否定式 were not  也就是 weren't.  還是請你聽一遍跟著老師重復一遍.

   M: Peter and Mary were at the dance last Friday night, but Henry and Kate weren't.
   F:  Peter and Mary were at the dance last Friday night, but Henry and Kate weren't.
   M: There were a lot of students at the dance, but there weren't a lot of teachers.
   F:  There were a lot of students at the dance, but there weren't a lot of teachers.


   現在我們來復習規(guī)則動詞過去式. 下面這組換字練習的內容是說學生舉行舞會的經過, 比方他們舞會之前畫海報, 請樂隊,   舞會之后清理會場等等.  老師先念一個句子, 接著老師念一個新詞組, 叫學生把新詞組代換到原來的句子里. 請你跟學生一起作練習. 現在我們開始.

   M: The students worked very hard for the dance.
   M: needed to decorate the gymnasium
   F:  The students needed to decorate the gymnasium.
   M: painted posters for the dance
   F:  The students painted posters for the dance.
   M: hired a band to play music
   F:  The students hired a band to play music.
   M: danced with their partners
   F:  The students danced with their partners.
   M: talked when they danced
   F:  The students talked when they danced.
   M: enjoyed the dance very much
   F:  The students enjoyed the dance very much.
   M: cleaned up the gymnasium after the dance
   F:  The students cleaned up the gymnasium after the dance.


   下面我們練習幾個不規(guī)則動詞過去式. 首先我們學習   pay, p-a-y, pay 的過去式paid, p-a-i-d, paid. 現在英文老師用 did 提出一些跟學生舞會有關系的過去式問句, 每問一句, 他就給你一個簡短的答覆,   請你根據他提出的詞組和 paid  來回答問題. 我先給你舉一個例子.

   M: Did the students pay some money for the dance?
   M: Yes
   F: Yes, the students paid some money for the dance.

   好了, 現在我們開始作練習.  每作完一句, 老師會念出正確的答案, 你自己比較
一下, 看作得對不對.

   M: Did the students pay some money for the dance?
   M: Yes
   F:  Yes, the students paid some money for the dance.
   M: Did all of them pay?
   M: Yes
   F:  Yes, all of them paid.
   M: When did they pay the money?
   M: last Monday
   F:  They paid the money last Monday.

   下面我們要練習的兩個動詞 buy,  b-u-y, buy 跟 bring, b-r-i-n-g, bring 在變成過去式的時候有共同點:  buy  變成  bought,   b-o-u-g-h-t,  bought;  bring 變成   brought,
b-r-o-u-g-h-t, brought. 現在我們來練習這兩個不規(guī)則動詞過去式.  還是由老師用did 和現在式動詞提出問句, 然后老師給你一個詞組,請你用這個詞組跟 bought或是 brought 回答問題. 這些問題都是說到學生為了開舞會,到超級市場買了食物和飲料, 他們帶了朋友一起參加舞會之類跟舞會有關系的問題.  在你回答問題之后還是請你聽正確的答案.

   M: Did the students buy a lot of things for the dance?
   M: Yes
   F:  Yes, they bought a lot of things.
   M: What did they buy?
   M: food and drinks
   F:  They bought food and drinks. 
   M: Where did they buy them?
   M: in the supermarket
   F:  They bought them in the supermarket.
   M: Who did the students bring to the dance?
   M: their friends
   F:  They brought their friends to the dance.
   M: Where did the students bring their friends?
   M: gymnasium
   F:  They brought their friends to the gymnasium.

   下面我們要練習的三個不規(guī)則動詞 begin,  b-e-g-i-n,   begin,  drink,  d-r-i-n-k, drink跟 sing,  s-i-n-g, sing  在變成過去式的時候   "i"  都變成  "a",  所以  begin 變成了began; drink 變成了 drank; sing 了變成 sang.   現在我們還是跟剛才一樣作練習.
老師提出的問題還是都是跟舞會有關系的,   比方舞會幾點鐘開始,  學生在舞會里喝了檸檬水跟可口可樂,   瑪麗在舞會里唱了什么歌等等.  還是請你根據老師給你的詞組來回答問題.  回答之后, 還是請你聽正確答案.

