[00:02.54]Previously on Desperate Housewives: [00:04.67] [00:04.67]My husband died thinking that I murdered him! [00:06.75] [00:06.75]Bree put the past behind her, [00:09.63] [00:09.63]If you keep me on as your lawyer, your wife's off limits. [00:11.55] [00:11.55]He's my lawyer. [00:12.76] [00:12.76]while Carlos gambled with his future, [00:14.93] [00:14.93]How much money do you think you need to get to Utah? [00:16.93] [00:16.93]Susan interfered with a family reunion. [00:21.98] [00:23.64]George Williams had never been lucky in love. [00:27.23] [00:27.23]It seemed that the women he dated always invented reasons [00:30.53] [00:30.53]not to consummate their relationship. [00:34.86] [00:34.86]Um... [00:36.16] [00:36.16]I'm afraid we'd wake my roommate. [00:41.16] [00:41.45]Uh, I have to get up really early for work. [00:46.46] [00:48.63]I'm, uh -- saving myself -- for -- marriage. [00:53.63] [00:54.26]Sadly for George, it was one unoriginal excuse after another. [00:59.26] [01:02.27]But since he'd started seeing Bree Van De Kamp, [01:07.15] [01:07.15]George couldn't help but feel: [01:09.73] [01:09.73]Hi! [01:10.77] [01:10.77]Kids are gone. We have the house all to ourselves tonight. [01:14.03] [01:14.03]His luck was about to change. [01:19.03] [01:19.03]I thought the duck turned out well. [01:20.83] [01:20.83]Although that sauce was a little bit thick; [01:22.79] [01:22.79]but judging by how many helpings you had, I think I got away with it. [01:27.71] [01:32.63]What are you thinking about? [01:34.84] [01:34.84]Your hair. [01:39.18] [01:39.18]Would you mind if I --? [01:41.35] [01:41.35]Uh, no. [01:42.35] [01:42.35]Go ahead. [01:47.31] [01:51.06]That better? [01:56.03] [02:06.04]That was nice. [02:11.04] [02:15.38]It's OK that I'm doing this, right? [02:16.63] [02:16.63]Well, I thought we were going to let the duck digest a bit more, [02:18.63] [02:18.63]but -- what the heck! [02:23.64] [02:23.85]Oh! - What's wrong? [02:25.85] [02:25.85]I don't know. I felt something weird. [02:27.14] [02:27.14]Och. [02:27.73] [02:27.73]That was my tongue. It extends farther than most. I should have warned you. [02:30.65] [02:30.65]No, it wasn't your kiss. I felt something weird on my neck. [02:35.65] [02:40.11]What are you doing? [02:41.03] [02:41.03]I don't know, I'm just really starting to itch. [02:46.04] [02:47.66]What is it? [02:49.33] [02:49.33]You -- you got a huge rash! [02:54.38] [02:59.47]It's starting to spread to my face! [03:01.55] [03:01.55]Are you allergic to something you ate? [03:03.64] [03:03.64]I don't think so. I made Duck ?l'Orange a thousand times. [03:06.93] [03:06.93]Something is causing that rash. [03:11.06] [03:11.06]Bree. Bree, please don't. [03:12.77] [03:12.77]I'm sorry, George, but you have to go. [03:14.65] [03:14.65]But the kids are away! [03:15.98] [03:15.98]I was sort of hoping we could make love tonight. [03:18.11] [03:18.11]How are we going to do that, George? You have just given me hives! [03:23.16] [03:24.12]Though painful to hear, George had to admit: [03:27.74] [03:27.74]At least this excuse was original. [03:31.83] [03:31.83]season 2 episode 6 "I Wish I Could Forget You" [03:36.84] [04:13.71]It's a fad that little girls dream of big white weddings. [04:18.75] [04:20.46]Of course, the exact same thing can be said for big girls, [04:25.43] [04:26.39]some of whom can get incredibly anxious [04:30.35] [04:30.35]waiting for the boys in their lives to make those dreams come true. [04:35.31] [04:37.23]Watch it, Suzie! [04:38.36] [04:38.36]Mom, why don't you just go see a dressmaker? [04:40.78] [04:40.78]Wait. I have the perfect idea. [04:43.15] [04:43.15]You get in the dress, [04:44.53] [04:44.53]and I'll pin it. [04:46.66] [04:46.66]We wear the same size. [04:48.03] [04:48.03]Since when? [04:49.03] [04:49.03]Since forever! [04:51.45] [04:51.45]You have to leave, though. You can't stay. [04:53.66] [04:53.66]You can't see Suzie in a wedding dress. [04:56.37] [04:56.37]Not until your big day! [04:58.54] [04:58.54]Mom! [04:59.25] [04:59.25]No, it's not a problem. [05:01.25] [05:01.25]I can see her in it. [05:03.34] [05:03.34]You can? [05:04.38] [05:04.38]You can? [05:05.34] [05:05.34]I assume you want to pick out your own wedding dress when we get married, right? [05:09.05] [05:09.05]Oh! That sounds like a proposal! [05:12.77] [05:12.77]Did it? [05:14.14] [05:14.14]Yeah, it did. [05:15.98] [05:15.98]Huh, what do you know. [05:17.06] [05:17.06]Are you planning to pop the question? [05:21.07] [05:21.07]If she knows it's coming, the question won't really pop, will it? [05:24.44] [05:24.44]He's right, Mom. [05:25.74] [05:25.74]No, I want to do it just like you do. [05:27.24] [05:27.24]You know, on your own terms, and you get down on one knee, and the whole production. [05:30.66] [05:30.66]That's a plan. [05:31.74] [05:31.74]Well, then I can wait. I can wait. I'm