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《考研英語閱讀理解100篇 高分版》 Unit 15 - TEXT FOUR





Chris Smith, coowner of a small bookshop in Canada, assumed his customers would remain loyal even as the rapid appreciation of the Canadian dollar against its American counterpart made a mockery of the gap between the twin prices printed on the covers of American books. But when Mr. Smith asked a few regulars, he was shocked to find that they were going online to buy American books from retailers south of the border. In an effort to keep his existing trade, he now uses the much lower American figure as the Canadian price, even though this means selling American books at a loss.
At least this has moved Mr. Smith safely to the sidelines as angry Canadians rebel against paying higher prices for American goods now that the loonie has met and surpassed the value of the greenback. The Canadian dollar has been rising steadily against the American dollar since 2002, when it hit a historic low of about $0.62. But this year it has soared by almost 25%, owing to a combination of the American currency's weakness and the high prices of Canadian exports such as oil, gas and metals. Consumer grumbling became a roar when the gap between the two dollars closed in late September, making it easy for shoppers north of the border to see how much more they were paying.
Talk of hundreds of thousands of Canadians streaming south in search of bargains captured the headlines. Many went. But cross-border shopping is easier in theory than it is in practice. Canada has stringent limits on the amount shoppers can bring home without paying sales taxes and other duties. Headlights and bumpers on some American cars must be modified for use in Canada. And some firms refuse to honour warranties on imported goods. All this is too much for many shoppers, who have either turned on their local retailers and demanded immediate discounts, or turned to the Internet, where goods such as books are easy to buy. Canada Post, the state-owned postal service, has had to add extra shifts at its international mail-sorting centres as a result.
The government hopes that the reduction in January of the national goods and services tax from 6% to 5% will help, and Jim Flaherty, the finance minister, has called upon retailers to speed up price reductions. David Dodge, the central bank governor, was more nuanced in his comments, urging Canadians to shop around for the best deal, but also pointing out that prices will never be exactly the same on both sides of the border because there is less competition in Canada. State-owned liquor boards in many provinces, for example, have monopolies. When it comes to passing on currency savings, liquor boards are the worst offenders.
Retailers who face competition have been forced to react, even as they blame wholesalers and distributors, or inventory lag. In the past month, large American-owned chains such as Wal-Mart have announced new prices for products imported from America.
Will all this placate angry consumers? Perhaps. A recent poll by Ipsos Reid showed that most understood that it would take time for Canadian prices to match those in America. But it might not happen. Just as the introduction of the single currency in Europe exposed differences in taxation and regulation among countries, the same is likely to occur in Canada, says Mr. Orr. Then it will be the government's turn to deal with consumer complaints.
1. About the two prices printed on the covers of American books, which one of the following statements is TRUE?
[A] The American one and the Canadian one are the same.
[B] The American one is usually lower than the Canadian one.
[C] The two prices reflect the continuing appreciation of the Canadian currency.
[D] They are fluctuating with the exchange rate.
2. As reported by the newspapers, thousands of Canadian streaming south in order to _____.
[A] make better deals than buying expensive imported products
[B] make their purchases without paying too much tax
[C] buy cheaper American goods
[D] bargain with the government for cross-boarder shopping
3. Cross-border shopping is easier in theory than in practice due to the following reasons except that _____.
[A] the government has strict limits on the amount of shoppers who can shop across boarder without paying extra taxes
[B] the standards of some goods are different in two countries
[C] the goods bought across boarder are not guaranteed sometimes
[D] Canada has established some regulations on cross-border shopping
4. Which one of the following statements is TRUE of the opinion expressed by the central bank governor?
[A] People should shop around the country to make the best deal.
[B] The government does not have the obligation to encourage competition in domestic market.
[C] The Canadian price does not necessarily have to meet the American price.
[D] Canadian consumers should accept the high price of national goods.
5. Liquor boards are the worst offenders when it passes on currency savings because _____.
[A] they will suffer the most when it passes on currency savings
[B] Canadians will go elsewhere to buy liquors
[C] liquor is charged with a too high price
[D] liquor boards are reluctant to have price reductions

