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Section A

Directions: In this section,there is a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select one word for eachblank from a list of choices given in aword bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefully before making your choices.Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter.Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

Researchers,writing in the journal Heart,pooleddata from 23 studies and found thatsocial isolation or feelings of loneliness were tied to an increased risk of coronary heart disease(冠心病)and strokes.

The studies included data from 181,006 men and women ages 18 and over.Therewere 4,628 coronary events and 3,002 strokes in follow-up periods  26  from three to 21 years.Three of the papers  27  loneliness,18 looked at social isolation and two included both.Social isolation and loneliness were determined with questionnaires;the researchers depended on medical records and death  28  for determining coronary events and strokes.

The scientists found that loneliness and social isolation increased the  29  risk of having a heart attack or a death from heart disease by 29 percent,and the risk of stroke by 32 percent.There were no  30  between men and women.

“People have tended to focus from a policy pointof view on  31  lonely people to makethem more  32  ,”said the lead author,Nicole K.Valtorta,a research fellow at the University of York in England. “Our study  33  that if this is a risk factor,thenwe should be trying to prevent the risk factor in the first place.”

The authors  34  that this was a review of observational studies and did not  35  cause and effect.

A)acknowledge          I) narrow

B)certificates          J)permanent

C)connected            K)produces

D)demonstrates          L)ranging

E)differences           M)relative

F)establish            N)submitting

G)formats             O)targeting



26.L)【語義判斷】空格所在句的意思是,在_____3年到21年的隨訪期間,有4,628例冠心病發(fā)作和3.002例中風。因此本空應(yīng)填入表達某個范圍意義的動詞-ing 形式,由此確定答案為L)ranging“在某范圍內(nèi)變化”。備選的其他動詞均沒有此含義,因此排除。

27.H)【語義判斷】空格所在句的意思是,其中3篇論文_____瓜獨感,18篇論文研究了社交隔離和2篇包含兩者??芍?,本句介紹的是有幾篇論文研究了孤獨感,又因為本段動詞用的是過去時態(tài),因此本空應(yīng)填入含有“研究”意義的動詞-ed 形式,由此答案為H)measured“衡量”。備選的其他動詞均沒有此含義,因此排除。


29.M)【語義判斷】空格所在句的意思是,科學家們發(fā)現(xiàn)孤獨和社交隔離會使心臟病發(fā)作或死于心臟病的_____ 風險增加29%,中風的風險增加32%。此題無法直接根據(jù)句意判斷所填詞的意思,適合用排除法。在備選形容詞中,D)narrow “狹窄的” 和J)permanent“永久的”均不符合句意,由此確定答案為M)relative“相對的”。


31.O)【語義判斷】空格所在句的意思是,從政策的角度來看,人們傾向于關(guān)注_____孤獨的人。由句意可知,孤獨的人是人們關(guān)注的對象,因此本空應(yīng)填入含有“關(guān)注、聚焦”意義的動詞-ing形式,由此確定答案為O)targeting。targeting與 focus on意 義相近,因此翻譯時做了簡化處理,targeting沒有單獨翻譯出來。備選的其他動詞-ing形式均沒有此含義,因此排除。

32.C)【語義判斷】空格所在句的意思是,從政策的角度來看,人們傾向于關(guān)注孤獨的人,讓他們與他人更加_____ 。由句意可知,本空應(yīng)填入與lonely “孤獨的”意義相反的形容詞,由此確定答案為C)connected“相關(guān)的,關(guān)聯(lián)的”。備選的其他形容詞均沒有此含義,因此排除。

33.D)【語義判斷】空格所在句的意思是,我們的研究_____,如果這是一個風險因素,那么我們應(yīng)該首先努力預防風險因素。由句意可知,that從句是研究的結(jié)果,因此本空應(yīng)填入含有“說明,表明”意義的動詞以說明研究結(jié)果,由此確定答案為  D)demonstrates。備選的其他動詞中,A)acknowledge有類似含義,但是屬于動詞原形,主謂不一致,而其他備選動詞均無此含義,因此排除。

