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  職稱英語句子特點及英語基本句型 職稱英語句子結構特點:


  閱讀判斷: New product will save lives, 該文章在主題上與科技有關。

  概括大意完成句子:Ford ,雖然這篇文章是人物介紹性的文章, 但“裝配線”一詞已經(jīng)明顯地揭示了出題者選題的考慮, 這篇文章還是與科技有關。


  sleepless at night, 文章的主題涉及到社會和生活;

  Florence Nightingale 這也是一篇人物介紹類的文章,文章的主題涉及到社會和生活;

  Human space exploration ,這是一篇典型的科普文章。

  補全短文:false fear of big fish , 這篇文章主題涉及到自然,環(huán)境方面的內(nèi)容。

  完型填空:migrant workers 移民工人,這篇文章的主題涉及到社會與文化。






  e.g. A well-dressed lady, who looked and talked like a Japanese, got off from the car.


  e.g. The speech was a clear and unemotional exposition of the President's reasons for willing to begin a Japanese - American dialogue.

  這個句子結構很正式,句子中使用了書面語中常見的名詞性的結構, 比較:

  e.g. The speech indicates clearly and unemotionally the President's reasons for willing to begin a Japanese - American dialogue.

  職稱英語考試中出現(xiàn)的文章在語言上具有專業(yè)英語和科技英語的特點。專業(yè)英語和科技英語的特點是句子較長, 句子結構比較復雜, 可能涉及到多種語法結構(如:不定式, 動名詞, 現(xiàn)在分詞結構, 過去分詞結構, 介詞短語結構, 插入語結構,各種從句結構等), 被動語態(tài)出現(xiàn)的頻率也較高。


  From Robots

  Although industrial robots were originally developed as devices for simply handling 搬運objects, today their commonest uses are for more skilled work like welding (焊接), spray噴射-painting and assembling components.

  句子基本結構:Although (簡單句:被動語態(tài)結構) + 主句 (主語+系動詞+ 表語)

  句子中出現(xiàn)了被動語態(tài)的結構, 介詞短語結構出現(xiàn)頻繁。句子中出現(xiàn)的詞匯絕大多數(shù)都是常見的基本詞匯。


  From Fords

  Instead of having workers put together the entire car, 組裝整輛車,F(xiàn)ord’s friends, who were great toolmakers from Scotland, organized teams that added parts to each Model T as it moved down a line.

  句子基本結構:狀語(介詞短語結構)+ 主句(主語+謂語+賓語, 主句中還帶有插入語的結構)

  句子中出現(xiàn)了較多的從句結構, 涉及到了定語從句和狀語從句。

  復雜的句子常常是考點設置的地方, 這兩個句子也與文章后面的問題直接/間接地相關:

  在2003年的考題中“Although industrial robots …”是文章中一個段落,其中一道概括大意題就是針對這個段落設置的:問題問及這個段落的主題。

  A. ongoing research ongoing – going on進行的

  B. extension of use extend–extension 擴大

  C. robot heroes

  D. greater reliability great –greater; rely – reliable –reliability可靠性

  E. falling demand fall –falling下降的

  F. hidden danger hide –hidden 隱藏的

  根據(jù)剛才我們對句意的分析, 答案應該是B. 也可以走捷徑: 句子“Although industrial robots were originally developed as devices for simply handling 搬運objects, today their commonest uses are for more skilled work like welding (焊接), spray噴射-painting and assembling components.”的主要內(nèi)容應該是通過主句內(nèi)容反映出來, 主句結構是: today their commonest uses are for more skilled work like welding (焊接), spray噴射-painting and assembling components 這個結構的主語中出現(xiàn)了“uses(用途)”, 句子中的中文注釋“焊接”和“skilled work(技巧性的工作)”都在提示我們這個句子很可能在談論機器人的用途。


  2004年的概括大意題也是對間接地涉及到了對“Instead of …”這個句子的考察。有一道概括大意題考察“Instead of …”所在段落的主題。這道題也可以走捷徑:

  The company’s assembly line alone threw America’s Industrial Revolution into overdrive(高速運轉) . Instead of having workers put together the entire car, 組裝整輛車,F(xiàn)ord’s friends, who were great toolmakers from Scotland, organized teams that added parts to each Model T as it moved down a line. By the time Ford’s Highland Park plant was humming(嗡嗡作響) along in 1914, the world’s first automatic conveyor belt could turn out a car every 93 minutes.

