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Section A

Directions: In this section,there is a pasage with ten blanks.You are required to select one wond for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefully  before making your choices.Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter.Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.You may not use any of the  words in the bank more than once.

There're three main types of financial stress people encounter.The first type is apparent in people being stressed about the  26  ups and downs of investment markets actually not  so much the ups, but  27  the downs.These people are usually unable or unprepared to endure the long haul.

The next common type of financial stress is that caused by debt.In a  28  percentage of cases of debt-induced financial stress,credit cards and loans will be a central element.Often there'll be a car loan and perhaps a mortgage,but credit cards often seem to be the gateway to debt-related financial difficultices for many.

The third type of stress and  29  the least known is inherited financial stress,which is the most  destructive.It is experienced by those who have grown up in households where their parents regularly  30  and fought about money.Money therefore becomes a stressful topic,and so the thought of sitting down and planning is an unattractive  31  . 

Those suffering inherited financial anxiety  32  to follow one of two patterns.Either they put their head in  the sand:they would  33  examining their financial statements,budgeting,and discussing financial matters  with those closest to them.Alternatively,they would go to the other  34  ,and micro-analyze everything,to  the point of complete  35  .They're convinced that whatever decision they make will be the wrong one.

A)appearance         F)extreme              K)proposition

B)argued            G)inaction             L)rebelled

C)avoid            H)incredibl            M)statement

D)considerable      I) normal               N)tend

E)definitely       J)possibly          O)traditional


26.I)normal。   詳解:形容詞辨析題。空格前有定冠詞the,后面是名詞詞組ups and downs,因此本空 應(yīng)填入形容詞??崭袼诰浣榻B第一種財(cái)務(wù)壓力,即由投資市場(chǎng)(比如股票)的起伏帶來(lái)的壓力,而股 票等投資總是有漲有跌的,這是很正常的,因此本空應(yīng)填入含有“正常的,平常的”意義的形容詞,故本 題答案為I)normal。

27.E)definitely。  詳解:副詞辨析題??崭袼诓糠峙c actually not so much the ups 構(gòu)成并列結(jié)構(gòu),the ups前面有副詞詞組not so much 修飾,因此本空應(yīng)填入副詞??崭袼诘牟⒘薪Y(jié)構(gòu)與破折號(hào)前 面的內(nèi)容密不可分,是對(duì)ups and downs of investment markets的進(jìn)一步解釋。由常識(shí)可知,人們并 不擔(dān)心股票的上漲,而下跌則一定會(huì)造成壓力,因此本空應(yīng)填入含有“一定,確定”意義的副詞,故本題  答案為E)definitely。

28.D)considerable 。  詳解:形容詞辨析題??崭袂坝胁欢ü谠~a, 后面是名詞percentage, 因此本空應(yīng)填入形容詞。本段介紹第二種財(cái)務(wù)壓力,即由債務(wù)帶來(lái)的壓力,其中信用卡債務(wù)占主要因素。本段最 后一句提到,雖然有汽車貸款或房屋抵押貸款帶來(lái)的債務(wù),但是對(duì)很多人來(lái)說(shuō)是信用卡債務(wù)帶來(lái)了財(cái) 務(wù)困難。由此可知,在由債務(wù)導(dǎo)致的財(cái)務(wù)壓力中,很多情況下信用卡和貸款是主要原因。因此本空應(yīng)填入含有“多的,大的”意義的形容詞,故本題答案為D)considerable。

29.J)possibly。  詳解:副詞辨析題??崭窈蠖切稳菰~最高級(jí)the least known,因此本空應(yīng)填入副詞。 第三段介紹了第三種財(cái)務(wù)壓力——繼承性財(cái)務(wù)壓力。文章在介紹前兩種壓力時(shí),分別用到了apparent“明顯的”和common “普遍的”,而介紹第三種壓力用到的形容詞是the least known“最不為人知的”。 由此可知,相對(duì)于前兩種壓力而言,第三種壓力可能是最鮮為人知的,因此本空應(yīng)填入含有“也許,可  能”意義的副詞,故本題答案為J)possibly。

30.B)argued。    詳解:動(dòng)詞辨析題??崭裉幣c后面的fought about構(gòu)成并列謂語(yǔ),因此本空應(yīng)填入動(dòng) 詞的過(guò)去式。本句說(shuō)明了父母因?yàn)殄X(qián)而爭(zhēng)辯的人會(huì)承受繼承性壓力。因此本空應(yīng)填入與 fought  about“對(duì)……爭(zhēng)辯”意義相近的動(dòng)詞,故本題答案為B)argued。

31.K)proposition。  詳解:名詞辨析題??崭袂坝行稳菰~unattractive, 因此本空應(yīng)填入名詞。由本段 可知,由于父母因?yàn)殄X(qián)而爭(zhēng)吵不休,導(dǎo)致子女認(rèn)為金錢(qián)是帶有壓力的話題,因此規(guī)劃財(cái)務(wù)的想法對(duì)他們沒(méi)有吸引力。本空與“the thought of…”形成照應(yīng),因此本空應(yīng)填入含有“想法,主張”意義的名詞,故本題答案為K)proposition。

