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Section A

Directions: In this section , there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the correspondi ng letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

The persistent haze over many of our cities is a reminder of the polluted air that we breathe, Over 80% of the world's urban population is breathing air that fails to meet World Health Organisation guidelines, and an estimated 4.5 million people died  26  from outdoor air pollution in 2015.

Globally, urban populations are expected to double in the next 40 years, and an extra 2 billion people will need new places to live, as well as services and ways to move around their cities. What is more important, the decisions that we make now about the design of our cities will  27  the everyday lives and health of the coming generations. So what would a smug- free, or at least low- pollution, city be like?

Traffic has become  28  with air pollution, and many countries intend to ba n the sale of new petrol and diesel cars in the next two decades. But simply  29  to electric can will not mean pollution- free cities. The level of emissions they cause will depend on how the electricity to run them is  30  , while brakes, tyres and toads all create tiny airborne  31  as they wear out.

Across the developed world, ear use is in decline as more people move to city centers, while young people especially are  32  for other means of travel. Researchers are already asking if motor vehicle use has reached its  33  and will decline, but transport planners have yet to catch up with this  34  , instead of laying new roads to tackle traffic jams. As users of London's orbital M25 motorway will know, new roads rapidly fill with more traffic. In the US, studies have shown that doubling the size of a road can  35  double the traffic, taking us back to the starting point.

A) alternate

B) crown

C) determine

D) generated

E) locating

F) merged  

G) miniatures

H) opting

I) particles

J) peak 

K) prematurely     

L) simply      

M) switching      

N) synonymous     

O) trend

Section B

Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.

How Much Protein Do You Really Need?

A) The marketing is tempting: Get stronger muscles and healthier bodies with minimal effort by adding protein powder to your morning shake or juice drink. Or grab a protein bar at lunch or for a quick snack. Today, you can find protein supplements everywhere—online or at the pharmacy, grocery store or health food store. They come in powders, pills and bars. With more than $12 billion in sales this year, the industry is booming and, according to the market research company, Grand View Research, is on track to sell billions more by 2025. But do we really need all this supplemental protein? It depends. There are pros, cons and some other things to consider.

B) For starters, protein is critical for every cell in our body. It helps build nails, hair, bones and muscles. It can also help you feel fuller longer than eating foods without protein. And, unlike nutrients that are found only in few foods, protein is present in all foods.“ The typical American diet is a lot higher in protein than a lot of us think,” says registered dietitian Angela Pipitone.“ It's in foods many of us expect, such as beef, chicken and other types of meat and dairy. But it's also in foods that may not come immediately to mind like vegetables, fruit, beans and grains.”

C) The U. S. government's recommended daily allowance(RDA) for the average adult is 50 to 60 gram of protein a day. This may sound like a lot, but Pipito ne says:“ We get bits of pro tein here and there and that really adds up throughout the day.” Take, for example, breakfast. If you eat two eggs topped with a little bit of cheese and an orange on the side, you already have 22 grams of protein. Each egg gives you 7 grams, the cheese gives you about 6 grams and the orange— about 2 grams. Add a lunch of chicken, rice and broccoli(西蘭花), and you are already over the recommended 50 grams.“ You can get enough protein and meet the RDA before you even get to dinner," says Pipitone.

D) So if it's so easy to get your protein in food, why add more in the form of powders, snack bars or a boost at your local juice bar? No need to, says Pipitone, because, in fact, most of us already get enough protein in our dict.“ Whole foods are always the best option rather than adding supplements,” the says, noting the FDA does not regulate supplements as rigorously as foods or drugs. So there could be less protein, more sugar and some additives you wouldn't expect, such as coffeene(咖啡因).

E) If you are considering a supplement, read the list of ingredients, she says, although this is not always reliable.“I' ve seen very expensive protein supplements that claim to be high quality but they might not really be beneficial for the average healthy adult,” she says.“ It could just be a waste of money.”

