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Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I with a single line through the centre.

Questions 1 and 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

1. A) Magazine reporter.  

B) Fashion designer.

C) Website designer.  

D) Features editor.

2. A) Designing sports clothing.  

B) Consulting fashion experts.

C) Answering daily emails.  

D) Interviewing job- seekers.

3. A) It is challenging.  

B) It is fascinating.

C) It is tiresome.  

D) It is fashionable.

4. A) Her persistence.  

B) Her experience.

C) Her competence.  

D) Her confidence.

Questions 5 and 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

5. A) It is enjoyable.  

B) It is educational.

C) It is divorced from real life.  

D) It is adapted from a drama.

6. A) All the roles are played by famous actors and actresses.

B) It is based on the real- life experiences of some celebrities.

C) Its plots and events reveal a lot about Frankie's actual life.

D) It is written, directed, edited and produced by Frankie himself.

7. A) Go to the theater and enjoy it.  

B) Recommend it to her friends.

C) Watch it with the man.  

D) Download and watch it.

8. A) It has drawn criticisms from scientists.  

B) It has been showing for over a decade.

C) It is a ridiculous piece of satire.  

D) It is against common sense.

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear two passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best amswer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I with a single line through the centre.

Questions 9 and 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.

9. A) They ate likely to get injured when moving too fast.

B) They believe in team spirit for good performance.

C) They need to keep moving to avoid getting hurt.

D) They have to learn low to avoid body contact.

10. A) They do not have many years to live after retirement.

B) They tend to live a longer lite with early retirement.

C) They do not start enjoying life until full retirement.

D) They keep themselves busy even after retirement.

11. A) It prevents us from worrying.

B) It slows down our aging process.

C) It enables us to accomplish more in life.

D) It provides us with more chances to learn.

Questions 12 and 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.

12. A) It tends to dwell upon their joyous experiences.

B) It wanders for almost half of their waking time.

C) It has trouble concentrating after a brain injury.

D) It tends to be affected by their negative feelings.

13. A) To find how happiness relates to daydreaming.

B) To observe how one's mind affects one's behavior.

C) To see why daydreaming impacts what one is doing.

D) To study the relation between health and daydreaming.

14. A) It helps them make good decisions.

B) It helps them tap their potentials.

C) It contributes to their creativity.

D) It contributes to clear thinking.

15. A) Subjects with clear goals in mind outperformed those without clear goals.

B) The difference in performance between the two groups was insignificant.

C) Non- daydreamers were more focused on their tasks than daydreamers.

D) Daydreamers did better than non- daydreamers in task performance.

Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear three recordings of lectures or talks followed by three or four questions. The recordings will be played only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I with a single line through the centre.

Questions 16 to 18 are based on the recording you have just heard.

16. A) They are the oldest buildings In Europe.  

B) They are part of the Christian tradition.

C) They are renovated to attract tourists.  

D) They are in worsening condition.

17. A) They have a history of 14 centuries.  

B) They are 40 metres tall on average.

C) They are without foundations.  

D) They consist of several storeys.

18. A) Wood was harmonious with nature.  

B) Wooden buildings kept the cold out.

C) Timber was abundant in Scandinavia.  

D) The Vikings liked wooden structures.

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the recording you have just heard.

19. A) Similarities between human babies and baby animals.

B) Cognitive features of different newly born mammals.

C) Adults’influence on children.

D) Abilities of human babies.

20. A) They can distinguish a happy tune from a sad one.

B) They love happy melodies more than sad ones.

C) They fall asleep easily while listening to music.

D) They are already sensitive to beats and rhythms.

21. A) Infants' fa cial expressions.  

B) Babies' emotions.

C) Babies' interaction with adults.  

D) Infants' behaviors.

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.

22. A) It may harm the culture of today's workplace.

B) It may hinder individual career advancement.

C) It may result in unwillingness to take risks.

D) It may put too much pressure on team members.

23. A) They can hardly give expression to their original views.

B) They can become less motivated to do projects of their own.

C) They may find it hard to get their contributions recognized.

D) They may eventually lose their confidence and creativity.

24. A) They can enlarge their professional circle.

B) They can get chances to engage in research.

C)They can make the best use of their expertise.

