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Section A

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

Steel is valued for its reliability, but not when it gets cold. Most forms of steel  26  become brittle (脆的) at temperatures below about -25℃ unless they are mixed with other metals. Now, though, a novel type of steel has been developed that resists  27  at much lower temperatures, while retaining its strength and toughness —without the need for expensive  28  .

Steel’s fragility at low temperatures first became a major concern during the Second World War. After German U-boats torpedoed (用魚雷攻擊) numerous British ships, a 2,700-strong fleet of 

cheap-and-cheerful“Liberty ships”was introduced to replace the lost vessels, providing a lifeline for the  29  British. But the steel shells of hundreds of the ships  30  in the icy north Atlantic, and 12 broke in half and sank.

Brittleness remains a problem when building steel structures in cold conditions, such as oil rigs in the Arctic. So scientists have  31  to find a solution by mixing it with expensive metals such as nickel.

Yuuji Kimura and colleagues in Japan tried a more physical  32  . Rather than adding other metals, they developed a complex mechanical process involving repeated heating and very severe mechanical deformation, known as tempforming.

The resulting steel appears to achieve a combination of strength and toughness that is  33  to that of modem steels that are very rich in alloy content and, therefore, very expensive.

Kimura’s team intends to use its tempformed steel to make ultra-high strength parts, such as bolts. They hope to reduce both the number of  34  needed in a construction job and their weight—by replacing solid supports with  35  tubes, for example. This could reduce the amount of steel needed to make everything from automobiles to buildings and bridges.

A) abruptly 

B) additives 

C) approach 

D) ardently 

E) besieged 

F) channel 

G) comparable 

H) components

I) cracked

J) fractures

K) hollow

L) relevant

M) reshuffled

N) strived

O) violent

Section B

Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.

The future of personal satellite technology is here—are we ready for it?

A) Satellites used to be the exclusive playthings of rich governments and wealthy corporations. But increasingly, as space becomes more democratized, they are coming within reach of ordinary people. Just like drones (無人機(jī)) before them, miniature satellites are beginning to fundamentally transform our conceptions of who gets to do what up above our heads.

B) As a recent report from the National Academy of Sciences highlights, these satellites hold tremendous potential for making satellite-based science more accessible than ever before. However, as the cost of getting your own satellite in orbit drops sharply, the risks of irresponsible use grow. The question here is no longer“Can we?”but“Should we?”What are the potential downsides of having a slice of space densely populated by equipment built by people not traditionally labeled as“professionals”? And what would the responsible and beneficial development and use of this technology actually look like? Some of the answers may come from a nonprofit organization that has been building and launching amateur satellites for nearly 50 years.

C) Having your personal satellite launched into orbit might sound like an idea straight out of science fiction. But over the past few decades a unique class of satellites has been created that fits the bill: CubeSats. The“Cube”here simply refers to the satellite's shape. The most common CubeSat is a 10cm cube, so small that a single CubeSat could easily be mistaken for a paperweight on your desk. These mini-satellites can fit in a launch vehicle's formerly“wasted space.”Multiples can be deployed in combination for more complex missions than could be achieved by one CubeSat alone.

D) Within their compact bodies these minute satellites are able to house sensors and communications receivers/transmitters that enable operators to study Earth from space, as well as space around Earth. They’re primarily designed for Low Earth Orbit (LEO)—an easily accessible region of space from around 200 to 800 miles above Earth, where human-tended missions like the Hubble Space Telescope and the International Space Station (ISS) hang out. But they can attain more distant orbits; NASA plans for most of its future Earth-escaping payloads (to the moon and Mars especially) to carry CubeSats.

E) Because they're so small and light, it costs much less to get a CubeSat into Earth’s orbit than a traditional communications or GPS satellite. For instance, a research group here at Arizona State University recently claimed their developmental small CubeSats could cost as little as $3,000 to put in orbit. This decrease in cost allows researchers, hobbyists and even elementary school groups to put simple instruments into LEO or even having them deployed from the ISS.

