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  Culture Shock

  Culture shock is precipitated1 by the anxiety that results from losing all our familiar signs and symbols of social intercourse. Those signs or cues include the thousand and one 2 ways in which we orient3 ourselves to the situation of daily life ; when to shake hands and what to say when we meet people , when and how to give tips, how to make purchases, when to accept and when to refuse invitations, when to take statements seriously and when not. These cues, which may be words, gestures, facial expressions, customs, or norms, are acquired by all of us in the course of growing up and are as much a part of our culture as the language we speak or the beliefs we accept. All of us depend for our peace of mind and our efficiency on hundreds of these cues, most of which we do not carry on the level of conscious awareness.

  Now when an individual enters a strange culture, all or most of these familiar cues are removed. He or she is like a fish out of water4 . No matter how broad-minded5 or full of good will you may be , a series of props6 have been knocked from under you, followed by a feeling of frustration7 and anxiety. People react to the frustration in much the same way. First they reject the environment which causes the discomfort.“The ways of the host country are bad because they make us feel bad. ”When foreigners in a strange land get together to grouse about8 the host country and its people , you can be sure they are suffering from culture shock. Another phase of culture shock is regression. The home environment suddenly assumes a tremendous importance. To the foreigner everything becomes irrationally glorified. All the difficulties and problems are forgotten and only the good things back home are remembered. It usually takes a trip home to bring one back to reality.

  Some of the symptoms of culture shock are excessive washing of the hands, excessive concern over drinking water, food dishes, and bedding; fear of physical contact with attendants, the absent-minded stare; a feeling of helplessness and a desire for dependence on long-term residents of one’s own nationality; fits of anger over minor frustrations; great concern over minor pains and eruptions of the skin; and finally, that terrible longing to be back home. 9


 ?、? Replace the underlined words with the phrases in the passage with the same meaning:

  1 . Culture shock is caused by the anxiety that results from losing all our familiar signs and symbols of social intercourse .

  2 . Those signs and cues include a lot of ways in which we act.

  3 . Entering a new company with no friends help him, he feels uncomfortable.

  4 . Although living abroad for 5 years, she still feels homesick now and then.

 ?、? Question :

  What are the symptoms of culture shock?


  Ⅰ. 1. precipitated 2. the thousand and one 3. like a fish out of water 4 . longing to be back home

 ?、? Some of the symptoms of culture shock are excessive washing of the hands, excessive 033 concern over drinking water, food dishes, and bedding; fear of physical contact with attendants, the absent-minded stare; a feeling of helplessness and a desire for dependence on long-term residents of one’s own nationality; fits of anger over minor frustrations; great concern over minor pains and eruptions of the skin; and finally, that terrible longing to be back home .



  文化休克現(xiàn)象源自焦慮, 焦慮的原因是我們找不到熟悉的社會標志及特征。這些標志 或暗示包含了許多引導我們適應日常生活的方法: 什么時候握手, 與人見面時該說什么話, 什么時候及怎樣給小費, 如何購物, 什么時候接受邀請, 什么時候拒絕邀請, 什么話需要嚴 肅對待, 什么話不需要。這些暗示可以是話語、手勢、面部表情、風俗或者行為準則, 它們都 是我們在成長的過程中獲得的, 就像我們所說的語言或接受的信仰那樣, 成為我們的文化 的組成部分。為了使心態(tài)平和, 工作高效, 我們大家都依賴于無數(shù)個這樣的暗示, 其中大多 數(shù)的暗示都不是我們有意識地進行傳達的。

  這時候, 一個人進入一種陌生的文化領(lǐng)域時, 他先前所熟悉的全部或者說大部分的暗 示都消失了, 他就會感到無所適從。不管你是如何的心胸開闊抑或熱情高漲, 在失去了一 個個依托之后, 你總會有一種挫敗感和焦慮感。面對挫折, 人們的反應幾乎都是一樣的。 首先, 人們會排斥給他們帶來困苦的那種環(huán)境。“ 東道國的生活方式不好是因為它們讓我 們覺得不舒服。”當一群客居他國的同鄉(xiāng)聚在一起抱怨東道國和東道國的人民時, 你就可以 確定他們正飽受文化休克之苦。文化休克的另一個階段是回歸。家鄉(xiāng)陡然變得異常重要。 對身居他鄉(xiāng)的人而言, 家鄉(xiāng)的一切都不合情理地變得榮光異彩。他們將所有的麻煩與困惑 都拋之腦后, 記住的都是家鄉(xiāng)的美好事物。通常, 只有回家一趟后才能讓他重返現(xiàn)實。

