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   在這一課里,我們學(xué)習(xí)反問句,比方 "你不懂嗎?" Don't you understand? "你跟我一起看電視好嗎?"  Won't you watch television with me? 等等.

   現(xiàn)在我們先來聽今天這一課的對(duì)話,    內(nèi)容是說亨利跟凱特談起看球賽的事情.請你注意兩位英文老師的發(fā)音和語調(diào).

   F:  Henry, why don't we go out to lunch today, and visit some friends?
   M: And  miss  today's  football  game?  Washington    and  Los  Angeles  are  playing. I can't miss that.
   F:  Honestly, Henry. Don't you ever get tired of football games?
   M: This will be one of the best games of the year, and I  haven't    seen Washington  play  for years.
   F:  Every year, as soon as the leaves start changing,you start spending Sunday afternoons in front of the television watching football.
   M: Why don't you watch it with me? You might like it.
   F:  I have better thing to do with my Sunday afternoons. Besides, it's too rough for me.


   F:  Henry, why don't we go out to lunch today, and visit some friends?
   M: And  miss  today's  football  game?  Washington    and  Los  Angeles  are  playing. I can't miss that.
   F:  Honestly, Henry. Don't you ever get tired of football games?
   M: This will be one of the best games of the year, and I  haven't    seen Washington  play  for years.
   F:  Every year, as soon as the leaves start changing,you start spending Sunday afternoons in front of the television watching football.
   M: Why don't you watch it with me? You might like it.
   F:  I have better thing to do with my Sunday afternoons. Besides, it's too rough for me.


   F:  Why don't  we go out to lunch today?
   F:  Don't you ever get tired of football games?
   M: Why don't you watch it with me?


   聽了上面的句子, 或許你對(duì)反問句的用法已經(jīng)有了概念. 一般說來反問句都是以動(dòng)詞或是助動(dòng)詞否定結(jié)構(gòu). 比方 don't,  can't,  isn't    開頭, 在追問原因的時(shí)候就把 why,  w-h-y,  why 放在句子的最前頭, 比方對(duì)話里的  Why don't you watch it with me? 就是一個(gè)例子.  反問句有幾種用途,    比方可以用來提出建議,  對(duì)話里的 Why  don't  we  go  out  to lunch today? 意思就等于    Let's go out  to lunch today! 也就是 "我們今天出去吃中飯吧!"

   現(xiàn)在我們作一組練習(xí), 把這兩種說法作個(gè)比較, 練習(xí)的內(nèi)容都跟各種不同運(yùn)動(dòng)有關(guān)系, 比方  "英式足球" soccer, "曲棍球" hockey, "賽車" car racing, "拳擊賽"boxing match,   "世界棒球賽"  baseball world series,    "錦標(biāo)賽"   championship game 等等.  練習(xí)的作法是老師用  let's 開頭說一句話,     比方  Let's  watch  the championship game.你就用 Why don't we 開頭把句子改成 Why don't we watch the championship game? 現(xiàn)在我們開始作練習(xí), 每作完一句就請你聽老師念正確答案.

   M: Let's play soccer.
   F:  Why don't we play soccer?
   M: Let's play hockey.
   F:  Why don't we play hockey?
   M: Let's go see a boxing match.
   F:  Why don't we go see a boxing match?
   M: Let's go see car racing.
   F:  Why don't we go see car racing?
   M: Let's go running.
   F:  Why don't we go running?
   M: Let's watch the baseball world series.
   F:  Why don't we watch the baseball world series?
   M: Let's watch the championship game.
   F:  Why don't we watch the championship game?
   M: Let's stay home and watch the football game.
   F:  Why don't we stay home and watch the football game?

   下面我們作一組練習(xí), 學(xué)學(xué)怎么用反問句邀請別人作一件事情, 比方你要邀請別人跟你一起打網(wǎng)球. 你可以這樣說: Won't you play tennis with me? 這句話的意思跟我們以前學(xué)過的 Would you play tennis with me? 大同小異. 現(xiàn)在我們把這兩種說法作個(gè)比較, 老師用  Would  開頭說一句話, 你就用 won't 開頭把句子改成反問句, 現(xiàn)在我們開始作練習(xí), 每作完一句就請你聽老師念正確答案.

   M: Would you play tennis with me?
   F:  Won't you play tennis with me?
   M: Would you go to the football game with me?
   F:  Won't you go to the football game with me?
   M: Would you go to the soccer game with me?
   F:  Won't you go to the soccer game with me?
   M: Would you go to the hockey game with me?
   F:  Won't you go to the hockey game with me?
   M: Would you go see a boxing match with me?
   F:  Won't you go see a boxing match with me?
   M: Would you go see car racing with me?
   F:  Won't you go see car racing with me?
   M: Would you watch the baseball world series with me?
   F:  Won't you watch the baseball world series with me?
   M: Would you watch the championship game with me?
   F:  Won't you watch the championship game with me?