a good waiter. [05:35.04] [05:35.04]Good. [05:36.54] [05:36.54]Just wondering -- [05:37.04] [05:37.04]if there's a ballpark of how long I will have to wait. [05:39.63] [05:39.63]A week? A month? After lunch? [05:41.46] [05:41.46]Again, you're not waiting for the pop. [05:43.84] [05:43.84]Right. I'm sorry. [05:46.76] [05:46.76]Get down on one knee! [05:48.93] [05:48.93]Mom. [05:51.72] [05:51.72]So the hives occurred right after you kissed George? [05:55.18] [05:55.18]Yes, it was the strangest thing. [05:58.35] [05:58.35]And so inconvenient. [06:01.23] [06:01.23]To be honest, I think we were -- about to make love for the first time. [06:04.94] [06:04.94]Bree, have you considered the idea [06:06.53] [06:06.53]that your subconscious mind was trying to sabotage your evening with George? [06:11.58] [06:11.58]Actually, I have not considered that, because that's -- [06:14.79] [06:14.79]idiotic. [06:16.04] [06:16.04]You don't think being with George made you feel a bit guilty? [06:19.25] [06:19.25]Why should I feel guilty? [06:20.63] [06:20.63]Perhaps you felt you were about to commit adultery. [06:23.34] [06:23.34]Dr Goldfine, Rex is dead. [06:25.55] [06:25.55]You can't cheat on a corpse. [06:30.43] [06:30.43]Maybe that's not how you really feel deep down. [06:33.35] [06:33.35]Oh, so you think I'm crazy? [06:35.72] [06:35.72]You say you got a case of hives for no reason. [06:38.52] [06:38.52]I think there is a reason, and it's probably a psychosomatic one. [06:42.52] [06:42.52]You can think whatever you want, [06:43.65] [06:43.65]but to be honest, I don't believe in the subconscious. [06:46.78] [06:46.78]Everytime you've said "Rex" in this session, [06:49.24] [06:49.24]you stroked the placed where your wedding ring used to be. [06:51.57] [06:51.57]Why did you do that? [06:56.54] [06:58.46]Let's talk about Monday. [06:59.83] [06:59.83]We are re-pitching to the Kamaroff people. [07:01.96] [07:01.96]Lynette, you'll be on point. [07:03.34] [07:03.34]Great. No problem. [07:05.25] [07:05.25]And can you do me a favor and maybe not wear the green suit? [07:10.26] [07:10.63]Umm -- [07:12.39] [07:12.39]I -- wasn't planning to, but -- why? [07:16.85] [07:16.85]The fabric. [07:17.56] [07:17.56]It just has this quality to it, [07:19.98] [07:19.98]like you could -- I don't know -- wipe it clean with a damp cloth. [07:24.94] [07:26.53]I'll just wear a different suit then. [07:28.86] [07:28.86]Great. [07:29.99] [07:29.99]Like what, you think? [07:31.74] [07:31.74]Another suit. I have other suits. [07:34.45] [07:34.45]And if by other suits you mean the grey one, [07:37.83] [07:37.83]then of course you do. [07:40.04] [07:40.04]No, actually I have quite a few others, uh -- [07:43.71] [07:43.71]the blue one, and, uh -- [07:47.46] [07:47.46]What's wrong with the blue suit? [07:49.05] [07:49.05]Stu! [07:50.47] [07:50.47]Would you like to tell Lynette what's wrong with the blue suit? [07:55.43] [07:55.64]No. It's cool. [07:56.64] [07:56.64]Stu! Come on. [07:59.56] [07:59.56]Do the thing. The thing that you did at lunch. [08:03.23] [08:03.23]"Look at me, I'm Lynette!" [08:05.23] [08:05.23]"Oh, got food stains everywhere!" [08:08.78] [08:08.78]All right. [08:09.32] [08:09.32]So if I get my blue suit dry-cleaned, would that be acceptable to everyone? [08:13.95] [08:13.95]The pants also have a split seam in the back. [08:18.91] [08:24.75]Excuse me. [08:26.75] [08:26.75]Hello David. [08:29.63] [08:29.63]What the hell is this? I thought I told you to dress maternal. [08:32.51] [08:32.51]Yes you did, and I considered it for about a second. [08:35.26] [08:35.26]What happened? [08:36.43] [08:36.43]David, I know you're the lawyer and all, but if you ask me: [08:38.76] [08:38.76]It's never a smart strategy to cover this up. [08:41.43] [08:41.43]We've got 40 minutes before the pre-trial hearing. [08:43.85] [08:43.85]Let's go home and get you changed. [08:44.94] [08:44.94]What? [08:46.23] [08:46.23]You want to get your husband out fo jail? [08:47.98] [08:47.98]Got to dress like a pregnant, suffering wife, not the cover of Vogue. [08:51.23] [08:51.23]David. [08:51.99] [08:51.99]Louis. What are you doing here? [08:53.74] [08:53.74]I need a favor, David. [08:55.32] [08:55.32]If this has to do with lifting my client's restraining order, the answer's the same as last week. [08:58.66] [08:58.66]You don't understand. I'd love Crystal. [09:01.75] [09:01.75]We all love the pretty ladies to stop and shop, [09:04.04] [09:04.04]but now you've got to love her from 50 yards away. [09:06.92] [09:06.92]You turned her against me! [09:08.75] [09:08.75]If it wasn't for you, we'd be together. [09:10.25] [09:10.25]Louis, Crystal hired me to keep you away from her. [09:13.17] [09:13.17]She doesn't want to see you. [09:14.47] [09:14.47]Oh yeah? Then why did she ask for my phone number? [09:17.05] [09:17.05]She's a cashier. You paid