F) But there are certain situations that do warrant extra protein.“ Anytime you' re repairing or building muscle.” Pipito ne says, such as if you' re an extreme endurance athlete, training for a marathon, or you' re a body builder. If you' re moderately exercising for 150 minutes a week, as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends, or less than that, you' re probably not an ex treme athlete. Extreme athletes expend lots of energy breaking down and repairing and building muscles. Protein can give them the edge they need to speed that process.

G) Vegans can benefit from protein supplements since they do not eat animal- based protein sources like meat, dairy or eggs. And, for someone always on- the- go who may not have time for a meal, a protein snack bar can be a good option for occasional me al replacement. Also, individuals recovering from surgery or an injury can also benefit from extra protein. So, too, can old er people. At around age 60,“ muscles really start to break down,” says Kathry n Starr, an aging researcher,“ and because of that, the protein needs of an older adult actually increase.”

H) In fact, along with her colleague Connie Bales. Starr recently conducted a small study that found that adding extra protein foods to the diet of obese older individuals who were trying to lose weight strengthened their muscles. Participants in the study were separated into two groups— one group was asked to eat 30 grams of protein per meal in the form of whole foods. That meant they were eating 90 grams of protein a day. The other group— the control group— was put on a typical low- ca loric diet with about 50 to 60 grams of protein a day. After six months, researchers found the high protein group had significantly improved their musc le function— almost twice as much as the control group.“ They were able to walk faster, had improved balance, and were also able to get up out of a chair faster than the control group.” Starr says. All 67 participants were over 60 years of age, and both groups lost about the same amount of weight.

I) Starr is row looking into whether high- protein diets also improve the quality of the muscle itself in seniors.She's using CT scans to measure mu scle size and fat, and comparing seniors on a high- protein diet with those on regular diets. She says her findings should be available in a couple of months.

J) In the meantime,70- year- old Corlis s Keith, who was in the high protein group in Starr's latest study, says the feel s a big difference.“I feel excellent,” she says.“I feel like I have a different body. I have more energy. I'm stronger.” She says she is able to take Zumba exercise classes three times a week, work out on the treadmill(跑步機(jī)), and take long, brisk walks. Keith also lost more than 15 pounds.“I'm a fashionable person, so now I'm back in my 3- inch heels,” she says.

K) As people age, Starr says musele strength is key to helping them stay strong and continue living on their own in their own home.“I feel very much alive now,” says Keith.“I feel like I could stay by myself until I'm100.”

L) Bat can people overdo protein? Pipitone says you do have to be careful. Other researchers say too much protein can cause cramps(痙攣), headaches, and fatigue. Dehydration(脫水) is also a risk when you eat too much protein. Pipitone says if you increase protein, you also have to increase your f luid intake.“I always tell people to make sure they' re drinking enough fluids,” which for the average person is 60 to 70 ounces a day, which translates into eight 8- ounce glasses of water or liquid per day.

M) There have been some indications that extra protein makes the kidney s work harder, which could be problematic for individuals with a history of kidney disease and for them, the supplements may increase the risk of kidney stones, the says.

N) Bottom line, if you think you need more protein in your diet, consider these questions. Are you an extreme athlete; are you recovering from injury or surgery; or are you 60 years or older? If so, adding high protein foods like eggs and meat products to your diet can be beneficial. And, if you' re not sure, in is always a good idea to check with your primary care provider.

36. It is quite easy for one to take in the recommended amount of protein.

37. Pipitone claims that healthy adults need not spend money on protein supplements.

38. The protein supplement business is found to be thriving.

39. Protein can speed the repairing of damaged muscles.

40. Protein supplements may overburd en some internal organ, thus leading to its malfunctioning.

41. Older adults need to take in more protein to keep their muscles strong.

42. Protein is found in more foods than people might realize.

43. Additional protein was found to help strengthen the muscles of overweight sening weight loss.

44. Pipitone believes that whole foods provide the best source of protein.

45. People are advised to drink more liquid when they take in more protein.

Section C

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

Passage One

Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.

Last year, a child was born at a hospital in the UK with her heart outside her body. Few babies survive this rare condition, and those who do must endure numerous operations and are likely to have complex needs. When her mother was interviewed, three weeks after her daughter's birth, she was asked if she was prepared for what might be a danming(令人生畏的) task caring for her. She answered without hesitation that, as far as she was concerned, this would be a“ privilege”.

