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Section A

Directions: In this section,there is a pasage with ten blanks.You are required to select one word for each  blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefully  before making your choices.Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter.Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

Trust is fundamental to life. If you can't trust anything, life becomes intolerable. You can't have relationships without trust, let alone good ones.

In the workplace, too, trust is ____26____. An organization without trust will be full of fear and ___27_____. If you work for a boss who doesn't trust their employees to do things right, you'll have a ___28____ time. They'll be checking up on you all the time, correcting "mistakes" and ___29____ reminding you to do this or that. Colleagues who don't trust one another will need to spend more time ___30___ their backs than doing any useful work.

Organizations are always trying to cut costs. Think of all the additional tasks caused by lack of trust. Audit departments only exist because of it. Companies keep large volumes of ____31___ because they don't trust their suppliers, their contractors or their customers. Probably more than half of all administrative work is only there because of an ever-existing sense that "you can't trust anyone these days." If even a small part of such valueless work could be.____32___, The savings would run into millions of dollars.

All this is extra work we ___33____ onto ourselves because we don't trust people - the checking, following through, doing things ourselves because we don't believe others will do them ____34___ - or at all. If we took all that away, how much extra time would we suddenly find in our life? How much of our work ____35___ would disappear?

A)constantly    F)load           K)removed

B)credible      G)miserable        L)stacks

C)essential     H)pressure         M)suspicion

D)exploring     I)properly         N)tracked

E)gathe        J)records          O)watching


26. 答案 C


27. 答案 M

空格前為表并列的連詞and,空格處與fear一同作be full of的賓語,因此也應(yīng)填入名詞,且含義上與fear“恐懼”相近,表示沒有信任的組織會造成的后果。故選M)suspicion“懷疑”。

28. 答案 G


29. 答案 A

空格所在句結(jié)構(gòu)完整,因此應(yīng)填入副詞。此處是在描述不信任員工的老板的表現(xiàn),即他們會一直監(jiān)督你,糾正“錯誤”,并_____提醒你做這個或那個。因此,空格所填副詞應(yīng)與前面的all the time意思相近,故選A)constantly“不斷地,經(jīng)常地”。

30. 答案 O

空格前為spend more time,符合spend time doing sth.結(jié)構(gòu),因此應(yīng)填入動詞-ing形式。此處是說,如果同事之間缺少信任,那么他們就要防范別人在背后暗算。watch one's back為固定搭配,意為“(因可能有人暗算)小心背后”,符合語境,故選O)watching“留心,注意”。

31. 答案 J

空格前為詞組volumes of,因此應(yīng)填入名詞。空格所在句意為,公司因不信任他們的供應(yīng)商、承包商或客戶而保留大量_____??芍?,公司不信任供應(yīng)商、承包商或客戶等人,通常會把相關(guān)的交易記錄等保存下來。故選J)records“記錄,錄制”。

32. 答案 K

空格前為could be,因此應(yīng)填入動詞的過去分詞構(gòu)成被動語態(tài)或形容詞作表語??崭袂疤岬?,缺乏信任給組織機構(gòu)帶來的額外的任務(wù)。而本句中的such valueless work指的就是額外工作??芍挥蓄~外工作減少了,才能省錢。因此空格處應(yīng)填入含有“減少”意義的動詞過去分詞或形容詞,故選K)removed“去掉,移走”。

33. 答案 F


34. 答案 I


35. 答案 H

空格所在句是一個疑問句,空格處與our work一同作主語。由上一句可知,如果我們減少這些因缺乏信任產(chǎn)生的額外工作,我們會多出很多空余時間。因此,空格所在句是想表達“工作‘壓力’的減少”,故選H)pressure“壓力”。F)load填入空格處雖也符合句意,但第33題只能填load, 其他動詞均不符合語境,故排除。

Section B

Directions: In this section,you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it.Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs.Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived.You may choose a paragraph more than once.Each paragraph is marked with a letter.Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.