32.N)tend 。   詳解:動(dòng)詞辨析題。suffering  inherited financial anxiety 是現(xiàn)在分詞短語(yǔ)作后置定語(yǔ)修飾those,空格所在句子缺少謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞,因此本空應(yīng)填入動(dòng)詞。本段介紹了承受繼承性財(cái)務(wù)壓力的人遵 循的兩種模式,但是這種劃分并不是完全絕對(duì)的,因此本空應(yīng)填入含有“通常,傾向于”意義的動(dòng)詞,故 本題答案為 N)tend。

33.C)avoid。    詳解:動(dòng)詞辨析題??崭袂坝星閼B(tài)動(dòng)詞 would,因此本空應(yīng)填入動(dòng)詞原形。本句介紹了 第一種模式,這些人put  their  head  in  the  sand,該短語(yǔ)的字面意思是“把頭埋進(jìn)沙子里”,這一習(xí)語(yǔ)的  來(lái)源是:鴕鳥(niǎo)在遇到危險(xiǎn)時(shí)會(huì)把頭埋進(jìn)沙子里,它們認(rèn)為這樣就能避開(kāi)危險(xiǎn),后引申為“逃避現(xiàn)實(shí)”。 空格所在句對(duì)此進(jìn)行進(jìn)一步解釋,他們會(huì)避免做一切與財(cái)務(wù)相關(guān)的事情。故本題答案為C)avoid 。 備選項(xiàng)中,N)tend也為動(dòng)詞原形,但是tend與to  do連用,因此排除。

34.F)extreme。   詳解,名詞辨析題??崭袂笆切稳菰~ other, 因此本空應(yīng)填入名詞。本句介紹承受繼 承性財(cái)務(wù)壓力的人遵循的第二種模式,這些人會(huì)對(duì)所有事情進(jìn)行細(xì)致入微的分析,與第一種避免做一  切與財(cái)務(wù)相關(guān)的事情的人相比,這是另一種極端。因此本空應(yīng)填入含有“極端”意義的名詞,故本題答案為F)extreme,

35.G)inaction。  詳解:名詞辨析題??崭袂笆切稳菰~complete,因此本空應(yīng)填入名詞。由最后一句可 知,第二種人確信,他們所做的任何決定都是錯(cuò)誤的,因此他們雖然細(xì)致分析了所有事情,但是仍然什么也不做,因此本空應(yīng)填入含有“不作為”意義的名詞,故本題答案為 G)inaction。

Section B

Diredions: In this section,you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it.Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs.Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived.You may choose a paragraph more than once.Each paragraph is marked with a letter.Answer the questions by marking the corresponding lertter on Answer Sheet 2 .

Doctor's orders:Let children just play

A)Imagine a drug that could enhance a child's creativity and critical thinking.Imagine that this drug were  simple to make,safe to take,and could be had for free.The nation's leading pediatricians(兒科醫(yī)生) say  this  mirade compound exists.In a new clinical report,they are urging doctors to prescribe it liberally to the children in their care.

B)“This may seem old-fashioned,but there are skills to be learned when kids aren't told what to do,” said Dr.Michael Yogman,a Harvard Medical School pediatrician who led the drafting of the call to amms.Whether it's rough physical play,outdoor play or pretend play,kids derive important lessons from the chance to make things up as they go,he said.

C)The advice,issued Monday by the American Academy of Pediatrics,may come as a shock to some parents.After spending years freting(煩惱)over which toys to buy,which apps to download and which skill-building programs to send their kids to after school,letting them simply play or better yet,playing with them could seem like a  step backward.The pediatricians insist that it's not.The academy's guidance does not include specifie recommendations for the dosing of play.Instead,it asks doctors to advise parents before their babies turn two that play is essential to healthy development.

D)“Play is not silly behavior,”the academy's report declares.It fosters children's creativity, cooperation,and problem-solving skills all of which are critical for a 21st-century workforce.When parents engage in play with their chidren,it builds a wall against the harmful effects of all kinds of stress,including poverty,the academy says.In the pediatricians'view,essentially every life skill that's valued in adults can be built up with play."Collaboration,negotiation,decision-making,creativity, leadership,and increased physical activity are just some of the skills and benefits children gain through play,"they wrote.The pediatricians'appeal comes as kids are being squeezed by increasing academic demands at school and the constant invasion of digital media.

E)The trends have been a long time coming.Between 1981 and 1997,detailed time-use studies showed that the time children spent at play declined by 25 percent.Since the adoption of sweeping education reforms in 2001,publie schools have steadily increased the amount of time devoted to preparing for standardized tests.The focus on academic “skills and drills”has cut deeply into recess (課間休息)and other time for free play.