by check. It doesn't make you special. [09:20.85] [09:20.85]Don't walk away from me! We're having a conversation! [09:23.31] [09:23.31]Louis, this is your problem: [09:25.73] [09:25.73]You're creepy. Nobody likes you. [09:28.31] [09:28.31]What you call a conversation, the rest of us call harassment. [09:31.32] [09:31.32]You want a friend? Get a hamster. [09:36.32] [09:36.32]David! [09:41.33] [09:42.79]He's got a weapon! [09:43.58] [09:43.58]Call the police! [09:44.54] [09:44.54]Stay there! [09:49.58] [09:57.84]That's right, you'd better run! [09:59.64] [09:59.64]I'm going to get some b*** come after you! [10:02.18] [10:02.18]Freeze! [10:03.56] [10:03.56]Hey. Everything's cool. [10:08.52] [10:12.15]Are you OK? [10:17.15] [10:22.37]Weeds are a common annoyance of life in Suburbia; [10:26.75] [10:26.75]and no matter how hard we try to get rid of them, [10:31.42] [10:31.42]they always tend to crop back up. [10:36.47] [10:37.67]Are you seeing this?! [10:39.84] [10:39.84]I don't believe him! He is so brazen! [10:42.55] [10:42.55]Just mowing the lawn, like nothing ever happened! [10:45.68] [10:45.68]What should we do? Should we call the police? [10:47.93] [10:47.93]Well, Susan did say that he murdered Mrs Huber. So my vote would be, yes. [10:52.15] [10:52.15]Oh my God, Susan's home. [10:57.15] [11:01.16]Has she seen Paul yet? [11:06.16] [11:09.54]I think so. [11:14.54] [11:19.26]Hello Susan. [11:21.13] [11:21.13]Oh my God. Paul. [11:23.55] [11:23.55]Need some help with those bags? [11:26.56] [11:26.56]Why -- what are you doing here? [11:29.81] [11:29.81]This is where I live. [11:31.35] [11:31.35]I came home to find my son. [11:35.15] [11:35.15]Here you go. [11:35.94] [11:35.94]Don't come near me! [11:37.28] [11:37.28]I'm just giving you back your pie filling. [11:38.61] [11:38.61]I don't want my pie filling! [11:39.82] [11:39.82]Oh come on, just take it. [11:41.03] [11:41.03]No! Stop! [11:42.61] [11:42.61]Put that pie filling down! [11:44.87] [11:44.87]Slowly! [11:47.16] [11:47.16]I'm calling 911. [11:48.16] [11:48.16]You don't want to do that. [11:49.16] [11:49.16]Oh, I think I do. You're a cold-blooded murderer. [11:52.17] [11:52.17]Susan, how can you believe that? We've been neighbors for years. [11:57.13] [11:58.21]Ladies, good to see you. [12:00.22] [12:00.22]Paul, we've called the police. [12:02.47] [12:02.47]You didn't really need to do that. [12:04.05] [12:04.05]We know what you did to Mrs Huber. [12:06.64] [12:06.64]Wonderful. [12:07.85] [12:07.85]I see you've all turned into Susan while I've been gone. [12:12.85] [12:13.69]Oh, thank God they're here. [12:18.61] [12:21.74]What's going on? [12:23.45] [12:23.45]Meyer's convinced that Paul Young murdered Martha Huber. [12:27.53] [12:27.53]I live right behind him! [12:28.87] [12:28.87]I know. I gave him my house keys to feed my cat! [12:33.25] [12:33.25]I win. I made out with him. [12:37.25] [12:37.25]Here, mister. [12:38.21] [12:38.21]There's no warrant here for Paul Young. [12:40.34] [12:40.34]Why don't you ask Mike? He overheard everything, right? [12:43.01] [12:43.01]Who's Mike? [12:43.84] [12:43.84]He's my boyfriend. He told me that Paul confessed everything to him. [12:47.26] [12:47.26]And Mike has Martha's journals, which clearly prove that Paul had a motive. [12:51.35] [12:51.35]Where do I find this Mike guy? [12:53.14] [12:53.14]He's -- follow me. [12:54.94] [12:54.94]Do you mind if I stay here? I've got a lot of raking to do. [12:58.57] [12:58.57]Let's go. [13:03.53] [13:07.82]Hey. [13:11.95] [13:11.95]What's going on? [13:12.87] [13:12.87]Mike -- [13:14.08] [13:14.08]Paul Young is back. [13:15.75] [13:15.75]Look. [13:20.75] [13:27.01]Your girlfriend said Mr Young confessed a murder to you? [13:30.64] [13:30.64]Um -- [13:34.06] [13:34.06]No. Not to me. [13:36.65] [13:36.65]And I don't suppose you have a journal that belonged to a Martha Huber? [13:40.86] [13:40.86]No. I hardly knew her. [13:43.44] [13:43.44]Besides, have you ever known a woman who'd loan out her diary? [13:46.61] [13:46.61]Mike, what are you doing? [13:48.37] [13:48.37]I'm sorry, Susan, I don't know what you're talking about. [13:52.45] [13:52.45]But I've got a job to get to. Is there anything else? [13:54.33] [13:54.33]No, that pretty much covers it. [13:59.33] [14:12.64]Well, someone might as well say it. [14:15.77] [14:15.77]Susan, what the hell have you been smoking? [14:20.73] [14:25.03]OK. [14:27.36] [14:27.36]Wow! Nice! [14:32.16] [14:32.16]Oh my God. [14:33.37] [14:33.37]Don't be distracted by that. Look at me. [14:35.54] [14:35.54]Here I am (tomorrow), making my presentation. [14:39.42] [14:39.42]You see? [14:40.54] [14:40.54]You see how it moves with me? [14:43.05] [14:43.05]That's where the magic is! [14:45.26] [14:45.26]Nine -- hundred -- dollars. [14:47.67] [14:47.67]Well, this one was the most expensive. The other one's aren't as