D)They can complete the projectmore easily. 

25.A)It may cause lots of arguments in a team.

B)Itmay prevent making a timely decision.

C)It may give rise toa lot of unnecessary expenses.

D)It may deprive a team of business opportunities.

Section A

Conversation One

M: Today our guest is Rosie Melinda,who works as a features editor for a fashion magazine. Hi, Rosie.You' rea features editor at one of the most widely- read women's magazines in the UK. What kind of responsibilities does that job entail?

W: We spend our days looking at ideas from journalists, writing copy for the magazine and website and editing. We do random things like asking people in the street questions and testing sports clothing. We also do less tangible things like understanding what our readers want. It's certainly varied and sometimes bizarre.

M: During your working day what kind of work might you typically do?

W: My day mainly incorporates responding to emails,writing and editing stories and coming up with new feature ideas.

M: How does the job of features editor differ from that of fashion editor or other editorial positions?

W: The features team deals with articles such as careers, reports, confidence and confessions, everything except fashion and beauty.

M: A lot of people believe that working at a magazine is a glamorous job.Is this an accurate representation of what you do?

W: I'd say it's glamorous to an extent, but not in the way it's portrayed in films. We do have our moments such as interviewing celebrities and attending parties, which isa huge thrill. Ultimately though, we' re the same as our readers, but working in a job we' re all very lucky to have.

M: Did you have to overcome any difficulties to reach this point in your career? How did you manage to do this?

W: I had to be really persistent and it was very hard work. After three years of working in a petrol station and doing unpaid work I still hadn't managed to get an entry level job. I was lucky that my last desperate attempt led to a job. I told myself that all experiences make you a better journalist in the long run and luckily, I was right.

1. What is the woman's profession?

2.What is one of the woman's main responsibilities?

3.What do many people think about the woman's job?

4.What helped the woman to get her current position?

Conversation Two

W: Are you watching any good shows these days?

M: Actually, yes.I'm watching a great sat ire called Frankie. I think you'd like it.

W: Really? What's it about?

M: It's about a real guy named Frankie. He is a famous comedian in New York and the show is a mixture of comedy and drama loosely depicting his life.

W: I'm sorry. Do you mean to say, it's a real- life series about a real person? It's non- fiction, is it?

M: No... Not really, no. It's fiction, as what happens in every episode is made up. However, the lead role is a comedian by the name of Frankie, and he plays himself. So Frankie in both real life and in the TV show lives in New York City, is a comic, is divorced, and has two little daughters. All those things are true, but aside from him, all his friends and family are played by actors. And the plots and the events that take place are also invented.

W: Oh, I think I see now. That sounds like a very original concept.

M: Yes, it is. In fact,the whole show is written, directed, edited and produced by him, and is very funny and has won many awards.

W: That's cool.I will try to download it. I'm watching a comedy called The Big Bang Theory. It's a huge hit around the world.

M: Oh, yes. I' ve heard of it, but never actually watched it.

W: Well, then you should check it out. It's also very funny.It's about four male scientists and a female waitress. The men are very socially awkward but very bright. And this is contrasted by the lady's social skills and common sense.[8] The show has been running for over ten years, and some of the actoirs are practically global superstars. Now that they are such famous celebrities.

5.What does the man think of the satire Frankiehe recently watched?

6.What does the man say is special about the satire Frankie?

7.What does the woman say she is going to do with the sat ire Frankie?

8.What does the woman say about the comedy The Big Bang Theoy?

Section B

Passage One

Related to the“ use- it- or- lose- it” law is the“ keep- moving” principle. We learned about stagnation from nature. A river that stops moving gets smelly. The same thing happens to people who stop moving, either mentally or physically. Those who play contact sports know. that the player who usually gets hurt the most is the one who is standing still. Of course, you' ll need some time to catch your breath every so often, but the essential message is keep- moving, - extending and - learning. Ships last a lot longer when they go to sea than when they stay in the harbor. The same is true for airplanes. You don't preserve an airplane by keeping it on the ground. You preserve it by keeping it in service. We also get to live a long healthy life by staying in service. Longevity statistics reveal that the average person doesn't last very long after retirement. The more we' ll hear is“ Don't retire”. If a fellow says“I'm 94 years old and I worked all my life”, we need to realize that is how he got to be 94, by staying involved. George Bernard Shaw won a Nobel Prize when he was nearly 70. Benjamin Franklin produced some of his best writings at the age of 84, and Pablo Picasso put brush to canvas right through his eighties. Isn't the issue how old we think we are?A bonus with the“ keep- moving” principle is that while we keep moving, we don't have a chance to worry. Hence we avoid the dreaded paralysis by analysis.