34.A)【語義判斷】空格所在句的意思是,作者們_____這是對觀察性研究的回顧。由句意可知,that從句說明的是作者們的觀點,因此本空應(yīng)填入能夠表達觀點的動詞,由此確定答案為A)acknowledge“承認”。備選的其他動詞中,D)demonstrates 有類似含義,但是屬于第三人稱單數(shù)形式,主謂不一致,而其他備選動詞均無此含義,因此排除。

35.F)【語義判斷】空格所在句的意思是,作者們承認這是對觀察性研究的回顧,并沒有_____因果關(guān)系。由句意可知,本研究只是梳理了其他研究,沒有闡述孤獨與增加冠心病或中風的風險之間的因果關(guān)系。備選項中,只有F)establish “建立;證實” 符合句意。備選的其他動詞原形均沒有此含義,因此排除。

Section B

Directions: In this section,you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it.Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs.Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived.You may choose a paragraph more than once.Fach paragraph is marked with a letter.Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letteron Answer Sheet 2.

The hidden costs colleges don't want you to know about

A)This fall,thousands of college studentsfrom across thecountry will begin their undergraduate studies at colleges around the nation.They will inevitably pack too much tofit in their tiny dorm rooms.They will also carry with them a huge student loan debt,in addition tocountless “hidden”out-of-pocket costs paid for by  their bank accounts and the bank accounts of their families.

B)At my well-respected,private,four-year university in Washington,D.C.,which boasts a yearly tuition of $44,046 not including room andboard,I receive over $57,000 yearly in financial aid.As a student from a family that is struggling to make ends meet,my financial aid package is a combination of federal grants and federal work study,university merit scholarships and financial aid awards,and about $8,000 yearly in federally subsidized(有補貼的) and unsubsidized loans.On paper,my expenses and my financial aid justabout even out.Off paper,they don't.

C)Universities todayare in the business of making money,and mine is no exception.They hit me right out of gate with a $160 fee to attend my freshman orientation,a price which does not include the cost of travel to and from the District.Almost every class has an associated fee not included in the cost of tuition,most between $40 and $100.Fees for lab science classes are the highest,and all students at my university are required to take  at least one lab before they graduate.Buying a laptop proved a necessity and,thankfully,a relative bought me one as a gift.Renting a mini-fridge for my dorm room costs my roommates and me about $140 a vear. 

D)Schools will charge you whatever they can.The costs of any damage to the dorm,including elevators, bathrooms,and common areas,are billed to every person on a dorm floor,or cven the entire building if they do not know who caused the damage.After I fell out of my bed twice during my freshman year,theuniversity installed a railing—for $20,billed to my student account.My financial aid did  not anticipate any of these costs,and so it did not cover them.

E)An Internet search of "hidden costs"of college turns up a host of articles on parent-centered websites onthe college application process.These articles are almost always geared towards upper-and middle-class families.For students alreadystruggling to pay tuition,these costs may be the least of their worries.

F)So what hiddencosts should low-income students really be paying attention to?My college experience offers a few examples.

G)If you are a low-income student who will beattending school out-of-state,make sure you know if you can use your state benefits,suchas the Supplemental Nutrition AssistanceProgram,or SNAP.It wasn't until after I had accepted admission to an out-of-state school that I learned that I could not usemy Ohio Medicaid on campus for anything other than emergency care.My benefits became invalid the sccond I moved out of Ohio.After my freshman year,I had to opt for the school's insurance plan,which costs around $2,000 a year.Even if your school offers a flat-rate fee for a doctor's appointment at the student health center(mine is $20 a visit),these fees often do not include extra fees for lab tests or prescription medications(藥物)。

H)If you plan on payingoff bills in your student account with a credit card,be aware of any additional costs.Myschoolcharges an additional fee for the use of a credit card to settle outstanding charges,which can add upwards of 3%of the balance to your bill

I)There is anotherdepressing reality hidden within even the largest financial aid packages:Colleges often offer the most generous packages during freshman year as a way to attract new students.My family was careful to ask about the chances of financial aid being taken away after my freshman year. We were assured that,except for low grades or a raise in family income,no money would be taken away.Wedid not know to ask—and the school did not readily point out—that even if tuition rises,my financial aid package will stay the same.So when my university voted to raise tuition costs 3%atthe end of my freshman year,my financial aid package remained the same and I was suddenly responsible for an additional $1,200 for the next year.The university administration will likely vote to raise costs at least once morebefore my graduation.