  這個段落一共有三個句子, 其中第2句中出現(xiàn)了Ford’s friends(Ford的朋友), 這個短語揭示第2句是一個細節(jié)句, 第3句中出現(xiàn)了具體的時間(in 1914), 這也表明第3句是細節(jié)句, 所以判斷該段的第一句是主題句, 該句中出現(xiàn)了“assembly line”, 因此判斷B是答案。該句說“光是公司的裝配線就把美國的工業(yè)革命投入到了高速運轉之中”。



  職稱英語的長句子可能帶有較多的附屬結構如:動名詞結構,不定式結構,分詞結構,介詞短語結構, 從句結構等, 而且該可能出現(xiàn)從句套從句的結構。尤其是在B級和A級的考題中, 甚至在一段文字中也可能會同時出現(xiàn)較多的復雜句子結構。如理工類Mobile Phone(B級:2002年理工類閱讀理解考題)中的第一段:

  Mobile phones should carry a label if they proved to be a dangerous source of radiation, according to Robert Bell, a scientist. And no more mobile phone transmitter towers should be built until the long-term health effects of the electromagnetic radiation they emit are scientifically evaluated, he said. "Nobody's going to drop dead overnight but we should be asking for more information," Robert

  Bell said at a conference on the health effects of low-level radiation. "If mobile phones are found to be dangerous, they should carry a warning label until proper shields can be devised," he said.


  1.長句子結構復雜: 句子中從句, 介詞短語結構, 不定式結構, 分詞結構等出現(xiàn)頻繁,如:

  (2002年衛(wèi)生類C級考題概括大意與完成句子:Health Education)

  In health education we must work with families, communities, and even regional

  狀語 主語 謂語

  and national authorities to make sure that resources and support are available


  to enable each individual to lead a healthy life.

  (2003年理工C閱讀理解文章Eta Carinae)

  The problem in observing Eta Carinae is that it has been surrounded by a cloud of gas


  and dust, making it hard to see the star directly.


  句中還出現(xiàn)了形式賓語的結構: making it hard to see the star directly

  (2004年綜合C閱讀理解文章Home Heating)

  Home heating, which accounts for less than 7 percent of all energy consumed in the U.S., has had a commendable (值得贊揚的) efficiency record: from 1978 to 1997, the amount of fuel consumed for this purpose declined 44 percent despite a 33 percent increase in the number of housing units and an increase in house size.

  2.代詞/冠詞結構使用頻繁, 有時指代關系較復雜, 而且常常是考點設置的地方, 如:

  (2002年綜合類C級考題閱讀理解:A thirsty World)

  The world is not only hungry, it is also thirsty(渴望的 (for) )for water. This may seems strange to you, since nearly 75% of the earth's surface is covered with water. But about 97% of this huge amount is sea-water, or salt water, man can only drink and use the other 3% - the fresh water that comes from rivers, lakes, underground, and other sources.

  問題: The phrase “the world” in the first line of the passage refers to

  A. you

  B. man

  C. woman

  D. they

  文章要讀到“man can only drink and use the other 3%..”(該句說人類只能飲用其余的3%, 顯然這說明了人類缺水, 因此人類渴望水, 這樣該句的內(nèi)容與the world所在的句子在內(nèi)容上呼應, 對比這兩個句子的內(nèi)容判斷B是答案. )才能讓人讀出“The world”的具體所指代的內(nèi)容。


  It is estimated that 20% of all comic book heroes in Japan are robots. This is an enormous number because comics are so popular that they make up a third of all material published in Japan.

  這個句子中出現(xiàn)了三個代詞: 形式主語it; 指示代詞this(指代“20% of all comic book heroes in Japan”) they (指代comics)

  3.被動語態(tài)出現(xiàn)頻繁, 如:

  (2002年衛(wèi)生類B級考題閱讀理解:Natural Medicine)

  Experts say almost 80% of the people in the world use plants for health care. These natural medicines are used not just because people have no other form of treatment. They are used because people trust them.

  (2003年綜合類C級考題閱讀理解:New Foods and The New World)

  According to an Arabic legend, coffee was discovered when a person named Kaldi noticed that his goats were attracted to the red berries on a coffee bush.



  Today, in comparison with places like London or Manchester, Norwich is quite small, with


  a population of around 150,000.