9.What does the speaker say about players of contact sports?

10.What do longevity statistics reveal about the average person?

11.What bonus does the"keep-moving"principle bring usaccording to the speaker?

Passage Two

In 2014, one in sixteen Americans visited the hospital emergency room for home injuries. One of the main causes of these accidents? A wandering mind!By one estimate, people daydream through nearly half of their waking hours. Psychologists have recently focused on the tendency to think about something other than the task one is doing. For one experiment, researchers developed an app to analyze the relationship between daydreaming and happiness. They found that the average person's mind wandered most frequently about 65% of the time during personal activities, such as brushing their teeth and combing their hair. Respondents' minds tended to wander more when they felt upset rather than happy. They were more likely to wander to ward pleasant topics than unpleasant ones. How do daydreams affect daydreamers?A wandering mind leaves us vulnerable when driving. In one study, researchers interviewed 955 people involved in traffic accidents, the majority of them reported having daydream just before the accident.Yet other research suggests that daydreaming has benefits. Researches have found that it gives us a chance to think about our goals and it also seems to increase creativity. In one experiment, 145 undergraduates completed four unusual uses tasks, each requiring them to list as many uses as possible for an everyday object. After the first pair of tasks was completed, one group of participants was assigned an undemanding activity intended to cause their minds to wander. When all the participants proceeded to the second pair of tasks,the daydreamers performed 40% better than the others.

12.What does the passage say about people's mind?

13.For what purpose did the researchers develop the new app?

14.How does daydreaming benefit people acording to some researchers?

15.What was the finding of the cxperiment with 145 undergraduates?

Section C

Recording One

Dating from as far back as the 12th century, they are claimed to be the rarest historic buildings in western Europe. These buildings offer vital insights into Scandinavia's Viking past. But now, with only 30 wooden churches remaining and their condition deteriorating, experts are working to preserve the structures for future generations.

Some of these spectacular churches are no more than small buildings, barely four meters wide and six meters tall. Others are much larger structures. They soar up to 40 meters into the cold air. Most consist of timber frames that rest on stone blocks.This means that they have no foundations. Although many of the churches appear from the outside to be complex structures, they normally feature only a single storey but numerous different roof levels.

Staff from the Norwegian government have carried out conservation work on 10 of the churches over the past two years. Most of these churches date from between the 12th and14th centuries. Other churches were conserved in previous years. So far, specialists have worked to add preservative materials to the churches' exteriors. They also replaced rotting roots and halted the sinking of the churches into the ground. In two cases, huge machines have been used to lift the buildings up to 30 centimeters into the air. This was accomplished so that the team could examine and repair the churches' original medie val stone blocks. The team plans to return to around a dozen of the buildings to assess progress and consider further action.

The earliest free- standing wooden church was probably built in Norway in around 1080. However, the largest known wooden churches were built from the 1130s onwards. This period was one of inter- elite rivalry, in which nobles sought to increase their influence by funding the construction of churches and other buildings. The reason for constructing the buildings from wood is probably that ideally proportioned straight and slender timber was available in large quantities in Scandinavia's vast pine forests. As wood was so plentiful, it was cheaper to use than the stone used in the buildings of other European cultures. The area's ship building tradition, partly established by the Vikings, also meant that sophisticated carpentry was a major aspect of the local culture. The complex style of the medieval wooden church carvings and the skills used to make them almost certainly derive from the ancient Viking tradition.

16.What does the speaker say about the Viking wooden churches?

17.What is special about most of the Viking wooden churches?

18.Why were the Viking churches constructed from wood?

Recording Two

In last week's lecture, we discussed the characteristics of the newly- born offspring of several mammals. You probably remember that human infants are less developed physically than other mammals of the same age. But in today's lecture, we' ll look at three very interesting studies that hint at the surprising abilities of human babies.

