Bontenmaru, is a Shih Tzu dog, who currently lives in Tokyo, Japan with his owners. Surprisingly enough, the dog’s Instagram account became very successful recently. The 6-year old pet is considered sort of a model and digital influencer, with almost 24 thousand followers, and as of today, Bontenmaru’s pictures gain thousands of likes. The secret to his recent success is in the unusual "hairstyle" that had people coming up with all sorts of comparisons. A lot of people considered Bontenmaru’s hairstyle to be very similar to that of Lady Gaga’s in her early career or even similar to Sia’s who is also a well-known American singer alongside Lady Gaga.
Bontenmaru是一只西施犬,目前和主人住在日本東京。令人驚訝的是,這只狗的Instagram賬號最近非常成功。這只6歲大的寵物被認為是模特和網(wǎng)紅,擁有近2.4萬名粉絲,到今天為止,Bontenmaru的照片已經(jīng)獲得了數(shù)千個贊。它最近成功的秘訣是與眾不同的“發(fā)型”,讓人們想出各種各樣的比較。很多人認為Bontenmaru的發(fā)型和Lady Gaga早期的發(fā)型很像,甚至和Sia的發(fā)型很像,Sia和Lady Gaga是美國著名的歌手。
However, the fancy hairstyle isn’t the only thing that’s outstanding about this dog, if we take a closer look at the way the dog is getting dressed one could definitely say the Bontenmaru (or his owners) has a good sense of style too.
Given all of this, Bored Panda reached out to Tomoyo Matsuura, the owner of the adorable Shih Tzu.
鑒于這一切,Bored Panda聯(lián)系了可愛的西施犬的主人松浦智代。
"I met Bontenmaru by chance when entering a store and since then, every day has been happy and pleasant since he came to our house.
Our routine with him is not much different from the routine of any other dog. I go for a walk every morning, he plays with other dogs, and in the afternoon, he takes a nice nap.
Bontenmaru goes to the barbershop once a month, and when there's no time to take him, I'm the one who cuts his hair myself."
More info: Instagram