nice. [14:50.89] [14:50.89]But look! [14:51.43] [14:51.43]Look at me! Watch. [14:53.85] [14:53.85]I don't walk in it. I glide. [14:58.85] [14:59.35]Honey, there's got to be like $3,000 worth of clothes here! [15:03.44] [15:03.44]Well, I haven't bought a new suit in six years. [15:06.07] [15:06.07]So? [15:06.94] [15:06.94]When I was working, you don't think I would have loved to have a designer suit? [15:10.16] [15:10.16]I wore Wash'n'Wear. [15:11.45] [15:11.45]So that we can live in a nice neighborhood. [15:12.87] [15:12.87]So we could take the kids on vacation every summer. [15:14.95] [15:14.95]I mean, I made sacrifices. [15:17.04] [15:17.04]I'm willing to make sacrifices. [15:19.16] [15:19.16]Great. Let's start here. Because -- [15:22.17] [15:22.17]this should cover a math tutor for Parker. [15:24.09] [15:24.09]Whoa, hold on a sec. [15:25.55] [15:25.55]Six months of pre-school for Penny. [15:28.05] [15:28.05]Now you're being ridiculous. [15:29.34] [15:29.34]And the twins, they're going to need braces. [15:31.55] [15:31.55]That ought to make a dent. [15:33.76] [15:33.76]Oh, no. Come on, Tom, not this one. [15:38.35] [15:38.35]Strip. [15:40.14] [15:40.14]You saw the walk, right? [15:42.06] [15:42.06]You want to see the walk again? [15:45.36] [15:45.36]I'll tutor Parker myself! [15:47.73] [15:47.73]That'd be great. Are you also going to take up on dentistry? [15:52.74] [16:01.25]Fine, I'll take them back. [16:05.96] [16:05.96]Could you step out for a minute, please? [16:10.13] [16:10.13]I want to be alone with it for a little while. [16:15.14] [16:31.15]Hi, it's Bree! [16:32.49] [16:32.49]Hi. [16:33.95] [16:33.95]I was thinking about calling you. [16:35.03] [16:35.03]I just got some new antihistamines in at the store, I think they will help with your rash. [16:40.08] [16:40.33]Well, great. Um -- [16:41.54] [16:41.54]How would you think about the two of us checking in to a romantic hotel tomorrow? [16:46.54] [16:47.04]What? Uh -- [16:48.46] [16:48.46]I'd like that very much. [16:50.13] [16:50.13]I will let you make all the arrangements. [16:51.97] [16:51.97]Something out of town would be nice. [16:55.34] [16:55.34]Good night! [17:00.35] [17:12.24]We need to talk. [17:13.82] [17:13.82]Where did you come from? [17:15.45] [17:15.45]I'm sorry, I've been waiting for you. [17:16.45] [17:16.45]I'm just a little upset, because everybody thinks I'm crazy. [17:19.28] [17:19.28]Can I at least get out of the truck first? [17:21.41] [17:21.41]Yes. [17:22.87] [17:22.87]I can understand why you wouldn't want the cops to know that you kidnapped Paul. [17:26.63] [17:26.63]That definitely looks bad. [17:28.42] [17:28.42]Since I was on probation -- [17:30.75] [17:30.75]Right, there's that. [17:32.88] [17:32.88]and in possession of a gun -- - Well, OK. [17:35.43] [17:35.43]which I held to his head. [17:37.05] [17:37.05]So I violated my probation, committed a felony, and coerced a confession. [17:41.77] [17:41.77]If the cops found out about that, I'd be looking at 10-15 years. [17:46.73] [17:47.56]But why don't you want them to know about Martha Huber's journal? [17:49.73] [17:49.73]She says right in there that she was blackmailing Paul's wife! [17:53.36] [17:53.36]She also says right in there that she was blackmailing you, for burning down Edie's house. [17:58.37] [17:58.87]Oh. I forgot about that. [18:03.83] [18:06.75]Just can't believe it! [18:08.63] [18:08.63]There he is, a murderer, living right on our street. [18:11.96] [18:11.96]And there's nothing we can do about it, [18:13.26] [18:13.26]because you're a convicted felon, and I've burned down that stupid house. [18:15.97] [18:15.97]It's not fair. [18:16.97] [18:16.97]I want Paul Young gone as badly as you do. [18:19.55] [18:19.55]And he will be. [18:21.06] [18:21.06]But I also want to find Zach. [18:23.06] [18:23.06]Once Zach finds out Paul's here, I got the feeling he'll be back. [18:28.06] [18:29.94]It's comforting to know there's this silver lining. [18:34.94] [18:43.83]Hi. [18:45.66] [18:45.66]What are you doing here? [18:46.75] [18:46.75]Well, you protected me from the hail of gunfire, [18:48.58] [18:48.58]so I thought I'd stop by and give you a card. [18:53.05] [18:53.05]You're my first visitor. [18:54.46] [18:54.46]What do you mean, I'm your first visitor? You've been here two days. [18:56.76] [18:56.76]My office sent me flowers. [19:01.76] [19:02.26]Oh. [19:03.56] [19:03.56]"Dear David. Who knew you could actually bleed? Sincerely, your stunned co-workers." [19:08.56] [19:10.56]Well, I'm a lawyer who got shot. Everybody's cracking wise. [19:14.36] [19:14.36]You're not going to eat? [19:16.49] [19:16.49]Uh -- can't really cut yet. [19:20.28] [19:20.28]Well, I'm not going to let you starve to death. [19:23.03] [19:23.03]Besides, you're going to need your strength to get my husband out of jail. [19:28.08] [19:33.29]You know, when