J)Yes,I chose to attend an expensive university far from my hometown.Yes,there were cheaper options.But there are promising students from strugglingfamilies across the nationwho should not rule out theirdream schools  entirely.All things considered,I am paying significantly less than the ticket price of my university,andhaving  an educational experience in Washington,D.C.,that I would not have had anywhereelse.As a low-income student  from a down-and-out Rust Belt community,these  educational experiences have enormous potential to brighten my future—and my family's future.

K)The key is to make sure that students and their families understand that hidden costs exist,and that they may prove problematic.Fill out a more comprehensive checklist,and be wary of listed prices that seem too low.Understand just how complicated the financial aid process is.

L)Students and families must also understand their ability to self-advocate.They should not pay student bills or excess fees blindly.If something does not look right,ask about it.If it still doesn't look right,negotiate  it.In cases where parents are working multiple jobs,are less knowledgcable about college bureaucracies,have limited English language skills,or are not contributing financially to their child's education,the burden of self-advocacy will fall on the student.I understand the difficulty,and the embarrassment.But it isnecessary.

M)In the grand scheme of things,however,colleges also mustcometo understand that the hidden fees theyask for mayprove unmanageable for the very kinds of low-income or first-generation students they are trying desperately to attract.

36.Studens' financial aid remains unchanged even when tuition rises.

37.Students may not be able to enjoy their state benefits when they go to college out of the state. 

38.The financial aid the author receives is supposed to cover all her college expenses.

39.When the person who damages dorm facilities is not identified,studentsare required to share the cost.

40.Though it is difficult and embarrassing,students should make inquiries about what fees they have to pay and why.

41.Today,many Americans have to go to college on student loans.

42.Receiving education in a private university in the nation's capital may change the author's future life and that ofher family's.

43.Students may no longer be qualified for financial aid if they perform poorly in school or if their family income has increased.

44.In addition to tuition,college students have to pay extra fees for the courses they take.

45.Some schools charge students a fee to their student accounts for using credit cards to pay bills.


36.【定位】由題干中的 financial aid、remains unchanged和tuition riscs定位到I)段第四句。

I)【精析】同義轉(zhuǎn)述題。定位句提到,我們并不知道要去詢問_____校也沒有打算指出_____即使學費上漲,我的補助計劃依舊保持原樣。第五句接著用事實證明,來年學費增長了3%,但經(jīng)濟補助還是和原來的一樣。題干中的financial aid和tuition rises 在定位句中直接出現(xiàn),題干中的remains unchanged對應(yīng)定位句中的stay the same和第五句中的remained the same,故答案為I)。

37.【定位】由題干中的state benefits和go to college out of the state定位到G)段第二、三句。


38.【定位】由題干中的The financial aid the author receives和cover all her college expenses定位到B)段第三、四句。

B)【精析】同義轉(zhuǎn)述題。定位句指出,從理論上來看我的支出和財政補助基本持平。實際而言,并非如此。題干中的cover是對定位句中even out的同義轉(zhuǎn)述。題干中的is supposed to意為“應(yīng)該是”,用于表示某事本應(yīng)發(fā)生而沒有發(fā)生,這與定位句中的On paper和Off paper表達含義一致,故答案為B)。

39.【定位】由題干中的damages dorm facilities、not identified 和 students are required to share the cost定位到D)段第二句。

