I sent her out for groceries, and that was two hours ago, Carol. 我讓她到雜貨店買東西已經(jīng)兩個鐘頭了 卡羅爾
Well, you are one to talk. 我只可以跟你說了
You go through, like, six housekeepers a year? 你一年換了六個管家不也這樣嗎?
I’m not snapping at you! I am angry. 我不是開你的玩笑 我是在生氣
Yes! At them! Yes! 是的 都試過
At them, the police, at Rick, at Maria, 試過警察 試過瑞克 試過瑪麗亞
at the dry cleaners who destroyed another blouse today, 試過經(jīng)常把我外套洗爛的干洗店員
at the gardener who keeps over - watering the lawn. 試過經(jīng)常給草坪猛灌水的園丁
I... 我...
I just thought that... 我在想...
Carol, I just thought that I would wake up today 卡羅爾 我是想我一大早起來...
and I would feel better, you know? 就會覺得心情好一點
But I was still mad. And I realized... 但我的心情還是很糟糕
I realized that it had nothing to do with my car being stolen. 我也明白車被偷 我是無能為力的
I wake up like this every morning! 我每天醒過來都是這個樣子
I am angry all the time, and I don’t know why. 我經(jīng)常生氣 但我也不知道為什么
Carol, I don’t know why! And I... 卡羅爾 我不知道為什么
Yeah, yeah, call me back. 好的 那回頭再說
Bye. 再見
Really appreciate this. 非常感謝
No problem. 不客氣
So how long you been out there tonight? It’s cold. 你在外面多久了 很冷吧
Hour maybe. 差不多一個小時了吧
Big surprise, huh? 感到驚訝嗎?
Yeah, this ain’t exactly "pick up a brother" territory. 是呀 要在這里搭上便車可不容易
True. 沒錯
So where you headed? 你要去哪?
Anywhere the other side of the hill. 隨便什么地方 過了山就可以了
That’s some good music. 音樂很好聽
No, really. I’m startin’ to understand it. 說真的 我也會的
Wrote me a country song myself just yesterday. 昨天我還為自己寫了一首歌
I’ll bet you did. 我想你沒騙我
So what was goin’ on in the Valley tonight? 今天Valley有什么節(jié)目?
Ice-skatin’ 滑冰
Ice-skatin’ 滑冰
Love the ice - skatin’ 我喜歡滑冰
When I was a kid, I always wanted to be a goalie. 小時候我想當一名守門員
Come on! 不會吧
What, you... you think that’s funny or somethin’ 你覺得好笑還是怎么的?
I think you’re having fun. 我想你玩得很開心
Yeah. Whatever. 是的 馬馬虎虎
Oh, yeah. 是的
Something else funny? 有什么好笑的嗎?