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2010年6月英語六級預測試卷聽力Model Test 11




Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A),B),C) and D),and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

11. A) She is going to Finland.
B) She has some visitors.
C) She will visit Finland next week.
D) She has just visited him this week.

12. A) To cancel his trip.
B) To go to bed early.
C) To catch a later flight.
D) To ask for a wake up call.

13. A) Saturday afternoon was the man's busy hours.
B) The man won't be able to enjoy a nap.
C) Mr. Smith is an old friend of the man.
D) The man wanted to take a long nap after lunch.

14. A) George wants to change his work.
B) George is doing pretty good now.
C) George doesn't like his work.
D) George is not doing well with his work.

15. A) The woman is a dentist.
B) The woman is a secretary.
C) The woman is a receptionist.
D) The woman is a patient.

16. A) The woman knows the professor has been busy.
B) The woman knows the professor has run into trouble.
C) The woman has trouble getting along with the professor.
D) The woman regrets having taken up much of the professor's time.

17. A) At a restaurant.
B) In the fresh ocean air.
C) On a fishing boat.
D) In a store specializing in seashells.

18. A) They will buy a new house after they buy a car.
B) They will buy a bigger house.
C) They won't buy a new house because they can't find a bigger one.
D) They won't buy a bigger house because they don't have enough money.

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19. A) She hasn't been getting adequate grades.
B) She hasn't been attending class every day.
C) She has been coming to school much too early.
D) She has been overloading herself with homework.

20. A) Two.
B) Four.
C) Six.
D) Eight.

21. A) To stay in class.
B) To get another class.
C) To withdraw from class.
D) To miss just one more class.

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

22. A) How to care for precious metal.
B) A standard unit for measuring weight.
C) The value of precious metals.
D) Using the metric system.

23. A) To check the accuracy of scales.
B) To calculate the density of other metals.
C) To observe changes in the atmosphere.
D) To measure amounts of rain fall.

24. A) Someone spilled water on it.
B) Someone lost it.
C) It was made of low quality metal.
D) The standard for measuring had changed.

25. A) It is a small amount to pay for so much precious metal.
B) It is difficult to judge the value of such an object.
C) It is reasonable for an object with such an important function.
D) It is too high for such a light weight.

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

Passage One

Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.

26. A) At Harvard.
B) At West Point.
C) At the Carlisle Indian School.
D) At the Olympic Games held in Stockholm.

27. A) They held grand banquets in his honor.
B) They welcomed him with parades and celebration.
C) They gave him a title.
D) They made him a professional athlete.

28. A) Because someone found out that Thorpe had been using drugs.
B) Because Thorpe had once been an amateur athlete.
C) Because Thorpe's fame began to decline after the Olympic Games.
D) Because Thorpe had been a professional athlete at one time.

Passage Two

Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.

29. A) Lord Sandwich.
B) Some inventors.
C) The friends of Lord Sandwich.
D) Some scientists.

30. A) To collect rents and taxes.
B) The harsh land agent.
C) The English landowner.
D) To speak.

31. A) He dismissed the Captain.
B) He made the word "boycott" popular.
C) He removed the poor tenants.
D) He increased the rents and taxes.

Passage Three

Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.

32. A) There were only grandparents and children.
B) There was one father, one mother, and their children.
C) There were many relatives.
D) There were two or more brothers with their wives.

33. A) The women have more freedom and can share in decisions.
B) The women do not have to be the heads of the family.
C) The women's relatives do not help them.
D) The women have all the power of the family.

34. A) Husbands have to share with their wives and help them.
B) Older women often live alone when their husbands die.
C) Family structure is more patriarchal in the nuclear family.
D) Women have to help sisters, grandparents with housework and childcare.

35. A) They want to stay home and do the housework.
B) They do not have enough money.
C) They have too much work and not much free time.
D) They have more freedom than in the past.

Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times, when the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea .When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information .For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.