Rarely has there been a better example of the power of attitude, one of our most powerful psychological tools. Our attitudes allow us to turn mistakes into opportunities, and loss into the chance for new beginnings. An attitude is a settled way of thinking, feeling and/ or behaving towards particular objects, people, events or ideologies. We use our attitudes to filter, interpret and react to the world around us. You weren't bom with attitudes; rather they are all learned, and this happens in a number of ways.

The most powerful influences occur during early childhood and include both what happened to you directly, and what those around you did and said in your presence. As you acquire a distinctive identity, your attitudes are further refined by the behavior of those with whom you identify— your family, those of your ge nder and culture, and the people you admire, even though you may not know them personally. Friendships and other important relationships become increasingly important, particularly during adolescence. About that same time and throughout adulthood, the information you receive, especially when ideas are repeated in association with goals and achievement s you find attractive, also refines your attitudes.

Many people assume that our attitudes are internally consistent, that is, the way you think and feel about someone or something predicts your behavior towards them. However, may studies have found that feelings and thoughts don't necessarily predict behavior. In general, your attitudes will be internally consisten t only when the behavior is easy, and when those around you hold similar beliefs. That's why, for example, may say they believe in the benefits of recycl ing or exercise, but don't behave in line with their views, because it takes awareness, effort and courage to go beyond merely stating that you believe something is a good idea.

One of the most effective ways to change an attitude is to start behaving as if you already feel and think the way you'd prefer to. Take some time to reflect on your attitudes, to think about what you believe and why. Is there anything you consider a burden rather than a privilege? It so, start behaving 一 right now— as if the latter is the case.

46. What do we learn from the passage about attitude?

A) It shapes our beliefs and ideologies.

B) It improves our psychological wellbeing.

C) It determines how we respond to our immediate environment.

D) It changes the way we think, feel and interact with one another.

47. What can contribute to the refinement of one's attitude, according to the passage?

A) Their idols' behaviors.  

B) Their educational level.

C) Their contact with the opposite gender.  

D) Their interaction with different cultures.

48. What do many studies find about people's feelings and thoughts?

A) They may not suggest how a person is going to behave.

B) They are in a way consistent with a person's mentality.

C) They may not find expression in interpersonal relations.

D) They are in line with a person's behavior no matter what.

49. How come many people don't do what they believe is good?

A) They can't afford the time.  

B) They have no idea how to.

C) They are hypocritical.  

D) They lack willpower.

50. What is proposed as a strategy to change attitude?

A) Changing things that require one's immediate attention.

B) Starting to act in a way that embodies one's aspirations.

C) Adjusting one's behavior gradually over a period of time.

D) Considering ways of reducing one's psychological burdens.

Passage Two

Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.

Industrial fishing for krill(磷蝦) in the unspoilt waters around Antaretica is threatening the future of one of the world's last great wildernesses, according to a new report.

The study by Greenpeace analysed the movements of kri ll fishing vessels in the region and found they were increasingly operating “ in the immediate vicinity of penguin colonies and whale feeding grounds”. It also highlights incidents of fishing boats being involved in groundings, oil spills and accidents, which posed a serious threat to the Antarctic ecosystem.

The report, published on Tuesday, comes amid growing concern about the impact of fishing and climate change on the Antarctic. A global campaign has been launched to create a network of ocean sanctuaries to protect the seas in the region and Greenpeace is calling for an immediate halt to fishing in areas being considered for sanctuary status.

Frida Bengtsson from Greenpeace's Protect the Antarctic campaign said:“ If the krill industry wants to show it's a responsible player, then it should be voluntarily getting out of any area which is being proposed as an ocean sanctuary, and should instead be backing the protection of these huge tracts of the Antarctic."