F) The first CubeSat was created in the early 2000s, as a way of enabling Stanford graduate students to design, build, test and operate a spacecraft with similar capabilities to the USSR’s Sputnik (前蘇聯(lián)的人造衛(wèi)星). Since then, NASA, the National Reconnaissance Office and even Boeing have all launched and operated CubeSats. There arc more than 130 currently in operation. The NASA Educational Launch of Nano Satellite program, which offers free launches for educational groups and science missions, is now open to U.S. nonprofit corporations as well. Clearly, satellites are not just for rocket scientists anymore.

G) The National Academy of Sciences report emphasizes CubeSats' importance in scientific discovery and the training of future space scientists and engineers. Yet it also acknowledges that widespread deployment of LEO CubeSats isn’t risk-flee. The greatest concern the authors raise is space debris—pieces of“junk”that orbit the earth, with the potential to cause serious damage if they collide with operational units, including the ISS.

H) Currently, there aren't many CubeSats and they're tracked closely. Yet as LEO opens up to more amateur satellites, they may pose an increasing threat. As the report authors point out, even near-misses might lead to the“creation of a burdensome regulatory framework and affect the future disposition of science CubeSats.”

I) CubeSat researchers suggest that now's the time to ponder unexpected and unintended possible consequences of more people than ever having access to their own small slice of space. In an era when you can simply buy a CubeSat kit off the shelf, how can we trust the satellites over our heads were developed with good intentions by people who knew what they were doing? Some“expert amateurs”in the satellite game could provide some inspiration for how to proceed responsibly.

J) In 1969, the Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation (AMSAT) was created in order to foster ham radio enthusiasts’ (業(yè)余無線電愛好者) participation in space research and communication. It continued the efforts, begun in 1961, by Project OSCAR—a U.S.-based group that built and launched the very first nongovernmental satellite just four years after Sputnik. As an organization of volunteers, AMSAT was putting“amateur”satellites in orbit decades before the current CubeSat craze. And over time, its members have learned a thing or two about responsibility. Here, open.source development has been a central principle, Within the organization, AMSAT has a philosophy of open sourcing everything—making technical data on all aspects of their satellites fully available to everyone in the organization, and when possible, the public. According to a member of the team responsible for FOX 1-A, AMSAT's first CubeSat, this means that there s no way to sneak something like explosives or an energy emitter into an amateur satellite when everyone has access to the designs and implementation.

K) However, they're more cautious about sharing information with nonmembers, as the organization guards against others developing the ability to hijack and take control of their satellites. This form of“self-governance”is possible within long-standing amateur organizations that, over time, are able to build a sense of responsibility to community members, as well as society in general. But what happens when new players emerge, who don't have deep roots within the existing culture?

L) Hobbyists and students are gaining access to technologies without being part of a long-standing amateur establishment. They're still constrained by funders, launch providers and a series of regulations—all of which rein in what CubeSat developers can and cannot do. But there's a danger they're ill-equipped to think through potential unintended consequences. What these unintended consequences might be is admittedly far from clear.Yet we know innovators can be remarkably creative with taking technologies in unexpected directions. Think of something as seemingly benign as the cellphone—we have microfinance and text-based social networking at one end of the spectrum, and improvised (臨時(shí)制作的) explosive devices at the other.

M) This is where a culture of social responsibility around CubeSats becomes important—not simply to ensure that physical risks are minimized, but to engage with a much larger community in anticipating and managing less obvious consequences of the technology. This is not an easy task. Yet the evidence from AMSAT and other areas of technology development suggests that responsible amateur communities can and do emerge around novel technologies. The challenge here, of course, is ensuring that what an amateur communities considers to be responsible, actually is. Here's where there needs to be a much wider public conversation that extends beyond government agencies and scientific communities to include students, hobbyists, and anyone who may potentially stand to be affected by the use of CubeSat technology.

36. Given the easier accessibility to space, it is time to think about how to prevent misuse of satellites.

37. A group of mini-satellites can work together to accomplish more complex tasks.

38. The greater accessibility of mini-satellites increases the risks of their irresponsible use.

39. Even school pupils can have their CubeSats put in orbit owing to the lowered launching cost.

40. AMSAT is careful about sharing information with outsiders to prevent hijacking of their satellites.

41. NASA offers to launch CubeSats free of charge for educational and research purposes.

42. Even with constraints, it is possible for some creative developers to take the CubeSat technology in directions that result in harmful outcomes.

