中國的社會關系是典型的由共同的社交網(wǎng)絡(social network)組成的社會關系。社交網(wǎng)絡中的個體通過“關系”相連,關系中的情感被稱為“感情”。中國的社會關系中一個非常重要的概念是“面子”概念,就像其他許多亞洲文化中的一樣。正如中國學術大家費孝通的社會學著作中所寫的那樣,中國人一跟其他社會的人相比一傾向于從社會網(wǎng)絡角度看社會關系。因此,人們的關系以“近”或者“遠”界定,而不是“有”或者“無”。
Chinese social relationships are social relationshipstypified by a mutual social network. The individualswithin the social network are connected byguanxi(links) and the feeling within the links is knownby the term ganqing.An important concept withinChinese social relationships is the concept of face,as in many other Asian cultures. As articulated in the sociological works of Chinese leadingacademic Fei Xiaotong, the Chinese,in contrast to people of other societies,tend to seesocial relationships in terms of social networks. Hence, the relationships between people areperceived as being “near” or “far” rather than “in” or “out”.