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Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.

Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard.

Operations at one of Australia's largest gold mines had to be temporarily suspended on Friday after a partial wall collapse at one of the mine's dams.

The wall collapse at the Cadia mine came just a few days after two earthquakes hit the area.

The damage to the dam wall was noticed in the late afternoon onFriday when workers founda section of the northern dam wall had collapsed into the southern dam.

The dams contain waste products of mining and can contain materials which are harmful to the environment and  human health.

The dams are generally constructed using earth-fill andare gradually raised over time.

The company was unable to confirm whether the recent earthquakes had contributed to the dam's wall collapse,but said it was conducting a thorough investigation.

A company spokesperson said the operations at the site had been halted while the investigation is ongoing and that the break had posed no safety thrcat to workers.

1.What happened at one of Australia's largest gold mines?

A)Part of its dam wall collapsed.

B)It released a lot of harmful gases.

C)It was destroyed by an carthquake.

D)Some minerswere trapped underground.

2.What did the spokesperson say about the incident? 

A)It posed a safety threat to the miners.

B)It caused damage too heavy to assess.

C)It brought the mine's operations to a halt.

D)It was followed by two more earthquakes.




Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard.

Two boys and four girls were born on Monday to the surprise of a young couple and doctors who had expected  five babies.

This was the first record of six babies being born at the same time in that region.The doctors prepared from early in the morning to help deliver five tiny citizens.They were in the operating room with five teams of doctors,one for each baby.

The first five babies were delivered successfully,and all baby beds were occupied.And then all of a sudden,it turned out there was another waiting to come out.

The doctor said the babies were in healthy condition,but could not go home immediately.They needed to stay in the hospital for two to three months for medical supervision.

Themother who is instable condition could return home a day later if all physical tests came back normal. The babies'mother commented that they had already prepared room for five babies at home,so they will have to  rearrange things for their happy surprise.The new parents have yet to name the sixth baby but are considering either Lily or Rose.

3.What did the hospital do for the delivery of the babies?

A)It prepared beds for all the six new citizens.

B)It assigned a team ofdoctors for each expected baby.

C)It made ample preparations for various possibilities.

D)It brought in the most advanced instruments.

4.What did the doctor say about the newborns?

A)They had to undergo 2-3 physical checkups.

B)They were all of normal size except the sixth.

C)They could go home together with their mother a day later.

D)They needed to stay in the hospital for a couple of months.




Qucstions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard.

A Spanish island called Palmador has been bought by a family from Europe for 18 million euros.The island is often described as heaven on earth by holidaymakers.

For decades tourists have been flocking to Palmador,which is located off the southeastcoast of Spain They come to enjoy its unspoiled beaches and crystal clear waters.Itsnatural beauty is protected as it lies inside a  naturalpark.

Although Palmador isoneof the most famous privateislands in the world,its seafront is public land and is a favorite destination for famous people.When the island was put up for sale,it was offered to the local governmentbut proved tooexpensivefor thelocal authorities.Itis unclear whether the new owners have the power to ban tourists from the island.But with their newfound luxury comes the responsibility forits protection and maintenance.The island is less than two miles long andhalf a mile wide.It is said to have a remarkable

location that few other private islands of this size can match,according to estate agents.Palmador is the perfect place to retreat to,somewhere to get away from the city noise and relax in beautifulsuroundings with zer stress.

5.What do we learnfrom the news report about the Spanish island Palmador?

A)It is owned by the local government.

B)It hasbeen turned into a public park.

C)It has been bought by an American.

D)It is a perfect tourist destination.

6.What do holidaymakers come to Palmador to enjoy?

A)Its seafood.

B)Its unusual coastline. 

C)Its unspoiled beaches.

D)Its architecture.

7.What do estate agents say about Palmador?

A)It has an unmatched location.

B)It is worth over 18 million euros.

C)It has beautiful weather all year round.

D)It is an ideal place to meet famous stars.


5.D)【精析】細節(jié)推斷題。新聞開頭提到,一個歐洲家庭 以1,800萬歐元買下了一座名為帕爾馬多的西班牙島嶼。度假者常將該島描述為人間天堂。由此可推斷,西班牙帕爾馬多島是完美的度假勝地,因此答案為D)。



Section B

Directions: In this section,you will hear two long conversations.At the end of each conversation,you will hear four questions.,Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)andD)。Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.

Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

M:Hi,Christie's GymCenter.How can Ihelp you?

W:Hi,I'm calling to ask about the newlyscheduled gym classes.I'm just wondering if I canget a discount on them.

M:Are you already a member?

W:Yes,I signed up two months ago,but I haven't been to any of the group classes yet M:Can I take your name please?

W:Yes.My name isCarol Friedman.

M:Carol Friedman.That's right.And yousigned up two months ago.Currently we are offering existing members discounts off two of our brand new classes,hot yoga,and advanced spinning,but the discount doesn't apply to any of our regular classes I'm afraid.

W:I'm only interested in the new clases.So how much of adiscount is there on these two new classes?

M:The same discount of 20%is being offered to everyone at the door ona"first come,first served"basis for the first month.It's a shame you missed out on the gencraldiscount.