D)【精析】同義轉(zhuǎn)述題。定位句指出,宿舍的任何損壞,包括電梯、浴室和公共區(qū)域,都會向該樓層的所有學生征收費用,如果他們不知道是誰導致的損壞,甚至會向整棟樓收費。題干中的damages dorm facilities對應(yīng)定位句中的any damagetothe  dorm, 題干中的not identificed對應(yīng)定位句中的do no know,題干中的students are required to share the cost對應(yīng)定位句中的billed to everyperson,故答案為D)。

40.【定位】由題干中的difficult and embarrassing和make inquiries定位到L)段。

L)【精析】細節(jié)歸納題。定位段第三、四句指出,如果有些事情看起來不對勁,那就要詢問。如果還是不妥,那就協(xié)商一下。接著表示,如果父母身兼數(shù)職,不太了解大學里的官僚制度,英語水平有限, 或是沒有為孩子的教育提供經(jīng)濟支持,那么自我辯護的重擔就落在了學生身上。但這是必要的。定位段中提及的“自我辯護”即對所收費用是否合理進行詢問或協(xié)商,題干是對定位段的總結(jié)概括,故答案為L)。

41.【定位】由題干中的on student loans 定位到A)段第三句。

A)【精析】細節(jié)推斷題。定位句指出,除了由他們自己的銀行賬戶和他們家人的銀行賬戶支付的無數(shù) “隱性”自付費用外,他們還將背負巨額的學生貸款債務(wù)。題干中的studen loans對應(yīng)定位句中的student loan debt,故答案為A)。

42.【定位】由題干中的changethe author's future life and that of her family's定位到J)段最后一句。

J)【精析】同義轉(zhuǎn)述題。定位句指出,作為一名來自窮困潦倒的鐵銹地帶社區(qū)的低收入學生,這些教育經(jīng)歷有巨大的潛力照亮我的未來——以及我家庭的未來。題干中的change the author's future life and that of her family's 是對定位句中 brightenmy future—and my family's future 的同義轉(zhuǎn)述,故答案為J)。

43.【定位】由題干中的no longer be qualified for financial aid 、perform poorly in school和 family income has increased定位到I)段第三句。

I)【精析】同義轉(zhuǎn)述題。定位句指出,除非成績很差或家庭收入增加,否則不會取消補助。題干中的perform poorly in school 對應(yīng)定位句中的low grades,題干中的family incomehas increased對應(yīng)定位句中的a raise in family income,故答案為I)。

44.【定位】由題干中的 In addition to tuition和pay extra fes for the courses they take 定位到C)段第三句。

C)【精析】細節(jié)推斷題。定位句指出,幾乎每門課都有一筆不包含在學費里的相關(guān)費用,大多數(shù)在40美元到100美元之間。題干中的In addition to tuition對應(yīng)定位句中的not included inthe cost of tuition, 題干中的pay extra fees for the courses they take對應(yīng)定位句中的Almost every class has an associated fee,故答案為C)。

45.【定位】由題干中的charge studentsa fee和 using credit cards to pay bills定位到H)段第二句。

H)【精析】同義轉(zhuǎn)述題。定位句指出,我的學校對使用信用卡結(jié)算未支付費用額外收費,這可能會在你的賬單上增加3%以上的費用。題干中的charge students a fee 對應(yīng)定位句中的charges an additional fee,題干中的using credit cards to pay bills對應(yīng)定位句中的the use of a credit card to settle outstanding charges,故答案為H)。

Section C

Directions: Thereare 2 passagesin this section.Fach passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For eachof them there are four choices marked A),B),C)andD).You should decideon the best choice andmark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 witha single line through the centre.

Passage One

Questions 46 to 50 arebased on the followingpassage.

To write his 2010 book,The 5-Factor World Diet,nutritionist Harley Pasternak traveled to the healthiestcountries around the world to learn more about what made their meals extra nourishing.

He noted that Japanese people ate a wonderful variety of seaweeds,and that Chinese people tried to include at least five different colors in every meal.Pasternak also came away with some valuable observations about how different the North American way of life was,compared with many other countries.

