原 文:
But that sounded so fearfully affected.
原 譯:
辨 析:
這是當年徐志摩翻譯的,可惜的是這位大學者譯錯了。問題出在fearfully一詞,其原來的意思確實是“可怕地”、“嚇人地”,但是在口語中fearfully的意思卻相當于extremely(極其;非常地)It is fearfucly hot today是“今天熱極了”,不能譯作“今天熱得可怕?!彼栽淇梢宰g為:“可是這讓人感到太裝腔作勢了?!被颉斑@可是裝腔作勢到了頂點”。
除了extremely之外,口語中這樣用的詞還有awfully, badly, terribly等,翻譯時都需要注意:
We badly wanted to help, but there was nothing we could do. 我們非常想幫忙,可是什么也做不了。
Things started to go badly wrong for Eric after he lost his job. 自從埃里克丟了工作,事情對他而言變得嚴重起來。
It's awfully cold here, let's turn on the heater. 這里冷極了,咱們把加熱器/取暖器打開吧。
The coach was not terribly worried about his team's poor performance. 球隊打得不好,可是教練似乎不太在意。
英語口語中表示“極其”之意的還有一個詞容易造成中國學生誤解,即decidedly:That guy is decidedly clever.(那個家伙絕對聰明。)這里的decidedly和動詞decide(決定)的意思完全不一樣。
It's real cold today中的real是副詞,其意思也不是“真正地”或“確實(地)”,而是“非?!薄S腥さ氖?,漢語說“真冷”其實也是“非常冷”的意思。