The Place Where the Poor Once Thrived

A)This is the land of opportunity.If that weren't already implied by the landscape-rolling green hills, palm trees,sun-kissed flowers-then it's evident in the many stories of people who grew up poor in these sleepy neighborhoods and rose to enormous success.People like Tri Tran,who fled Vietnam on a boat in1986,showed up in San Jose with nothing,made it to MIT,and then founded the food-delivery start-up Munchery,which is valued at  $300 million.

B)Indeed,data suggests that this is one of the best places to grow up poor in America.A child born in the carly 1980s into a low-income family in San Jose had a 12.9 percent chance of becoming a high earner as an adult,according to a landmark study released in 2014 by the economist Raj Chetty and his colleagues from  Harvard and Berkeley.That number-12.9 percent-may not seem remarkable,but it was:Kids in San Jose whose families fell in the bottom quintile (五分位數(shù))of income nationally had the best shot in the country at reaching the top quintile.

C)By contrast,just 4.4 percent of poor kids in Charlotte moved up to the top;in Detroit the figure was 5.5  percent.San Jose had social mobility comparable to Denmark's and Canada's and higher than other progressive cities such as Boston and Minneapolis.

D)The reasons kids in San Jose performed so well might seem obvious.Some of the world's most innovative companies are located here,providing opportunities such as the one seized by a 12-year-old Mountain View resident named Steve Jobs when he called William Hewlett to ask for spare parts and subsequently received a summer job.This is a city of immigrants-38 percent of the city's population today is foreign-born-and  immigrants and their children have historically experienced significant upward mobility in America.The city has long had a large foreign-born population(26.5 percent in 1990),leading to broader diversity,which,the Harvard and Berkeley cconomists say,is a good predictor of mobility.

E)Indced,the streets of San Jose seem,in some ways,to embody the best of America.It's possible to drive in a matter of minutes from sleek (光亮的)office towers near the airport where people pitch ideas to investors,to single-family homes with orange trees in their yards,or to a Vietnamese mall. The  libraries here offer programs in 17 languages,and there are areas filled with small businesses owned by Vietnamese immigrants,Mexican immigrants,Korean immigrants, and Filipino immigrants,to name a few.

F)But researchers aren't sure exactly why poor kids in San Jose did so well.The city has a low prevalence of children growing up in single-parent families,and a low level of concentrated poverty,both factors that usually mean a city allows for good intergenerational mobility.But San Jose also performs poorly on some of the measures correlated with good mobility.It is one of the most unequal places out of the 741 that the researchers measured,and it has high degrees of racial and economic segregation(隔離)。 Its schools underperform based on how much money there is in the area,said Ben Scuderi,a predoctoral fellow at the Equality of Opportunity Project at Harvard,which uses big data to study how to improve economic opportunities for low-income children.“There's a lot going on here which we don't totally understand,"he said.“It's interesting,because it kind of defies our expectations.”

G)The Chetty data shows that neighborhoods and places mattered for children born in the San Jose area of the  1980s.Whether the city still allows for upward mobility of poor kids today,though,is up for debate.Some of the  indicators such as income  inequality,measured  by the Equality  of Opportunity Project for the year 2000,have only worsened in the past 16 years.

H)Some San Jose residents say that as inequality has grown in recent years,upward mobility has become much more difficult to achieve.As Silicon Valley has become home to more successful companies,the flood of people to the area has caused housing prices to skyrocket.By most measures,San Jose is no longer a place where low-income,or even middle-income families,can afford to live.Rents in San Jose grew 42.6 percent between 2006 and 2014,which was the largest increase in the country during that time period.The city has a growing homelessness problem,which it tried to address by shutting down“The Jungle,”one of the largest homeless encampments(臨時住地)in the nation,in 2014.Inequality is extreme.The Human Development Index-a measure of life expectancy,education and per capita (人均的) income-gives East San Jose a score of 4.85 out of 10,while nearby Cupertino,where Apple's headquarters sits,receives a 9.26.San Jose used to have a happy mix of factors-cheap housing,closeness to a rapidly developing industry,tightly-knit immigrant communities-that together opened up the possibiliy of prosperity for even its poorest residents.But in recent years,housing prices have skyrocketed,the region's rich and poor have segregated,and middle-class jobs have disappeared.Given this,the future for the region's poor doesn't look nearly as  bright as it once did.