A global campaign has been launched to turn a huge tract of Antarctic seas into ocean sanctuaries, protecting wildlife and ba nning not just kri ll fishing, but all fishing. One was created in the Ross Sea in 2016, another reserve is being proposed in a vast area of the Weddell Sea, and a third sanctuary is under consideration in the area west of the Antarctic Peninsula—a key kri ll fishing area.

The Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources(CCAMLR) manages the seas around Antaretica. It will decide on the Weddell Sea sanctuary proposal at a conference in Australia in October, although a decision on the peninsula sanctuary is not expected until later.

Keith Reid, a science manager at CCAMLR, said that the organisation sought“a balance between protection, conservation and sustainable fishing in the Southern Ocean.” He said although more fishing was taking place nearer penguin colonies it was often happening later in the season when these colonies were empty.

“ The creation of a system of marine protected areas is a key part of ongoing scientific and policy discussions in CCAMLR,” he added.“ Our long- term operation in the region depends on a healthy and thriving Antarctic marine ecosystem, which is why we have always had an open dialogue with the environmental non- governmental organisations. We strongly intend to continue this dialogue, including talks with Greenpeace, to discuss improvements based on the latest scientific data. We are not the ones to decide on the establishment of marine protected areas, but we hope to contribute positively with our knowledge and experience.”

51. What does Greenpeace's study find about kri ll fishing?

A. It caused a great many penguins and whales to migrate.

B. It was depriving penguins and whales of their habitats.

C. It was carried out too close to the habitats of penguins and whales.

D. It posed an unprecedented threat to the wildlife around Antaretica.

52. For what purpose has a global campaign been launched?

A. To reduce the impact of climate change on Antarctica.

B. To establish conservation areas in the Antaretic region.

C. To regulate kri ll fishing operations in the Antarctic seas.

D. To publicise the concern about the impact of kri ll fishing.

53. What is Greenpeace's recommendation to the kri ll industry?

A. Opting to operate away from the suggested conservation areas.

B. Volunteering to protect the endangered species in the Antaretic.

C. Refraining from kri ll fishing throughout the breeding season.

D. Showing its sense of responsibility by leading the global campaign.

54. What did CCAMLR aim to do according to its science manager?

A. Raise public awareness of the vulnerability of Antarctic species.

B. Ban all commercial fishing operations in the Southern Ocean.

C. Keep the penguin colonies from all fishing interference.

D. Sustain fishing without damaging the Antaretic ecosystem.

55. How does CCAMLR define its role in the conservation of the Antarctic environment?

A. A coordinator in policy discussions.  

B. An authority on big data analysis.

C. A provider of the needed expertise.  

D. An initiator of marine sanctuaries.

26. K) prematurely

語義判斷:文章首句提到,我們許多城市上空持續(xù)存在的霧霾,提醒著我們所呼吸的空氣是遭受污染的。本句進(jìn)一步敘述空氣污染的嚴(yán)重狀況,前半句指出全世界有超過80%的城市人口呼吸的空氣未能達(dá)到世界衛(wèi)生組織的指標(biāo)。將備選副詞代入原文可知, 后半句是說,2015年, 估計(jì)有450萬人因室外空氣污染而“過早”死亡,因此 prematurely符合題意, 故本題應(yīng)選K。

27. C) determine

語義判斷:本段首句提到未來40年城市人口預(yù)計(jì)將翻一番,另外20億人將需要新的居住地、服務(wù)和出行方式,而本句進(jìn)一步指出當(dāng)前的決策將會影響未來幾代人的生活,將備選動詞代入原文可知,determine符合語境,即“更重要的是, 我們現(xiàn)在所做的關(guān)于城市設(shè)計(jì)的決策將決定未來幾代人的日常生活和健康”,故本題應(yīng)選C。

28. N) synonymous

語義判斷:本段講述交通和空氣污染之間的關(guān)系,將備選形容詞代入原文可知,synonymous符合語境, be synonymous with是固定搭配,意為“和??同義”, 符合本句“交通已成為空氣污染的同義詞”這一含義,故本題應(yīng)選N。