43. While making significant contributions to space science, CubeSats may pose hazards to other space vehicles.

44. Mini-satellites enable operators to study Earth from LEO and space around it.

45. AMSAT operates on the principle of having all its technical data accessible to its members, preventing the abuse of amateur satellites.

Section C

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C)and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

Passage One

Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.

When I re-entered the full-time workforce a few years ago after a decade of solitary self-employment, there was one thing I was looking forward to the most: the opportunity to have work friends once again. It wasn’t until I entered the corporate world that I realized, for me at least, being friends with colleagues didn’t emerge as a priority at all. This is surprising when you consider the prevailing emphasis by scholars and trainers and managers on the importance of cultivating close interpersonal relationships at work. So much research has explored the way in which collegial (同事的) ties can help overcome a range of workplace issues affecting productivity and the quality of work output such as team-based conflict, jealousy, undermining, anger, and more.

Perhaps my expectations of lunches, water-cooler gossip and caring, deep-and-meaningful conversations were a legacy of the last time I was in that kind of office environment. Whereas now, as I near the end of my fourth decade, I realize work can be fully functional and entirely fulfilling without needing to be best mates with the people sitting next to you.

In an academic analysis just published in the profoundly-respected Journal of Management, researchers have looked at the concept of “indifferent relationships”. It’s a simple term that encapsulates (概括) the fact that relationships at work can reasonably be non-intimate, inconsequential, unimportant and even, dare I say it, disposable or substitutable.

Indifferent relationships are neither positive nor negative. The limited research conducted thus far indicates they’re especially dominant among those who value independence over cooperation, and harmony over confrontation. Indifference is also the preferred option among those who are socially lazy. Maintaining relationships over the long term takes effort. For some of us, too much effort.

As noted above, indifferent relationships may not always be the most helpful approach in resolving some of the issues that pop up at work. But there are nonetheless several empirically proven benefits. One of those is efficiency. Less time chatting and socializing means more time working and churning (產(chǎn)出).

The other is self-esteem. As human beings, we’re primed to compare ourselves to each other in what is an anxiety-inducing phenomenon. Apparently, we look down on acquaintances more so than friends. Since the former is most common among those inclined towards indifferent relationships, their predominance can bolster individuals’ sense of self-worth.

Ego aside, a third advantage is that the emotional neutrality of indifferent relationships has been found to enhance critical evaluation, to strengthen one’s focus on task resolution, and to gain greater access to valuable information. None of that might be as fun as after-work socializing but, hey, I’ll take it anyway.

46. What did the author realize when he re-entered the corporate world?

A) Making new friends with his workmates was not as easy as he had anticipated.

B) Cultivating positive interpersonal relationships helped him expel solitary feelings.

C) Working in the corporate world requires more interpersonal skills than self-employment.

D) Building close relationships with his colleagues was not as important as he had expected.

47. What do we learn from many studies about collegial relationships?

A) Inharmonious relationships have an adverse effect on productivity.

B) Harmonious relationships are what many companies aim to cultivate.

C) Close collegial relationships contribute very little to product quality.

D) Conflicting relationships in the workplace exist almost everywhere.

48. What can be inferred about relationships at work from an academic analysis?

A) They should be cultivated.

B) They are virtually irrelevant.

C) They are vital to corporate culture.

D) They should be reasonably intimate.

49. What does the author say about people who are socially lazy?

A) They feel uncomfortable when engaging in social interactions.

B) They often find themselves in confrontation with their colleagues.

C) They are unwilling to make efforts to maintain Workplace relationships.

D) They lack basic communication skills in dealing with interpersonal issues.

50. What is one of the benefits of indifferent relationships?

A) They provide fun at work.

B) They help control emotions.

C) They help resolve differences.

D) They improve work efficiency.

Passage Two

Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.

In a few decades, artificial intelligence (AI) will surpass many of the abilities that we believe make us special. This is a grand challenge for our age and it may require an “irrational” response.