In the first study, three- year- olds watched two videos shown side by side. Each featuring a different researcher, one of whom they'd met once two years earlier. The children spent longer watching the video showing the researcher they hadn't met. This is consistent with young children's usual tendency to look longer at things that aren't familiar. And really this is amazing. It suggests the children remembered the researcher they'd met just one time when they were only one- year- olds. Of course, as most of us forget memories from our first few years as we grow older, these early long- turn memories will likely be lost in subsequent years.

Our second study is about music. For this study researchers played music to babies through speakers located on either side of a human face. They waited until the babies got bored and inverted their gaze from the face. And then they changed the mood in the music either from sad to happy or the other way around. This mood switch made no difference to the three- month- olds; but for the nine- month- olds, it was enough to renew their interest and they started looking again in the direction of the face.This suggests that babies of that age can tell the difference between a happy melody and a sad tune.

Our final study is from 1980, but it's still relevant today. In fact, it's one of the most famous pieces of research about infant emotion ever published. The study involved ordinary adults watching video clips of babies nine months or younger. In the video clips, the babies made various facial expressions in response to real life events, including playful interactions and painful ones. The adult observers were able to reliably discern an assortment of emotions on the babies faces. These emotions included interest, joy, surprise, sadness, anger, disgust, contempt and fear.

Next week, we' ll be looking at this last study more closely. In fact, we will be viewing some of the video clips from that study.And together,see how well we do in disceming thebabies'emotions.

19.What are the three interesting studies about?

20.What does the second study find about nine- month-oldbabies?

21.What is the 1980 study about?

Recording Three

Today I'd like to talk about the dangers of being too collaborative. Being a good team player is a central skill in our modern workplace. The ability to work well with others and collaborate on projects is a sought- after ability in nearly every position.However, placing too much emphasis on being a good team player can negatively affect your career growth. Don't be overly focused on gaining consensus. Don't be too concerned with the opinions of others. This can hinder your ability to make decisions, speak up and gain recognition for your individual skills and strengths. Some people are too subordinate to others' opinions, too focused on decision consensus, too silent about their own point of view, too agreeable to take things on when they don't have time or energy. This leads to building a brand of underconfident, submissive, low- impact non- leaders and hampers their growth and career advancement.

Collaboration certainly makes your individual competencies and contributions more difficult for outsiders to identify. Collaborative projects mean you' re sharing the spotlight with others. Outsiders may then find it difficult to determine your contributions and strengths. This may end up costing you opportunities for promotions or pay raises. You certainly shouldn't ditch teamwork, but how can you avoid the hazards of being an over- collaborator?

Working in a team can have huge benefits. Your team may have repeated successes and often gain recognition.You then have more opportunities to expand your professional network than if you worked alone. However, finding a balance between team efforts and individual projects that give you independent recognition is important for making a name for yourself and providing opportunities for advancement.

Be selective in who you work with. This will maximize the benefits and minimize the downsides of being a team player. Collaborate with people who have complementary expertise. Select projects where there's potential for mutual benefit. Perhaps you' re bringing your unique knowledge and gaining access to someone else's professional network, or maybe you' re able to learn a new skill by working with someone. Seek out your teammates purposefully rather than jumping on every new group project opportunity. When we' re too collaborative, we want everyone to agree with a decision before we proceed.This can create unnecessary delays as you hold meetings trying to achieve consensus. It's fine to be collaborative when seeking input. But put a deadline on the input stage and arrive at a decision, even if it's a decision that doesn't have consensus.

22.What does the speaker say about being over collaborative?

23.What does the speaker say about people engaged in collaborative projets?

24.How do people beneft from working in ateam?

25.Why is it undesirable to spend too much time trying to reach consensus?