F)By 2009,a study of Los Angeles kindergarten classrooms found that five-year-olds were so burdened with academic requirements that they were down to an average of just 19 minutes per day of "choice time,”when they were pemmitted to play freely with blocks,toys or other children.One in four Los  Angeles teachers reported there was no time at all for “free play.”Increased academic pressures have left 30 percent of U.S.kindergarten classes without any recess.Such findings prompted the American Academy of Pediatrics to issue a policy statement in 2013 on the“crucial role of recess in school.”

G)Pediatricians aren't the only ones who have noticed.In a report titled "Crisis  in the Kindergarten,"a group of educators,health professionals and child advocates called the loss of play in early childhood “a tragedy,both for the children themselves and for our nation and the world.”Kids in play-based kindergartens“end up equally good or better at reading and other inte llectual skills,and they are more likely to become well-adjusted healthy people,"the Alliance for Childhood said in 2009.Indeed,new research demonstrates why playing with blocks might have been time better spent,Yogman said.The trial assessed the effectiveness of an early mathematics intervention(干預(yù))aimed at preschoolers.The results showed almost no gains in math achievement.

H)Another playtime thief:the growing proportion of kids'time spent in front of screens and digital devices,even among preschoolers.Last year,Common Sense Media reported that children up through age eight spent an average of two hours and 19 minutes in front of screens each day,including an average of 42 minutes a day for those under two.This increase of digital use comes with rising risks of obesity,sleep deprivation and cognitive (認(rèn)知的) , language and social-emotional delays,the American Academy of Pediatrics warned in 2016.

I)“I respect that parents have busy lives and it's easy to hand a child an iPhone,”Yogman said.“But there's  a cost to that.For young children,it's much too passive.And kids really learn better when they're actively engaged and have to really discover things."

J)The decline of play is a special hazard for the roughly 1 in 5 children in the United States who live in poverty.These 14 million children most urgently need to develop the resilience (韌勁) that is cultivated with play.Instead,Yogman said,they are disproportionately affected by some of the trends that are making play  scarce:academic pressures at schools that need to improve test scores,outside  play areas that are limited or unsafe,and parents who lack the time or energy to share in playtime.

K)Yogman also worries  about the pressures that squeeze playtime for more affluent kids."The notion that as parents we need to schedule every minute of their time is not doing them a great service,"he said.Even well-meaning parents may be“robbing them of the opportunity to have that joy of discovery and curiosity the opportunity to find things out on their own.”

L)Play may not be a hard sell to kids.But UCLA pediatrician Carlos Lerner acknowledged that the pediatricians'new prescription may meet with skepticisn (懷疑)from parents,who are anxious for advice on how to give their kids a leg up in the world.They should welcome the simplicity of the message,Lerner said.“It's liberating to be able to offer them this advice:that you spending time with your child and letting him play is one of the most valuable things you can do,"he said.“It doesn't have to involve spending a lot of money or time,or joining a parenting group.It's something we can offer  that's achievable.They just don't recognize it right now as particularly valuable."

36.Increased use of digital devices steals away children's playtime.

37.Since the beginning of this century,an increasing amount of time has been shifted in publie schools from recess to academic activities.

38.It has been acknowledged that while kids may welcome pediatricians'recommendation,their parents may doubt its feasibility.

39.According to some professionals,deprivation of young children's playtime will do harm not only to children themselves but to the country and the world.

40.By playing with children,parents can prevent them from being harmed by stress.

41.Playing with digital devices discourages kids from active discovery,according to pediatrician Dr.Michael  Yogman

42.The suggestion of letting children simply play may sound like going backwards to parents who want to help build their children's skills.

43.Dr.Michael Yogman believes the idea that parents should carefully schedule children's time may not be helpful to their growth.

44.One quarter of teachers in an American city said that children in kindergartens had no time for playing freely.

45.According to a pediatrician,no matter what kind of play children engage in,they are learning how to create things.



定位:由題干中的digital devices,steals away和playtime定位到文章H) 段第一句:Another playtime thief:the growing proportion of kids' time spent in front of screens and digital devices,even among preschoolers.

詳解:細(xì)節(jié)辨認(rèn)題。定位句提到,另一個(gè)監(jiān)走游戲時(shí)間的小偷,即孩子花在手機(jī)屏幕和數(shù)字設(shè) 備前的時(shí)間越來(lái)越長(zhǎng)。題干中的increased use of digital devices對(duì)應(yīng)原文中的the growing propor tion of kids'time spent in front of screens and digital devices,故答案為H)。

37.E) 譯文:自本世紀(jì)初以來(lái),公立學(xué)校把越來(lái)越多的時(shí)間從課間休息轉(zhuǎn)向?qū)W術(shù)活動(dòng)。

定位:由題干中的an increasing amount of time 、publie schools 、recess 和academie activities  定位到文章E) 段第三、四句:Since the adoption of sweeping education reforms in 2001,public schools have steadily increased the amount of time devoted to preparing for standardized tests.  The focus on academic "skills and drills"has cut deeply into recess(課間休息)and other time for free play.