   下面我們作一組練習(xí), 學(xué)學(xué)用 why don't you 向別人提出建議. 比方圣誕節(jié)快要到了, 凱特不知道該給兒子彼得買什么圣誕禮物. 她跟亨利商量.亨利知道彼得喜歡運(yùn)動(dòng),  于是就建議說:   "你為什么不給他買一根棒球棒呢?" Why don't you buy him a baseball bat?  現(xiàn)在我們作一組代換練習(xí), 學(xué)學(xué)這種說法. 練習(xí)的作法是老師先念一個(gè)句子,    接著老師提出一些運(yùn)動(dòng)器材的名稱,   比方   "棒球面罩"baseball mask,   "足球頭盔" football helmet,     "網(wǎng)球拍"  tennis racket,   "旱冰鞋"rollerskates,   "滑雪的時(shí)候穿的外套"     ski  jacket, "打曲棍球用的棍子"  hockey stick  等等.  請你把你聽到的代換到原來的句子里.    每作完一句老師就念正確答案給你聽.

   M: Why don't you buy him a baseball bat?
   M: a baseball mask
   F:  Why don't you buy him a baseball mask?
   M: baseball gloves
   F:  Why don't you buy him baseball gloves?
   M: a football helmet
   F:  Why don't you buy him a football helmet?
   M: a tennis racket
   F:  Why don't you buy him a tennis racket?
   M: a ski jacket
   F:  Why don't you buy him a ski jacket?
   M: a hockey stick
   F:  Why don't you buy him hockey stick?
   M: a pair of ice skates
   F:  Why don't you buy him a pair of ice skates?
   M: a pair of rollerskates
   F:  Why don't you buy him a pair of rollerskates?

   剛才我們用 why don't you 作了一些反問句,    表示向別人提議.  現(xiàn)在我們把這種說法跟另外一種反問句作個(gè)比較. 練習(xí)的作法是老師用 why don't you 提出一個(gè)建議, 比方 Why don't you buy him a baseball bat? 請你把句子改成:"給他買棒球棒不是更好嗎?" Isn't it better to buy him a baseball bat? 現(xiàn)在我們開始作練習(xí),  每作完一句老師就念正確答案給你聽.

   M: Why don't you buy him a baseball bat?
   F:  Isn't it better to buy him a baseball bat?
   M: Why don't you buy him a baseball mask?
   F:  Isn't it better to buy him a baseball mask?
   M: Why don't you buy him a baseball gloves?
   F:  Isn't it better to buy him a baseball gloves?
   M: Why don't you buy him a football helmet?
   F:  Isn't it better to buy him a football helmet?
   M: Why don't you buy him a tennis racket?
   F:  Isn't it better to buy him a tennis racket?
   M: Why don't you buy him a ski jacket?
   F:  Isn't it better to buy him a ski jacket?
   M: Why don't you buy him a hockey stick?
   F:  Isn't it better to buy him a hockey stick?
   M: Why don't you buy him a pair of ice skates?
   F:  Isn't it better to buy him a pair of ice skates?
   M: Why don't you buy him a pair of rollerskates?
   F:  Isn't it better to buy him a pair of rollerskates?


   下面我們學(xué)學(xué)用反問句來表示對(duì)某件事情感到懷疑. 比方彼得最喜歡的球隊(duì)要跟另外一個(gè)球隊(duì)打決賽, 可是他居然因?yàn)橛袆e的事不去,  他妹妹琳達(dá)知道了覺得很奇怪就問他說:  "你難道不要給你最喜歡的球隊(duì)加油嗎?"    Don't you want  to cheer your favorite team?     當(dāng)琳達(dá)發(fā)現(xiàn)彼得對(duì)看球賽不那么感興趣了就問他說: "難道你從來不想跟職業(yè)運(yùn)動(dòng)員一樣棒嗎?    "Don't you ever want to be as skillful as professional athletes?

   下面琳達(dá)問彼得一些問題, 請你每聽一句就跟著學(xué)生把句子重復(fù)一遍.

   F:  Aren't you going to the championship game tonight?
   M: Aren't you going to the championship game tonight?
   F:  Don't you want to cheer your favorite team?
   M: Don't you want to cheer your favorite team?
   F:  Can't you change your plan and go to the game?
   M: Can't you change your plan and go to the game?
   F:  Don't you want to be as skillful as the professional athletes?
   M: Don't you want to be as skillful as the professional athletes?
   F:  Don't you want to be as rich as the professional athletes?
   M: Don't you want to be as rich as the professional athletes?