2.解析:對話中女士提到:“我一天的工作主要是回復(fù)郵件,撰寫和編輯故事,想一些新的專題構(gòu)想?!庇纱丝梢缘弥?,該女士一天中的主要工作有三項,即回復(fù)郵件、撰寫和編輯故事以及想一些新的專題構(gòu)想,選項C “回復(fù)日常郵件”是其中之一,與對話內(nèi)容相符,故為正確答案。其他三項在對話中均未提及,故可排除。

3.解析:對話中男士問道:“很多人認(rèn)為雜志社的工作是一份富有魅力的工作。這是對你工作的準(zhǔn)確描述嗎?”女士回答說:“我想說它在某種程度上是迷人的……”,因此選項B與對話內(nèi)容相符,為正確答案。根據(jù)這句話也可排除選項C, 因為選項C中的“無聊的,令人厭煩的”與選項B正好相反,是負(fù)向描述。其他兩項對話中未提及,故排除。

4.解析:在對話的最后,男士問道:“在你的職業(yè)生涯中,你必須克服一切困難才能達(dá)到目前這個階段嗎?你是怎么做到的?”女士回答說:“我必須非常執(zhí)著,這是一份非常辛苦的工作?!庇纱丝芍?,選項A為正確答案,persistence是對話中persistent的名詞形式,意為“執(zhí)著,堅持不懈”。其余三項原文均未提 到,都可排除。

5.解析: 對話中男士提到:“我正在看一部超棒的諷刺劇, 名叫《弗蘭基》。我想你會喜歡的?!边€提到:“而且非常有趣,也贏得了許多獎項?!币虼诉x項A與對話內(nèi)容相符,為正確答案。選項B在對話中未提及,故可排除。對話中男士提到這部劇“是關(guān)于一個現(xiàn)實中名叫弗蘭基的男人的。他是一位紐約著名的喜劇演員,這部劇是喜劇和戲劇的結(jié)合體,大致描繪了他的生活”。所以該劇并沒有脫離現(xiàn)實,也不是改編自戲劇,因此,選項C和選項D與對話中的內(nèi)容均不符,故均可排除。

6.解析: 對話中男士提到:“整部劇都是由他編寫、導(dǎo)演、剪輯和制作的, 而且非常有趣, 也贏得了許多獎項?!边x項D與對話內(nèi)容相符,故為正確答案。對話中男士提到:“所有這些事情都是真的,但除了他,他所有的朋友和家人都是由演員扮演的。所有的情節(jié)和發(fā)生的事件也都是虛構(gòu)的。”由此可知,對話中并未提及角色都由著名演員扮演,選項A可以排除;所有的情節(jié)和對話中的事情都是虛構(gòu)的,所以選項B和選項C也可排除。

7.解析:對話中男士先提到:“事實上,整部劇都是由他編寫、導(dǎo)演、剪輯和制作的,而且非常有趣,也贏得了許多獎項?!迸拷又f道:“太酷了。我會試著下載它?!庇纱丝芍?,男士向女士推薦這部很棒的劇,女士接受了男士的推薦,打算把這部劇下載下來。因此,選項D與對話內(nèi)容相符,為正確答案。 其他三個選項對話中均未提及,故均可排除。

8.解析:對話中女士提到:“這部劇已經(jīng)連續(xù)更新了十多年,其中一些演員實際上已經(jīng)成了全球超級明星。”因此選項B 與對話內(nèi)容相符,為正確答案。選項A 未提到,故可排除。對話中女士提到:“我在看喜劇片《生活大爆炸》。這部劇在全世界大受歡迎?!庇纱丝芍?,《生活大爆炸》是喜劇片而非諷剩劇,故選項C可排除。對話中女士簡單介紹了《生活大爆炸》的劇情,說的是男科學(xué)家們和女服務(wù)員的常識形成鮮明對比,而不是說這部劇違反常識,所以選項D 是對對話中內(nèi)容的混淆,也可排除。

9.解析:題目問的是關(guān)于接觸性運動的運動員們,說話者說了什么。文章開頭部分提及了接觸性運動 (contact sports),原文提到:參加接觸性運動的人都知道,通常受傷最多的就是那個站著不動的運動員。由此得知,想要避免在此種運動中受傷,就要不停地活動。選項C 正是對該部分內(nèi)容的總結(jié)概括,為正確選項。其他三項原文并未提到,故均排除。

