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《考研英語閱讀理解100篇 高分版》 Unit 8 - TEXT THREE





It is, by general consent, the most important securities-litigation clash for a generation. A case now before the Supreme Court, Stoneridge v Scientific-Atlanta, is shaping up to be a key test of attitudes towards shareholder class actions. A decision in favour of aggrieved investors would greatly increase the number of companies on which trial lawyers could train their sights. A ruling the other way would be a crushing defeat for the plaintiff's bar. Adding to the suspense, the government bodies with an interest in the case cannot agree on a common position.
The case involves a cable company, Charter Communications, which used a transaction with two suppliers of set-top boxes to inflate its revenues. Shareholders sued not only the company but the vendors, too, claiming that they participated in the fraud, even though they may not have been aware of the misreporting. Led by the legendary Bill Lerach, plaintiff lawyers have lobbied ferociously for the principle of going after third parties, known as “scheme liability”.
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is backing Mr. Lerach's lot, thanks to a change of heart by its Republican chairman, Christopher Cox, traditionally no friend of the plaintiff's bar. Mr. Cox urged the Department of Justice to fall in behind it, but this week it declined to do so. It has a month to decide whether to support the defendants or offer no opinion.
The Treasury is at odds with the SEC, too, fearing that a ruling in favour of investors would further damage American competitiveness. Many foreign firms that choose to list their shares elsewhere point to America's litigation lottery as the principal reason. Although filings of securities class actions have been falling since 2005, the overall value of settlements has continued to rise.
Bankers and accountants are watching just as closely as cable-box makers. In a similar case, Mr. Lerach's firm sued Enron's financial advisers on behalf of shareholders, claiming that they facilitated the book-keeping shenanigans at the now-defunct energy trader. He lost—though not before collecting billions from banks that settled early. He has lodged an appeal with the Supreme Court and wants the case joined with Stoneridge. Business is encouraged by its track record: a steady pruning of plaintiffs' rights since the 1970s. A number of its justices are thought to sympathise with the view that scheme liability is best left to the SEC, which has the power to pursue aiders and abettors under its Rule 10b-5.
Some lawyers in Washington even suggest that Mr. Cox only sided with investors because he was convinced that they had almost no chance of support from the Supreme Court. But with numerous fine legal points at issue, the outcome is uncertain. An unfavourable ruling would send a chill through boardrooms, and not only in America.
If suppliers and advisers can be dragged into class actions, it would no longer even be necessary to issue shares in the United States to incur securities liability, points out Peter Wallison of the American Enterprise Institute, a think-tank. Any firm, anywhere, doing business with American companies would have to live with the risk that the transaction could later be portrayed as fraudulent or deceptive. And painting such pictures is what trial lawyers do best.
1. What will probably happen if the final decision is in favor of investors?
[A] More companies will decide to move to other countries for business.
[B] The government bodies will lose their popular trust.
[C] More companies will be involved in legal actions.
[D] American companies will lose most of its competitiveness.
2. Which one of the following statements is NOT true of “scheme liability”?
[A] The Department of Justice will decide whether to implement this principle in this case in a month.
[B] The principle is raised by the plaintiff's bar to settle the case.
[C] The principle has damaged the trust of foreign companies.
[D] The SEC was originally against using this principle in this case.
3. The Treasury is against the SEC's proposal because _____.
[A] the attitude of the Department of Justice is unclear
[B] it is afraid that this proposal may arouse securities class actions
[C] it holds the view that the scheme liability is unreasonable
[D] it thinks this proposal will further discourage foreign firms from listing shares in America
4. Mr. Cox changed his mind finally because _____.
[A] he is bribed by the investors to work in favor of them
[B] he sympathizes with the shareholders
[C] he disagrees with the Supreme Court's principles and attitudes
[D] he dedicated himself to the defense of American investors' right
5. Towards the actions of plaintiff's lawyers, the author's attitude can be said to be _____.
[A] negative
[B] positive
[C] indifferent
[D] biased

