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> 英語語法 > 中級美國英語 >  第38篇






   在這一課里, 我們要學習幾個由 look, l-o-o-k, look 或是 take, t-a-k-e, take 加上介詞構成的動詞詞組, 比方 "看" look  at, "找"    look for, "從事"  take up 等等. 我們還要學習一些跟手工藝品有關系的詞匯.

   現(xiàn)在我們先來聽今天這一課的對話,內容是說凱特跟亨利到手工藝品交易會去. 請你注意聽兩位英文老師的發(fā)音和語調.

   F:  Look  at  all  the   beautiful  things   these people have made. I'm really impressed.   I wish I could do something artistic.
   M: So do I. It looks like a museum of art around here, doesn't it?    Woodcarving,  glassware, jewelry, pottery, even clothing.
   F:  Let's walk around to each booth. I want to find something for my parents.
   M: Are you looking for anything special?
   F:  I'm looking forward to finding something to decorate their new house.
   M: Have you notice these weavings? I am quite taken with them.
   F:  Yes, I have. They are beautiful but a little expensive.
   M: Why don't you take up weaving and make something for them yourself?
   F:  I don't have the talent or the time. I wish I did.


    F:  Look  at  all  the   beautiful  things   these people have made. I'm really impressed.   I wish I could do something artistic.
   M: So do I. It looks like a museum of art around here, doesn't it?    Woodcarving,  glassware, jewelry, pottery, even clothing.
   F:  Let's walk around to each booth. I want to find something for my parents.
   M: Are you looking for anything special?
   F:  I'm looking forward to finding something to decorate their new house.
   M: Have you notice these weavings? I am quite taken with them.
   F:  Yes, I have. They are beautiful but a little expensive.
   M: Why don't you take up weaving and make something for them yourself?
   F:  I don't have the talent or the time. I wish I did.


   F:  Look at all the beautiful things these people have made.
   M: Are you looking for anything special?
   F:  I'm looking forward to finding something to decorate their new house.
   M: I'm quite taken with them.
   M: Why don't you take up weaving?


   首先我們學習  look at 的用法. 這個詞組可以用來表示 "注意看". 比方有一句話: "他們在手工藝品交易會上看到皮貨了嗎?"    這句話英文可以這 樣說: Did they see leather goods in the craft fair? 如果把問題改成:"他們在手工藝品交易會上看了皮貨了嗎?  "    這句話英文就應該這么說: Did they look at leather goods in the craft fair?下面我們作一組練習, 比較這兩種說法. 練習的內容都是說到亨利跟凱特在手工藝品交易會上看到或是看了什么手工藝品, 比方皮貨, 素描, 小裝飾品等等.  現(xiàn)在請你注意聽老師用 saw 作句子, 并且跟學生一起改用 looked  at 把句子說出來.

   M: They saw home-made things in the craft fair.
   F:  They looked at home-made things in the craft fair.
   M: They saw hand-made jewelry in the craft fair.
   F:  They looked at hand-made jewelry in the craft fair.
   M: They saw pottery in the craft fair.
   F:  They looked at pottery in the craft fair.
   M: The saw leather goods in the craft fair.
   F:  They looked at leather goods in the craft fair.
   M: They saw glassware in the craft fair.
   F:  They looked at glassware in the craft fair.
   M: They saw drawings in the craft fair.
   F:  They looked at drawings in the craft fair.
   M: They saw hand-made decorations in the craft fair.
   F:  They looked at hand-made decorations in the craft fair.

   下面我們要學習 "找"  look for 這個詞組的用法.   練習的作法是老師用 "要買"want to buy 作一些句子說明凱特跟亨利要買什么手工藝品給親友鄰居. 請你聽了句子以后跟學生一起改用 are looking for 把句子說出來.句子里的詞匯都是我們學過的. 請你一邊練習語法, 一邊復習詞匯.

   M: They want to buy some home-made things for their friends.
   F:  They are looking for some home-made things for their friends.
   M: They want to buy a drawing for their parents.
   F:  They are looking for a drawing for their parents.
   M: They want to buy pottery for their cousin.
   F:  They are looking for pottery for their cousin.
   M: They want to buy a wedding present for a relative.
   F:  They are looking for a wedding present for a relative.
   M: They want to buy some glassware for their next-door neighbors.
   F:  They are looking for some glassware for their next-door neighbors.
   M: They want to buy hand-made jewelry for their oldest daughter.
   F:  They are looking for hand-made jewelry for their oldest daughter.
   M: They want to buy a hand-made sweater for their youngest daughter.
   F:  They are looking for a hand-made sweater for their youngest daughter.
   M: They want to buy a pair of leather boots for their son.
   F:  They are looking for a pair of leather boots for their son.