1. About the two prices printed on the covers of American books, which one of the following statements is TRUE?
[A] The American one and the Canadian one are the same.
[B] The American one is usually lower than the Canadian one.
[C] The two prices reflect the continuing appreciation of the Canadian currency.
[D] They are fluctuating with the exchange rate.
1. 關于美國圖書封面上印的兩個價格,下列哪項陳述是正確的?
[A] 美國價格和加拿大價格是一樣的。
[B] 美國價格通常要比加拿大價格低。
[C] 兩個價格體現(xiàn)了加拿大元的持續(xù)升值。
[D] 價格要隨著匯率的變化而波動。
答案:D 難度系數(shù):☆☆☆☆
2. As reported by the newspapers, thousands of Canadian streaming south in order to _____.
[A] make better deals than buying expensive imported products
[B] make their purchases without paying too much tax
[C] buy cheaper American goods
[D] bargain with the government for cross-boarder shopping
2. 據(jù)報紙報道,成千上萬的加拿大人涌向南方是為了 _____。
[A] 以更好的價格成交,而不是購買那些昂貴的進口產(chǎn)品
[B] 不用交很多稅就可以購買商品
[C] 購買更便宜的美國物品
[D] 與政府商討邊境貿(mào)易事宜
答案:C 難度系數(shù):☆☆☆
分析:細節(jié)題。文章第三段第一句就指出:Talk of hundreds of thousands of Canadians streaming south in search of bargains captured the headlines. 即各報紙的頭條都是關于加拿大人涌往南方尋找便宜東西的報道,那么可見他們到南部的邊境地區(qū)是為了買到便宜的美國物品。因此,選項C為正確答案。
3. Cross-border shopping is easier in theory than in practice due to the following reasons except that _____.
[A] the government has strict limits on the amount of shoppers who can shop across boarder without paying extra taxes
[B] the standards of some goods are different in two countries
[C] the goods bought across boarder are not guaranteed some-times
[D] Canada has established some regulations on cross-border shopping
3. 跨邊境購物在理論上要比實際容易,這是由于以下除 _____ 外的其他因素。
[A] 政府對于可以免稅跨境購物者的數(shù)量有嚴格限制
[B] 兩個國家的一些商品的規(guī)格是不一樣的
[C] 跨邊境購買的物品有時候不能保質(zhì)
[D] 加拿大在跨境購物方面設立了一些規(guī)定
答案:A 難度系數(shù):☆☆☆
4. Which one of the following statements is TRUE of the opinion expressed by the central bank governor?
[A] People should shop around the country to make the best deal.
[B] The government does not have the obligation to encourage competition in domestic market.
[C] The Canadian price does not necessarily have to meet the American price.
[D] Canadian consumers should accept the high price of national goods.
4. 關于中央銀行行長的觀點,下列哪項陳述是正確的?
[A] 人們買東西的時候應該在國內(nèi)多走走看看,從而買到價值最適宜的商品。
[B] 政府沒有義務來鼓勵國內(nèi)市場的競爭。
[C] 加拿大的價格不必和美國的價格一致。
[D] 加拿大消費者應當接受國內(nèi)商品的高價格。
答案:C 難度系數(shù):☆☆☆
5. Liquor boards are the worst offenders when it passes on currency savings because _____.
[A] they will suffer the most when it passes on currency savings
[B] Canadians will go elsewhere to buy liquors
[C] liquor is charged with a too high price
[D] liquor boards are reluctant to have price reductions
5. 將價格差轉(zhuǎn)嫁到現(xiàn)金存款后酒商就會變得最不好惹,這是因為 _____。
[A] 當價格差轉(zhuǎn)嫁到現(xiàn)金存款后,他們的損失會是最大的
[B] 加拿大人會到其他地方買酒
[C] 酒的定價過高
[D] 酒商不愿意降低酒價
答案:D 難度系數(shù):☆☆

Chris Smith與別人合作在加拿大開了一家小書店,他認為,即使隨著美元的貶值和加元的迅速升值,從而導致印在美國圖書封面上的兩個價格出現(xiàn)顯著差異,他的顧客還是會保持忠誠。但是當史密斯先生詢問了幾個老顧客后,他驚訝地發(fā)現(xiàn),他們可能都要到網(wǎng)上從邊境線南邊的零售商手里購買美國書了。為了維持生意,他現(xiàn)在按以美元標注的價格收取加元出售圖書(這要比實際價格低很多),即使這意味著出售美國圖書就相當于虧損。
政府希望1月份將國內(nèi)物品和服務的稅收從6%降到5%的措施可以起到一些作用,同時,財政部長Jim Flaherty號召零售商們加快降價的速度。中央銀行行長David Dodge的話更為微妙,他讓加拿大人到其他地方購物以獲得最好的價格,但同時又指出,邊境兩邊的價格永遠不可能完全一樣,因為在加拿大,競爭要少一些。比如在許多省,國有酒商一直處于壟斷地位。如果將價格差轉(zhuǎn)嫁到現(xiàn)金存款上,那么酒商可是最不好惹的。
這些能安撫憤怒的消費者嗎?也許吧。由Ipsos Reid最近所做的一項民意調(diào)查顯示,大多數(shù)人認為加拿大的價格要與美國的價格相當可能還需要一段時間。但這種情況也許不會發(fā)生了。正如歐洲引進單一貨幣顯露出各個國家之間的稅收制度和規(guī)定的差異,在加拿大可能也會出現(xiàn)同樣的情況,Orr先生說。這就輪到政府來處理消費者的抱怨了。

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