Having someone around to share the little things in life with you can make every moment seem picturesque. Yaoyao Ma Van As is a professional illustrator and animator who has drawn landscapes and other backgrounds for popular cartoons including Rick and Morty, but her greatest passion, it seems, is illustrating those magical moments. Her subject? Our relationship with our pets and the simple comfort that comes from having them around. Her dog illustrations, most of which are based on her and her little dog named Parker, will make your heart soar with their saturated colors and cozy lighting.
Her gallery doesn’t really dwell on the messy side of pet ownership, but everyone with a four-legged best friend knows that their companionship makes everything worth it, and that’s the side that the artist chooses to emphasize.
You might recognize Yaoyao Ma Van As from her series about the perks of living alone, or our previous compilation of her dog illustrations.
More info: Yaoyao Ma Van As | Instagram | Facebook