  (2004年衛(wèi)生類B級考題閱讀理解:Global Cancer rates to rise by 50% by 2020)

  Once considered a “western” disease, the report highlights that more than 50 percent of the world’s


  cancer burden, in terms of both numbers of cases and deaths, already occurs in developing countries. 介詞短語結構作狀語


  1. 仔細閱讀全句,抓住句子的主干結構;

  2. 找出句子中的所有從屬成分,包括從句,短語結構,非謂語動詞結構等;

  3. 分析從屬成分的語法功能,判斷它們與句子主干結構之間的相互關系;注意指示代詞,插入語等成分的辨認;


  (2002年綜合類A級閱讀理解:Effects of Environmental Pollution)

  Perhaps the most commonly experienced aerosol is industrial smog of the

  主語 謂語 表語

  kind that plagued London in the 1950s and is an even greater problem in Los

  定語從句 并列謂語 表語 狀語

  Angels today.

  (2003年綜合類A級閱讀理解:”Salty rice plant boosts harvest”)

  To overcome these problems, Flowers and Yeo decided to breed rice plants that take in

  不定式結構作目的狀語 主語 謂語 狀語

  very little salt and store what they do absorb in cells that do not affect the plants’ growth.

  定語從句(賓語從句+ 定語從句)

  l 英語的基本句型

 ?、瘛⒅髡Z+系動詞+表語(SVP)(S—subject; V—verb; P--predicative)

  e.g. The flowers are red.

  主語 系動詞 表語(形容詞)

  e.g. I am a worker.

  主語 系動詞 表語(名詞)

  e.g. The book is on the table.

  主語 系動詞 表語

  e.g. The truth is that he is a liar說謊的人.

  主語 系動詞 表語

  e.g. He looks like his father.

  主語 半系動詞 表語

  e.g. What I want to know is when you will leave for Beijing?

  主語 系動詞 表語

  e.g. It is important for him to be careful.

  主語 系動詞 表語 真正主語


  e.g. He has come back. 不及物動詞后帶作狀語的副詞

  主語 謂語

  e.g. They laughed at him. 不及物動詞后帶作狀語的介詞短語

  主語 謂語

  laugh at 1. 因…而發(fā)笑 (e.g. laugh at a joke 聽了笑話而發(fā)笑); 2. 嘲笑


  e.g. We had some bread and eggs for breakfast . for表示目的, 作為早餐

  主語 謂語 賓語 狀語

  e.g. I like reading English at home.

  主語 謂語 動名詞結構作賓語 狀語

  e.g. We have leant that you would visit your parents tomorrow.

  主語 謂語 賓語從句


  e.g. He gave me a book.

  主語 謂語 間接賓語 直接賓語

  e.g. They informed us that they might be 20 minutes late.

  主語 謂語 間接賓語 直接賓語


  e.g. We considered him to a top student.

  主語 謂語 賓語 賓語補足語

  e.g. The news made him very happy.

  主語 謂語 賓語 賓語補足語

  e.g. They find it difficult to answer the question.

  主語 謂語 賓語 賓語補足語 真正的賓語

  補充: 某些及物動詞除要求帶賓語外,有時還需要有一個成分補充說明該賓語的動作、狀態(tài)、特征等,意思才完整,這個成分就是賓語補足語。

  e.g. We leave the door open

  主語 謂語 賓語 賓語補足語

  能用于“主語+謂語(及物動詞)+賓語+補足語(SVOC)”結構的動詞不多, 常見的有:

  set: e.g. set the bird free; 使處于某種狀態(tài)

  make: e.g. make me happy;

  keep: e.g. keep the trees alive; 使…保持著(某種狀態(tài))

  leave: e.g. leave the boy without care and support; 使…處于某種狀態(tài)


  Without: perp.沒有;不

  e.g. They have endured three days without food or water. (沒有)

  e.g. Close the door without making any noise, please. (不)

  還有一種存在句型: there be 的句型

  e.g. There is something wrong here.

  e.g. There are two people over there.

  英語句子中的幾個基本句式:陳述句,疑問句,感嘆句和祈使句。 陳述句分為肯定句和否定句, 陳述句和否定句(在be動詞后加not或在助動詞后加not)是我們最為熟悉的句式, 最常見的結構。

  e.g. He is a worker. 其否定句是:He is not a worker.

  e.g. He likes English. 其否定句:He doesn't like English.


  e.g. Is he a worker?

  e.g. Does he like English?


  e.g. what do you like?

  e.g. Where are you going?


  e.g. He is a student, isn’t he?

  e.g. He likes English, doesn’t he?

  e.g. He cannot speak English, can he?