W:I see.

M:But you can get 25%off if you signup in advance.Which of the two classesare you thinking about?

W:Well,I guess I am only really interested in hot yoga.Can you sign me up for the 10-week course on Thursday evenings?

M:Sure.Would you prefer to pay in advance?

W:No,I don't like giving my card details over the phone anyway

M:Okay,then.As you are already a member,the fee of the class will just be added toyour monthly bill 

W:That's perfect.Thanks for your help.

M:Sce you Thursday.

8.What do we learn about the woman from the conversation?     

A)She has been attendingsome group classes.

B)She has registered for twonewgymclasses.

C)She becamea member of the gym two monthsago.

D)She is entitled to a discount on all the gym exercises.

9.What is the gym center doing right now? 

A)Considering the promotion of its regular classes.

B)Taking measures to expand its exercise programs.

C)Recruiting coaches for hot yoga and advanced spinnng.

D)Offering existing members a discount off two new classes.

10.What does the man say is a pity for the woman?

A)Shemissed the deadline for the 10-week course.

B)She missed out on the gym's general discount

C)She didn't sign up for membership in time.

D)Shewasn't so much interested in hot yoga.

11.Why is the woman unwilling to pay in advance?

A)She doesn't want to reveal her card detailsover the phone.

B)She doesn't think it wise to pay before attending any class.

C)She might have to cancel her registration any minute.

D)She prefers to have the fee added to her monthly bill.






Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

M:Well,I think that wasquitea successful trip in the end.Don't you think,Jenny?

W:Absolutely.There are lots of great potential markets here in China.So I'm sure that the head office in London will be pleased once we get back and present our research.

M:Okay.We've got a bit of spare time now.Can we discus the return trip to the head office?

W:Sure.I've checked the availability of fights from Bejing to London on the 22nd and you have a choice. There's a flight arriving the following morning,with a two-hour stopover in Dubai,or a flight arriving at 11:30 in the evening,with a five-hour stopover in Amsterdam.

M: Right.Well,that's obvious then,isn't it?

W:Okay,so that's Dubai.I've booked a room in a hotel about a mile from the office.The nearest metro stationis Earl's Court.

M:Great.Can you find a map that shows where the hotel is and send it to me online? I've never been to the head office,you know.I wantto see if I canget one of those rentalbicyclesandride to the officejust for fun.For the presentation,I'll bring my own laptop and hook it up to their projector.Do you remember the capacityof their meeting room?

W:No,but I'll check.

M:Just one more thing.I'll pay everything with my own card,right?And I'llsubmit my claims form afterwards.

W:No problem.Just remember to kecp all your receipts.You remember the trouble you had last time. 

M:Oh,don't remind me.

12.Why are the speakers in China?

A)To make investments.

B)To sign abusiness contract.

C)To research new markets.

D)To open a new office.

13.Where will the man stop over on his way to London?




D)Earl's Court.

14.What does the man ask the woman to do?

A)Rent a bike for him to get around the town.

B)Reserve a meeting room in the head office.

C)Help him prepare his presentation.

D)Send him a map of the hotel area.

15.What did the woman remindthe man to do attheend ofthe conversation?

A)Bring his projector.

B)Keep all his receipts.

C)Submit his claims form.

D)Pay with his credit card.



13.A)【精析】事實細節(jié)題。對話中兩人討論了回倫敦的航班,女士提供了兩種供選擇的路線,次日早上抵達的航班需要在迪拜停留兩小時,晚上11:30抵達 的航班需要在阿姆斯特丹停留五小時。男士表示結果很明顯了,女士確認那就訂在迪拜停留的航 班。因此,答案為A)。



Section C

Directions: In this section,you will hearthree passages.At the end of each passage,you will hear three or four questions.Both thepassage and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.

Questions 16 to 18 are basedon the passage you have just heard.

Anew study has demonstrated the importance of women's rights.Theresearchers behind the study state  thatmany parts of the world have made good economic progress,but women's rights are often overlooked. Thus,they wanted to determine if there was a link between protection of women's rights and public health

The researchersanalyzed databaseswhich held information from 162countries for the period 2004 to 2010.

Countries were classified according to the respect they gave to women's economic andsocial rights.There were three categories.They were high,moderate,and poor

Analysis of the data showed that countries with strongwomen's rights had better health than those where women's rights were not as respected

The health indicators studied included discase prevention,reproductive health,death rates,and life expectancy.

Furthermore,in countries where women's rights were most respected,but where access to hospitals and doctors was below average,health outcomes were still better than in countries rated as moderate or poor. This confirms that even with a lack of resources,if a country has strong women's rights,the health  outcomes are better.

Thus,the researchers argued that gender cquality s notjusta women's rights issue.Itis also a development  issue.This is because better health aidseconomic development.They note that the value of women's right has often been questioned from an economic standpoint. Some have argued that ensuring those rights would limit progress,but this study indicates the opposite.

16.What did the researchers of the new study try to determinc?  

A)Whether a country's educational level is linked to women's rights.