   下面我們作一組練習比較 "希望得到" hope to get    跟 "期望得到" look  forward to getting 的用法.    練習的內容還是說到亨利和凱特在手工藝品交易會上給親友們買東西. 練習的作法是老師提出一個問題, 比方 What    do they hope to get for their friends? 接著老師說:  some home-made things,  學生就用 are looking forward  to  getting 跟老師提出的詞組來回答問題,   所以答案就是:  They are looking  forward  to getting some home-made things for their friends. 現(xiàn)在我們開始作練習. 在學生回答問題的時候請你也一起回答.

   M: What do they hope to get for their friends?
   M: some hand-made things
   F:  They are looking forward to getting some hand-made things for their friends.
   M: What do they hope to get for their daughter, Jenny?
   M: hand-made jewelry
   F:  They are looking forward to getting hand-made jewelry for their daughter, Jenny.
   M: What do they hope to get for their daughter, Linda?
   M: a hand-made sweater
   F:  They are looking forward to getting a hand-made sweater for their daughter, Linda.
   M: What do they hope to get for their son, Peter?
   M: a pair of boots
   F:  They are looking forward to getting a pair of boots for their son, Peter.
   M: What do they hope to get for their cousin?
   M: pottery
   F:  They are looking forward to getting pottery for their cousin.
   M: What do they hope to get for a relative?
   M: a wedding present
   F:  They are looking forward to getting a wedding present for a relative.
   M: What do they hope to get for their next-door neighbors?
   M: some glassware
   F:  They are looking forward to getting some glassware for their next-door neighbors.

   下面一組練習是要比較 "希望找到" hope to find 跟 "密切注意"  look out for 的用法. 練習的內容是說亨利跟凱特到手工藝品交易會去所希望找到或是會留心什么樣的東西, 比方價錢低、品質高的東西, 新穎、獨具風格的東西等等.練習的作法是老師用   hope to find  提出一個問題,   比方  Do they hope to find good bargains? 學生就用  are  looking  out  for 肯定地答覆說: Yes,  they are looking out for good  bargains.  現(xiàn)在我們開始作練習, 在學生回答問題的時候請你也一起回答.

   M: Do they hope to find good bargains?
   F:  Yes, they are looking out for good bargains.
   M: Do they hope to find things with high quality?
   F:  Yes, they are looking out for things with high quality.
   M: Do they hope to find something inexpensive?
   F:  Yes, they are looking out for something inexpensive.
   M: Do they hope to find something unique?
   F:  Yes, they are looking out for something unique.
   M: Do they hope to find something unusual?
   F:  Yes, they are looking out for something unusual.
   M: Do they hope to find something original?
   F:  Yes, they are looking out for something original.
   M: Do they hope to find something interesting?
   F:  Yes, they are looking out for something interesting.
   M: Do they hope to find something valuable?
   F:  Yes, they are looking out for something valuable.


   下面我們用 take, t-a-k-e, take 作動詞詞組表示對什么事情印象深刻,比方凱特跟亨利在手工藝品交易會上看到一些設計新穎的東西,覺得那些設計真不錯,他們可以這么說: We are impressed with the unique designs. 這句話也可以換個方式這么說: We are quite taken with the unique designs.

   下面我們作一組練習, 比較 are impressed with 跟 are quite taken with 的用法.練習的作法是老師提出一個問題, 比方Are Henry and Kate impressed with the good bargains? 請你肯定地回答說: Yes,  they    are  quite  taken with the good bargains. 你每回答一句, 老師就會把正確答案念給你聽.

   M: Are Henry and Kate impressed with the good bargains?
   F:  Yes, they are quite taken with the good bargains.
   M: Are they impressed with the high quality?
   F:  Yes, they are quite taken with the high quality.
   M: Are they impressed with the reasonable prices?
   F:  Yes, they are quite taken with the reasonable prices.
   M: Are they impressed with the unique designs?
   F:  Yes, they are quite taken with the unique designs.
   M: Are they impressed with the various styles?
   F:  Yes, they are quite taken with the various styles.