I was waiting for the ambulance the other day, [19:37.63] [19:37.63]I felt like I was going to die. [19:41.97] [19:41.97]I was scared. [19:45.06] [19:45.06]Of course you were. [19:48.27] [19:48.27]Thanks. [19:50.98] [19:50.98]For what? [19:52.06] [19:52.06]For not making any jokes. [19:56.48] [19:56.48]Sure. [19:57.78] [19:57.78]Now, open up. [20:02.78] [20:04.78]Here. - Thank you. [20:09.75] [20:17.84]Just follow this hallway, straight down there, and make yourselves comfortable. [20:22.89] [20:22.89]For the good of their family, Lynette had made a promise to her husband. [20:27.85] [20:29.35]And within ten days from the date of purchase, she intended to keep it. [20:34.36] [20:42.78]Oh! That's a fantastic suit. [20:44.78] [20:44.78]Hm, thanks! [20:46.16] [20:46.16]I'm flattered, really. [20:47.37] [20:47.37]I mean, who knew you cared so much about what I think. [20:50.50] [20:50.50]I don't follow you? [20:51.83] [20:51.83]I make a few innocent comments, and you go out and buy yourself a gorgeous new suit. [20:56.88] [20:57.63]Dance, puppet, dance! [20:59.17] [20:59.17]Well, actually, this was already in my closet. I just forgot about it. [21:02.38] [21:02.38]Forgot? [21:03.55] [21:03.55]You forgot that you had that suit? [21:08.56] [21:10.27]Good morning! - Good morning. [21:11.56] [21:11.56]Hi! I'm Lynette Scavo. [21:13.44] [21:13.44]Now, is everyone taken care of, in terms of coffee and whatever else they may like? [21:18.27] [21:18.27]Great! Well, then let's get started. [21:20.28] [21:20.28]I will show you how Kamaroff vodka can expand its customer mindshare [21:25.28] [21:25.28]while still holding the line on marketing costs. [21:29.66] [21:29.66]It's something we here at Parcher & Murphy like to call "persuasive engineering". [21:34.62] [21:35.17]Lynette. [21:37.04] [21:37.04]Hold on one second. [21:42.09] [21:42.30]You have a -- [21:45.97] [21:45.97]They put the price tags on the skirts these days too. [21:48.89] [21:48.89]Just so you know. [21:51.64] [21:51.64]Look at that, everybody. [21:52.89] [21:52.89]Lynette just bought herself a beautiful, brand new suit. [21:56.90] [21:56.90]Doesn't she look great? [22:01.86] [22:02.57]Go on. [22:04.49] [22:04.49]OK. [22:07.36] [22:07.36]You may be seated. [22:10.87] [22:10.87]Good to see you back on your feet, Mr Bradley. [22:14.66] [22:14.66]Whenever you're ready. [22:17.67] [22:17.67]Thank you, Your Honor. [22:21.05] [22:21.05]The defence moves to dismiss this case immediately on the grounds that the defendant -- [22:26.09] [22:33.97]Are you all right, Mr Bradley? [22:38.98] [22:40.56]I'm sorry, Your Honor, I just can't. [22:45.57] [22:47.28]I just can't. [22:48.86] [22:48.86]Mr Bradley, do you need a recess? [22:53.83] [22:53.95]What the hell's going on? [22:57.04] [22:57.04]David, where are you going?! [22:58.62] [22:58.62]I'm sorry. I quit. [23:00.08] [23:00.08]You can't just quit in the middle of a hearing! [23:01.84] [23:01.84]I'd love to get your idiot husband out of jail, but I just can't do it, sorry. [23:05.17] [23:05.17]Why not? [23:06.63] [23:06.63]Because I'm in love with you. [23:08.18] [23:08.18]What? [23:09.30] [23:09.30]The other day in the hospital, [23:10.18] [23:10.18]I started to feel something that maybe was there all along. [23:14.64] [23:14.64]When I look into your eyes I know you feel it too. [23:18.56] [23:18.56]We belong together. [23:22.06] [23:22.06]David, if you don't get back in there right now, I will go get a gun and shoot you myself. [23:27.03] [23:27.78]I can't. [23:29.82] [23:29.82]I'm sorry. [23:34.87] [23:41.67]Come in! [23:45.38] [23:45.38]We need to talk. [23:49.13] [23:49.13]Paul! [23:49.93] [23:49.93]You can't just walk into people's houses! [23:52.26] [23:52.26]Susan, you told me to come in. [23:54.18] [23:54.18]That's 'cause I asssumed you were someone I would let into my house. [23:56.85] [23:56.85]What do you want? [23:57.93] [23:57.93]I was looking through my mail, and I found this. [24:02.06] [24:02.06]I was surprised to discover that you were looking for my son. [24:06.28] [24:06.28]You didn't happen to find anything out about where Zach might be, did you? [24:09.86] [24:09.86]No, I didn't. [24:12.87] [24:12.87]Sorry I can't help you out. [24:15.08] [24:15.08]I'm asking because, if you remember, Zach hid here in this house before. [24:20.08] [24:20.08]And now I learn that you'd been searching for him. [24:22.25] [24:22.25]Well, he's not here. [24:24.59] [24:24.59]Hm. [24:25.88] [24:25.88]Or maybe we should doublecheck? [24:28.34] [24:28.34]He's not here! I swear! [24:31.68] [24:31.68]What are you grabbing for? [24:34.97] [24:34.97]A knife. [24:37.85] [24:37.85]I just want to slice some tomatoes. [24:42.85] [24:49.86]I don't know how I know this, but I think that he's in Utah. [24:54.74] [24:54.74]He took a bus to Bountiful. You have family there, right? [24:59.79] [25:01.54]OK, I