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Section A

Directions:In this section,you will hear three news reports.At the end of each news report,you will hear two orthre questions.Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once.Afier you hear a question,you mmst choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with asingle line throngh the centre.

Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard.

White meat,such as chicken,may raise blood cholesterol levels as much as red meat docs.Thisfinding  surprised researchers,who admitted they didn't expect that eating white mcat would lead to higher blood cholesterol levels.

In the study,researchers looked at 113 healthy people.The participants ate three different diets.These were a red meat diet which is primarily beef,a white meat diet which is mostly chickenand turkey,and a vegetarian proteindiet.Each diet period was fourwecks.Between the diet periods,participants had a break, during which they ate theirregularfoods.In addition,participants had blood tests at the start and finish of cach new diet.

The results showed that white and redmeat diets had the sameeffects on blood cholesterol levels.Further, both diets increased blood cholesterol levels compared withthe diet built onvegetarian protein sources.

The team acknowledgcd that it is possible that white meat is better for our health than red meat despite their  findings.This is because other cffects of red meat consumption could contribute to heart disease independent of cholesterol.Their main recommendations are that people eat less of both kinds of meat and more vegetarian protein.

1.What do we learn from the news report about the study?

A)It examines the effect of cholesterol onpeople's health.

B)Its participants all had high blood cholesterol levels.

C)It questionsthe benefits of a vegetarian protein diet.

D)Its finding came as a surprise to the researchers.

2.What did the rescarchers acknowledge?

A)They do not know all the effects of eating meat.

B)Red meat itself does not cause heart diseases.

C)White meatmay behealthier than red meat.

D)Vegetarian protein may be easier to absorb.




Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard.

Ataround half past nine this morning,a trailerattached to a lorryturned over at the crossingof High Streetin Milton.Hundredsof frozen turkeys were spilled ll verthe road.It is reported that nobodywas hurt in the incident,but police said it may affect traffic and Christmas dinners.With just one week to go beforc  Christmas,there are worries that local supermarket supplies ofthis holiday favorite may be affected.

A police spokeswoman said that officerswere currently in attendance at the scene,She stated that the driver of the lorry had been arrested on suspicion of dangerous driving.

The crossing on High Street is a well-known accident blackspot.This year alone,there have been seven traffic accidents at this location.Thank fully,none of these accidents have resulted in serious injury.

3.What does the news report say about the accident at the crossing of High Street in Milton?

A)It may havebeen due to the lorry driver's drunk driving.

B)It may affect the local supply ofturkeys for Christmas.

C)It interrupted traffic for several hoursrunning.

D)It wascaused by a lorry running into a trailer.

4.What do we learn about the crosing on High Street?

A)It has been the scene of several fatal accidents recently.

B)It is the spot that causes the local police a lot of worry.

C)It has witnessed severaltraffic accidents this year.

D)It is a location frequented by local traffic police.




Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard.

India launched its helicopter taxi service on Monday,promising to ferry customers the 40 miles between Bangalore's Electronic City tech hub and the International Airport terminal in 15 minutes.

Customers can book their helicopter ride through a mobile app.The service,which claims to be the firs of its kind in India,offers only one route,but Bangalore airport will add more once it gets approval.

Helicopter taxi is not an affordable option for many travelers.A car ride for the same journey costsles than half as much.But Bangalore airport says it is a competitive alternative to a car ride for tech executives in  a hurry.“A large number of high-class travelers,including CEOs,have to spend more than three hours by road  to  get there—and that is a loss of time,”a Bangalore airport spokesperson said.“Thisis not a low cos option,but it is an option,”she added.

The helicopters ferried around eight customers to the airport on their first day.The company that owns and operates the service is called Thumby Aviation.It previously specialized in private charter flights for government officials.

5.What is Bangalore airport trying to do about the helicopter taxi service?

A)Get approval to add more routes.

B)Attract more internationaltourists.

C)Advertise it through a mobile app.

D)Make it affordable to common folk.

6.What do we learn from thenews report about the helicopter taxi ride?

A)It costs more than twice as much as a car ride.

