‘Tao’ is just a symbol. It figures the noumenon and motivity that who structured universe and world. ‘Tao’ is the basic principle of universe, nature and human community. It’s the sempiternal natural attribute of the hylic world. ‘Ming’ is another symbol always goes with ‘Tao’. It’s Tao’s appellation. ‘Tao’ will not be the sempiternal basic principle if we can describe it in anthropic language and letter. ‘Ming’ will not be the name and appellation of the sempiternal basic principle if we can define it in our language.
‘Tao’ has two modalities, ‘origin’ and ‘effect’ (means non-existence and existence in Chinese). The ‘origin’ modality is the originator of universe and world. The ‘effect’ modality indicate the process that ‘Tao’ providing and nourishing the universe and world. We can observe the development principle of universe in ‘origin’ standpoint and observe the Tao’s process for world in effect standpoint.
‘Origin’ and ‘effect’ are all from ‘Tao’ who have different name and identity. They represent abstruse hypostasis of Tao’s from distinct point of view in order to show us that Tao is the headspring of natural development.