For starters,Americans eat much bigger portions than people in other countries.“We don't prioritize eating  seasonally orlocally,and we also add lots of salt,sugar and thickening agents toour foods,”explained  Pasternak.Contrast that tothe healthy Mediterranean,Nordic and Okinawan diets listed in Pasternak'sbook.They  all seem to stick to the ethos(特質(zhì))of regional,seasonalproduce.

For example,a traditional Mediterranean diet includes fruits,vegetables,whole grains,nuts and olive oil as the main components ofnutritional intake.Fish,chicken and red wine make moderate appearances,while red meat,salt and sugar are used much less often.The benefits of a traditional Mediterranean diet have been studied since the1970s,and researchers have found that living that olive oil life can help people lose weight,lower their heart disease risk and reverse diabetes.

Most other healthy eating cultures also make meals an event—say,multiple courses around the family table,or a glassor twoof red wine at a long lunch—as opposed tohastily wolfing down handfuls of cereal abovethe kitchen sink and calling it dinner.

Each of the healthy eating cultures has its own unique feature.But Pasternak did take note of one unifying factor in all of the healthy societies he observed.“The only overlapping feature in most of these healthy countries is that they all walk way more than the average American,”said Pasternak.“So really, regardles of whatyou're eating,if someone's walking four miles more than you each day,they're going to be a lot thinnerand live a lot longer than you.”

46.What characterizes Japanese and Chinese foods?





47.What is typicalof Americans in the way of cating?

A)They emphasize nutrition.

B)They tend to cat quite a lot. 

C)They prioritize convenience.   

D)They care about flavors.

48.What features in Mediterranean,Nordic and Okinawan diets?

A)Fruits and vegetables.

B)Olive oil and red wine   

C)Seasonal local produce.

D)Unprocessed ingredients.

49.What do people in most healthy cating cultures have in common?

A)They get the whole family to eat at a table.

B)They cat their meals regularly and punctually.

C)They consume plenty of cereal for brcakfast.

D)They attach great importance to their meals.

50.Compared with the average American,people in healthy societies                

A)walk at least 4 miles a day.

B)do considerably more walking.  

C)pay more attention to body shape.

D)consume a lot more organic food.


46.【定位】由題干中的Japanese and Chinese foods定位到第二段第一句。


47.【定位】由題干中的Americans in the way of eating定位到第三段第一句。


48.【定位】由題干中的 Mediterranean,Nordic and Okinawan diets定位到第三段最后兩句。

C)【精析】細節(jié)辨認題。定位句指出,他將此和健康的地中海飲食、北歐飲食和沖繩飲食進行了對比 這些地方的飲食看似都堅持了地方性和季節(jié)性農(nóng)產(chǎn)品的特質(zhì),故答案為C)。

49.【定位】由題干中的most healthy eating cultures定位到第五段。

D)【精析】細節(jié)辨認題。第五段提到,很多其他的健康飲食文化也會把吃飯視為一件大事。比如,在家庭餐桌上吃上幾道菜,或者在一頓漫長的午餐中喝一兩杯紅酒,而不是匆忙地在廚房水槽旁狼吞虎咽地吃下幾把麥片,然后稱之為晚餐。也就是很重視 每一餐的質(zhì)量,故答案為D)。

50.【定位】由題干中的peoplein healthy societies定 位到最后一段第二、三句。

B)【精析】細節(jié)辨認題。定位句指出,帕斯捷爾納克確實注意到,在他觀察的所有健康社會中,有一個統(tǒng)一的因素。“在這些健康國家中,唯一的共同點是他們走路的時間都比一般美國人走路時間多。” 故答案為B)。

Passage Two

Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.

Recognizing when a friend or colleague feels sad,angry or surprised is key to getting along with others.But a new studysuggests that being sensitive to people's feelingsmay sometimes come with an extra dose of stress.This and otherresearch challenge the prevailing view that emotional intelligence is uniformly beneficial to its bearer.