One of the most significant pieces of news from the US in early 2017 was the efforts of Google to make autonomous driving a reality. According to a report, Google’s self-driving cars clocked 1,023,330 krn, and required human intervention 124 times. That is one intervention about every 8,047 km of autonomous driving. But even more impressive is the progress in just a single year: human interventions fell from 0.8 times per thousand miles to 0.2, a 400% improvement. With such progress, Google’s cars will easily surpass my own driving ability later this year.

Driving once seemed to be a very human skill. But we said that about chess, too. Then a computer beat the human world champion, repeatedly. The board game Go (圍棋) took over from chess as a new test for human thinking in 2016, when a computer beat one of the world’s leading professional Go players. With computers conquering what used to be deeply human tasks, what will it mean in the future to be human? I worry about my six-year-old son. What will his place be in a world where machines beat us in one area after another? He’ll never calculate faster, never drive better, or even fly more safely. Actually, it all comes down to a fairly simple question: What’s so special about us? It can’t be skills like arithmetic, which machines already excel in. So far, machines have a pretty hard time emulating creativity, arbitrary enough not to be predicted by a computer, and yet more than simple randomness.

Perhaps, if we continue to improve information-processing machines, we’ll soon have helpful rational assistants. So we must aim to complement the rationality of the machine, rather than to compete with it. If I'm right, we should foster a creative spirit because a dose of illogical creativity will complement the rationality of the machine. Unfortunately, however, our education system has not caught up to the approaching reality. Indeed, our schools and universities are structured to mould pupils to be mostly obedient servants of rationality, and to develop outdated skills in interacting with outdated machines. We need to help our children learn how to best work with smart computers to improve human decision-making. But most of all we need to keep the long-term perspective in mind: that even if computers will outsmart us, we can still be the most creative. Because if we aren’t, we won’t be providing much value in future ecosystems, and that may put in question the foundation for our existence.

51. What is the author’s greatest concern about the use of AI?

A) Computers are performing lots of creative tasks.

B) Many abilities will cease to be unique to human beings.

C) Computers may become more rational than humans.

D) Many human skills are fast becoming outdated.

52. What impresses the author most in the field of AI?

A) Google’s experimental driverless cars require little human intervention.

B) Google’s cars have surpassed his driving ability in just a single year.

C) Google has made huge progress in autonomous driving in a short time.

D) Google has become a world leader in the field of autonomous driving.

53. What do we learn from the passage about creativity?

A) It is rational.

B) It is predictable.

C) It is human specific.

D) It is yet to be emulated by AI.

54. What should schools help children do in the era of AI?

A) Cultivate original thinking.

B) Learn to work independently.

C) Compete with smart machines.

D) Understand how AI works.

55. How can we humans justify our future existence?

A) By constantly outsmarting computers.

B) By adopting a long-term perspective.

C) By rationally compromising with AI.

D) By providing value with our creativity.

26.A)abruptly。 詳解:副詞辨析題。空格前面為主語most forms of steel,空格后面是系表結(jié)構(gòu)become brittle.因此,空格處需要填入副詞形式來修飾become brittle。本段第一句提到,鋼的價(jià)值在于它的可靠性.但是當(dāng)天氣變冷的時(shí)候就不一樣了。第二段第一句中的steel's fragility更是明確提出了本篇短文的主題,即鋼在寒冷氣溫下的易碎性,因此,此處是說大多數(shù)的鋼在溫度低于大約零下25℃時(shí)會突然變脆,容易破裂。由此確定副詞A)abruptly"突然地”為本題答案。備選的另一個(gè)副詞D)ardently"熱烈地;熱心地”與此處要表達(dá)的意思不符,故可排除。

27.J)fractures。 詳解:名詞辨析題。空格位于一個(gè)定語從句中,空格前的that指代主語a novel type of steel,resists是謂語動詞,空格后是介詞短語at much lower temperatures作狀語,因此,空格處需要填入 名詞形式作定語從句中resists的賓語。上文提到,大多數(shù)鋼在溫度低于大約零下25℃時(shí)會突然變脆,短文最后兩段提到,木村男次及其同事研發(fā)出了一種新型的鋼,使其達(dá)到強(qiáng)度和韌性的結(jié)合,因此,此處是說這種新型的鋼已經(jīng)被開發(fā)出來,它可以在更低溫度下抵抗斷裂。由此可以確定名詞J)fractures“破裂,斷裂”為本題答案。備選的其他名詞均與此處要表達(dá)的“斷裂”或“破裂”意思不符,均可排除。 