I)Leaders in San Jose are determined to make sure that the city regains its status as a place where even  poor kids can access the resources to succeed.With Silicon Valley in its backyard,it certainly has the chance to do so.“I think there is a broad consciousness in the Valley that we can do better than to  leave thousands of our neighbors behind through a period of extraordinary succcss,"San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo said.

J)But in today's America-a land of rising inequality,increasing segregation,and stagnating(不增長的) middle-class wages-can the San Jose region really once again become a place of opportunity?

K)The idea that those at the bottom can rise to the top is central to America's ideas about itself.That such mobility has become more difficult in San Jose raises questions about the endurance of that foundational  belief.After all,if the one-time land of opportunity can't be fixed,what does that say for the rest of America?

36.According to some people living in San Jose,it has become much harder for the poor to get ahead due to the increased inequality.

37.In American history,immigrants used to have a good chance to move upward in society.

38.If the problems of San Jose can't be solved,one of America's  fundamental beliefs about itself can be shaken.

39.San Jose was among the best cities in America for poor kids to move up the social ladder.  40.Whether poor kids in San Jose today still have the chance to move upward is questionable.

41.San Josc's officials are resolved to give poor kids access to the resources necessary for success in life. 42.San Jose appears to manifest some of the best features of America.

43.As far as social mobility is concerned,San Jose beat many other progressive cities in America.

44.Due to some changes like increases in housing prices in San Jose,the prospects for its poor people have dimmed.

45.Researchers do not have a clear idea why poor children in San Jose achieved such great success several decades ago.


36.答案 H

解析:由題干中的關(guān)鍵詞much harder 和 increased inequality 定位至 H) 段首句。該句提到, 一些圣何塞居民說,隨著近年來不平等的加劇,向上流動變得更加困難。題干中的 some people living in San Jose與原文中的 Some San Jose residents 相對應(yīng);has become much harder 與 has become much more difficult to achieve 相 對 應(yīng) ;the  increased  inequality 與 inequality has grown相對應(yīng),故答案選 H)。

37.答案 D

解析:由題干中的關(guān)鍵詞American history,immigrants 和 move upward定位至 D)段倒數(shù)第二句。該句提到,圣何塞是一座移民城市……移民及其子女在美國歷史上經(jīng)歷了社會中顯著的向上流動。題干中的 used to have a good chance to move upward in society 與原文中的 have historically experienced significant upward mobility 相對應(yīng),故答案選 D)。

38.答案 K

解析:由題干中的關(guān)鍵詞the problems of San Jose 和 America's fundamental beliefs 定位至 K)段。該段提到,美國自我觀念的核心是認(rèn)為底層的人可以上升到上層。而這種流動 性在圣何塞變得越來越困難,這就對這種基本信念的持久性提出了質(zhì)疑。如果這片曾 經(jīng)的機會之地?zé)o法修復(fù),那對美國其他地區(qū)來說又意味著什么呢?題干中的 America's fundamental beliefs與原文中的 that foundational belief 相對應(yīng),故答案選 K)。

39. 答案 B

解析:由題干中的關(guān)鍵詞 the best cities,poor kids,move up 和social ladder 定位至 B)段。 該段首句提到,數(shù)據(jù)表明這是美國最適合窮人成長的地方之一。隨后用具體數(shù)據(jù)來證明這一觀點,題干為該段內(nèi)容的同義轉(zhuǎn)述,故答案選 B)。

40. 答案 G

解 析:由題干中的關(guān)鍵詞 poor kids in San Jose,move upward 和 questionable 定 位 至G)段第二句。該句提到,如今圣何塞是否還允許貧困兒童向上流動,還有待商榷。題干中的 move upward 和 questionable 分別與原文中的upward mobility 和 up for debate 相對應(yīng),故答案選 G)。

