著作人格權 right of personality of copyright
發(fā)表權 right of publication
署名權 right of authorship; right of paternity
修改權 right of modification; right of revision
完整性保持權 right to maintain integrity
不可侵犯權 inviolability
收回權 right of recall; right of retrieval
自費出版 publish a book at the author’s own expense
著作財產權 property right in work
使用收益分享權 right to share usufruct
利用權 right to make use of
獲得報酬權 right to get payment
重播權 right of rebroadcasting
錄制權 right of fixation
機械復制權 right of mechanograph; right of mechanical reproduction
著作鄰接權 neighboring right of copyright
剽竊 plagiary; plagiarism
盜版 pirate
盜版VCD pirated VCD
偽造 forge
工業(yè)產權 industrial property
專利權 patent right
優(yōu)先權日 priority date
申請在先原則 prior application rule
使用在先 priority of use
新穎性 novelty
創(chuàng)造性 creativity
實用性 practicability
發(fā)明創(chuàng)造 invention and creation
實用新型 utility model
外觀設計 design; industrial design
發(fā)明權 right of invention
發(fā)現權 right of discovery
專利申請 patent application
專利異議 objection to a patent
專利公告 patent gazette
專利續(xù)展費 renewal fee of patent
專利許可協議 patent licensing agreement
技術訣竅 know-how
專有技術 know-how
專利證書 certificate of patent
專利事務所 patent office