詳解:概括歸納題。定位句指出,自2001年全面推行教育改革以來(lái),公立學(xué)校已穩(wěn)步增加了準(zhǔn) 備標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化考試的時(shí)間。人們將對(duì)學(xué)術(shù)“技能和訓(xùn)練”的注意力放到課間休息和其他自由活動(dòng)的時(shí) 間。題干中的 since the beginning of this century對(duì)應(yīng)定位句中的 since the adoption of sweeping education reforms in 2001,而題干中的 an increasing amount of time has been shifted in public schools from recess to academic activities 是對(duì)定位句中 public schools have steadily increased the amount of time devoted to preparing for standardized tests.The focus on academic“skills and drills”has cut deeply into recess (課間休息)and other time for free play 的概括歸納,故答案為E)。


定位:由題干中的 acknowledged 、pediatricians' 、parents 和 doubt 定位到文章L) 段第一、二 句:Play may not be a hard sell to kids.But UCLA pediatrician Carlos Lerner acknowledged that the pediatricians'new prescription may meet with skepticism (懷疑) from  parents,who are anxious for advice on how to give their kids a leg up in the world.

詳解:概括歸納題。定位句指出,讓孩子們接受玩游戲可能不難,但可能會(huì)遭到家長(zhǎng)們的質(zhì)疑, 他們急切地希望得到如何助孩子一臂之力的建議。題干中的kids may welcome pediatricians' recommendation 對(duì)應(yīng)定位句中的“Play may not be a hard sell to kids.”,而題干中的 their parents may doubt its feasibility 是對(duì)定位句中 the pediatricians'new prescription may meet with skepticism(懷疑)from parents,who are anxious for advice.on how to give their kids a leg up in the world 的概括歸納,故答案為L(zhǎng))。

39.G) 譯文:據(jù)一些專業(yè)人士認(rèn)為,剝奪幼兒的游戲時(shí)間不僅對(duì)兒童自身有害,而且對(duì)國(guó)家和世界都有害。

定位:由題干中的professionals、young children's playtime、children themselves和 the world  定位到文章G)段第二句:In a report titled “Crisis in the Kindergauten,”a group of educators, health professionals and child advocates called the loss of play in early childhood"a tragedy,  both for the children themselyes and for our nation and the wodd. "

詳解:同義轉(zhuǎn)述題。定位句指出,在一份題為“幼兒園危機(jī)”的報(bào)告中, 一群教育工作者、醫(yī)療專  家和兒童倡導(dǎo)者稱,無(wú)論是對(duì)兒童自身,還是對(duì)我們的國(guó)家和世界來(lái)說(shuō),幼兒時(shí)期的游戲缺失都是  “一場(chǎng)悲劇”。題干中的according to some professionals 是對(duì)定位句中 a group of educators,  health professionals and child advocates called 的概括歸納,而題干中的 deprivation of young children's playtime will do harm not only to children themselves but to the country and the world是對(duì)定位句中 the  loss  of play  in  early  childhood"a  tragedy,both  for  the  children themselves and for our nation and the world.”的同義轉(zhuǎn)述,故答案為 G)。


定位由題干中的 playing with children、parents 、harmed 和stress 定位到文章 D) 段第三句: When parents engage in play with their children,it builds a wall against the harmful efiects of all kinds of stress,including poverty,the academy says.

詳解:同義轉(zhuǎn)述題。定位句指出,美國(guó)兒科學(xué)會(huì)說(shuō),當(dāng)父母和孩子們一起游戲時(shí),這就為孩子筑 起了一堵墻,以抵御包括貧困在內(nèi)的各種壓力帶來(lái)的有害影響。題干中的 by playing with  children是對(duì)定位句中when parents engage in play with their children 的同義轉(zhuǎn)述,而題干中的  prevent them from being harmed by stress 是對(duì)定位句中 builds a wall against the harmful  effects of all kinds of stress,including poverty  的概括歸納,故答案為D)。

41.I) 譯文:兒科醫(yī)生邁克爾·尤格曼博士說(shuō),玩數(shù)字設(shè)備會(huì)阻礙孩子的積極探索。

定位:由題干中的discovery 和Michael Yogman 定位到文章I)段:“I respect that parents have  busy lives and it's easy to hand a child an iPhone,"Yogman said."But.there's a cost to that. For young children,it's much too passive.And;kids really leam better when they're actively  engaged and have to really discover things."

