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一次,一群男女發(fā)現(xiàn)自己置身于風(fēng)暴的移動(dòng)路徑上。其實(shí),倒不是真正的風(fēng)暴,但多少可以這樣比喻了。清楚一點(diǎn)說,這風(fēng)暴是個(gè)名叫毛里斯·高柏萊的人。他們這樣描述:THERE WAS ONCE a small group of men and women who found themselves in the path of a hurricane. Not a real hurricane, but the next thing to it. In short, a hurricane of a man named Maurice Goldblatt. Here is how one of that group described it:

“我們圍坐在芝加哥一張午餐桌旁。我們?cè)缏犝f這個(gè)人的大名,說他是個(gè)雷霆萬鈞的演講者。他起立講話時(shí),人人都會(huì)目不轉(zhuǎn)睛地望著他。We were sitting around a luncheon table in Chicago. We knew this man was reputed to be a powerful speaker. We watched him intently as he stood up to speak.

“他安詳?shù)亻_始講話——是個(gè)整潔、文雅的中年人——他感謝我們的邀請(qǐng)。他說他想談一件嚴(yán)肅的事,如果打擾了我們,請(qǐng)我們?cè)?。He began quietly-a spruce, pleasant man of middle age-thanking us for inviting him. He wanted to talk about something serious, he said, and he hoped we would forgive him if he disturbed us.

“接著,他像龍卷風(fēng)一樣吹襲過來。他前傾著身子,雙眼牢牢地盯住我們。他并未提高聲音,但我卻似乎覺得它像一只銅鑼轟然爆裂。Then, like a whirlwind, he struck. He leaned forward and his eyes transfixed us. He didn't raise his voice, but it seemed to me that it crashed like a gong.

“‘往你四周瞧瞧,’他說,‘彼此瞧一瞧。你們知不知道,現(xiàn)在坐在這房間里的人,有多少將死于癌癥?55歲以上的人4人中就有1個(gè)。4人中就有1個(gè)!’Look around you. he said, "Look at one another. Do you know how many of you sitting now in this room are going to die of cancer? One in four of all of you who are over forty-five. One in four!"

“他停下,但他臉上散發(fā)著光輝。‘這是平常但嚴(yán)酷的事實(shí),不過不會(huì)長(zhǎng)久這樣,’他說,‘我們可以想出辦法,尋求進(jìn)步的癌癥治療方法,研究它們發(fā)生的原因。’He paused, and his face lightened. "That's a plain, harsh fact, but it needn't be for long," he said. "Something can be done about it. This something is progress in the treatment of cancer and in the search for its cause."

“他神情凝重地看著我們,眼光繞著桌子逐一移動(dòng)?!銈?cè)敢鈪f(xié)助努力吧?’He looked at us gravely, his gaze moving around the table. "Do you want to help toward this progress?" he asked.

“在我們的腦海中,這里除了‘愿意!’之外,還會(huì)有別的回答嗎?‘愿意!’我想。事后我發(fā)現(xiàn)別人跟我一樣。Could there have been an answer except "Yes!" in the minds of any of us then? "Yes!" I thought, and I found later that so did the others.

“一分鐘不到,毛里斯·高柏萊就贏得了我們的心。他已經(jīng)把我們每個(gè)人都拉進(jìn)他的話題里,讓我們站在他那一邊,投入到了為人類謀求幸福的運(yùn)動(dòng)中。In less than a minute, Maurice Goldblatt had won us. He had drawn us personally into his subject. He had us on his side, in the campaign he was waging for a humanitarian cause.

“不論何時(shí)何地,獲得贊同是每個(gè)講演者的目標(biāo)。高柏萊先生有非常充足的理由要我們有這樣的反應(yīng)。他和他的兄弟拿桑,赤手空拳建起了一個(gè)連鎖性的百貨企業(yè),年收入超過1億美元。歷經(jīng)了長(zhǎng)年的艱辛之后,他們終于獲得了神話般的成功,不料拿桑卻在短短的時(shí)間里,因癌癥辭世。這之后,毛里斯特意安排,讓高柏萊基金會(huì)捐出第一個(gè)100萬,供芝加哥大學(xué)進(jìn)行癌癥研究,并把自己的時(shí)間——他已從商場(chǎng)退休——致力于提醒大眾對(duì)抗癌工作的關(guān)切。Getting a favorable reaction is every speaker's objective any time, anywhere. As it happened, Mr. Goldblatt had a dramatically good reason for wanting to get one from us. He and his brother, Nathan, starting with little more than nothing, had built up a department store chain doing a business of more than $ 100,000,000 a year. Fabulous success had come to them after long, hard years, and then Nathan, ill only a short time, had died of cancer. After that, Maurice Goldblatt saw to it that the Goldblatt Foundation gave the first million dollars to the University of Chicago's cancer research program, and he gave his own time-retiring from business-to the work of interesting the public in the fight against cancer.

“這些事實(shí)加上高柏萊的個(gè)性,贏得了我們的心。真誠(chéng)、關(guān)切、熱情——這是火一樣的熱烈的決心,讓他在幾分鐘的時(shí)間里,用他長(zhǎng)年累月獻(xiàn)給這個(gè)偉大目標(biāo)的所有因素橫掃過我們,讓我們產(chǎn)生了同意講演者的感情,一種對(duì)他的友誼和甘心被關(guān)切、甘心被感動(dòng)的意愿?!盩hese facts, together with Maurice Goldblatt's personality, won us. Sincerity, earnestness, enthusiasm-a blazing determination to give himself to us for a few minutes, just as he was giving himself year in and out to a great cause-all of these factors swept us up into a feeling of agreement with the speaker, a friendliness for him, a willingness to be interested and moved.


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