   M: When did the dance begin?
   M: at 7 o'clock
   F:  The dance began at 7 o'clock
   M: When did the students begin to dance?
   M: at 7:30
   F:  They began to dance at 7:30.
   M: What did the students drink at the dance?
   M: lemonade and Coca Cola
   F:  They drank lemonade and Coca Cola.
   M: Did some of them drink coffee?
   M: Yes
   F:  Yes, some of them drank coffee.
   M: Did Mary sing at the dance?
   M: Yes
   F:  Yes, Mary sang at the dance.
   M: What did Mary sing?
   M: an American song
   F:  Mary sang an American song.

   我們今天要練習的最后一個不規(guī)則動詞過去式就是come, c-o-m-e, come 的過去式  came,  c-a-m-e, came.   現在我們按照剛才的方式來練習.  請你用老師提出的詞組跟 came  回答學生是幾點鐘來到會場,   他們是怎么去的等等有關舞會的問題. 回答之后, 請你跟老師念的正確答案作個比較.

   M: Did a lot of people come to the dance?
   M: Yes
   F:  Yes, a lot of people came to the dance.
   M: When did most of them come?
   M: at 7 o'clock
   F:  Most of them came at 7 o'clock.
   M: How did most of them come?
   M: by car
   F:  Most of them came by car.


   首先還是請你聽一段文章, 內容是說在美國大學和高中里學生為了周未開舞會成立委員會的事情, 還提到了彼德和瑪麗學校里開舞會的種種情況.


   In American  colleges  and  high  schools,  students often have  dances  at   their  schools on weekends.  Students usually plan the dances and do a lot of  work   for them.  They do  this in committees. There was a dance last Friday night at  Peter and   Mary's school. Mary  was on the decorating committee and Peter was on  the clean up committee.    The dance was in  the   school gymnasium. Every student paid  two  dollars  for the dance.   They  spent some of the money on decorations  and they hired a band to play music.  They   also  bought some  food  and  drinks.  The dance  began at 7 o' clock.  Nearly   500  people came.  Most of  them were students of  Peter and Mary's school.  Some  students   brought  friends  from  other  schools.  Everyone danced and  had a good time.

   剛才那段文章比較長,   但是我們今天的練習都是根據那段文章編的,  所以應該
不太難懂. 你要是沒全懂, 等一會兒老師會再念一遍. 現在老師先把今天測驗的三個問題念給你聽.

   M: What do American students often do on weekends?
   M: What committees were Peter and Mary on?
   M: How did the students spend their money for the dance?

   現在老師再把整段文章念一遍, 請你注意剛才三個問題的答案.

   In American  colleges  and  high  schools,  students often have  dances  at   their  schools on weekends.  Students usually plan the dances and do a lot of  work   for them.  They do  this in committees. There was a dance last Friday night at  Peter and   Mary's school. Mary  was on  the decorating committee and Peter was on  the clean up committee.    The dance was in  the  school gymnasium. Every student paid  two  dollars  for the dance.   They  spent some of the  money on decorations  and they hired a band to play music.  They   also  bought some  food  and  drinks.  The dance  began at 7 o' clock.  Nearly   500  people came.  Most of  them were students of  Peter and Mary's school.  Some  students   brought  friends  from  other  schools.   Everyone danced and  had a good time.

   現在請你回答問題. 回答之后, 請你聽正確答案.

   M: What do American students often do on weekends?
   F:  They often have dances at their schools on weekends.
   M: What committees were Peter and Mary on?
   F:  They were on the decorating and clean up committees.
   M: How did the students spend their money for the dance?
   F:  They  spent  some of the  money  for decorations.  They  hired  a  band  and  they bought some food and drinks.


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