詳解:概括歸納題。定位句指出,尤格曼認(rèn)為,父母因?yàn)槊β刀尯⒆油媸謾C(jī)是有代價(jià)的。對(duì) 小孩子來(lái)說(shuō),玩手機(jī)太被動(dòng)了。當(dāng)孩子們積極參與并真正發(fā)現(xiàn)事物時(shí),他們可以學(xué)得更好。換言  之,玩手機(jī)等數(shù)字設(shè)備會(huì)阻礙孩子主動(dòng)探索事物。題干是對(duì)定位段的概括歸納,故答案為I)。

42.C) 譯文:對(duì)那些想幫助孩子培養(yǎng)技能的父母來(lái)說(shuō),只是讓孩子們游戲玩耍的建議聽(tīng)起來(lái)像在退步。

定位:由題干中的letting children simply play、backwards、parents 和skills定位到文章 C)段第二句:After spending years fretting(煩惱)over which toys to buy,which apps to download  and which skill-building programs to send their kids to after school,letting them simply play—  or better yet,playing with them—could seem like a step backward.

詳解:概括歸納題。定位句指出,多年來(lái),家長(zhǎng)們一直在為買什么玩具、下載哪些應(yīng)用程序、讓 孩子放學(xué)后去參加哪些技能培養(yǎng)項(xiàng)目而煩惱,與這些相比,單純讓他們游戲——或者更好的是,與他們一起游戲似乎像是后退了一步。題干中的 the suggestion of letting children simply play 和sound like going backwards分別是對(duì)定位句中l(wèi)etting them simply play—or better yet, playing with them和could seem like a step backward 的同義轉(zhuǎn)述,題干中的 parents who want to help build their children's skills 是對(duì)定位句中spending years  fretting(煩惱)over which toys to buy,which apps to download and which  skill-building programs to  send their kids to  after school 的概括歸納,故答案為C)。


定位:由題干中的 the idea、schedule children's time 和 may not be helpful定位到文章K) 段 第二句:“The notion that as parents we need to schedule every minute of their time is not doing them a great service,"he said.

詳解:同義轉(zhuǎn)述題。定位句指出,尤格曼認(rèn)為,父母需要為孩子安排他們每一分鐘的時(shí)間這樣 一種觀念其實(shí)并不是在幫他們。題干中的 the idea that parents should carefully schedule children's time 和may not be helpful分別是對(duì)定位句中the notion that as parents we need to schedule every minute of their time 和not doing them a great service 的同義轉(zhuǎn)述,故答案為K)。


定位;由題干中的 one quarter of teachers 、no time 和playing freely 定位到文章 F) 段第二句: One in four Los Angeles teachers reported there was no time at all for“free play.”

詳解:同義轉(zhuǎn)述題。定位句指出,洛杉磯四分之一的教師表示根本沒(méi)有時(shí)間讓孩子們“自由地 游戲”。題干中的one quarter of teachers in an American city 和had no time for playing freely  分別是對(duì)定位句中 one in four Los Angeles teachers 和 there was no time at all for “free play.”的同義轉(zhuǎn)述,故答案為F)。

45.B) 譯文:兒科醫(yī)生認(rèn)為,無(wú)論孩子們參加哪種游戲,他們都在學(xué)習(xí)如何創(chuàng)造事物。

定位:由題干中的 play、chldren、learming和 create things定位到文章B段第二句:Whether it's  rough  physical  play,outdoor play or pretend play,kids derive  important lessons  from  the chance to make things up as they go,he said.

詳解:細(xì)節(jié)辨認(rèn)題。定位句指出,尤格曼認(rèn)為,無(wú)論是劇烈的體能活動(dòng)、戶外運(yùn)動(dòng),還是裝扮游  戲,孩子們都能在邊游戲邊創(chuàng)作東西的過(guò)程中學(xué)到重要的一課。題干中的no matter what kind of play是對(duì)定位句中whether it's rough physical play,outdoor play or pretend play 的概況歸納, 題干中的leaning how to create things 是對(duì)定位句中derive important lessons from the chance to make things up as they go 的同義轉(zhuǎn)述,故答案為 B)。

Section C

Directions:There are 2 pasxiges in this section.Each pasxage is followed by some questions or unfinished  statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C)and D).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding le tter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

Passage One

Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.

Americans spend billions of dollars each year trying to change their weight with diets,gym memberships and plastic surgery.

Trying to live up to the images of “perfect”models and movie heroes has a dark side:anxiety, depression,as well as unhealthy strategies for weight loss or muscle gain.It also has a financial cost. Having an eating disorder boosts annual health care costs by nearly US$2,000 per person.

Why is there both external and internal pressure to look "perfect"?One reason is that society rewards  people who are thin and healthy-looking.Researchers have shown that body mass index is related to wages and income.Especially for women,there is a clear penalty at work for being overweight or obese.Some studies have also found an impact for men,though a less noticeable one.

While the research literature is clear that labor market success is partly based on how employers and  customers perceive your body image,no one had explored the other side of the question.Does a person's own perception of body image matter to earnings and other indicators of success in the workplace?

Our recently published study answered this question by tracking a large national random sample of Americans over a critical time period when bodies change from teenage shape into adult form and when people build their identities.

As in other research,women in our sample tend to over-perceive their weight they think they're heavier than they are while men tend to under-perceive theirs.