In a study,psychologist Myriam Bechtoldt of the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management in Germany asked 166 male universitystudents a series of questions to measure their emotional intelligence. For example,they showed the students photographsof  people's faces and asked them to what extent feelings such as happiness or disgust were being expressed.The students then had to give job talks in front of judges who displayed serious  facial expressions.The scientists measured concentrations of stress hormones in the students'saliva(唾液)before and after the talk.

In students who were rated moreemotionally intelligent,the stress measures increased more during the experiment and took longer to go backto baseline.The findings suggest that some people may be too emotionally clever for their own good,says Bechtoldt.“Sometimes you can be so good at something that it causes trouble,"she notes.

Indeed,the study adds to previous research hinting at a dark side of emotional intelligence.A study publishedin 2002 in Personality and Individual Differences suggested that emotionally perceptive people might be particularly influencedby feelings of depression and hopelessness.Furthermore,several studies have implied that emotional intelligence can be used to maninulate others for personal gains.

More research is needed to see how exactly the relation between emotional intelligence and stress would play out in women and in people of different ages and education levels.Nevertheless,emotional intelligence is a useful skill to have,as longas you learn to also properly cope with emotions—both others' and your own,says Bechtoldt.For example,some sensitive individuals may assume responsibility for other people's sadness or anger,which ultimately stresses themout.Remember,as Bechtoldt says,“you are not responsible for how other people feel.”

51.What is the finding of the new study?

A)Emotional intelligence helps people get along with others.

B)Emotional intelligence is generally beneficial to its bearer.

C)People who are aware of others'feelings may experience more stress.

D)People who are emotionally stressed may have trouble making friends.

52.What was the purpose of psychologist Myriam Bechtoldt's experiment?

A)Todefine different types of human feelings.

B)To assess the impacts of being emotionally clever.

C)To demonstrate how to distinguish different feelings.

D)To identify gender differences in emotional intelligence.

53.What does thefinding of Myriam Bechtoldt'sstudy indicate?

A)Greater emotional cleverness means less trouble in one's life.

B)Emotional intelligence helps people suceed in job interviews.

C)People's psychological wellbeing is related to various factors.

D)People may suffer from having a high emotional intelligence.

54.What do we learn about emotional intelligence from a number of studies?

A)Peoplesuffering from depression are emotionally immature.

B)People who look at the dark side of life often feel depressed.

C)Some people may take advantage of it and benefit themselves.

D)Some people may lack it and are easily manipulatedby others.

55.What does the author suggest sensitive individuals do?

A)Avoid burdening themselves with others'feelings.

B)Rid themselves of worries over worldly affairs.

C)Learn to cope with people's negative feelings.

D)Help people to deal with their troubles in life.


51.【定位】由題干中的the finding of the new study定位到第一段第二句。

C)【精析】細節(jié)辨認題。定位句指出, 一項新研究表明,對他人的感受過于敏感有時候也會讓人平添一些額外的壓力。故答案為C)。

52.【定位】由題干中的purpose和psychologist Myriam Bechtoldt's experiment定位到第二段第一句。


53.【定位】由題干中的the finding of Myriam Bechtoldt's study定位到第三段第二、三句。

D)【精析】細節(jié)辨認題。定位句指出,貝赫托爾特認為,這些發(fā)現(xiàn)表明有些人可能在情感上過于聰明, 而這對自己沒有什么好處;有時候你可能在某些方面太擅長以至于也會帶來麻煩。故答案為D) 。

54.【定位】由題干中的a number of studies定位到第四段最后一句。


55.【定位】由題干中的the author 和sensitive individuals 定位到最后一段最后兩句。

A)【精析】細節(jié)辨認題。由定位句可知, 一些敏感的人也許會為他人的悲傷或氣憤承擔責任,最終讓自己壓力重重。作者用貝赫托爾特的話對敏感的人提出了建議,即不必對他人的感受負責,故答案為A)。


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