41. 答案 I

解 析:由題干中的關(guān)鍵詞San Jose's officials,access to the resources 和 success 定 位 至I)段 首句。該句提到,圣何塞的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人決心確保該市重新獲得地位,再次成為一個即使是貧窮的孩子也可以獲取成功資源的地方。題干中的San Jose's officials 與原文中的Leaders in San Jose 相對應(yīng);give poor kids access to the resources 與 poor kids can access the resourees 相對應(yīng),故答案選I)。

42. 答案 E

解析:由題干中的關(guān)鍵詞 manifest 和 the best features of America 定位至 E) 段首句。該句提到,圣何塞的街道在某些方面似乎體現(xiàn)了美國最好的一面。題干中的 manifest 與原文 中的embody 相對應(yīng);the best features of America與the best of America 相對應(yīng),故答案選E)。

43. 答案 C

解 析:由題干中的關(guān)鍵詞social mobility和 other progressive cities 定 位 至C) 段末句。該句提 到,圣何塞的社會流動性可與丹麥和加拿大相提并論,高于波士頓和明尼阿波利斯等其 他 進 步 城 市 。 題 干 中 的 beat many other progressive cities in America 與 原 文 中 的 higher than other progressive cities 相對應(yīng),故答案選 C)。

44. 答案 H

解析:由題干中的關(guān)鍵詞housing prices 和prospeets定位至 H) 段最后兩句。此處提到,但近年來,房價飛漲,該地區(qū)貧富分化,中產(chǎn)階級工作崗位消失。鑒于此,該地區(qū)窮人的未來 看起來不像以前那么光明了。題干為此處內(nèi)容的同義轉(zhuǎn)述,故答案選 H)。

45.答案 F

解析:由題干中的關(guān)鍵詞 Researchers,poor children in San Jose 和 achieved such great suecess 定位至 F) 段首句。該句提到,研究人員并不能完全確定為什么圣何塞的窮孩 子表現(xiàn)得這么好。題干為此處內(nèi)容的同義轉(zhuǎn)述,故答案選F)。

Section C

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section.Each pasage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C)and D).You should decide on  the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

Passage One

Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.

Three children in every classroom have a diagnosable mental health condition.Half of these are behavioural  disorders,while one third are emotional disorders such as stress,anxiety and depression, which often become outwardly apparent through self-harm.There was an astonishing 52 per cent jump in hospital admissions for children and young people who had harmed themselves between 2009 and 2015.

Schools and teachers have consistently reported the scale of the problem since 2009.Last year,over  half of teachers reported that more of their pupils experience mental health problems than in the past.But teachers also consistently report how ill-equipped they feel to meet pupils'mental health needs,and often cite a lack of training,expertise and support from the National Health Service (英國國家醫(yī)療服務(wù)體系).

Part of the reason for the increased pressure on schools is that there are now fewer‘early intervention (干預(yù))’and low-level mental health services based in the community.Cuts to local authority budgets since 2010 have resulted in a significant decline of these services,despite strong evidence of their effectiveness in preventing crises further down the line.

The only way to break the pressures on both mental health services and schools is to reinvest in early intervention services inside schools.

There are strong arguments for why schools are best placed to provide mental health services.Schools  see young people more than any other service,which gives them a unique ability to get to hard-to-reach

children and young people and build meaningful relationships with them over time.Recent studies have shown that children and young people largely prefer to see a counsellor in school rather than in an outside environment.Young people have reported that for low-level conditions such as stress and anxiety,a clinical setting can sometimes be daunting (令人卻步的) .

There are already examples of innovative schools which combine mental health and wellbeing provision with a strong academic curriculum.This will,though,require a huge cultural shift.Politicians,policymakers,commissioners and school leaders must be brave enough to make the leap towards reimagining schools as providers of health as well as education services.

46.What are teachers complaining about?

A)There are too many students requiring special attention.

B)They are under too much stress counselling needy students.

C)Schools are inadequately equipped to implement any intervention.

D)They lack the necessary resources to address pupils'mental problems.

47.What do we learn from the passage about community health services in Britain?

A)They have deteriorated due to budget cuts.

B)They facilitate local residents'everyday lives.

C)They prove ineffective in helping mental patients.

D)They cover preventative care for the local residents.

48.Where does the author suggest mental health services be placed?