We found no relationship between the average person's self-perception of weight and labor market outcomes,although self-perceived weight can influence self-esteem (自尊心),mental health  and  health behaviors.

While the continued gender penalty in the labor market is frustrating,our finding that misperceived weight does not harm workers is more heartening.

Since employers'perception of weight is what matters in the labor market,changing discrimination  laws to include body type as a category would help.Michigan is the only state that prohibits discrimination on the basis of weight and height.We believe expanding such protections would make the labor market more fair and efficient.

46.What does the author say may have an adverse impact on people?

A)Undergoing plastic surgeries in pursuit of beauty.

B)Imitating the lifestyles of heroes and role models.

C)Striving to achieve perfection regardless of financial cost.

D)Attempting to meet society's expectation of appearance.

47.What have researchers found out about people's earnings?

A)They are closely related to people's social status.

B)They have to do with people's bodly weight and shape.

C)They seem to matter much less to men than to women.

D)They may not be equal to people's contributions.

48.What does the author's recent study focus on?

A)Previous literature on indicators of competitiveness in the workplace.

B)Traits that matter most in one's pursuit of success in the labor market.

C)Whether self-perception of body image impacts one's workplace success.

D)How boses'perception of body image impacts employees'advancement.

49.What is the finding of the author's recent research?

A)Being overweight actually does not do much harm to the overall well-being of employees.   

B)People are not adversely affected in the workplace by false self-perception of body weight.

C)Self-esteem helps to combat gender inequality in the workplace.

D)Gender inequality continues to frustrate a lot of female employees.

50.What does the author think would help improve the situation in the labor market? 

A)Banning discrimination on the basis of employees'body image.

B)Expanding protection of women against gender discrimination.

C)Helping employees change their own perception of beauty.

D)Excluding body shape as a category in the labor contract.


46. 根據(jù)作者所說(shuō),什么可能會(huì)對(duì)人們產(chǎn)生負(fù)面影響?

A) 為了追求美而接受整形手術(shù)。               

B) 模仿英雄和榜樣的生活方式。

C) 不考慮財(cái)務(wù)成本,力求完美。               

D) 試圖滿足社會(huì)對(duì)外表的期望。

定位:由題干中的adverse impact 定位到第二段第一句:Trying to live up to the images of “perfect”models and  movie heroes has a dark side;anxiety,depression,as well as unhealthy strategies for weight loss or muscle gain.


[干擾項(xiàng)排除] A) 項(xiàng)中提到的整形手術(shù)只是追求完美體型的一種方式,和D) 項(xiàng)相比,不夠全面,故排除A)項(xiàng);第二段第一句只是提到力求達(dá)到模特和電影英雄式的完美形象,并未提及模仿他們的生活方式的內(nèi)容,故排除 B)項(xiàng);定位句只提到追求完美形象的問(wèn)題,且全文都只是圍繞體型進(jìn)行探討,C) 項(xiàng)中的perfection 意義太寬泛,與文章內(nèi)容不符,故排除。


A) 它們與人們的社會(huì)地位密切相關(guān)。          

B) 它們與人的體重和體型有關(guān)。

C) 它們對(duì)男性來(lái)說(shuō)似乎不如對(duì)女性重要。               

D) 它們可能不等同于人們的貢獻(xiàn)。

定位:由題干中的 people's earmings 定位到第三段第三句:Researchers  have  shown  that  body mass index is related to wages and income.


[干擾項(xiàng)排除]文章中沒(méi)有提到社會(huì)地位和收入的關(guān)系,故排除A) 項(xiàng);文章第三段第四、五句指出體 重對(duì)女性收入的影響較男性更明顯一些,并不是說(shuō)收入對(duì)男性不重要,故排除C) 項(xiàng);D)項(xiàng)中提及的貢獻(xiàn)問(wèn)題文中沒(méi)有提到,故排除。


A) 先前關(guān)于職場(chǎng)競(jìng)爭(zhēng)力指標(biāo)的文獻(xiàn)。

B) 職場(chǎng)上追求成功最重要的品質(zhì)。

C) 對(duì)身體形象的自我認(rèn)知是否會(huì)影響一個(gè)人的職場(chǎng)成功。

D) 老板對(duì)身體形象的認(rèn)知如何影響員工的進(jìn)步。

定位:由題干中的 the author's recent study focus on 定位到第五段:Our recentty published study answered this question by tracking a large national random sample of Americans over a critical time period when bodies change from teenage shape into adult form and when people build their identities.

