You know, fuck you! 你知道去你媽的
That’s good. A little anger. It’s a bit late, but it’s nice to see! 很好有點生氣了有點晚了但還不錯
How’s it goin’過怎么樣?
Okay. 還好
You didn’t get scared or something, did you? 你沒有害怕什么吧?
There’s no monsters in the closet, right? ’Cause I hate monsters. 壁柜里沒有怪物對不對? 因為我討厭怪物
There’s no such thing as monsters. 根本就沒什么怪物
- Ah, that’s a good thing. - I heard a bang. - 啊那不錯嘛- 我聽到一聲響
Like a truck bang? 就像爆胎的聲響?
Like a gun. 像槍聲
That’s funny, ’cause we moved outta that bad neighborhood. 這很可笑因為我們已經(jīng)搬出那個糟糕的地方了
And there’s not too many guns around here. 而且這里很安全
How far can bullets go? 子彈能飛多遠?
They go pretty far. 好遠好遠
But they usually get stuck in something and stop. 但通常被東西擋住就停下來了
What if they don’t? 要是不呢?
You thinking about that bullet that came through your window? 你還在想那顆打在你窗戶上的子彈嗎?
You think we should move again? 你覺得我們應該再搬一次嗎?
I like it here. 我喜歡這兒
Me too. But if that bullet found out where we lived... 我也是可是如果那顆子彈找到我們住的地方了
What? 什么?
Oh, hold on. 哦等等
So stupid! How can I forget this? 好蠢啊我怎么會忘了這個?
What? 什么啊?
Nah. Forget it. You ain’t gonna believe me. 不算了你不會相信我的
Tell me. 告訴我吧
Okay. 好吧
When I was five, this fairy came into my room one night. 我5歲的時候一天晚上有個仙女來到我的房間
- Right. - I told you, you weren’t gonna believe me. - 騙人- 我跟你說過你不會相信我的嘛
- Okay, go to sleep now, you little rat. - No, tell me. - 好了現(xiàn)在去睡覺吧你這個小淘氣- 不行告訴我吧
Okay. 好吧
So this fairy comes into my room and I’m like, "Yeah, right, you’re a fairy." 因為這個仙女走進我的房間我說對你是仙女
Anyway, we’re talking, you know. 不管怎么說我們聊了好久
And she’s flying all around the room, knocking down all my posters and stuff. 她在我的房間里飛來飛去把墻上的海報之類的都碰掉了
She was flying? 她在飛?
She had these little stubby wings. She could’ve glued ’em on, you know? 她有小翅膀可能是粘上去的對不對?
Like I’m gonna believe she’s a fairy. 我不太相信她是仙女
So she said, "I’ll prove it." 于是她說我證明給你看
So she reaches into her backpack. 于是她把手伸進背包里
And she pulls out this invisible cloak. 拿出一件隱形的斗蓬
She ties it around my neck, and she tells me that it’s impenetrable. 把它系在我的脖子上告訴我它是堅不可摧的
You know what impenetrable means? 你知道堅不可摧是什么意思嗎?
It means that nothing can go through it. 意味著沒有什么東西可以穿過它
No bullets. Nothing. 子彈不行什么東西也不行
She told me that if I wore it, nothing would hurt me. 她告訴我如果我穿上它沒有什么會傷害我
So I did. And my whole life, I never got shot, stabbed. 因此我就穿上了而且我這一生從沒有被打中過刺傷過
Nothing. I mean, how weird is that? 沒有什么能傷到我我是說多神奇啊
Only she told me that I was supposed to give it to my daughter on her fifth birthday. 她告訴我我應該在我女兒5的時候給她
And I forgot. 我給忘了
Can I touch it? 我能摸摸嗎?
Sure, go ahead. 當然了摸吧
- I don’t feel it. - Yeah. It’s pretty cool, huh? - 我感覺不到- 是的它很棒是不是?
I can take it off and tie it around your shoulders. She told me how to do it. 我可以把它脫下來給你系上她告訴過我怎么做的
- Unless you think it’s stupid. - Don’t you need it? - 除非你認為這很蠢- 你不需要了嗎?
No, not anymore. 對不再需要了
So what do you think? You want it? 你覺得怎么樣? 你想要嗎?
Okay, let’s get outta here. 好的出來吧
Okay. 好的
Put your head up. 把頭抬起來
Okay. Is that too tight? 好的是不是太緊了?
Do you feel anything at all? 你感覺到什么了嗎?
Good. Then it’s just right. 很好那就對了
Do I take it off when I have a bath? 我洗澡的時候要把它脫下來嗎?
No, you leave it on all the time. 不用你就一直穿著它好了
Okay? 好嗎?
Okay. 好的
Okay. Good night, sweetie. 好的晚安寶貝
Good night. 晚安