   下面我們用 take 加上介詞 up, u-p, up 來表示 "從事某項工作". 比方亨利跟凱特對手工藝品很感興趣, 亨利就對凱特說: "你為什么不學紡織呢?" 這句話英文可以這樣說:  Why don't you take up weaving?下面我們作一組代換練習, 一方面練習語法, 一方面學學各種手工藝的名稱,     比方   " 木 刻"  woodcarving,"針織" knitting, "縫紉" sewing 等等. 請你先跟著老師把第一個句子重復一遍,然后把老師提出的詞組代換到原來的句子里, 每作完一句老師就會把句子再念一遍給你聽.

   M: Why don't you take up weaving?
   M: woodcarving
   F:  Why don't you take up woodcarving?
   M: knitting
   F:  Why don't you take up knitting?
   M: drawing
   F:  Why don't you take up drawing?
   M: sewing
   F:  Why don't you take up sewing?
   M: oil painting
   F:  Why don't you take up oil painting?


   今天我們要聽一篇介紹美國的手工藝品的文章. 在美國很多家庭主婦以作手工藝品作副業(yè), 每隔一段時間就拿到定期舉行的手工藝品交易會上去賣.  很多人覺得這種手工藝品各有特色, 價廉物美, 比工廠里用機器作出來的大批成品要好.

   現(xiàn)在老師先用正常速度把文章念一遍. 請你注意聽.

   For  a  long  time  Americans preferred things  which were mass produced in factories. But recently many Americans have taken up crafts of various  kinds. They make things out of  wood,  metal,  glass,  wax,  leather  and cloth.  They usually design the things they make themselves and often they sell  what they make too.  The  work  of  these  crafts people has become very good  and very popular. These  people's  crafts  are  sold  at craft fairs.  These  are  usually community sponsored events. Some fairs are small, bringing together a dozen or so people.  Such  fairs are held in shopping  centers or churches. At large fairs, several  hundred crafts  people  assemble their works for people to admire  and buy. These fairs are held in public parks or on county grounds. Crafts fairs are usually held on weekends when people are free from work  and  looking for things to do. The  fairs are  directed  toward families. They  offer rides and shows for the children  to keep  them  busy  while  the parents look  at  the crafts. The crafts people buy include things to decorate their  homes,  clothes  for  their children, and  gifts for their friends for holidays, weddings or special occasions. People go to craft fairs rather  than  shopping at  stores  because  they  look for  things that are different  and original. They also look out for bargains. The prices for works of art at  craft  fairs are usually very reasonable.


   M: What are some of the things one can find in a craft fair?
   M: Where are craft fairs held?
   M: Why do people go to craft fairs?


   For  a  long  time  Americans preferred things  which were mass produced in factories. But recently many Americans have taken up crafts of various  kinds. They make things out of  wood,  metal,  glass,  wax,  leather  and cloth.  They usually design the things they make themselves and often they sell  what they make too.  The  work  of  these  crafts people has become very good  and very popular. These  people's  crafts  are  sold  at craft fairs.  These  are  usually community sponsored events. Some fairs are small, bringing together a dozen or so people.  Such  fairs are held in shopping  centers or churches. At large fairs, several  hundred crafts  people  assemble their works for people to admire  and buy. These fairs are held in public parks or on county grounds. Crafts fairs are usually held on weekends when people are free from work  and  looking for things to do. The  fairs are  directed  toward families. They  offer rides and shows for the children  to keep  them  busy  while  the parents look  at  the crafts. The crafts people buy include things to decorate their  homes,  clothes  for  their children, and  gifts for their friends for holidays, weddings or special occasions. People go to craft fairs rather  than  shopping at  stores  because  they  look for  things that are different  and original. They also look out for bargains. The prices for works of art at  craft  fairs are usually very reasonable.

   現(xiàn)在請你回答剛聽過的三個問題. 回答之后老師會念出正確答案給你聽.

   M: What are some of the things one can find in a craft fair?
   F:  One can find things made of wood, metal, glass, wax, leather and cloth there.

   M: Where are craft fairs held?
   F:  They are held in shopping centers, churches, public parks or county fair grounds.

   M: Why do people go to craft fairs?
   F:  They go to buy things that are different, original and not expensive.


瘋狂英語 英語語法 新概念英語 走遍美國 四級聽力 英語音標 英語入門 發(fā)音 美語 四級 新東方 七年級 賴世雄 zero是什么意思香港特別行政區(qū)帝庭居英語學習交流群



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