B)It is gaining popularity among ordinary Indians.

C)It symbolizes India's advancement inhigh-tech.

D)It can get any where in thecity with in 15 minutes.

7.Who are the targeted customers of the helicopter taxi service?

A)International tourists.

B)High-class travelers.

C)Prominent superstars.

D)Customers in a hurry.





Section B

Directions:In this section,you will hear two long conversations.At the end of each conversation,you will hear four qzestions.Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.Aferyou hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letteron Answer Sheet 1 with a single linethrough the centre.

Questions 8 to ll are based on the conversation you have just heard.

W:Hi,I wish to buy some cheese for a barbecue this weekend.

M:What kind would you like?

W:Sorry,I don't know much about cheese.What type do you think would be suitable for a barbecue?

M:That's easy!For a barbecue,you could haveany cheese you want.I imagine there will be different foods and people will just help themselves and eat at their own pace,right?

W:Yes,exactly.Itwill be very casual.We will just be a small group of friends gathering together at Washington Park. There will be around 20 of us,including children.

M:Great!So you could have different types of cheesc.How much would you like to spend? 

W:Not verymuch.Let's  say $30.

M:I would suggest having at least one soft cheese and one hard cheese.That will offer you a good variety to suit different people's tastes.

W:That sounds good.What's the difference between a soft cheese and a hardcheese?

M:Well,it depends.But generally speaking,soft cheesesarecreamy and go well with sweet things like honey and jam.I would suggest something like this Spanish goat cheese.It's only $15,a very good price.You can spread it on bread with a knife,and then add a tiny bit of honey on top.It's delicious.Children love it.

W:Okay,great.What about ahard cheese?

M:Yes,for hard cheese,I would recommend this Italian one here.It has a verystrong smelland a dry flavor.You can cut it into thin slices and eat it on its own.It's $16.

W:Okay,I'll take  both. Thank you for your help.

8.What does the woman plan todo for the wekend?  

A)Treat her friends in abar.

B)Take a trip to Washington

C)Make some cheese.

D)Throw aparty.

9.What does the man suggest the woman do?

A)Spend no more than 30 dollars

B)Buy different kindsof cheese.

C)Help him prepare the barbecue.

D)Find out different people's tastes

10.Whatdoes the man say about Spanish goat checse? 

A)It is the best kind of hardcheese.

B)It is the most popular in Spain

C)It is more delicious than honey.

D)It is agood choice for children.

11.What is the woman going to do at theend of the conversation?

A)Buy what the man recommended.

B)Have a taste of both of the cheeses.

C)Choose one of the two types of cheese.

D)Askthe man to cut the cheese into slices.






Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard . 

M:Our school isreplacing printed textbooks with e-textbooks next semester.I can't wait

W:Really?What about the cost,not only buying all thosetablets,but the software and clectronic infrastructure that goes with it,not to mention retraining all the teachers and administration staff?

M:Sure,the initialexpenditure willbe high,but much lower afterwards.Besidesthat,tablet prices continue to dropand are becoming increasingly affordable.Anyway,tablets help students learn up to 80%faster

W:Not necessarily.Tablets have too many distractions.Students may pay attention to apps,games and websites instead of thcir teaches.In fact,rescarch suggests that people who read printed text comprehend  more,remembermore and learn 30% more than thosewho read digitaltext.

M:Yes.But tablets contain many technological features that are not found in printed textbooks.Think about it.Studentsare ableto highlight and edit text,writenotes andscarch for information much morequicklythan they can with printed textbooks.And what about all those trees thatarecut down to make printed books?  

W: Actually,manufacturing tablets is environmentally destructive and dangerous to human health.The health impacts from making one electronic reader are 70 times greater than those from making a single printed book.A lot of minerals are extracted from the earth to make electronic readers.It does far more damage to the environment.

M:Yes.But the software for electronic readers can be updated instantly without the need for buying a whole lot of new books.That's better for the environment.

W:But the core curriculum doesn't change that much.Printed textbooks that are not brand new,still contain the basic relevantinformation of core subjects.

M:Well,I'm looking forward to the changc.