29. M) switching

語義判斷: 上一句的后半句指出,許多國家打算在未來20年內(nèi)禁止銷售新的汽油和柴油汽車,本句承接上句,使用轉(zhuǎn)折連詞 but指出“但是,簡單地??電動汽車并不意味著會造就無污染的城市”。將備選項(xiàng)代入原文可知, switching符合題意, switch to為固定搭配, 意為“切換到, 轉(zhuǎn)換成”, 整句意為“簡單地轉(zhuǎn)向電動汽車并不意味著會造就無污染的城市”,故本題應(yīng)選M。

30. D) generated


31. I) particles

語義判斷:結(jié)合上一題的分析可知,此處進(jìn)一步說明簡單地轉(zhuǎn)向電動車的弊端,將備選項(xiàng)代入原文可知, particles符合語境, 即“同時(shí)剎車、輪胎和道路在磨損時(shí)都會產(chǎn)生微小的空氣微?!?,故本題應(yīng)選I。

32. H) opting

語義判斷:本段首句前半部分提到,在整個(gè)發(fā)達(dá)國家中, 隨著越來越多的人搬到城市中心,汽車使用量正在下降。將備選項(xiàng)代入原文可知,opting符合題意,opt for為固定搭配,意為“選擇”,符合此處語境,即“尤其當(dāng)年輕人都在選擇其他方式出行時(shí)”,故本題應(yīng)選H。

33. J) peak


34. O) trend

語義判斷:此處是 but引出的轉(zhuǎn)折分句,該句指出,但是交通規(guī)劃者們還沒有跟上這一??,將備選項(xiàng)代入原文可知,trend(趨勢)符合語境,即“跟上這一趨勢”,故本題應(yīng)選O。

35. L) simply

語義判斷:前一句提到,倫敦M25高速公路的使用者都知道,新的道路很快就會擠滿更多的車輛,講述的是英國的情況,而本句使用美國的一項(xiàng)研究做進(jìn)一步說明。將備選項(xiàng) simply代入原文,可知此處是說,在美國,研究表明,將道路的規(guī)模擴(kuò)大一倍只會使交通流量增加一倍,從而把我們拉回到最初的狀態(tài)。simply(僅僅,只不過)符合題意,故本題應(yīng)選L。

36.答案: C

解析:注意抓住題干中的關(guān)鍵信息 quite easy和 take in protein。文章段落中論及蛋白質(zhì)日建議攝入量的內(nèi)容出現(xiàn)在C段。該段第一句提到美國政府針對普通成年人的蛋白質(zhì)日建議攝入量是50克至60克。而后以一頓普通的早餐和午餐為例進(jìn)行說明,并在最后一句指出,在吃晚飯前人們的蛋白質(zhì)攝入量可能就已經(jīng)達(dá)標(biāo)了,可見,題干是對原文的同義轉(zhuǎn)述。題干中的 quiteeasy對應(yīng)原文中的最后一句;題干中的 recommended amount of protein對應(yīng)原文中的 recommended daily allowance。

37.答案: E

解析: 注意抓住題干中的關(guān)鍵信息 health y adults, spend money和 protein supplements。文章段落中論及添加蛋白質(zhì)補(bǔ)養(yǎng)品必要性的內(nèi)容出現(xiàn)在E段。根據(jù)該段第二句, 皮皮托內(nèi)指出, 即使號稱質(zhì)量上乘的蛋白質(zhì)補(bǔ)養(yǎng)品,對普通的健康成年人而言也并不一定有益,有可能只是浪費(fèi)錢??梢姡}干是對原文的同義轉(zhuǎn)述, 其中 need not spend money對應(yīng)原文中的a waste of money。

38.答案: A

解析:注意抓住題干中的關(guān)鍵信息protein supplement business。文章段落中論及蛋白質(zhì)補(bǔ)養(yǎng)品行業(yè)現(xiàn)狀的內(nèi)容出現(xiàn)在A段。該段第三句指出,人們可以在任何地方找到蛋白質(zhì)補(bǔ)養(yǎng)品, 而隨后在第五句中更是明確指出,這個(gè)行業(yè)正在蓬勃發(fā)展, 并且援引了研究機(jī)構(gòu)的調(diào)查數(shù)據(jù)作為佐證??梢?, 題干是對原文的同義轉(zhuǎn)述。題干中的 thriving對應(yīng)原文中的 booming。