A)At home.                  

B)At school.                 

C)In hospitals.                      

D)In communities.

49.What do we learn from the recent studies?

A)Students prefer to rely on peers to relieve stress and anxiety.

B)Young people are keen on building meaningful relationships.

C)Students are more comfortable seeking counselling in school.

D)Young people benefit from various kinds of outdoor activities.

50.What does the author mean by a cultural shift (Line 2,Para.6)?

A)Simplification of schools'academie curriculums.

B)Parents'involvement in schools'policy-making.

C)A change in teachers'attitudes to mental health.

D)A change in the conception of what schools are.


46.答案 D

解析:根據(jù)題干關(guān)鍵詞 teachers 和 complaining 定位至第二段末句。該句提到,老師們也經(jīng)常報告他們感覺自己在滿足學(xué)生的心理健康需求方面能力不足,并且經(jīng)常提到缺乏英國 國家醫(yī)療服務(wù)體系的培訓(xùn)、專業(yè)知識和支持??芍?,老師們抱怨的是“他們?nèi)狈鉀Q學(xué)生心理問題的必要資源”,故答案選 D)項。

47.答案 A

解析:根據(jù)題干關(guān)鍵詞community health services定位至第三段。該段首句提到,現(xiàn)在社區(qū)的 “早期干預(yù)”和初級心理健康服務(wù)越來越少。而原因出現(xiàn)在后一句中,即自2010年以 來,地方政府預(yù)算的削減導(dǎo)致了這些服務(wù)的大幅下降,故答案選A) 項 。B)項和 D)項在文中均未提及,故排除;第三段第二句提到,有強有力的證據(jù)表明這些服務(wù)在幫助應(yīng)對 學(xué)生心理健康問題上有效,因此,C) 項與文中所表述的意思相悖,故排除。

48.答案 B

解析:根據(jù)題干關(guān)鍵詞 mental health services 和be placed 定位至第五段倒數(shù)第二句。該句提 到,最近的研究表明,兒童和年輕人在很大程度上更喜歡在學(xué)校里找輔導(dǎo)員,而不是在校外。故答案選B) 項。

49.答案 C

解析:根據(jù)題干關(guān)鍵詞 recent studies 定位至第五段結(jié)尾處。此處提到,最近的研究表明,兒童  和年輕人在很大程度上更喜歡在學(xué)校里找輔導(dǎo)員,而不是在校外。年輕人報告說,對于 壓力和焦慮等初級狀況,臨床環(huán)境有時會令人望而生畏。說明“青少年在學(xué)校環(huán)境下接  受心理輔導(dǎo)會感到更自在”,故答案選 C) 項 。

50.答案 D

解析:根據(jù)題干定位至末段。該段第二句指出,這將需要一場巨大的文化轉(zhuǎn)變。接下來的內(nèi) 容對“文化轉(zhuǎn)變”作出了解釋,即政治家、政策制定者、部長和學(xué)校領(lǐng)導(dǎo)必須有足夠的勇 氣,向著將學(xué)校重新塑造為健康和教育服務(wù)提供者的方向邁出一大步。說明,這種文化 轉(zhuǎn)變是將學(xué)校重新塑造為健康和教育服務(wù)提供者,故答案選D) 項。

Passage Two

Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.

Picture this:You're at a movie theater food stand loading up on snacks.You have a choice of a small, medium  or large soda.The small is $3.50 and the larg is $5.50.It's a tough dccision:The small size may not last you through the whole movie,but $5.50 for some sugary drink seems ridiculous.But there's a third option,a medium  soda for $5.25.Medium may be the perfect amount of soda for you,but the large is only a quarter more.If you're like most people,you end up buying the large(and taking a bathroom break midshow).

If you're wondering who would buy the medium  soda,the answer is almost no one.In fact,there's a good chance the marketing department purposely priced the medium soda as a decoy(誘餌),making you more likely to buy the large soda rather than the small.