詳解:推理判斷題。文章第五段指出,作者團(tuán)隊(duì)最近公布的研究回答了這個(gè)問(wèn)題,因此應(yīng)從上一段找出這個(gè)問(wèn)題是什么。顯然,第四段最后一句就是作者的研究重點(diǎn),即一個(gè)人對(duì)自己身體形象的看法 是否會(huì)影響他的收入和其他職場(chǎng)中成功的指標(biāo),故答案為C)。

[干擾項(xiàng)排除]文章第四段第一句指出,雖然研究文獻(xiàn)清楚地表明勞動(dòng)力市場(chǎng)的成功在一定程度上取  決于雇主和顧客對(duì)你身體形象的看法,但沒(méi)有人探究過(guò)這個(gè)問(wèn)題的另一面,而這才是作者研究的重點(diǎn), 因此排除A);B) 項(xiàng)在文中未提及,故排除;由第四段第一句可以看出D) 項(xiàng)所述是前人已經(jīng)研究過(guò)的, 而非作者的研究重點(diǎn),故排除。


A) 事實(shí)上,超重并不會(huì)對(duì)員工的總體幸福造成太大傷害。

B) 人們?cè)诠ぷ鲌?chǎng)所不會(huì)因?yàn)閷?duì)自己體重的錯(cuò)誤認(rèn)知而受到不良影響。

C) 自尊有助于防止職場(chǎng)中的性別不平等。

D) 性別不平等繼續(xù)使許多女雇員感到沮喪。

定位:由題干中的 finding of the author's recent research 定位到第八段:While the continued gender penalty in  the labor market is frustrating,our finding that misperceived weight does not harm workers is more heartening.


[干擾項(xiàng)排除]文中未提及超重對(duì)員工總體幸福的影響,故排除 A) 項(xiàng);文章第七段提到,對(duì)于體重的自我認(rèn)知會(huì)影響自尊心,并未提及自尊心是否有助于防止職場(chǎng)中的性別不平等,故排除C) 項(xiàng);D) 項(xiàng)所述是現(xiàn)實(shí)情況,并非作者的研究發(fā)現(xiàn),故排除。


A) 禁止基于員工身體形象的歧視。            

B) 擴(kuò)大保護(hù),使婦女免受性別歧視。

C) 幫助員工改變自己對(duì)美的看法。            

D) 在勞動(dòng)合同中把體型類別排除在外。

定位:由題干中的 help improve the situation 定位到最后一段第一句:Since employers'perception  of weight is what matters in the labor market,changing discrimination laws to include body type as a category would help.

詳解:推理判斷題。最后一段第一句指出,由于雇主對(duì)體重的看法是影響勞動(dòng)力市場(chǎng)的重要因素, 因此修改反歧視法規(guī),將體型加人其中作為一個(gè)類別,將會(huì)有所幫助。由此可見(jiàn),禁止對(duì)員工身體形象的歧視將有助于改善現(xiàn)狀,故答案為A)。

[干擾項(xiàng)排除]文章最后一段指出,要擴(kuò)大保護(hù),禁止對(duì)體重體型的歧視,并未提及性別歧視,故排除 B)項(xiàng);C) 項(xiàng)文中未提及,故排除;D) 項(xiàng)涉及勞動(dòng)合同的內(nèi)容,文章沒(méi)有提到,故排除。

Passage Two

Questions 51 to 55 are basel on the following passage.

The work-life balance is dead.By this,I'm not advocating that you should give up your pursuit of having a fulfiling career and a thriving peronal life,and I'm definitely not saying that you have to give up one to  have the other.I also acknowledge that we have a work-life problem,but I'm arguing that the concept of balance has never been  helpful,because it's too limiting.You see,our language makes a difference,and how we refer to things matters because it affects our thinking and therefore our actions.

At the minimum,most of us work because we want to be able to support ourselves,our families,and the people  around us.In the ideal world,we're all doing work that we're proud of and that provides meaning and purpose to us.But even if your job doesn't give you shivers of joy each new day,working is a part of what each of us does and the contribution we make to society.When you separate work and life, it's a little bit harder to make that connection.But when you think of work as part of a full life and a complete experience,it becomes easier to see that success in one aspect often supports another.

Losing your balance and falling isn't pleasant.A goal to balance suggests that things could quickly get off balance,and that causes terrible outcomes.It's more constructive to think of solutions that continue to evolve over shifts in life and work.Rather than falling or failing,you may have good days or better days or not-so-good days.These variations are normal,and it's more useful to think of life as something that is ever evolving  and changing,rather than a high-risk enterprise where things could go wrong with one misstep.

How we talk to ourselves matters,and how we talk about issues makes a difference.Let's bury“work-life balance”and think bigger and better about work-life fulfillment to do a little less balancing and a lot more living.

51.What does the author suggest by saying "The work-life balance is dead"?

A)The hope of achieving a thriving life is impossible to realize.

B)The pursuit of a fulfilling career involves personal sacrifice.

C)The imbalance between work and life simply doesn't exist anymore.

D)The concept of work-life balance contributes little to a fulfilling life.

52.What does the author say about our use of language?

A)It impacts how we think and behave.                  

B)It changes with the passage of time.  

C)It reflects how we communicate.       

D)It differs from person to person.

53.What does the author say we do in an ideal world?

A)We do work that betters the lives of our families and friends.

B)We do work that gives us bursts of joy each new day.