W:I'l stick with my printed books.

12.What does the woman say aboutusing c-textbooks?  

A)Newteachers and staff have to be recruited.

B)It might take some time for students to adapt.

C)It involves buying lots of tablets and software.

D)The software has to be constantly upgraded.

13.According to the man,how can the use of tablets benefit students?

A)It can greatly improve their learning efficiency.

B)It can help themto interact morewith teachers.

C)It can save their trouble of carrying printed books.

D)It can develop their skillsin using electronic devices.

14.What does the woman say about students using tablets?

A)They may have trouble comprehending texts.

B)They may encounter technological problems.

C)They may pay less respect to teachers.

D)They may get distractedmore easily.

15.What does the woman say about making electronic readers?

A)It generates a great deal of electronic garbage.

B)It does a lotof damage totheenvironment.

C)It emits huge amounts of harmful radiation.

D)It accelerates the exhaustion of rare minerals.


12.C)【精析】事實細節(jié)題。對話開頭,男士非常期待下學(xué)期使用電子課本,女士卻不以為然,她認為使用電子課本不僅要購買平板電腦,還要購買配套的軟件和電子設(shè)備,還要對所有教師和管理人員進行再培訓(xùn),這需要花費很多錢。由此可知,使用電 子課本需要購買平板電腦和軟件。因此,答案為C)。




Section C

Directions: In this section,yow will hear three passages.At the end of each passage,you wil hear three or four questions.Both the passage and the questions will be spoken ony once.Afier you hear a question,youmust choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B), C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.

Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.

In social psychology,the term“person perception”refers to themental processes that we use to form  impressions of other people.It includes not just how we form these impressions,but the conclusions we make about other people based on our impressions.Consider how often you make this kindof judgment every day.When you meet with a new coworker,you immediately begin to develop an initial impression of this person.Whenyou visit the grocery store,you might draw conclusions about the cashier who checks you out

Obviously,person perception is a very subjective process that can be affected by a number of variables, including the characteristicsof the person you are observing,the context of the situation,your own personal traits,and your past experiences

One of the techniques we usein person perception is social categorization.In this process,we mentally categorize people into different groups based on common characteristics.

Problems with this technique include the fact that it can lead to errors and prcjudice.Imagine thatyou  aregetting on a bus.There are only two seatsavailable.Oneis next toasmall,clderlywoman;the other is next to a muscular,fierce-looking man.You sit next to the clderly woman,whounfortunately turns out tobe quite skilled at picking pockets.

Because of social categorization,you immediately judge the woman as harmless,and the man as threatening,leading tothe lossof your wallet.

16.What does the passage say we tend to do every day?

A)Communicate with our coworkers.

B)Encounter people in different places.

C)Judge people based on ourfirst impressions.

D)Engage in a variety of psychological activities.

17.What do we learn about person perception from this passage?

A)It is an objective evaluationof a person's character.

B)It is a mental process influenced by many factors.

C)It contributes to the formation of personal traits.

D)It varies greatly among different social groups.

18.What is the problem with using socia categorization in person perception?

A)It can lead to incorrectjudgments.            

B)It can cause mistrustamong people.   

C)It can result in instant losses.      

D)It can giverise to gender bias.


16.C)【精析】細節(jié)推斷題。短文開頭指出,“個體知覺” 不僅包括我們?nèi)绾涡纬蓪λ说挠∠?,還包括我們根據(jù)這些印象對他人做出的結(jié)論,并舉例說明我們經(jīng)常做這樣的事情。由此可知,我們經(jīng)常根據(jù)第一印象對他人做出判斷。因此答案為C)。

17.B)【精析】事實細節(jié)題。短文中提到,個體知覺是一個非常主觀的過程,它會受到許多變量的影響。 因此,答案為B)。

18.A)【精析】事實細節(jié)題。短文中提到,我們在個體知覺中使用的一個技巧是社會分類,在這個過程中, 我們根據(jù)共同的特征在心理上將人們分為不同的群體。這種技巧的問題是它可能導(dǎo)致錯誤和偏見。因此,答案為A)。

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.