28.B)additives。 詳解:名詞辨析題。空格前面是形容詞expensive,因此,空格處應(yīng)填入名詞形式作形容詞 的中心語。上文提到,大多數(shù)鋼在溫度低于大約零下25℃時(shí)突然變脆,除非與其他金屬混合,而現(xiàn)在,一種新型的鋼已經(jīng)被開發(fā)出來解決鋼的斷裂問題。下文第三段指出,科學(xué)家通過把鋼與鎳等貴金屬混合來解決鋼的低溫易碎問題,第四段第二句提到,木村勇次及其同事在開發(fā)這種新型鋼時(shí),沒有添加其他金屬,而是開發(fā)了一個(gè)復(fù)雜的機(jī)械過程達(dá)到了鋼的強(qiáng)度和韌性的結(jié)合。因此,此處是說,這種新型鋼可以在更低的溫度下抵抗斷裂,同時(shí)保持其強(qiáng)度和韌性,然而并不需要添加昂貴的材料。由此可以確定名詞B)additves“添加物,添加劑”為本題答案。備選的其他名詞中,均與此處要表達(dá)的“添加物”意思不符,故可排除。

29.E)besieged。 詳解:形容詞辨析題??崭袂懊媸嵌ü谠~the,后面是名詞British,因此,空格處需要填入形容詞形式修飾名詞British。上文中提到,德國U型潛艇用魚雷擊沉了許多英國船只,之后,一支更強(qiáng)大的艦隊(duì) 被派往前線,取代了這些被擊沉的船只,從而為被圍困的英國人提供了生命線。因此,此處是說這支由自由輪組成的強(qiáng)大艦隊(duì)是來解救被困的英國人的。由此可以確定形容詞E)besieged“被包圍的,被困住的”為本題答案。備選的其他形容詞均與此處要表達(dá)的“被圍困的”或“處于困境中的”意思不符,均可排除。 

30.I)cracked。 詳解:動詞辨析題??崭袼诰渲髡Z為the steel shells of hundreds of theships,句中缺少 謂語,因此空格處需要填入動詞形式。此處敘述的是過去發(fā)生的事情,故該動詞應(yīng)用過去式。本段主要講述的是二戰(zhàn)期間,鋼在低溫下的易碎性首次成為主要問題,空格處所在句的后半句提到,12艘船裂成兩半沉沒,因此,此處是說數(shù)百艘船的鋼殼在冰冷的北大西洋中裂開了。由此可以確定,動詞I)cracked “(使)破裂,(使)裂開”為本題答案。備選的動詞過去式中,besieged“包圍,圍攻,圍困”、reshufled“改 組,進(jìn)行崗位調(diào)整”和strived“努力;奮斗;抗?fàn)帯本c此處意思不符,故排除。 

31.N)strived。 詳解:動詞辨析題。空格所在句是一個(gè)現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)態(tài)的句子??崭袂懊媸侵鷦釉~have,空格后面是to引導(dǎo)的動詞不定式,因此,空格處應(yīng)填入動詞過去分詞形式,構(gòu)成完成時(shí)態(tài),且該動詞能與不定式結(jié)構(gòu)搭配使用。上文提到,在寒冷條件下建造鋼結(jié)構(gòu)時(shí),鋼的脆性仍然是一個(gè)問題。下文提到,木村勇次及其同事研發(fā)出了新型的鋼材。因此,此處是說科學(xué)家們一直在尋找解決鋼的易碎缺陷的方案,空格處應(yīng)填入一個(gè)表示“努力”或“致力于”之類意思的動詞。動詞N)strived“努力;奮斗;抗?fàn)帯狈弦螅蕿榇鸢?。備選的其他動詞過去分詞均與此處要表達(dá)的“努力”或“致力于”意思不符,均可排除。 