C)We do meaningful work that contributes to society.

D)We do demanding work that brings our capacity into full play.

54.What does the author say about life?

A)It is cyclical.                                                   

B)It is dynamic.    

C)It is fulfilling.                                                 

D)It is risky.

55.What does the author advise us to do?

A)Make life as simple as possible.

B)Talk about balance in simpler terms.

C)Balance life and work in a new way.

D)Strive for a more fulfilling life.







定位)由題干中的work-tfe balarce is dead定位到第一段第一句:The work-lhie balance is dead.

詳解:推理判斷題。文章第一句指出,工作與生活平衡的說(shuō)法已經(jīng)消亡。因此,本句話的具體涵義可在下文找到,第三句中提到平衡的概念從來(lái)沒(méi)有什么幫助,因?yàn)樗窒蘖?。選項(xiàng) D) 中的  contributes litle和原文中的has never been helpful 相對(duì)應(yīng),故答案為D)。

[干擾項(xiàng)排除] A) 項(xiàng)文章未提及,故排除;第一段第二句中作者說(shuō)到,我絕對(duì)不是說(shuō)你必須放棄一個(gè) 才能擁有另一個(gè),由此可見(jiàn),作者并不認(rèn)為事業(yè)有成需要自我犧牲,故排除B) 項(xiàng) ;C) 項(xiàng)和題干內(nèi)容矛盾,故排除。 


A) 它影響我們?nèi)绾嗡伎己托袆?dòng)。              

B) 它隨著時(shí)間推移而改變。

C) 它反映我們?nèi)绾谓涣鳌?nbsp;                  

D) 它因人而異。

定位:由題干中的language 定位到第一段末句:You  see,our  language  makes  a  difference,and how we refer to things matters because it affects our thinking and therefore our actions.


[干擾項(xiàng)排除] B)、C)、D)三項(xiàng)在文中均未提及,故排除。


A) 我們的工作是改善我們的家人和朋友的生活的。

B) 我們所做的工作讓我們每個(gè)新的一天都充滿歡樂(lè)。

C) 我們做一些對(duì)社會(huì)有意義的工作。

D) 我們做要求高的工作,充分發(fā)揮我們的能力。

定位由題干中的in an ideal world 定位到第二段第二句:In the ideal world,we're all doing work that we're proud of and that provides meaning and purpose to us.


[干擾項(xiàng)排除] A) 項(xiàng)中提到改善家人和朋友的生活,可對(duì)應(yīng)文章第二段第一句,但此處是對(duì)現(xiàn)實(shí)生活的 描述,而非理想狀況,因此排除A) 項(xiàng);第二段第三句前半句提到,即使你的工作并沒(méi)有讓你在新的一天里開(kāi)心到抖動(dòng)起來(lái),說(shuō)明我們的工作并不能讓我們每天都快樂(lè),故排除B) 項(xiàng);D) 項(xiàng)文章未提及,故排除。 

54. 作者是如何看待生活的?

A) 它是循環(huán)的。                           


C) 它是充實(shí)的。                            

D) 它是冒險(xiǎn)的。

定位:由題干中的say about Hfe 定位到文章第三段末句:These variations are normal,and it's  more useful to think of life as something that is ever evolving and changing,rather than a high-risk  enterprise where things could go wrong with one misstep.

詳解:事實(shí)細(xì)節(jié)題。定位句中的think of life as 對(duì)應(yīng)題干中的say about life,evolving and changing 意為“進(jìn)化和改變”,其意義和選項(xiàng)B) 中的 dynamic“動(dòng)態(tài)的”對(duì)應(yīng),故答案為B)。

[干擾項(xiàng)排除] A) 項(xiàng)文中未提及,故排除;C) 項(xiàng)中的fulhilling出現(xiàn)在文中第一段,意為“有成就感的, 令人滿意的”,形容事業(yè)有成,和生活無(wú)關(guān),也并非作者的主觀觀點(diǎn),故排除C) 項(xiàng);D) 項(xiàng)中的 risky可對(duì)應(yīng)定位句中的high-risk, 但其出現(xiàn)在 rather than 之后,說(shuō)明這是作者不認(rèn)同的觀點(diǎn),故排除 D) 項(xiàng)。 


A) 讓生活盡可能地簡(jiǎn)單化。                  

B) 用更簡(jiǎn)單的術(shù)語(yǔ)來(lái)談?wù)撈胶狻?/span>

C) 用一種新的方式來(lái)平衡工作和生活。               

D) 為一種更令人滿意的生活而奮斗。

定位:由題干中的 advise定位到最后一段第二句:Let's bury“worklife balance”and think bigger  and better about work-life fulfillment to do a little less balancing and a lot more living.


[干擾項(xiàng)排除]A) 、B)兩項(xiàng)文中均未提及,故排除;C)項(xiàng)與定位句中提到的埋葬“工作與生活平衡”的說(shuō)法相矛盾,故排除。


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