Despite smartphones and social media,young people today are as socially competent as those from the previous generation.At least this is what a new study suggests.

For the study,researchers compared teacher and parent evaluations of American children who started kindergarten in 1998,with those who began school in 2010.The former group entered kindergarten when mobile phoneswere luxuries.The latter group started school when mobile deviccs werewidespread

Results showed both groups of children were rated similarly on important social skills.These included their  ability to form and maintain friendships and get along with people who are different.They were also rated similarly on self-control,such as the ability to regulate their temper.

In virtually every comparison made,ratings of social skills either remain constant or improved for the chidren born later.There was one exception:Social skills were slightly lower for children who accessec online games and social networking sites many times a day.

Adults are worried when technological change starts to undermine traditional rclationships particularly the parent-child relationship

The introduction of telephones,automobiles and radio all led to moral panic among adults of the time  because the technology allowed children to enjoymore freedom.Fearsover screen-based technology represent the most recent panic in response to technological change.But overall,the study found little evidence that time spent on screens was hurting social skills for most children.

19.What does the new study suggest about young people today and those from the previous generation?

A)Both groups spend a lot of time on mobile devices.

B)Bothgroups attach importance to social connections.

C)They are equally competent in using newtechnology.

D)They aresimilar in terms of social skills.

20.What did the study find about children who accessed social networking sites many times a day?

A)Their social skills were negativelyaffected.

B)Their school performance wasslightly lower.

C)Their emotionsweremuchharder to regulate.

D)Their relations with peers were badly strained.

21.What is adults'worry about technological change?  

A)It may pose athreat to theirchildren's safety.

B)It may affect society's traditional values.

C)It may hurt their relations with children.

D)It may change their children's ethical values.



20.A)【精析】事實細節(jié)題。短文中提到,盡管兩個群體在測試中得分相當,但有一個例外:一天多次訪問在線游戲和社交網(wǎng)站的兒童社交技能稍低。由此可知, 一天多次訪問社交網(wǎng)站的兒童,其社交技能會受到負面影響。因此,答案為A)。


Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.

It's easy tospendall day searchingfor inspiration.Youcan find incredible videos,articles and news stories about the success of others.

The problem is that consuming the success and ideas of others is passive inspiration. Every time you read an article or listen to an interview,you're practicing pasive inspiration.You might learnsomething,but  you don't actually have to doanything.Hearing about other people's success isn't the same as creating your own.

Instead,it is through the process of active inspiration—-the act of creating things,applying new ideas to our goals,and making mistakes—that we discover who we are and what is important to us.Furthermore  active inspiration is what results in long-term passion and enthusiasm.Watching someone else'ssuccess migh  leave youfecling cxcited for a few minutes.However,taking action andapplying a new idea to your life wil inspire you more than anything someone else can say.

Learning and listeningcan help youthink about things in a different way.But creating,producing,and experimenting is what drives you forward.Passive inspiration can give you ideas,but active inspiratio wil give you power.

Too often we spend our lives consuming the worldaround us instead of creating it.And what matters is the power your actions have to inspire you.The best inspiration comes from the application of ideas,not th consumption of them.

22.What does the speaker say about inspiration from consuming others'ideas and success stories?

A)It is motivating.

B)It is passive.

C)It is incredible.

D)It is impracticable.

23.What do we learn from the passage about active inspiration?

A)It results in short-term excitement.

B)It helps us avoid making mistakes

C)It breeds long-term passion and enthusiasm.

D)It is boundto helpus achieve greater success.

24.What does the passage say passive inspiration can do?

A)Driveus forward.

B)Bring uspower.

C)Spur us to action.

D)Give us ideas

25.Where does the best inspiration come from according to the passage?

A)Listening to success stories.

B)Applying ideas to one's life.

C)Following the advice of experts.

D)Consuming the world around us.



23.C)【精析】事實細節(jié)題。短文中提到,積極的靈感會帶來長期的激情和熱情。因此,答案為C)。C)選項中的breeds與原文中的results in屬于同義替換,表示“引起”。




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