  Ø 職稱英語核心詞匯推薦:

  audience n. 聽眾, 觀眾, 讀者(a large audience/很多觀眾);

  August n.八月(略作Aug);

  aunt n. 伯母, 嬸母, 舅母, 阿姨;

  Australia n. 澳大利亞,澳洲:

  (B級)authentic adj. 可信的, 可靠的, 真正的

  author n. 作家, 著者(best author暢銷書作者; joint author/合著者);

  authority n. 權威, 權力, 權勢, [pl.]當局, 負責人;

  automatic adj.自動的,機械的;

  automobile n.汽車,小汽車;

  autumn n. 秋, 秋季(美國普通稱fall) (in autumn/在秋天; in (the)late autumn/在晚[深]秋);

  available adj.可用到的, 可利用的, 有用的, 有空的(be available for use/可加以利用);

  average n.平均, 平均水平, 平均數(shù) adj.通常的, 平均的v.平均為, 均分,達到平均水平(above the average/在一般水平以上, below the average/在一般水平以下, on the [an] average/平均);

  avoid n. 避免; 回避;

  awake v. 喚起,叫醒, 激起, 〔用作表語〕醒著的

  aware adj. [用作表語]知道的; 意識到的(be aware of/知道, 意識到; be aware that .../發(fā)覺, 注意到);

  away adv. 離開, 遠離 (Go away!/走開!; keep away from../與..保持距離; run away/逃掉; take sth. away/拿走; right away/立刻, 馬上; far away/在遠處) ;

  awful adj. 可怕的, 極壞的

  (B級)awkward adj. 笨拙的, 難使用的, 尷尬的, (in an awkward situation處境困難)

  baby n.嬰兒; 幼小動物

  back n. 背,背部, 后面adv. 向后, 在后面v. 向后退,支持,援助adj. 早已過去的, 后面的(back and forth/往返;來回; go back to .../回到原來狀況,回原處; put (或 turn) the clock back /倒撥時鐘; go back on/食言; a back issue magazine /過期雜志; back seat /后座; back up/支持,援助);

  background n. 背景, (個人出身、受教育)經(jīng)歷 (background music /背景音樂);

  backward(s) adj. 向后的, 相反的adv. 向后地;

  (B級)bacterium n. (pl. bacteria ) 細菌〔單數(shù)不常用〕

  bad (worse, worst) adj.劣質(zhì)的, 有害的, 壞的(be bad for ... /對..有害; have a bad cold 得重感冒; go bad/變質(zhì)不能食用);

  badly adv. 壞, 不良地, 嚴重地, [口]非常;

  balance n. 天平, 秤, 平衡 ( keep balance/保持平衡; lost balance/失去平衡; strike a balance between .../在..之間取得平衡; be off balance/不穩(wěn));

  (A級)bald adj. 禿(頭)的, 無毛的

  ball n.球, 舞會;

  ban (banned; banning) n./v. 禁止, 取締 (lay [put] (a) ban on../禁止(某事); lift [remove] the ban (on)/(對...)解禁);

  bank n.銀行, 堤, 岸;

  bankrupt n.破產(chǎn)者 adj.破產(chǎn)了的( go bankrupt/破產(chǎn));

  bar 酒吧間, 條(形碼) (bar code/條形碼; behind bars/在監(jiān)獄服刑);

  bare adj.無遮蔽的, 空的;

  barely adv. 無遮蔽地, 勉強, 幾乎沒有(barely enough/勉強夠);


  這道題是從(CET-4, 1997.1) 的詞匯題變形而來.

  1. Convenience foods which are already prepared for cooking are obtainable in grocery stores. 能得到的

  A. ready B. approachable C. probable D. available

  D. 分析:因為劃線詞出現(xiàn)在句子的謂語部分, 所以抓住句子主干結構: Convenience foods …are obtainable (in grocery stores), 該結構說“方便食品在雜貨店里…”,比較四個被選項顯然D(可以得到的)最合適。

  ready: adj. 已作好準備[預備]的;心中準備好的

  approachable adj. 可進入的, 易接近的;易交談的

  probable adj. 很可能的,大概的

  這道題是從(CET-4, 2003.12) 的詞匯題變形而來.

  It is reported that most nations understand and support China on human rights issues.

  A. grant B. change C. abandon D. back

  D. 分析: 該題考察的都是常見詞匯. 假設不知道劃線詞的含義, 因為劃線詞有一個并列的結構—“understand/理解”, 他們共同的賓語都是“中國”, 對比被選項判斷D(支持)最合適。

  grant v. 授與, 假定(take it for granted that… 想當然地認為…)

  change v. 改變,變更, 換(車、衣服), 兌換

  abandon v. 扔棄(地位等),離棄(家園);斷絕(念頭等),戒除(惡習等)


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