10.解析:題目問的是關(guān)于普通人的壽命,壽命統(tǒng)計數(shù)據(jù)顯示了什么。短文中間部分提到:壽命統(tǒng)計數(shù)據(jù)顯示,一般人退休后的壽命都不會太長。選項A 中的do not havemany years to live是對原文中的doesn't last very long的同義轉(zhuǎn)述,因此選項A 為正確選項。選項B、C原文并未提到,均排除。短文中列舉了蕭伯納、富蘭克林、畢加索在高齡時仍然保持忙碌的例子,但是他們都屬于名人,不是題目中問的普通人 (the averageperson),因此排除選項D。

11.解析:題目問的是根據(jù)說話者的說法,“持續(xù)運動”原則給我們帶來了什么好處。文章結(jié)尾部分提到:“持續(xù)運動”原則的一個意外收獲就是,當(dāng)我們持續(xù)運動時,我們沒有機(jī)會杞人憂天。選項A “它使我們免于擔(dān)憂”正是對該部分內(nèi)容的總結(jié)概括,為正確選項。其他三項原文并來提到,故均排除。

12.解析: 題目問的是關(guān)于人們的大腦, 短文說了什么。文章開頭部分提及A wandering mind!隨后的介紹說:據(jù)估計,人們幾乎有一半醒著的時間都在做白日夢。選項B“ It wanders for almost half of their waking time.”正是對people daydream through nearly half of their waking hours的同義轉(zhuǎn)述, 因此選項B為正確選項。其他三項原文并未提到,故均排除。

13.解析:題目問的是研究人員開發(fā)新的應(yīng)用程序的目的是什么。文章前半部分提到:在一個實驗中,研究人員開發(fā)了一個應(yīng)用程序來分析做白日夢和幸福之間的關(guān)系。選項A“To find how happiness relates to daydreaming.” 正是對原文to analyze the relationship betwen daydreaming and happiness的同義轉(zhuǎn)述,因此 選項A正確。其他三項均不是短文中提到的研究人員開發(fā)應(yīng)用程序的目的,故均排除。

14.解析:題目問的是在有些研究人員看來,做白日夢是如何使人們受益的。文章后半部分提到:然而,其他研究表明,白日做夢是有好處的(Yet other research suggests that daydreaming has benefits.)。題目中復(fù)現(xiàn)了benefit 一詞。后面的介紹說:研究發(fā)現(xiàn),做白日夢給了我們思考目標(biāo)的機(jī)會,而且似乎還能提高 創(chuàng)造力。選項C中的contributes to their creativity正是increase creativity的同義轉(zhuǎn)述,因此選項C正確。其他三項原文并未提到,故均排除。

15.解析:題目問的是有145名大學(xué)生參與的實驗的結(jié)果是什么。文章結(jié)尾部分提及在一項實驗中,145名大學(xué)生完成了四項不同尋常的用途任務(wù)。原文在介紹過任務(wù)的具體過程之后,總結(jié)了任務(wù)的結(jié)果:當(dāng)所有參與者進(jìn)行第二對任務(wù)時,做白日夢的人比其他人表現(xiàn)得要好40%。選項D正是對原文the daydreamers performed 40%better than the others的總結(jié)概括,因此選擇D正確。選項A、C原文并未提到,故均排除。 選項B與原文提到的實驗結(jié)果相反,因此也排除。

16.解析:本題問講話者講了和維京木制教堂有關(guān)的什么事。錄音開頭提到:“現(xiàn)在僅存30座木制教堂,而且狀況也在逐漸惡化。”這與選項D的描述一致, 故選項D正確。其余三項錄音中并未提及,故排除。

17.解析:本題問大多數(shù)維京木制教堂的特別之處。選項A錄音中未提及,故排除。錄音中提到40米高只是部分教堂的高度,并非大多數(shù)維京教堂的特點,屬于張冠李戴,故排除選項B。選項C與錄音中的“這意味著它們沒有地基”一致,故為正確選項。選項D 與錄音中提到的“它們通常只有一層”相矛盾,也排除。


19. 解析:本題問這三個研究是關(guān)于什么的。錄音開頭只是說“人類嬰兒的身體發(fā)育程度比同齡的其他哺乳動物要低”,并來提及二者的相似之處,故排除選項A。選項B、C文中并未提及,也排除。選項D與文中提到的“它們暗示了人類嬰兒有驚人的能力”相符,故為正確選項。








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