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   1. [望文生義]根據(jù)所學(xué)詞根的知識推測下列單詞的詞義。

   ① notebook n.

   notepaper n.

   ② footnote n.

   sidenote n.

   2. [由此及彼]根據(jù)已知單詞的詞義推斷出其同根詞的詞義。

   ① note n.名望→noteless a.

   ② noticeable a.值得注意的;顯著的→unnoticeable a.

   ② noticed a.被注意的→unnoticed a.

   3. [尋根問底]指出下列單詞的詞根并領(lǐng)會其詞義的由來。

   ① annotate v.注解

   annotator n.注釋者

   ② noteworthy a.值得注意的;顯著的

   ③ notandum n.備忘錄

   ④ notary n.公證人;公證員

   notarize v.以公證人資格證實(shí)……

   ⑤ notable a.值得注意的;顯著的

   notability n.值得注意;顯著;名人,顯要人物

   ⑥ notate v.把……寫成標(biāo)志

   notation n.記法;標(biāo)志法;注釋;注解

   63. ord, ordin [L]=order順序

   在常用詞order,ordinary中有一對拉丁詞根ord和ordin,它們分別來自拉丁名詞ordo及其屬格ordinis,其意思為regular series(順序),即英語單詞order的基本義。

   order [ord=regular series順序;-er(法語-re)n.=the way 表方式→“the way of arranging things in regular series按順序排列的方式”→]Ⅰn.① succession, sequence次序,順序:in alphabetical order按字母順序排列 ② good arrangement整齊,有條理:Put your room in better order.把你的房間整理清楚些。③ command or instruction命令;指示:to obey orders 服從命令→Ⅱv. ① give order to 下命令:He ordered them to leave at once.他命令他們馬上動身。② direct some-thing to be made定貨:Please order before the price goes up.請在漲價之前盡快定貨。

   ▽orderless [order n.;-less a.] a.無條理的,不整齊的

   orderly [order n.;-ly a.] a.整齊的;有秩序的

   ordinary [ordin=order順序;-ary a.=having the quality表性質(zhì)→“having the quality of keeping in order按順序來的”→] a. of no special quality;unexceptional尋常的;普通的:I'm not a hero, but an ordinary man.我不是英雄人物,而是普通人。

   ▽extraordinary [extra-;ordinary] a.非常的;破例的;離奇的

   superordinary [super-;ordinary] a.超常的

   ordinal [ordin=order順序;-al a.=of→] a. of order順序的:Third is an ordinal number. Third是個序數(shù)詞。

   subordinate [sub-=under在……之下;ordin=series順序;-ate a.=-being……的→“being under in order按順序排在下面的”→]Ⅰa.① being in a lower order or rank下級的:subordinate unit下屬單位 ②secondary從屬的,次要的:The minority is subordinate to the majority.少數(shù)服從多數(shù)。→Ⅱv. make subordinate or secondary使從屬,使服從:to subordinate personal desires to the public interests使個人需求服從公共利益→Ⅲ n. subordinate person下屬:Trust your subordinates.要信任你的下屬。

   ▽subordination [subordinat(e) v.;-ion n.] n.從屬性

   ordain [ord=order順序;-ain [F] v.=to do做→“to do according to order按順序辦事”→] v.① make a priest委任為牧師:He was ordained priest.他被授以牧師職。② order by law命令:The King ordained everyone should pay tax.國王有令,人人都得納稅。

   ▽ordainer [ordain;-er n.] n.委任者;授命者

   preordain [pre-;ordain v.] v.預(yù)先決定;注定

   disorder [dis-=lack of 無;order n. 秩序,整齊→]Ⅰn. lack of order;confusion無序;混亂:When the burglars left, the house was in complete disorder.竊賊光臨之后,房子一片狼藉。→Ⅱ v. destroy the order of使混亂:The scene of fire was disordered.火災(zāi)現(xiàn)場一片混亂。

   coordinate [co-(com-)=together共同;ordin=order順序;-ate a.=-being……的→“being together in order按順序排在一起的”→]Ⅰa. of the same degree;equal in importance 同等級的;同樣重要的:He has power coordinate with me.他和我有同樣權(quán)力。→Ⅱn. man or thing equal in position同等的人或物:Citizens are coordinates by law.公民在法律上是平等的。→Ⅲ v. manage the elements of協(xié)調(diào),整理:She coordinated the relief efforts.她負(fù)責(zé)協(xié)調(diào)救濟(jì)工作。

   ▽coordinator [coordinat(e);-or n.] n.協(xié)調(diào)人;統(tǒng)籌者

   coordination [coordinat(e);-ion n.] n.協(xié)調(diào),整理



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