39.答案: F

解析: 注意抓住題干中的關(guān)鍵信息 speed the repairing和 damaged muscles。文章段落中論及修復(fù)和增強(qiáng)肌肉以及如何令這一過程加速的內(nèi)容出現(xiàn)在F段。該段最后兩句指出,極限運(yùn)動員消耗大量的能量來分解、修復(fù)和增強(qiáng)肌肉。蛋白質(zhì)可以給他們提供加速這一過程所需的優(yōu)勢。換言之,補(bǔ)充蛋白質(zhì)可以加速肌肉的修復(fù)??梢?, 題干是對原文的同義轉(zhuǎn)述。題干中的 speed和 repairing均屬于原詞重現(xiàn)。

40.答案: M

解析: 注意抓住題干中的關(guān)鍵信息 overburden和 some internal organ。文章段落中論及添加蛋白質(zhì)補(bǔ)養(yǎng)品給內(nèi)臟帶來負(fù)面影響的內(nèi)容出現(xiàn)在M段。該段為一長句, 其中第一個(gè)分句指出, 額外的蛋白質(zhì)會加重腎臟負(fù)擔(dān),而第三個(gè)分句指出蛋白質(zhì)補(bǔ)養(yǎng)品可能增加患腎結(jié)石的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)??梢?,題干是對原文的同義轉(zhuǎn)述。題干中的 overburden對應(yīng)原文中的 work harder, some internal organ對應(yīng)原文中的 kidneys, malfunctioning對應(yīng)原文中的 kidney stones。

41.答案: G

解析: 注意抓住題干中的關(guān)鍵信息 Older adults和 keep their muscles strong。文章段落中論及老年人蛋白質(zhì)攝入量及其與肌肉力量的關(guān)系的內(nèi)容出現(xiàn)在G段。該段最后一句提到,研究衰老問題的研究人員斯塔爾指出,人們到60歲左右肌肉會開始分解,因此老年人對蛋白質(zhì)的需求量確實(shí)在增加。可見,題干是對原文的同義轉(zhuǎn)述。題干中的 Older adults是原詞再現(xiàn), 而 take in more protein對應(yīng)原文中的 the protein needs... increase。

42.答案: B

解析: 注意抓住題干中的關(guān)鍵信息 Protein is found和 more foods than people might realize。文章段落中論及蛋白質(zhì)在哪些食物中存在的相關(guān)內(nèi)容出現(xiàn)在B段。該段最后兩句指出, 蛋白質(zhì)不僅存在于我們熟知的一些肉類和乳制品中,而且也存在于那些我們不會立即想到的蔬菜、水果、豆類和谷物中??梢?,題干是對原文的同義轉(zhuǎn)述。題干中的 more foods than people might realize對應(yīng)原文中的 it's also in foods that may not come immediately to mind。

43.答案: H

解析: 注意抓住題干中的關(guān)鍵信息 Additional protein, strengthen the muscles和 overweight seniors。文章段落中論及因超重而進(jìn)行減肥的老年人的蛋白質(zhì)攝入量的內(nèi)容出現(xiàn)在H段。該段首句指出,斯塔爾及其同事進(jìn)行了一項(xiàng)小規(guī)模研究,發(fā)現(xiàn)在想要減輕體重的肥胖老年人的飲食中添加額外的蛋白質(zhì)食物, 可以使他們的肌肉更加強(qiáng)健??梢姡}干是對原文的同義轉(zhuǎn)述。題干中的 Additional protein對應(yīng)原文中的 adding extra protein foods; 題干中的 strengthen the muscles of overweight seniors seeking weight loss對應(yīng)原文中的 obese older individuals who were trying to lose weight, strengthen… muscles為原詞再現(xiàn)。

