Catherine今天將公司的一個重要項目交給了自己的一個下屬,這位下屬由于工作繁忙,又把這個項目的準備工作交給了秘書來籌備。Catherine對秘書不大放心,她的下屬就向她保證說:She will go the whole hog in planning the program.
She will go the whole hog in planning the program.她會全力以赴籌辦項目的。
go the whole hog這個俚語源于十七世紀的英國,當時英國人稱一先令(shilling)為一個hog,而一個hog能買不少東西,go the whole hog就是一次把一先令全部花掉,后來就引申為“徹底地或完全地做某事,干到底”。例如:If we start it, we shall go the whole hog. 要是著手干的話,我們就干到底。
Benjamin: I heard you have had your secretary plan the program. How about her performance.
Todd: Frankly speaking, she is perfect. I promise she will go the whole hog in planning the program.