  文化休克引起的一些癥狀是: 頻繁地洗手, 過度關(guān)心飲用水、食物及寢具問題, 害怕與 服務生的身體接觸, 看東西時心不在焉, 感到無助和希望從來自家鄉(xiāng)的長期居住于此的人 那里得到依靠感, 動輒大發(fā)脾氣, 對小病痛和皮疹過度擔憂等等, 最后, 就是急切地渴望回 歸故里。


  “中國人到了國外想喝口熱水都難! ”還記得電影《不見不散》中這句臺詞嗎? 這就是 一個典型的文化休克現(xiàn)象。東西方文化差異很大, 不同的文化背景造就了不同的生活習性 和思維方式, 文化休克現(xiàn)象也在所難免。然而, 文化本身所具有的包容性和全球化進程中 各種文化之間的磨合碰撞都會使這種震撼愈變愈小, 直到有一天, 一個真正意義上的地球 村就此誕生。


  1. 這個詞是“ ( 突如其來地) 使發(fā)生, 促成, 促使……加快”的意思。

  2. 注意了, 這里的the / a thousand and one 并不是真正意義上的一千零一, 而是一種概數(shù)的 表達法, 泛指“很多, 非常多”。這和我們漢語中的數(shù)字“三”的用法很相似, 如“ 三思而后 行”中的“三”就表示“很多”的意思。

  3. 這里作“ 使適應, 使熟悉情況/環(huán)境等”解, 如: The freshman took a while to orient himself. ( 那大學新生花了一些時間熟悉環(huán)境。) 若首字母大寫: the Orient, 則特指“ 東方, 亞洲”, 尤其指遠東地區(qū), 是東方國家的總稱。

  4. 這是一條習語, 意思是“如魚離水, 感到生疏或不適應”。英國不列顛島上稠密的河流和 環(huán)島漫長的海岸線蘊藏著極其豐富的漁業(yè)資源, 捕魚業(yè)在英國很發(fā)達。歷史上, 英國人 因此留下很多與魚有關(guān)的習語, 如: big fish ( 大亨) ; old fish ( 怪人) ; drink like a fish ( 大 喝, 牛飲, 比喻很能喝酒) ; a big fish in a little pond ( 小池塘里的大魚, 比喻小范圍內(nèi)出名 的人) ; There is as good fish in the sea as ever came out of it. ( 海里的魚和冒出來的魚一樣 多。比喻“縱然失去一個機會, 也不愁沒有其他好機會。”該諺語常用來勸慰那些失戀的 少男少女

  5 - 7. 這句話中生詞偏多, broad-minded 是個合成詞, 其構(gòu)詞法是形容詞加連詞符, 再加名 詞加ed。這個詞的意思是“ 心胸開闊的, 寬宏大量的”, 其反義詞是narrow-minded。下文 出現(xiàn)的absent-minded 屬于同樣的構(gòu)詞方式。prop 指“ 支柱, 靠山”。frustration 是“ 挫敗 感”的意思。

  8. grouse 原指“ 松雞”, 這里用作動詞, 與about 連用, 意思是“抱怨, 發(fā)牢騷”, 口語中常用這 個詞組, 與complain 意思相近, 只不過complain是書面語。

  9. 這個段落就只有一句話, 這是一個簡單句包含了很多并列的表語成分。句中symptom 是“ 征兆, 癥狀”的意思; resident 是“ 居民”的意思; eruption 在這里是醫(yī)學術(shù)語“ 皮疹”的 意思。為了避免與前面的desire 重復, 后面采用了longing 這個詞, 意思是“ ( 對得不到的 東西的) 渴望, 切望”。

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