44.答案: D

解析: 注意抓住題干中的關(guān)鍵信息 whole foods和 the best source of protein。文章段落中論及皮皮托內(nèi)對蛋白質(zhì)來源的看法的相關(guān)內(nèi)容出現(xiàn)在D段。該段第三句引用皮皮托內(nèi)的話指出,天然食物永遠(yuǎn)是最好的選擇,而不是添加補(bǔ)養(yǎng)品。結(jié)合上下文對蛋白質(zhì)攝入問題的探討,可知皮皮托內(nèi)認(rèn)為天然食物是蛋白質(zhì)的最好來源??梢?,題干是對原文的同義轉(zhuǎn)述。題干中的 whole foods為原詞再現(xiàn); 題干中的 the best source對應(yīng)原文中的 the best option。

45.答案: L

解析: 注意抓住題干中的關(guān)鍵信息 drink more liquid和 take in more protein。文章段落中論及增加蛋白質(zhì)攝入量時(shí)的注意事項(xiàng)的內(nèi)容出現(xiàn)在L段。該段第五句提到皮皮托內(nèi)的建議,如果增加蛋白質(zhì)的攝入,就必須增加液體攝入量??梢?,題干是對原文的同義轉(zhuǎn)述。題干中的 drink more liquid對應(yīng)原文中的 increase your fluid intake; take in more protein對應(yīng)原文中的 increase protein。

46.定位:根據(jù)題干中的信息詞 learn about和 attitude,可知應(yīng)結(jié)合選項(xiàng)在文中尋找答案,按照出題順序和文章段落順序基本一致的原則,可推知答案應(yīng)該在文章前幾段。

解析:第一段講述了母親對待先天畸形女兒的態(tài)度——在她看來,照顧女兒是一種“特權(quán)”,而非艱巨任務(wù)。第二段第四句提到,我們用態(tài)度來過濾、解釋和回應(yīng)我們周圍的世界。C項(xiàng)中的 respond to和 immediate environment分別與該句中的 react to和 the world around us為同義替換,且第一段講述的故事以及第二段第三句均表明態(tài)度是一種行為方式,故C項(xiàng)是正確答案。原文提到態(tài)度是對特定對象、人、事件……意識形態(tài)的一種固定思維……行為方式,但沒有提及態(tài)度塑造想法和意識形態(tài),故A項(xiàng)屬于主觀推理,應(yīng)排除。同樣,根據(jù)這句話可知D項(xiàng)中的“改變”與原文意思相反,且原文沒有提及態(tài)度會改變互動方式,故D項(xiàng)錯(cuò)誤,應(yīng)排除。B項(xiàng)原文未提及,故排除。

47.定位:根據(jù)題干中的信息詞 refinement,可以把答案線索定位到第三段第二句。

解析:該句提到,當(dāng)你獲得一種獨(dú)特的身份時(shí),你的態(tài)度會因那些你所認(rèn)同的人的行為而進(jìn)一步完善。題干中的 refinement是原文中 refined的名詞形式, A項(xiàng)中的 idols和原文中的 the people you admire是同義轉(zhuǎn)換,故A項(xiàng)是正確答案。B項(xiàng)文中未提及,屬于無中生有, 故排除。第二句還提到,你的態(tài)度會因那些你所認(rèn)同的人的行為而進(jìn)一步完善——你的家人、和你有著同樣文化、同樣性別的人,因此C項(xiàng)和D項(xiàng)均屬于正反混淆, 故可排除。

48.定位: 根據(jù)題干中的信息詞 studies, feelings and thoughts,可以把答案線索定位到第四段第二句。

解析:該句提到,許多研究發(fā)現(xiàn), 感覺和想法并不一定能預(yù)測行為。題干中的 studies, feelings and thoughts是原詞復(fù)現(xiàn), A項(xiàng)中的 may not, suggest和 behave分別和原文中的 don't necessarily, predict和 behavior為同義轉(zhuǎn)換, 故A項(xiàng)是正確答案。該段第三句提到,一般來說, 只有當(dāng)你的行為很簡單, 而且你周圍的人也持有類似信念時(shí),你的態(tài)度才是內(nèi)在一致的, 即第一句所解釋的對某人或某事的想法和感覺可以預(yù)測他們的行為。因此感覺和想法在某種程度上符合的是一個(gè)人的行為而不是心理, 故B項(xiàng)和D項(xiàng)錯(cuò)誤,均排除。C項(xiàng)原文未提到, 也排除。