B)Whether women's rights aremaking good progress around the world

C)Whether a country's protection of women's rights is related to its public health.  

D)Whether women's rights are more often overlooked in less-developed countries.

17.What does the passage say about countries lacking in medical resources?

A)Their people still havebetterhealth if women's rights are respected.

B)They must make efforts to increase women's access to health care.

C)Their people tend to attach importance to women's rights.

D)They need to invest more in hospital staff and facilities.

18.What has often been qucstioned regarding women's rights?

A)Their link with a country's publichealth.

B)Their potential impact on social progress.

C)Their value to a country's international image.

D)Their positive effect on economic development.


16.C)【精析】事實細節(jié)題。短文開頭提到, 一項新的研究證明了婦女權利的重要性。研究人員表示,世界上許多地方都取得了良好的經(jīng)濟進步,但婦女的權利往往被忽視。因此,他們想確定保護婦女權利與公共健康之間是否存在聯(lián)系。由此可知,答案為C)。



Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.

Sunshine and high temperatures can mean picnics and parks and trips to beaches,but they can mak your body react in some strange ways.

First,sunshine can actually affect your breath.You may think that summer is the perfect time to go ona date orchatwith an attractive boy or girl.But excessive heat can cause you to lose water,which has beer  proven to have a pretty unattractive side effect—bad brcath

When you are lacking water,your mouth becomes dry.Bacteria accumulate because there isn't enough water in your mouth to wash it away.Sunshine can stop you from sweating,too.The body's normal temperature  is 36 to 37 degrees centigrade.Butif it heats up to 40 to 41 degrees,youmay find yourselfgetting heatstroke.At  that point,your heat regulatory system can essentially quit,which stops you from sweating as your body triesto  keep water around your vital organs

However,the sun can have a positive influence on your body by raising your energy levels.You migh feellike the sun is giving you extraenergy for your day,which is actually happening.

And vitamin D from sunshine can help your body to absorb certain minerals,which are linked to building stronger bones.Therefore,I suggest you spend more time in the park with your friends,but make sure you apply lots of skin protection and fill up those water bottles,too.

19.What does the pasage say about hot sunshine?

A)It creates a wonderfulsetting for dating.

B)It may cause strange physical reactions.

C)It turns parks into picnic sites.

D)It may result in a crowded beach.

20..What does the passage say is a negativeside effect of water loss?

A)Breathing difficulty.

B)Bad breath.

C)Excessive sweating.

D)High blood pressure.

21.What is saidto be a posiive effect of sunshine?  

A)It protects people against bacteria.

B)It enablespeople to build up endurance.

C)It accelerates people'sblood circulation.

D)It provides people with extraenergy.





Questions 22 to 25 arebased on the passage you havejust heard.

Left-handed people can find it inconvenient to do certain things,writing in a notebook for example,but there are a number of advantages of being lefthanded.Research found that they were overrepresented among fighters in combat sports.Left-handed fighters also had higher chances to win.This confirms the fighter thcory.

Left-handers may also be better at remembering events.The explanation is that the two brain spheres of left-handers are more strongly connected.

Being left-handed might be a factor in mathematical ability.An Italian study found that for simple arithmetic there was little difference between right-and left-handed performance,but for more difficult problem-solving,left-handers won out.No one understands the reason for this.

Left-handed people may think differently.In one study,researchers showed the participants columns of abstract illustrations and asked them which ones they would prefer.Left-handed people were more likely to prefer the images on the left.Right-handed people preferred the oneson the right.Both groups dislikedstuff on their opposite side.

Left-handers are also overrepresented in professional,interactive sports.Researchers have looked at the  influence of being left-handed on performance and interactive sports.Those that require the fastes reaction give left-handers the biggest advantage.So if you have a left-handed child,you should encourage them to play table tennis,baseball and tennis.Being left-handed maximizes their chances of success in these sports.

22.What does the passage say about left-handed people?

A)They are more likely to win in combat sports.

B)They arein the minority among the population.

C)They have a higher chanceof joining sports teams.

D)They have moredisadvantages in getting ahead.

23.What is said to be special about left-handed people?

A)Their brain is more powerful than that of right-handed people.

B)The left side of their brain is more powerful than its right side.

C)They tend to be a lot more aggressive than right-handed people.

D)Their brain has a stronger connection between its two sides.

24.Why are left-handed people better at solving more difficult problems?

A)Theyhave a larger brain.

B)It still remains unknown.

C)It is related to their genes.

D)They arebetter at reasoning.

25.What should parents do about a left-handed child?

A)Teach them how to perform tasks with their right hand.

B)Help them fully develop their mathematical abilities.

C)Encourage them to play fast-paced interactive sports.

D)Advise them to choose jobs that require quick reactions.




24.B)【精析】事實細節(jié)題。短文中提到,意大利的一項研究發(fā)現(xiàn),對于簡單的算術,左利手和右利手的表現(xiàn)幾乎沒有差別,而對于解決更困難的問題,左利手更勝一籌。沒有人能理解這其中的原因。由此可知,左利手更擅長解決難題仍是未解之謎,因此 答案為B)。



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