(說不上) cannot be designated as; not deserve the name of ;
Topic does not matter practice does!2.對于孩子是會變成海灘混混還是銀行家,你確實無所謂嗎?
Are you truly indifferent to whether your children become beach bums or bankers?3.假如這間由喬布斯建立的公司最終轉向大眾化,那首席執(zhí)行官還是不是他已無所謂了。
It won't matter whether steve jobs is ceo if the company he founded finally goesmass.4.如果歐元區(qū)不復存在,歐洲中央銀行也就無所謂什么正宗貨幣政策了。
And if the euro zone ceased to exist, the ecb would have nothing to be orthodoxabout.5.要是那些無所謂的事情沒完成,求你除去我的憂慮。
Help me not to worry about not getting the unimportant things done.