49.定位:根據(jù)題干中的信息詞 what they believe is good, 可以把答案線索定位到第四段最后一句。

解析:題干中的 what they believe is good與第四段最后一句中的 benefits和a good idea屬于同義替換, 因此答案可定位在該句。該句提到,許多人相信循環(huán)利用或鍛煉的好處, 但他們卻不這么做……這需要意識、努力和勇氣,即他們不做他們認(rèn)為是好的事情的原因是缺乏意識、努力和勇氣,和D項(xiàng)中的“缺乏意志力”是一個(gè)意思,故D項(xiàng)是正確答案。A項(xiàng)和C項(xiàng)原文未提及, 故排除。該句指出許多人是知道做某件事的好處的,但沒有去做,因此實(shí)際上他們是知道應(yīng)該怎么做的,故B項(xiàng)屬于正反混淆, 可排除。

50.定位:根據(jù)題干中的信息詞 change attitude,可以把答案線索定位到最后一段。

解析:最后一段首句提到,改變態(tài)度最有效的方式之一就是開始表現(xiàn)得好像你已經(jīng)用你喜歡的方式去感受和思考了。B項(xiàng)中的 Starting to act和 in a way that embodies one's aspirations分別與該句中的 start behaving與 feel and think the way you'd prefer to為同義替換, 故B項(xiàng)是正確答案。其他三項(xiàng)在原文中均未提及,故均可排除。

51.定位: 根據(jù)題干中的信息詞 Greenpeace's study和 krill fishing, 答案線索可以定位在文章第二段。

解析:文章第二段第一句提到了綠色和平組織的研究結(jié)果:該研究“分析了該地區(qū)磷蝦漁船的活動情況,發(fā)現(xiàn)它們越來越多地‘在企鵝棲息地和鯨魚飼養(yǎng)場附近’作業(yè)”。由此可知,選項(xiàng)C是對第二段第一句的同義轉(zhuǎn)述,故為正確答案。選項(xiàng)A、B在文中沒有提到,故均排除。選項(xiàng)D是出題人根據(jù)第二段最后一句中的“ posed a serious threat to the Antarctic ecosystem”設(shè)置的干擾項(xiàng),原文提到捕撈磷蝦對南極洲的生態(tài)系統(tǒng)而不是南極洲周圍的野生動物造成威脅。

52.定位: 根據(jù)題干中的信息詞 purpose和a global campaign, 答案線索可以定位在文章第三段。


53.定位: 根據(jù)題干中的信息詞 Greenpeace's recommendation to the kri ll industry,答案線索可以定位在文章第四段。

解析:文章第四段提到,來自綠色和平組織“保護(hù)南極運(yùn)動”的弗里達(dá)·本特森說:“如果磷蝦產(chǎn)業(yè)想證明自己是一個(gè)負(fù)責(zé)任的參與者,那么它就應(yīng)該自愿離開任何被提議作為海洋保護(hù)區(qū)的地區(qū),并且應(yīng)該支持對南極的這些大片地區(qū)的保護(hù)?!庇纱丝芍?, 選項(xiàng)A是對該段的同義轉(zhuǎn)述,故為正確答案。其中原文中的 be voluntarily getting out of對應(yīng)選項(xiàng)A中的 Opting to operate away, 原文中的 being proposed as an ocean sanctuary對應(yīng)選項(xiàng)A中的 suggested conservation areas。其他三個(gè)選項(xiàng)是出題人根據(jù)原文中的個(gè)別詞語設(shè)置的干擾項(xiàng),很容易排除。

54.定位: 根據(jù)題干中的信息詞CCAMLR和 science manager,答案線索可以定位在文章第七段。


55.定位: 根據(jù)題干中的信息詞CCAMLR define its role in the conservation of the Antarctic environment, 答案線索可以定位在文章最后一段。



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