A deadly (36)_________outbreak swept through a small city in Zaire, Africa last spring, killing more than one hundred people. It was a terrible situation. The killer was a rare (37)_________ that caused most victims to (38)_________ to death. As scientists rushed to control the (39) _________, people in the U.S. wonder whether it could attack here. "We are foolish if we think it couldn't come to our country. We can never be too careful when we face some disease, especially the infectious one." say doctors. The virus can be highly infectious. If you come in (40)_________with a victim's blood or other body (41)_________, you can get sick, too. That's what scientists believe (42)_________in Zaire. The healthcare workers who treated the first (43) ________there soon fell ill, too. (44)__________________________________.International rescue works brought equipment to Zaire soon after the outbreak occurred.(45)________________________________.One big mystery is that no one knows where the virus comes from or where it will strike next. Some scientists say that the virus lies inactive in the cells of some kind of plant, insect or other animal. Then it somehow finds a way to infect humans. (46)__________________________________.Once they find the virus, they also hope to find ways to combat it.

Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension

Section A

11. M: Why don't you come to our home for dinner some time this week? I have practiced to improve my cooking.

W: I'd like to, but we have visitors from Finland, perhaps next week.

Q: Why can't the woman accept the man's invitation?

【解析】B)。四個選項都是關于女士,由此暗示對話當中應該更加重視與女士有關的部分。男士邀請女士去他家吃晚飯(come to our home for dinner),女士說這個星期有芬蘭來的客人(visitors from Finland)要招待,可能要下個星期去。因為女士這個星期有客人,所以女士不能接受男士的邀請。故正確答案為B)。

12. M: I hope I won't oversleep. I've simply got to catch the first flight to New York.

W: If I were you, I'd request the wake-up call from the hotel reception.

Q: What does the woman advise the man do?

【解析】D)。四個選項都是不定式,由此可以推斷,本題的內(nèi)容可能是目的或者動作。 女士說,如果我是你(If I were you),就會要旅店提供叫醒電話(wake-up call)。由此可見,女士建議男士ask for a wake-up call,正確答案為D)。

13. M: I really had a busy week. I want to get some rest. I always enjoy a nap on Saturday afternoon.

W: I don't think you can. Mr. Smith has just parked his car at the door, and he is coming up now.

Q: What can we learn from this conversation?

【解析】B)。四個選項都更側(cè)重男士方面,由此暗示對話當中應該更加注意與男士相關的部分。 男士一般都在星期六下午睡個午覺(enjoy a long siesta on Saturday afternoon),但女士說Mr. Smith已經(jīng)在門口停車,馬上就來了(parked his car at the door,he is coming up)。由此可以推斷,男士今天不能睡午覺了(won't be able to enjoy a nap)。故正確答案為B)。

14. W: How is George doing? Is he doing all right?

M: He is doing fine now. He planned to change his job for a while but finally decided to keep the present one.

Q: What can we learn about George in this conversation?

【解析】B)。四個選項都是有關George和工作的關系,對工作的看法和態(tài)度,由此可以推測,本題的內(nèi)容是關于George和工作的。 George的工作現(xiàn)在做得不錯(doing fine)。雖然他想過換工作(planned to change his job),但是他決定保留現(xiàn)有的工作(keep the present one)。故正確答案為B)。

15. W: Good morning. This is Dr.Allen's office.

M: Good morning. I'd like to make an appointment with Dr.Allen to have my teeth cleaned and checked. I'd like to have it done this week if possible.

Q: Who is the woman?

【解析】C)。四個選項都是表示身份的詞,由此可以推測,本題的內(nèi)容是關于某人的身份。男士要和牙醫(yī)預約洗牙和檢查(have my teeth cleaned and checked)。由此可見,女士應該是牙醫(yī)診所的接待員(receptionist)。故C)為正確答案。

16. M: Professor Kennedy has been very busy this semester. As far as I know he works till midnight every day.

W: I wouldn't have troubled him so much if I had known he was so busy.

Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

【解析】D)。四個選項都是有關女士和教授之間的關系,由此可以推測,本問題的內(nèi)容是關于女士和教授的學習和工作的。男士說教授這個學期很忙(very busy this semester),每天工作到深夜(works till midnight every day)。女士回答說如果早知道是這么忙就不會那樣麻煩他了(wouldn't have troubled him)。由此可以推測女士很后悔占用了教授很長時間(regrets having taken up much of the professor's time)。故D)為正確答案。

17. W: May I make a recommendation, sir? The clams with our special sauce are good. They're fresh from the ocean.

M: Thank you, but I don't care for clams.

Q: Where did this conversation probably take place?

【解析】A)。四個選項都是表示地點場景的短語,由此可以推斷,本題是考查關于某件事情發(fā)生的地點。 女士推薦說配特制醬汁的蛤蜊(The clams with our special sauce)很不錯,蛤蜊是剛從海里捕上來的(fresh from the ocean)。由此可見本對話發(fā)生在餐館(restaurant),故正確答案為A)。

18. W: I suppose we should look for a bigger house, but I don't see how we can afford it right now.

M: If only we hadn't spent so much money on our car this year.

Q: What can we learn from the conversation about the speakers?

【解析】D)。四個選項都是They可能會做出的選擇,由此可以推斷,本題是考查關于某些人即將做出的決定。女士覺得應該找一間大一點的房子(look for a bigger house),但目前又承擔(afford)不起。男士指出了負擔不起的原因,今年花了錢在買汽車上(spent so much money on our car)。由此可見,他們無法換一間大點的房子,因為錢不夠(don't have enough money)。故正確答案為D)。

Conversation One

M: Oh,Janna, you're early! I'm happy you're here early today because I'd like to discuss your attendance for a moment.

W: Gee, Dr.Livingston, (19) I'm really sorry about missing class yesterday.

M: Actually,(19)it's been several days.(20)Counting today, we've only had 6 classes, yet you've already missed 4.It's more than a half. You won't be able to pass if you're constantly absent. And I really don't want to fail anyone.

W: Sorry, I've been extremely busy. I can explain for it. Dr.Livingston. I have a part-time job, so...

M: Well, I hope you're already for today's exam.

W: Today? I thought it was Monday!

M: Read the syllabus, Janna; this is precisely what I'm talking about. You should either make an effort to attend, or you should consider withdrawing while it's still possible.

W: What do you mean?

M: Today's the final day you can withdraw and get a full refund.

W: Maybe I really should. What do you suggest?

M: I wish you could attend classes regularly; however, if you don't believe you're capable of this, then don't waste your money.

W: Thanks, Dr.Livingston. I really appreciate your advice. If it's okay,(21) I suppose I'll go ahead and drop the class.

M: It's entirely up to you, but that might be best if you don't think things are going to change. Excuse me, the students are coming, and I've got to get ready for class. I wish you the very best of luck, Janna.

W: Thank you, Dr.Livingston. Goodbye.

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19. What is the woman's problem?

B)。【解析】四個選項均為現(xiàn)在完成進行時態(tài),由此可以推斷,本題考查的內(nèi)容可能是某人最近一段時間發(fā)生的事情或者持續(xù)的狀態(tài)。女士解釋說,抱歉,昨天沒有來上課(missing class)。男士說,并不僅僅是昨天,一共上過6次課,已經(jīng)缺了4次。由此可見女士的問題在于并沒有每天都來上課(hasnt been attending class every day)。故正確答案為B)。

20. How many classes has the woman attended?

A)?!窘馕觥克膫€選項均為數(shù)字,由此可以推測,本題的考查內(nèi)容是關于數(shù)字的。 從男士的話中可知,一共上過6次課,女士一共缺了4次(missed 4)。相減得到女士上課的次數(shù)為2次。故正確答案為A)。

21. What does the woman decide to do?

C)。【解析】四個選項均為不定式,由此可以推測,本題考查的內(nèi)容可能是關于某個決定。女士說如果可行,就決定退課(drop the class)??梢娕看蛩惴艞夁@門課程,故正確答案為C)。

Conversation Two

W: Dr.Thomas? This is Keet Bradley from the daily news.(22)I'd like to ask you some questions about the new official standard weight that you purchased.