32.C)approach。 詳解:名詞辨析題。空格前面是形容詞physical,且有不定冠詞a修飾,因此,空格處應(yīng)填入可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)形式與a more physical一起作tried的賓語。下文提到,木村勇次及其同事采用了 “反復(fù)加熱和非常嚴(yán)格的機(jī)械變形”來加工鋼材,這是一種物理加工方法,故空格處應(yīng)填入一個(gè)表示“方式,方法”的名詞。名詞C)approach“方法,步驟”符合要求。其他備選的單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞channel“頻道;手段;海峽”和hollow“淺坑,凹陷處”均與此處語境不符,故排除。 

33.G)comparable。詳解:形容詞辨析題??崭袂懊媸窍祫釉~is,后面是介詞to,因此,空格處需填入形容詞形式,構(gòu)成系表結(jié)構(gòu),且該形容詞能與to搭配使用。上文提到,木村勇次及其同事用新物理方式研發(fā)出的鋼材達(dá)到了強(qiáng)度和韌性的結(jié)合。而根據(jù)上文,使用高價(jià)材料制作的現(xiàn)代鋼材也是強(qiáng)度和韌性都很好,因此,此處是說木村勇次及其同事研發(fā)的新鋼材與現(xiàn)代鋼材不相上下。空格處所填形容詞應(yīng)該表達(dá)的是“相當(dāng)?shù)?,不相上下的”之意,故G)comparable“類似的,相當(dāng)?shù)模上啾鹊摹狈险Z境,且與介詞to構(gòu)成be comparable to短語, 意為“比得上……的;可與……比較的”。其他幾個(gè)備選形容詞均與此處意義不符,故排除。 

34.H)components。詳解:名詞辨析題??崭袂懊媸墙樵~of,后面是分詞結(jié)構(gòu)neededin a construction job 作后置定語,因此,空格處應(yīng)填入名詞形式作介詞of的賓語。由number和theirweight可知,此處需要填入的應(yīng)該是可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)形式。短文最后一句提到,這將減少從汽車到建筑和橋梁等一切制造所需的鋼材。因此,此處是說木村希望減少建筑工作所需材料的數(shù)量和重量??崭裉幩蠲~表達(dá)的應(yīng)該是“原材料”或“零件,部件”之類的意思,由此確定,本題答案為H)components“(機(jī)器、系統(tǒng)等的)零件,組成部分”。其他備選名詞均與此處要表達(dá)的意思不符,故排除。 

35.K)hollow. 詳解:形容詞辨析題??崭袂懊媸墙樵~with,后面是名詞tubes,因此空格處應(yīng)填入形容詞修飾名詞tubes,二者共同作介詞with的賓語。破折號后的內(nèi)容說的是用某種管材來代替實(shí)心的材料,從而達(dá)到研究小組所希望的減少建筑工作所需材料重量的目的。因此,空格處所填形容詞應(yīng)與solid“實(shí)心的”含義相反。故形容詞hollow“空心的,中空的”符合語境。其他幾個(gè)備選形容詞均與此處意義不符,故排除。 

36.詳解:I)段定位句提到,立方體衛(wèi)星的研究人員表示,有機(jī)會進(jìn)入自己那一小塊空間的人數(shù)比以往更多,而現(xiàn)在是時(shí)候考慮這所帶來的意想不到的可能后果了。題干中的given the easier accessiblity to space是對原文中consequences of more people than ever having access to their own small slice of space的概括歸納,題干中的think about是對原文中ponder的同義轉(zhuǎn)述,故答案為I)。

37.詳解:C)段定位句提到,與單顆立方體衛(wèi)星所能完成的任務(wù)相比,多顆衛(wèi)星可以組合部署來執(zhí)行更復(fù)雜的任務(wù)。題干中的agroup of mini-sateites對應(yīng)原文中的multiples,題干中的work together是對原文中be deployed in combination的同義轉(zhuǎn)述,題干中的tasks是原文中missions的同義詞,故答案為C)。

