News Item 005-林肯遇刺 150 周年的紀念活動
150 years ago on this wind-swept spot near Lake Michigan in Chicago, the coffin( 棺 木 )holding the remains of assassinated(被刺殺的)President Abraham Lincoln began a somber(肅穆的)return to his hometown of Springfield.
Dan Weinberg, of the Abraham Lincoln Book Shop in Chicago, says a concerted effort was made to remain faithful to the past while planning the 150th anniversary commemoration(紀念).
The replicated(復制的)coffin and hearse(靈車)that traveled through Springfield’s downtown streets drew thousands of onlookers young and old, many who dressed in ornately(華麗地)designed period military uniforms and costumes, like Diane and Charles Sanders. Sanders says the massive turnout for this event 150 years later is a testamen(t lasting legacy as “The Great Emancipator(救星)” who ended slavery in the United States.