gave him the bus fare. [25:06.59] [25:17.85]You might want to be careful with that. [25:20.06] [25:20.06]You seem a little jittery. [25:25.06] [25:30.65]Look, I know the timing is bad. [25:33.15] [25:33.15]Pretty bad. [25:34.07] [25:34.07]I feel terrible! [25:35.66] [25:35.66]How was I supposed to know [25:36.57] [25:36.57]tat he would take the bullet, and suddenly realize he's in love with me? [25:40.75] [25:40.75]I know I pushed you into hiring that creep. [25:44.17] [25:44.17]But I promise I will do anything I can to fix this. [25:48.67] [25:48.67]All right, go have sex with Bradley. [25:51.80] [25:51.80]What? [25:52.59] [25:52.59]That's what you want me to say, isn't it? [25:54.68] [25:54.68]God, you guys are good. [25:56.68] [25:56.68]You set me up perfectly. [25:58.60] [25:58.60]You think David and I planned this so we could sleep together? [26:01.39] [26:01.39]Let's see. The guy tells me to my face that he wants to get in your pants. [26:04.35] [26:04.35]That's a week before my trial. [26:05.64] [26:05.64]And now you can't wait to do anything to get him back? [26:10.19] [26:10.19]Yeah. [26:11.94] [26:11.94]I'd like to go back to jail now! [26:13.86] [26:13.86]How dare you think that of me? [26:15.45] [26:15.45]I have been nothing but faithful to you! [26:18.99] [26:18.99]... since you've been in here. [26:20.20] [26:20.20]Save it. [26:21.29] [26:21.29]I know when I've been outfoxed. [26:22.45] [26:22.45]And please don't pretend that you're doing this for me. [26:25.54] [26:25.54]'Cause I'd rather rot in here. [26:26.87] [26:26.87]And you know what, a lesser woman would let you rot in here. [26:29.25] [26:29.25]But I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to give you the satisfaction. [26:31.88] [26:31.88]So you better start packing up your shanks, or whatever you people make in here. [26:35.26] [26:35.26]Because you're coming on with me! [26:40.26] [26:43.47]I don't have any shanks. [26:48.48] [26:49.77]Good afternoon. [26:50.73] [26:50.73]Checking in? - Yes. [26:52.07] [26:52.07]The reservation's in the name of Williams, George Williams. [26:55.07] [26:55.07]Let me get your paperwork. [26:56.20] [26:56.20]So what do you want to do first? [26:57.86] [26:57.86]I don't know, I thought maybe we could go antiquing. [27:01.28] [27:01.28]I hear you have some lovely museums nearby. Do you have any brochures? [27:05.08] [27:05.08]Right over there, Mrs Williams. [27:07.00] [27:07.00]Oh, uh -- she's not my wife. [27:09.08] [27:09.08]I'm so sorry. [27:14.05] [27:15.97]So I hear they have that terrific farmers' market nearby. We should pick up some nectarines. [27:20.97] [27:21.80]George -- [27:23.68] [27:23.68]I can't. - What? [27:25.14] [27:25.14]I can't stay in the hotel room with you. [27:27.56] [27:27.56]Why not? [27:28.60] [27:28.60]Because I'm starting to get that rash again. [27:30.48] [27:30.48]Well, I brought the antihistamines! [27:32.06] [27:32.06]Oh please. It's not going to help, George. [27:33.77] [27:33.77]Clearly, this is psychosomatic. [27:36.19] [27:36.19]We need to go home. [27:37.65] [27:37.65]Bree, we just drove 3 hours to get here. [27:40.07] [27:40.07]I know, and you have every right to be mad, [27:41.95] [27:41.95]but George, I'm really starting to itch! [27:45.29] [27:45.29]Is there a problem? [27:46.66] [27:46.66]Uh, no, there's no problem, everything is fine. [27:50.58] [27:50.58]OK. I'll get you your own room. [27:53.09] [27:53.09]George. [27:53.67] [27:53.67]No. We can still have a nice weekend. We'll just shift the focus to antiquing. [27:57.97] [27:57.97]Please. Clearly, you didn't come here to shop. [28:00.59] [28:00.59]No, I came to spend time with you. Time that does not need to be spent in a bed. [28:04.76] [28:04.76]Really? You mean that? You wouldn't mind? [28:08.18] [28:08.18]No. [28:08.98] [28:08.98]No, George, we're going to have a great time. [28:11.85] [28:11.85]There's tons of fun stuff we can do that doesn't involve sex. [28:16.36] [28:16.36]You betcha. [28:17.86] [28:17.86]I'll take care of this. Why don't you go get those brochures. [28:20.36] [28:20.36]OK. [28:22.99] [28:22.99]George! You won't believe it! [28:25.87] [28:25.87]It just stopped itching! [28:27.54] [28:27.54]How about that! [28:32.58] [28:38.26]Nice suit. [28:39.05] [28:39.05]Just hear me out. [28:39.80] [28:39.80]I was going to take it back, I swear it. [28:41.93] [28:41.93]But? [28:42.68] [28:42.68]But then I started thinking about it, and you know what? [28:44.76] [28:44.76]I'll be damned if I'm going to pitch to a roomful of people [28:47.77] [28:47.77]who are all wearing Armani and Vera Wang, [28:50.35] [28:50.35]while I'm standing there with two-year-old breast milk crusted on my lapel! [28:53.56] [28:53.56]Lynette! - And you know what else? [28:55.48] [28:55.48]I kicked ass in that meeting because of this suit! [28:59.65] [28:59.65]Lynette, it