I have written about this peculiarity in human nature before with my friend Dan Ariely,who studied this phenomenon extensively after noticing pricing for subscriptions(訂閱)to The Economist.The digital subscription was $59,the print subscription was $125,and the print plus digital subscription was also $125.No one in their right mind would buy the print subscription when you could get digital as well for the same price,so why was it even an option?Ariely ran an experiment and found that when only the two “real”choices were offered,more people chose the less-expensive digital subscription.But the addition of  the bad option made people much more likely to choose the more expensive print plus digital option.

Brain scientists call this effect “asymmetric dominance”and it means that people gravitate toward the  choice nearest a clearly inferior option.Marketing professors call it the decoy effect,which is certainly easier to remember.Lucky for consumers,almost no one in the business community understands it.

The decoy effect works because of the way our brains assign value when making choices.Value is almost never absolute;rather,we decide an object's value relative to our other choices.If more options are introduced,the  value equation changes.

51.Why does the author ask us to imagine buying food in the movie theater?

A)To ilustrate people's peculiar shopping behavior.

B)To illustrate the increasing variety of snacks there.

C)To show how hard it can be to choose a drink there.

D)To show how popular snacks are among movie fans.

52.Why is the medium soda priced the way it is?

A)To attract more customers to buy it.

B)To show the price matches the amount.

C)To ensure customers drink the right amount of soda.

D)To make customers believe they are getting a bargain.

53.What do we learn from Dan Ariely's experiment?

A)Lower-priced goods attract more customers.

B)The Economist's promotional strategy works.

C)The Economist's print edition turns out to sell the best.

D)More readers choose the digital over the print edition.

54.For what purposc is “the bad option”(Line 7,Para.3)added?

A)To cater to the peculiar needs of some customers.

B)To help customers to make more rational choices.

C)To trap customers into buying the more pricey item.

D)To provide customers with a greater variety of goods.

55.How do we assess the value of a commodity,according to the passage?

A)By considering its usefulness.

B)By comparing it with other choices.

C)By taking its quality into account.

D)By examining its value equation.


51.答案 A

解析:文章首段描繪了一個人們在電影院購買汽水的場景, 一般都會選擇比中杯稍貴的大杯;

第二段則分析了中杯的汽水很可能是營銷人員引誘你買大杯汽水的誘餌;第三段提到 作者和朋友對人性的這種獨特性行為進行過研究??芍?,作者讓我們想象在電影院買 食物是為了引出人們一種獨特的購物行為,故答案選 A)項。

52.答案  D

解析:根據(jù)題干關(guān)鍵詞the medium soda 和 priced 定位至第二段末句。該句提到,市場營銷部 很有可能故意以中杯汽水作為誘餌,讓你更有可能購買大杯汽水而不是小杯。而首段 中提到,大杯汽水只比中杯的貴0.25美元??芍斜@樣定價是為了讓消費者 認(rèn)為買大杯更劃算,故答案選 D) 項。

53.答案 B

解析:根據(jù)題干關(guān)鍵詞 Dan Ariely's experiment 定位至第三段最后兩句。此處提到,艾瑞里 做了一個實驗,發(fā)現(xiàn)當(dāng)只提供兩個“真實的”選項時,更多的人選擇了價格較低的數(shù)字版 訂閱。但不良選項的增加使人們更有可能選擇更昂貴的印刷版加數(shù)字版這一選項??芍?,在面對《經(jīng)濟學(xué)人》提供的三個選項時,人們更傾向于選擇訂閱印刷版加數(shù)字版,故 答案選 B)項。

54.答案  C

解析:根據(jù)題干定位至第三段末句。該句提到,不良選項的增加使人們更傾向于選擇更昂貴的印刷版加數(shù)字版這一選項??芍?,添加“不良選項”是為了誘使顧客購買價格較高的 商品,故答案選 C) 項。

55.答案 B

解析:根據(jù)題干關(guān)鍵詞 the value of a commodity 定位至文章最后兩句。此處提到,價值幾乎 從來不是絕對的;相反,我們是相對于其他選擇來確定某一物品的價值。如果引入更多 選項,則價值等式將發(fā)生變化??芍?,我們是通過比較不同的選擇來評估某一商品的價 值,故答案選 B) 項。


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