1. What will probably happen if the final decision is in favor of investors?
[A] More companies will decide to move to other countries for business.
[B] The government bodies will lose their popular trust.
[C] More companies will be involved in legal actions.
[D] American companies will lose most of its com-petitiveness.
1. 如果最后的裁決有利于投資者,以下哪種情況會(huì)發(fā)生?
[A] 大多數(shù)公司會(huì)決定搬到其他國家做生意。
[B] 政府團(tuán)體會(huì)失去公眾的信任。
[C] 會(huì)有更多的公司被卷入訴訟。
[D] 美國公司會(huì)喪失其大部分的競爭力。
答案:C 難度系數(shù):☆☆☆
2. Which one of the following statements is NOT true of “scheme liability”?
[A] The Department of Justice will decide whether to implement this principle in this case in a month.
[B] The principle is raised by the plaintiff's bar to settle the case.
[C] The principle has damaged the trust of foreign companies.
[D] The SEC was originally against using this principle in this case.
2. 關(guān)于“方案責(zé)任”,下列哪一項(xiàng)陳述是錯(cuò)誤的?
[A] 司法部將在一個(gè)月內(nèi)決定是否在本案中實(shí)施該原則。
[B] 該原則是由原告律師團(tuán)提出,以解決該案件的。
[C] 該原則已經(jīng)損害了外國公司的信任。
[D] 證券與貨幣兌換委員會(huì)最初是反對將該原則用于該案件的。
答案:A 難度系數(shù):☆☆
分析:推理題。選項(xiàng)A,第三段提到,司法部已經(jīng)拒絕施行這項(xiàng)原則,并且將在一個(gè)月內(nèi)決定是否支持被告。選項(xiàng)B,第一段提到,該原則是由原告律師團(tuán)提出的。選項(xiàng)C,第四段提到,許多外國公司選擇在其他國家上市,就是因?yàn)樵撛瓌t,因此可以推斷,該原則損害了外國公司的信任。選項(xiàng)D,第三段提到,多虧Christopher Cox改變了主意,最終該委員會(huì)才同意了這個(gè)提議,因此可以推斷,最初他們是持反對態(tài)度的。所以,正確答案為A。
3. The Treasury is against the SEC's proposal because _____.
[A] the attitude of the Department of Justice is unclear
[B] it is afraid that this proposal may arouse securities class actions
[C] it holds the view that the scheme liability is unrea-sonable
[D] it thinks this proposal will further discourage foreign firms from listing shares in America
3. 財(cái)政部反對證券與貨幣兌換委員會(huì)的提議,是因?yàn)?_____。
[A] 司法部的態(tài)度不明朗
[B] 它害怕該提議會(huì)引起證券行業(yè)共同起訴
[C] 它認(rèn)為該原則是不合理的
[D] 它認(rèn)為該原則會(huì)進(jìn)一步阻礙外國公司在美國上市
答案:D 難度系數(shù):☆☆☆☆
4. Mr. Cox changed his mind finally because _____.
[A] he is bribed by the investors to work in favor of them
[B] he sympathizes with the shareholders
[C] he disagrees with the Supreme Court's principle and attitudes
[D] he dedicated himself to the defense of the American investor's rights
4. Cox先生最終改變了主意,是因?yàn)?_____。
[A] 他接受了投資者們的賄賂來幫助他們
[B] 他同情那些股東
[C] 他不同意最高法院的原則和態(tài)度
[D] 他致力于對美國投資者權(quán)利的保護(hù)
答案:B 難度系數(shù):☆☆☆
5. Towards the actions of plaintiff's lawyers, the author's attitude can be said to be _____.
[A] negative
[B] positive
[C] indifferent
[D] biased
5. 對于原告律師團(tuán)的行為,作者的態(tài)度可以說是 _____。
[A] 否定的
[B] 肯定的
[C] 不感興趣的
[D] 有偏見的
答案:A 難度系數(shù):☆

人們普遍認(rèn)為,本案是這一時(shí)代最大的一起證券訴訟沖突?,F(xiàn)在最高法院正在審理的一個(gè)案子——Stoneridge v Scientific Atlanta發(fā)展成為試探共同起訴股東的重要個(gè)案。如果決議有利于那些權(quán)利受到不法侵害的投資者,那么就會(huì)有更多的公司找律師來起訴。而不利于投資者的裁決對于原告律師團(tuán)則會(huì)是一個(gè)致命的打擊。除了這個(gè)懸念之外,關(guān)心該案件的政府機(jī)構(gòu)也不能達(dá)成一致意見。
該案件涉及一個(gè)電報(bào)公司——Charter Communications,該公司利用與兩個(gè)機(jī)頂盒供應(yīng)商進(jìn)行交易來增加其收入。股東們不僅起訴了這家公司,而且也起訴了供應(yīng)商,稱他們參與了詐騙行為,雖然他們可能并沒有意識(shí)到那些誤報(bào)。以富有傳奇色彩的Bill Lerach為首的原告律師團(tuán)強(qiáng)烈要求施行尋找第三方的原則,即“方案責(zé)任”。
證券與貨幣兌換委員會(huì)贊成Lerach先生抓鬮的建議,這主要是因?yàn)樵撐瘑T會(huì)的共和黨主席Christopher Cox改變了主意,此人與原告律師團(tuán)沒有任何關(guān)系。Cox先生敦促司法部同意該提議,但是這周司法部卻予以拒絕。司法部有一個(gè)月的時(shí)間來決定,是支持被告還是不提供任何意見。
美國的智囊機(jī)構(gòu)美國企業(yè)協(xié)會(huì)的Peter Wallison指出,如果供應(yīng)商和顧問也被卷入共同起訴中,那就不再需要在美國發(fā)行股票來招致證券債務(wù)。任何地方的任何公司,只要和美國公司做生意,就必須承擔(dān)這些交易以后可能會(huì)被認(rèn)為有欺詐性的風(fēng)險(xiǎn),而這向來是律師們的拿手好戲。

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