[Television Day:The baobab tree
[Today our programme is about the baobab tree,
[which grows in West Africa and Australia.
[As you can see,it is a very strange-looking tree.
[Its enormous trunk sometimes as much as ten metres in diameter.
[It is thicker at the bottom than at the top.
[The branches nearest the ground are very long;
[those near the top are very short.
[It may be a strange-looking tree,
[but it is extremely useful.
[Its leaves are good to eat.
[Its white flowers turn into cool,juicy fruit which tastes rather like cucumber.
[There are such strong fibres in the bark,
[that people can make rope and cloth from them.
[When a baobab gets old its trunk becomes hollow.
[An old tree has such a huge,hollow trunk,that it can hold many people.
[The local people often build their houses inside these trunks.
[When it rains,water collects in the hollow
[The tree has such a lot of leaves and branches,
[that the water remains cool and fresh.
[It is such a useful tree,
[some people could hardly live without it.