is a suit! Why are you so obsessed with it? [29:02.99] [29:02.99]You can't explain obsession, Tom. It just is. [29:07.16] [29:07.16]Look. We are parents. We can't afford the luxury of obsessions. [29:10.33] [29:10.33]See, that's where I think we have been making a terrible, terrible mistake. [29:15.38] [29:19.80]What is this?! [29:21.38] [29:21.38]Sometimes we just need to get something that makes us happy. [29:26.26] [29:26.26]I know that sounds selfish, but I've been thinking: [29:28.47] [29:28.47]It might make us better people. [29:31.06] [29:31.06]And maybe even better parents. [29:35.15] [29:35.15]No. [29:35.86] [29:35.86]No, Lynette, no. [29:36.98] [29:36.98]This is wrong. [29:41.94] [29:42.99]Carbon fiber shaft. [29:47.95] [30:07.05]Wow! [30:09.06] [30:09.06]I feel like a better parent already. [30:14.06] [30:14.60]Oh yeah. [30:16.73] [30:16.73]So I was talking to one of the bellmen, [30:18.19] [30:18.19]and he said there's a place not far from here where we could go horseback-riding. [30:22.28] [30:22.28]Doesn't that sound like fun? [30:25.45] [30:25.45]George? [30:27.95] [30:27.95]What? I--I'm sorry. [30:29.78] [30:29.78]I was saying, I think we should go horseback-riding. [30:32.87] [30:32.87]Oh. Sure, that--that'd be great. [30:37.88] [30:38.25]What's wrong? [30:39.09] [30:39.09]Nothing, I just don't think that we should risk you getting another rash. [30:44.05] [30:44.05]I'm not going to get a rash just by holding your hand. [30:46.18] [30:46.18]You never know. [30:49.05] [30:49.05]Oh. Well, OK. [30:54.06] [30:57.94]Hey, uh -- [30:59.48] [30:59.48]I brought those antihistamines with me. [31:01.48] [31:01.48]Maybe you should take a couple, just to see if it works. [31:04.74] [31:04.74]Oh. I'm drinking wine. I don't think you're supposed to mix pills with alcohol. [31:09.78] [31:09.87]That's for people who are about to use heavy machinery. [31:12.87] [31:12.87]You don't plan on operating a forklift tonight, do you? [31:17.79] [31:17.79]You're the pharmacist. If you think it's OK -- [31:21.09] [31:21.09]I do. [31:26.05] [31:43.48]George, I can't feel my legs! [31:44.98] [31:44.98]I know, sweetheart. Don't you worry. [31:46.28] [31:46.28]I'm not taking you around. I'm going to get you into bed. [31:49.53] [31:49.53]Is she going to be OK? [31:50.74] [31:50.74]Yes. She's just had a little too much wine. [31:53.66] [31:53.66]I don't thinggit was the wine, George, I thinggit was the annyhistamines. [31:58.66] [31:59.25]She doesn't know what she's -- [32:01.54] [32:01.54]We're good, thank you. [32:06.59] [32:12.35]No, no, no. [32:13.85] [32:13.85]I'll get those. You just relax. [32:18.85] [32:23.94]I love you very much, Bree. You know that, right? [32:26.36] [32:26.36]Uh-huh. I know. [32:31.41] [32:35.87]And I want -- more than anything -- [32:40.46] [32:40.46]if you could love me back. [32:43.46] [32:43.46]You understand what I'm saying? [32:46.75] [32:46.75]Bree? [32:51.80] [33:14.91]Hey there. [33:18.04] [33:18.04]How are you feeling? [33:22.33] [33:22.33]O--K. [33:24.63] [33:24.63]Have you been sitting there all this time? [33:27.21] [33:27.21]I wanted to make sure you were OK. [33:29.13] [33:29.13]So I stayed and watched you sleep. [33:31.42] [33:31.42]Did I do anything embarrassing? Sometimes I snore. [33:34.80] [33:34.80]No. You slept like an angel. [33:39.22] [33:39.22]In fact, you were so beautiful and peaceful I actually started to feel guilty. [33:44.23] [33:44.23]Guilty? [33:46.48] [33:46.48]Well, you know, 'cause I told you to take those pills. [33:51.24] [33:51.24]That chair looks so uncomfortable. Why didn't you sleep next to me? [33:54.74] [33:54.74]No. You made it pretty clear that you don't want me in your bed. [33:59.70] [34:01.16]George. [34:05.54] [34:05.54]I know what you want from me, [34:06.83] [34:06.83]and I -- thought I wanted the same thing, [34:09.71] [34:09.71]but I keep getting those rashes, because -- [34:14.76] [34:15.55]I still feel married. [34:20.01] [34:20.01]That makes sense, I guess. [34:23.14] [34:23.14]Can't you just be patient? [34:26.52] [34:26.52]Can't you wait just a little bit longer? [34:29.02] [34:29.02]I've already waited my whole life for you. [34:32.36] [34:32.36]And I can wait a little more. [34:35.40] [34:35.40]But let's be honest: [34:38.12] [34:38.12]There's no guarantee that you'll ever be ready. [34:43.12] [34:43.12]There's only so much rejection I can take. [34:48.08] [34:49.84]So I'll do my best, -- [34:53.55] [34:53.55]but don't be surprised if one of these days, you wake up and I'm not here. [34:58.51] [35:02.52]Now I should get back to my room, try to get a little sleep. [35:05.56] [35:05.56]The antique stores open at 10. [35:10.48] [35:11.94]George, wait! [35:15.70] [35:15.70]Please don't go. [35:20.74] [35:26.21]Stay here with me. [35:31.21] [35:38.01]But what if you get another