M: I'd be happy to help you. What would you like to know?

W: First of all, how was the standard weight used?

M: Well, the people in our department (23)use it to check the scales all over the country. The department of weights and measures, we are a government agency. It's our responsibility to see that (23)all the scales measure a kilogram accurately so this is the way we use to adjust the scales.

W: How did you check the scales before?

M: We have an old standard weight that we used to use.(24)It had to be replaced because it was imprecise. You see it was made of poor quality metal that was too porous. It absorbed too much moisture.

W: Oh. So when the weather was humid it weighed more and when it was dry it weighed less.

M: Exactly. And that variation can affect the standards of the whole country. So our department had the new weight made out of higher quality metal.

W: How much did it cost?

M: About 45 thousand dollars.

W: 45,000 dollars? For one kilogram weight? That's more expensive than gold.(25)Is it really worth that much?

M: (25)I'm sure it is. Industries depend on our government agency to monitor the accuracy of scales so that when they buy and sell their products there is one standard. Think of the drug industry, for example, those companies rely on high accuracy scales to manufacture and package medicine.

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

22. What is the conversation mainly about?

B)?!窘馕觥克膫€選項均為概括性比較強的短語,由此可以推測,本題考查的內(nèi)容很有可能是對話的主題。由metals,measuring weight,metric等詞推測,對話可能與金屬或其他某種事物的度量有關系。 女士說她想問男士幾個關于新度量衡的問題(new official standard weight),由此揭示對話談論的主題是關于衡量重量標準的單位。

23. What was the standard weight used to do?

A)?!窘馕觥克膫€選項均為不定式,由此可以推測,本題考查的內(nèi)容可能是目的或行為。男士說他們用新標準度量衡來檢測全國的天平(scales),他們有責任利用它來確保所有的天平都能夠準確地測量1公斤的重量(measure a kilogram accurately)。

24. Why was it necessary to replace the old standard weight?

C)。【解析】四個選項均描述某件事物的缺點或問題,由此可以推測,本題考查的內(nèi)容可能是某件事物的弊端。 男士說舊天平會被取代是因為它不夠精準(imprecise),制造材料低劣(made of poor quality metal)。故正確答案為C)。

25. What does Dr.Thomas probably think about the cost of the new weight?

C)?!窘馕觥克膫€選項均為對某件事物價值的描述,由此可以推測,本題考查的內(nèi)容可能是對某件事物價值的評價。女士問男士新度量衡是否物有所值(worth that much),男士說確定如此。由此可以推斷男士認為新度量衡是物有所值的。故正確答案為C)。

Section B

Passage One

Jim Thorpe was an American Indian, born on May 28, 1888 in Oklahoma.(26) When he had his education at the Carlisle Indian School in Pennsylvania,his athletic coach considered him a splendid athlete and encouraged him to concentrate on sports. From then on, Thorpe participated in almost every aspect of athletics. Whenever he competed in any event, he easily won first place.

In the years that followed, he took part in football games against such renowned teams as Harvard and West Point. Thorpe again and again brought his team to victory. In 1912 he was invited to compete in the Olympic Games in Stockholm. There he excelled in several tack events and was presented with first place gold medals. He was the first athlete to capture first place awards in so many track events.

When Thorpe returned home from the Olympic Games,(27)he was welcomed with parades and celebration. The president called him the highest type of citizen.(28)However, this was all short-lived because it was found out that at one time Thorpe had been a professional athlete. Since an athlete must be an amateur in order to participate in the Olympic Games, Thorpe did not qualify. Therefore, all of his medals were taken away from him.