38.詳解:B)段定位句提到,這些衛(wèi)星具有巨大的潛力,使基于衛(wèi)星的科學(xué)比以往任何時(shí)候都更容易接觸。然而,隨著將自己的衛(wèi)星送入軌道的成本急劇下降,不負(fù)責(zé)任地使用衛(wèi)星的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)也在增加。由上文可知,第一個(gè)定位句中的these satellites是指上一段最后一句中的miniature satellites,而題干中的mini-satellites與此對應(yīng),題干中的the greater accessibility對應(yīng)原文中的more accessible,題干中的increases the risks of their irresponsible use是對原文中the risks of irresponsible use grow的同義轉(zhuǎn)述,故答案為B)。

39.詳解:E)段定位句提到,這種成本的降低使得研究人員、業(yè)余愛好者甚至小學(xué)生團(tuán)體能夠?qū)⒑唵蔚膬x器放入近地軌道,甚至可以從國際空間站部署它們。題干中的school pupils對應(yīng)原文中的elementary schoo groups,題干中的put in orbit是對原文中“put...intoLEO”的同義轉(zhuǎn)述,題干中的owing to the lowered launching cost是對原文中this decrease in cost allows的同義轉(zhuǎn)述,故答案為E)。

40.詳解:K)段定位句提到,然而,他們在與非成員分享信息方面更加謹(jǐn)慎,因?yàn)樵摻M織在防范其他人開發(fā)劫持和控制其衛(wèi)星的能力。由上文可知,定位句的主語they指代上一段中的AMSAT成員。題干中的careful about是對原文中cautious about的同義轉(zhuǎn)述,題干中的outsiders對應(yīng)原文中的nonmembers,題干中的 prevent對應(yīng)原文中的guards against,故答案為K)。

41.詳解:F)段定位句提到,美國宇航局的納米衛(wèi)星教育性發(fā)射項(xiàng)目為教育團(tuán)體和科研任務(wù)提供免費(fèi)發(fā)射,目前也向美國非營利性公司開放。題干中的“offers to launch..freeof charge”是對原文中offers free launches的同義轉(zhuǎn)述,題干中的CubeSats對應(yīng)原文中的Nano Satellte,題干中的for educational and research purposes對應(yīng)原文中的for educational groups and science missions,故答案為F)。

42.詳解:L)段第二句提到,他們?nèi)匀皇艿劫Y助者、發(fā)射供應(yīng)商和一系列法規(guī)的限制——所有這些都限制了立方體衛(wèi)星開發(fā)者可以做和不能做的事情。第五句提到,然而,我們知道,創(chuàng)新者可以非常有創(chuàng)造力地將技術(shù)帶往意想不到的方向。題干中的with constraints是對L)段第二句的概括歸納,題干中的creative developers 對應(yīng)原文中的innovators can be remarkably creative,題干中的take the CubeSat technology in directions that result in harmful outcomes對應(yīng)原文中的taking technologies in unexpected directions,故答案為L)。

43.詳解:G)段第一句提到,美國國家科學(xué)院的報(bào)告強(qiáng)調(diào)了立方體衛(wèi)星在科學(xué)發(fā)現(xiàn)和未來太空科學(xué)家與工程師的培訓(xùn)這兩方面的重要性。最后一句提到,作者們提出的最大擔(dān)憂是太空碎片垃圾——環(huán)繞地球運(yùn)行的一 塊塊“垃圾”,如果它們與包括國際空間站在內(nèi)的運(yùn)行裝置相撞,可能會造成嚴(yán)重?fù)p害。題干中的making signifcantcontributions tospace science是對原文中CubeSats'importancein scientific discovery and the training of futurespacescientists and engineers的概括歸納,題干中的pose hazards是對原文中cause serious damage的同義轉(zhuǎn)述,題干中的space vehicles對應(yīng)原文中的operational units,故答案為G)。