rash? [35:40.89] [35:40.89]Well, I'll just have to get over it, won't I? [35:45.93] [36:32.81]Gabrielle? [36:34.90] [36:34.90]I got your call. [36:39.95] [36:40.74]Wow. [36:42.24] [36:42.24]Does this mean what I think it means? [36:43.62] [36:43.62]There are some ground rules first: [36:46.91] [36:46.91]I'm not leaving my husband. [36:50.21] [36:50.21]Carlos is looking at spending 8 years in jail, because of my lapse of judgment with the gardener. [36:55.21] [36:55.55]I can't let him rot in there. I'd be filled with guilt. [36:59.55] [36:59.55]You could get him out and then divorce him. [37:01.72] [37:01.72]Not an option. I'm catholic. Hence the guilt. [37:06.43] [37:06.43]So, what are our options? [37:10.02] [37:10.02]This; our stolen moments; [37:12.10] [37:12.10]seeing each other whenever we can: Carlos never needs to know. [37:17.11] [37:18.74]No. [37:22.03] [37:22.03]I thought this is what you wanted. [37:24.91] [37:24.91]I want all of you. [37:27.95] [37:27.95]All or nothing. [37:29.62] [37:29.62]Then it's nothing. [37:34.63] [37:36.09]So you won't get a divorce, but you'll have an affair. [37:40.42] [37:40.42]I said I was catholic, not a fanatic. [37:44.51] [37:44.51]You know, David, you could tell me to stop. [37:48.35] [37:48.35]Just tell me to stop, and I will. [37:51.60] [37:51.60]Or you can have me right now -- on my terms. [37:56.61] [38:00.11]All right. [38:05.11] [38:06.03]What are you doing? [38:06.62] [38:06.62]Making my point: [38:08.49] [38:08.49]You don't love me! [38:10.50] [38:10.50]Yes. I do. [38:12.12] [38:12.12]No! You just agreed to an affair. [38:14.50] [38:14.50]A cheap illicit affair with the woman you love? [38:17.54] [38:17.54]Carlos would never share me! [38:19.92] [38:19.92]He's looking at 8 years in prison [38:21.42] [38:21.42]because the mere thought of it sent him into a violent rage. [38:24.09] [38:24.09]That is love! [38:25.93] [38:25.93]This is just lust, mixed with post-traumatic stress. [38:30.64] [38:30.64]I will see you in court tomorrow 10 a.m.. [38:33.69] [38:33.69]And don't be late. [38:34.89] [38:34.89]Or else, I'll have you disbarred for sexual harassment. [38:39.94] [38:50.70]I'd take it easy with that snail poison. It's hell on your agapanthus. [38:55.67] [38:56.37]Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. [38:58.88] [38:58.88]Is that why you stopped by, for a few gardening tips? [39:03.51] [39:03.51]Nobody wants you here, Paul. [39:06.30] [39:06.30]Especially me. [39:07.97] [39:07.97]I'm just a father looking for his son. [39:10.39] [39:10.39]Oh, I know what you are. [39:15.18] [39:15.18]First your girlfriend tries to run me off, [39:16.98] [39:16.98]with some crazy story about sending Zach to Utah. [39:20.32] [39:20.32]Now you're here trying to scare me away. [39:23.48] [39:23.48]So much for "love thy neighbor". [39:28.20] [39:28.20]Anyway, thanks for the advice. [39:30.87] [39:30.87]About my agapanthus, I mean. I'll make sure I'll send you some. [39:35.87] [39:37.17]What did Susan tell you? [39:42.17] [39:43.17]You are beautiful! [39:46.84] [39:46.84]You should really consider wearing this when you marry Mike. [39:50.60] [39:50.60]We can make it a family tradition. [39:52.60] [39:52.60]Why don't we both stop getting divorced? That would be a nice family tradition. [39:57.56] [39:59.10]Hey! [40:00.31] [40:00.31]I need to ask you something important. [40:02.98] [40:02.98]My God! [40:04.11] [40:04.11]Oh! This is it! [40:06.99] [40:06.99]Let me get my camera! [40:08.20] [40:08.20]No, Mom! Stop! [40:11.57] [40:11.57]What is it? [40:12.87] [40:12.87]Did you give Zach money to go to Utah? [40:17.87] [40:18.00]What? [40:19.96] [40:19.96]Yes or no? [40:24.80] [40:24.80]He was talking so much about Julie. [40:29.09] [40:29.09]I tried to get him to come home with me, I mean, to you -- [40:32.76] [40:32.76]but he just kept going on and on about her, and I got scared. [40:37.39] [40:37.39]Yes or no? [40:40.85] [40:40.85]Yes. [40:44.57] [40:44.57]Mike! [40:46.11] [40:46.11]Mike, I didn't do it to hurt you! You got to believe me! [40:49.36] [40:49.36]I should've told you rightaway, I know that. [40:52.45] [40:52.45]But you know now, so can we please talk about it? [40:55.37] [40:55.37]No. [40:56.29] [40:56.29]Wait, stop! [40:57.16] [40:57.16]Susan -- [40:57.87] [40:57.87]You said you wanted to help me, and I believed you. [41:00.58] [41:00.58]That's it. We're done. [41:02.88] [41:02.88]No! [41:07.51] [41:07.51]No, no! [41:10.38] [41:10.38]I screwed up, OK. [41:12.59] [41:12.59]I want to fix it! Please let me fix it. Talk me out of it. [41:17.60] [41:20.69]I love you. [41:25.65] [41:25.98]Please, no! Please! [41:30.99] [41:33.57]Come back! [41:40.46] [42:17.99]Yes, every little girl dreams of a big white wedding. [42:23.00] [42:23.16]But some dreams just don't come true. [42:28.17]
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