In later years, Thorpe played baseball and football professionally. His admirers often tried to have his medals returned to him, but in vain. Thorpe died a lonely man in California on May 28, 1953.Today, as always, many still believe Thorpe was the best athlete that ever lived.

Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.

26. Where was Thorpe's athletic talent discovered?


早在Thorpe還在Carlisle Indian School上學的時候(had his education at the Carlisle Indian School),他的體育教練(athletic coach)就發(fā)現(xiàn)了他卓越的運動才能(splendid athlete),并鼓勵他專心從事運動(concentrate on sports)。故正確答案為C)。

27. How did American people receive Thorpe when he came back from Stockholm in 1912?

B)?!窘馕觥克膫€選項都是They開頭,都是對待某人的態(tài)度,由此可以推測,本題的內(nèi)容可能是關于一些人怎么對待某個人的。 當Thorpe 1912年從Stockholm回來的時候,美國人民為他舉行了游行(parades)和慶祝(celebration)。故正確答案為B)。

28. Why were Thorpe's medals taken away from him?

D)。【解析】四個選項都是Because開頭的,由此可以推測,本題的內(nèi)容是關于某件事情發(fā)生的原因。按照當時的規(guī)則,參加奧林匹克運動會的運動員必須是業(yè)余選手(an amateur),Thorpe曾經(jīng)是職業(yè)選手(professional athlete),這并不符合規(guī)定,所以他的獎牌被收回(taken away)。故正確答案為D)。

Passage Two

About three hundred words in the English language come from the names of people. Many of these words are technical words. When there is a new invention of discovery, a new word may be coined after the inventor or scientist.

It is interesting to observe how many common English words have found their way into the language from the names of people. For example, "sandwich", you may eat everyday. Lord Sandwich who lived from 1718 to 1792 used to sit at the gambling table eating slices of bread with meat in between. This kind of eating tastes delicious.(29)As the Lord was the only one among his friends who ate bread in that way, his friends began to call the"bread-Sandwich"for fun. Later on the word became part of the English language.

The word "boycott" means to refuse to have anything to do with somebody or something. This word is another example. The word comes from a man called Captain Boycott. He was a land agent in 1880 and he collected rents and taxes for an English landowner in Ireland.(30)But the Captain was a very harsh man. He treated his poor tenants very badly. His tenants decided not to speak to him at all. (31)Eventually word got back to the landowner and the Captain was removed. The word "boycott" became popular and was used by everyone to mean the kind of treatment that was received by Captain Boycott.

Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.

29. Who coined the word "sandwich"?

【解析】C)。四個選項都是關于人物的詞,由此可以推測,本題內(nèi)容與人物有關。 由于Lord Sandwich是他的朋友里面唯一一個那樣吃面包的人(only one among his friends who ate bread in that way),他的朋友們開始叫這種食物"bread-Sandwich"(Sandwich面包)??梢娮畛跏褂胹andwich這個詞的人是Lord Sandwich的朋友們。

30. What didn't the tenants like?

【解析】B)。四個選項中有兩個是不定式,有兩個是人物身份,由此可以推測,本題的內(nèi)容可能與人物的態(tài)度有關系。佃農(nóng)們都不喜歡Boycott,因為他對待佃農(nóng)的態(tài)度很差(treated his poor tenants very badly),佃農(nóng)們于是決定不和他說話(not to speak to him)。故正確答案為B)。

31. What did the landowner do when he found out that the tenants were boycotting his agent?

【解析】A)。四個選項都是He開頭描述某人的行動,由此可以推測,本題的內(nèi)容是關于某個人采取的行動。 當?shù)刂靼l(fā)現(xiàn)佃農(nóng)抵制Captain Boycott后,地主就把他換掉了(the Captain was removed),故正確答案為A)。

Passage Three

The family is changing.(32) In the past, grandparents, parents, and children used to live together, and they had an extended family. Sometimes two or more brothers with their wives and children were part of this large family group. But family structure is changing throughout the world. The nuclear family consists of only one father, one mother, and children; it is becoming the main family structure everywhere.