44.詳解:D)段定位句提到,在其緊湊的機(jī)體內(nèi),這些微小的衛(wèi)星可以容納傳感器和通信接收器/發(fā)射器,使操作人員能夠從地球周圍的空間以及太空來研究地球。它們主要是為近地軌道(LEO)設(shè)計(jì)的——近地軌道是一個(gè)容易進(jìn)入的空間區(qū)域,距離地球的高度大約為200至800英里,一些需要人類維護(hù)的太空任務(wù),像哈勃太空望遠(yuǎn)鏡和國際空間站就在這里運(yùn)行。由第一句可知,第二句的主語they是指minute satellites,也就是說,微型衛(wèi)星主要是在近地軌道上運(yùn)行,這使操作人員能夠從近地軌道上研究地球。題干中的mini-satellites對 應(yīng)原文中的minute satellites,題干中的it指代原文中的Earth,題干中的study Earth from LEO and space around it是對原文中study Earth from space,as well as space around Earth的同義轉(zhuǎn)述,故答案為D)。

45.詳解:J)段定位句提到,在該組織內(nèi),AMSAT的理念是開放一切資源——使組織中的每個(gè)人都能充分獲得其衛(wèi)星各個(gè)方面的技術(shù)數(shù)據(jù),并在可能的情況下向公眾開放。負(fù)責(zé)AMSAT第一顆立方體衛(wèi)星FOX1-A的小組成員稱,這意味著,當(dāng)每個(gè)人都有機(jī)會接觸到設(shè)計(jì)和實(shí)施時(shí),就沒有辦法將炸藥或能量發(fā)射器之類的東西偷偷放入業(yè)余衛(wèi)星里。題干中的operates on the principle of是對原文中has a philosophy of的同義轉(zhuǎn)述,題干中的havingall its technical data accessible to its members是對原文中making technical data on a aspects of their satellites fully available to everyone in the organization的同義轉(zhuǎn)述,題干中的preventing the abuse of amateur satellites是對原文中there's no way to sneak something like explosives or an enery emitter into an amateur satelite的概括歸納,故答案為J)。

46.D)。定位:由題干中的re entered thecorporate world定位到首段第二句:It wasn't unti I entered the corporate world that I realized,for me at least,being fiends with coleagues didn't emerge as a priority at all.


47.A)。定位:由題干中的studies about collgial relationships定位到第一段最后一句:So muchresearch hasexplored theway in which colegial(同事的)ties can help overcome a range of workplace isues affecting productivity and the quality of work output such as team-based confict,jealousy undermining,anger,and more.


48.B)。定位:由題干中的an academic analysls定位到第三段:In an academic analysisjustpublished in the profoundly-respected Jourmnal of Management,researchers have looked at the concept of “indfferent relationships".It's a simple termthat encapsulates(概括)the fact that relationships at work can reasonably be non-intimate,inconsequental,unimportant and even,dare I say it, disposable orsubstitutable.


49.C)。定位:由題干中的people who are sociall lazy定位到第四段最后三句:Indiference is also the prefered option among those who are socialy lazy.Maintaining relationships over the long term takes effort.Forsome of us,too much effort.


50.D)。定位:由題干中的the benefits of indifferent relationships定位到第五段第一、二句:As noted above,indfferent relationships may not always be the most helpful approach in resolving some of the issues thatpop up at work.But there are nonetheless several empirically proven benefits. 


51.B)。定位:由題干中的the use of AI定位到第一段第一句:In a few decades,artifcial inteligence(AI)will surpass many of theablities that we believe make us special.


52.C)。 定位:由題干中的impresses the author most in thefield of AI定位到第二段第四句:But even more impressive is the progress injust a single year:human interventions fell from 0.8 times per thousand miles to 0.2,a 400%improvement.


53.D)。 定位:由題干中的creativity定位到第三段最后一句:So far,machineshave a pretty hard time emulating creativity,arbitrary enough not to be predictedby acomputer,and yet more than simple randomness.


54.A)。定位:由題干中的schools help children do定位到第四段第五、六句:Indeed,our schools and universities are structured to mould pupils to be mostly obedient servants of rationality,and to develop outdated skills in interacting with outdated machines.We need to help our children lean how tobest work with smart computersto improvehumandecision-making.


55.D)。定位:由題干中的future existence定位到全文最后一句:Because if we aren't,we won't be providing much value in future ecogystems,and that may putin question the foundation for our existence



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