   現(xiàn)在我們學(xué)習(xí)怎么回答反問句. 在中文里如果有人問你: 你不喜歡棒球嗎? 要是你不喜歡你就回答說: 是的, 我不喜歡; 可是在英文里, 你就必須這樣說: No, I don't like it.

   在下面一組練習(xí)里,有人問凱特一些有關(guān)運(yùn)動(dòng)的問題, 這些問題凱特都一一的作否定的答覆. 下面就是一個(gè)例子:

   M: Aren't you going to the football game tonight?
   F:  No, I am not going to the football game tonight.

   現(xiàn)在請你注意聽問題, 并且跟凱特一起回答問題.

   M: Didn't you watch the football game last night?
   F:  No, I didn't watch the football game last night.
   M: Didn't you know that it was the championship game?
   F:  No, I didn't know that it was the championship game.
   M: Don't you feel sorry that you missed it?
   F:  No, I don't feel sorry that I missed it.
   M: Don't you like professional sports?
   F:  No, I don't like professional sports.
   M: Don't you think that professional sports are interesting?
   F:  No, I don't think that professional sports are interesting.


   在剛才那組練習(xí)里,  凱特表示她對(duì)職業(yè)球賽不感興趣, 但是一般美國人跟她大不相同. 許多美國人是運(yùn)動(dòng)迷, 他們對(duì)許多球類運(yùn)動(dòng)特別熱衷,尤其是棒球.   下面我們要聽的文章介紹的就是在美國很受歡迎的幾種球類運(yùn)動(dòng).

   現(xiàn)在請你注意聽. 等一會(huì)兒我們要根據(jù)文章問你幾個(gè)問題.

   Professional  sports  are  very   popular  in   the  United  States, and  they are big   business. The most popular sports are baseball, football and basketball. Each has its own season, and  millions  of  supporters. Professional  teams  are  named for the cities where they are located.   Their  strongest  supporters  live  in  these  cities.   When  a team  plays   in  a championship game, most people in the city follow the game with interest and enthusiasm. Basketball is well known around the world. Professional basketball games in  the  United States are played indoors during the winter months. From November to April one can find a professional basketball game several nights a week in most  large American cities. Baseball  is  an  American sport.  It  has been called the national pass-time. The game is played  in   the evenings nearly everyday  of   the   week  and  on   weekends  as  well. The season begins in April and finishes with the World series in October. Football  has  become  the  most  popular professional  sport  in  the U.S.  It  is   played on Sundays  during  the  fall  from  August  to  January.   American  football   is different   from international  football,  which  Americans  call  soccer.   Both  games require strength  and specialized skills. Professional  athletes  are  very  well  paid.  The  most  famous athletes  make millions of dollars  for  their  playing  skill.   America's  best  athletes  have  higher  salaries  than the country's president.


   M: When are professional basketball games played indoors?
   M: When is professional football played?
   M: Do professional athletes make a lot of money?


  Professional  sports  are  very   popular  in   the  United  States, and  they are big   business. The most popular sports are baseball, football and basketball. Each has its own season, and  millions  of  supporters. Professional  teams  are  named for the cities where they are located.   Their  strongest  supporters  live  in  these  cities.   When  a team  plays   in  a championship game, most people in the city follow the game with interest and enthusiasm. Basketball is well known around the world. Professional basketball games in  the  United States are played indoors during the winter months. From November to April one can find a professional basketball game several nights a week in most  large American cities. Baseball  is  an  American sport.  It  has been called the national pass-time. The game is played  in   the evenings nearly everyday  of   the   week  and  on   weekends  as  well. The season begins in April and finishes with the World series in October. Football  has  become  the  most  popular professional  sport  in  the U.S.  It  is   played on Sundays  during  the  fall  from  August  to  January.   American  football   is different   from international  football,  which  Americans  call  soccer.   Both  games require strength  and specialized skills. Professional  athletes  are  very  well  paid.  The  most  famous athletes  make millions of dollars  for  their  playing  skill.   America's  best  athletes  have  higher  salaries  than the country's president.

   現(xiàn)在請你回答你剛才聽過的三個(gè)問題.   每回答一個(gè)問題,   就請你聽老師念正確答案.

   M: When are professional basketball games played indoors?
   F:  They are played indoors during the winter months.

   M: When is professional football played?
   F:  It is played on Sundays during the fall.

   M: Do professional athletes make a lot of money?
   F:  Yes, they do.


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