(33)The nuclear family offers married women some advantages: they have freedom from their relatives, and the husband does not have all the power of the family. Studies show that in nuclear families men and women usually make an equal number of decisions about family life.

But wives usually have to "pay" for the benefits of freedom and power. When women lived in extended families, sisters, grandparents, and aunts helped one another with housework and childcare. In addition, older women in a large family group had important positions. Wives in nuclear families do not often enjoy this benefit, and they have another disadvantage, too :(34)women generally live longer than their husbands, so older women from unclear families often have to live alone.

(35)Studies show that women are generally less satisfied with marriage than men are. In the past, men worked outside the home and women worked inside. Housework and childcare were a full-time job, and there was no time for anything else. Now women work outside and have more freedom than they did in the past, but they still have to do most of the housework. The women actually have two full time jobs, and they have not much free time.

Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.

32. Who used to live together in an extended family?

C)?!窘馕觥克膫€選項都是There be開頭描述家庭成員,由此可以推測,本題的內(nèi)容可能涉及某種類型的家庭當中的家庭成員。過去大家庭當中,會有祖父母、父母和子女,有時家族當中還會有幾個兄弟和他們的妻子兒女(two or more brothers with their wives and children)??梢姶蠹彝ギ斨杏泻芏嘤H戚。故C)為正確答案。

33. What advantages does the nuclear family offer women?

A)。【解析】四個選項都是The women開頭描述女性地位的句子,由此可以推測,本題的內(nèi)容可能是跟女性的地位有關的。小家庭(nuclear family)當中的女性有更多的自由,不用時刻面對各種親戚(freedom from their relatives),并且可以參加決策,丈夫不再完全擁有整個家庭的權力(have all the power of the family)。故正確答案為A)。

34. What are some disadvantages of the nuclear family for women?

B)。【解析】四個選項都是關于家庭生活的句子,由此可以推測,本題的內(nèi)容與家庭生活的某個方面有關。由于女性壽命一般比她們丈夫的壽命長(live longer than their husbands),所以小家庭的其中一個缺點是,上了年紀的女性經(jīng)常要一個人孤單地生活(have to live alone)。故正確答案為B)。

35. Why are many women dissatisfied with marriage and the nuclear family?

C)?!窘馕觥克膫€選項都是They開頭表示狀態(tài)或者決定的句子,由此可以推測,本題的內(nèi)容是與某一類人的決定或者他們的狀態(tài)有關。女性對小家庭的不滿主要在于她們除了從事工作,回到家還需要做大部分家務(do most of the housework),很少有自己的空余時間。故正確答案為C)。

Section C

36. infection

【解析】 此處應該填入一個可以被上文deadly修飾的名詞,并且可以引起outbreak。

37. virus

【解析】 此處應該填入一個被rare修飾的名詞。

38. bleed

【解析】 此處應該填入一個動詞,并可以引發(fā)death。

39. outbreak

【解析】 根據(jù)上文control可知此處應該填入一個名詞。

40. contact

【解析】 此處應該填入一個名詞,并且可以與with搭配。

41. fluids

【解析】 此處應該填入一個名詞,被body修飾。

42. happened

【解析】 根據(jù)下文in...可知此處應該填入一個動詞,表示"發(fā)生"。

43. victim

【解析】 此處應該填入一個名詞被first修飾。

44. The problem was that they had no protective equipment to prevent themselves from being infected

【聽音關鍵詞】protective equipment,prevent,infected

45. Now the disease appears to be under control, but no one can promise that for 100 percent

【聽音關鍵詞】disease,under control,promise

46. Scientists are now headed into the jungles of Africa to find out where the virus lives

【聽音關鍵詞】headed into,jungles,virus


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