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《考研英語閱讀理解100篇 高分版》 Unit 16 - TEXT FOUR





Although close relationships are often wellsprings of health-enhancing support, accumulating evidence indicates that persistent domestic conflict deals a blow to the body—and especially the heart. In one of the latest studies, researchers found that British adults who were in adverse close relationships were 34 percent more likely to suffer coronary problems, ranging from chest pain to deadly heart attacks, than those who weren't. Numerous American studies have produced similar findings. Last year, for example, a long-term analysis of more than 1,000 marriages found that strained matrimonies take a clear toll on physical health over time, hitting the elderly the hardest.
Negativity-plagued relationships are toxic in part because of the effects of chronic stress, says Sheldon Cohen, a Carnegie Mellon University psychologist. In addition to damaging the heart, ongoing stress can deplete the immune system—creating openings for colds, cancers, and other maladies—and also lead to depression and risky coping behaviors like excessive drinking.
People who endure persistent interpersonal problems are more at risk than those reeling from an isolated blowup, Cohen says. But spouses aren't the only potential source of unrelenting trouble. In the recent British study, 20 percent of adults identified someone other than a romantic partner as the object of their closest relationship, according to the report in the October 8 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine.
Fortunately, strategies for minimizing feuds within the family are similar to those that can resolve conflicts with in-laws, coworkers, neighbors, and others, says Redford Williams, a behavioral scientist at Duke University. One technique he recommends is this: Before lashing someone with a sharp-tongued comment, step back and evaluate a brewing dispute. Say it's your turn to host the annual holiday family feast. Frazzled, juggling food prep for 20 people with a maniacal effort to scrub everything clean, you finally feel pleased by your home's facelift. Then the doorbell rings. In strides your 84-year-old aunt, craning her neck to eyeball the surroundings. “Well, you certainly don't pay much attention to keeping your house tidy,” she barks, flinging her coat over your outstretched arms. “If we did what came naturally, we'd either explode or keep fuming for the rest of the day,” Williams says. Instead, he suggests, ask yourself four questions: Is this situation important?
After years studying the strain hostility and anger place on the heart, he and his wife, also a doctor, have developed a system called Williams LifeSkills. A 2005 study found that when people with heart disease used Williams's techniques, their anger levels, average blood pressure, and blood pressure elevation when angry all went down; their depression and anxiety diminished; and they reported being more satisfied with family and friends.
Nevertheless, the holidays tend to strap everyone with a little extra stress, so make an effort to be on your best behavior, especially if you're prone to conflict, says Williams. But if family fighting's become an annual theme, there might be something wrong.
Not all conflict is bad, according to Harvard University lecturer Tal Ben-Shahar, author of the new book Happier: Learn the Secrets to Daily Joy and Lasting Fulfillment. “Negativity is normal, as long as it's outweighed by positivity,” he says. “No negativity at all is actually a bad sign” that people may be avoiding serious issues.
1. From the first paragraph, it can be inferred that _____.
[A] close relationship between matrimonies is a double-edged sword
[B] adverse close relationship leads to high risk of coronary problems
[C] strained relationship within family will cut short one's normal span of life
[D] numerous studies have proved the devastating effect of close relationship
2. Negative close relationship may lead to the following diseases except _____.
[A] coronary problems
[B] immune system disorder
[C] psychosis
[D] depression and anxiety
3. By the technique recommended by Redford Williams, the author implies that _____.
[A] one should be reasonable so as to keep good relationship with intimate partners
[B] one should divert oneself from the furious state so as to minimize family conflicts
[C] it is not so difficult to lessen the conflicts within the family
[D] you'd better think the other way when potential conflict is under your nose
4. The strategy for minimizing conflicts in the family suggested by Redford Williams is that _____.
[A] people should undertake housework on one's own
[B] people should choose a brewing dispute rather than a sharp-tongued comment
[C] people should weigh if it is worth of having a feud
[D] people should learn to hold their anger when something unpleasant happens
5. Which one of the following statements is TRUE of Tal Ben-Shahar's opinions on family conflict?
[A] Family conflict is necessary for maintaining the positivity in close relationship.
[B] Lack of family conflict will make people void of serious issues.
[C] Negativity in close relationship can indeed improve the relationship positively.
[D] Modest family conflict will do little harm to close relationship.

1. From the first paragraph, it can be inferred that _____.
[A] close relationship between matrimonies is a double-edged sword
[B] adverse close relationship leads to high risk of coronary problems
[C] strained relationship within family will cut short one's normal span of life
[D] numerous studies have proved the devastating effect of close relationship
1. 從第一段可以推斷出 _____。
[A] 婚姻關系中的親密關系是一把雙刃劍
[B] 親人之間的敵對關系能導致患心臟病的高風險
[C] 緊張的家庭關系會縮短人的正常壽命
[D] 很多研究都證明了親密關系的破壞性影響
答案:A 難度系數:☆☆☆☆
2. Negative close relationship may lead to the following diseases except _____.
[A] coronary problems
[B] immune system disorder
[C] psychosis
[D] depression and anxiety
2. 糟糕的關系可能引發(fā)下列除 _____ 外的疾病。
[A] 心臟病
[B] 免疫系統(tǒng)疾病
[C] 精神病
[D] 抑郁和焦慮
答案:D 難度系數:☆☆☆
分析:推理題。文章第二段提到:Negativity-plagued relationships are toxic in part because of the effects of chronic stress, says Sheldon Cohen, a Carnegie Mellon University psychologist. In addition to damaging the heart, ongoing stress can deplete the immune system—creating openings for colds, cancers, and other maladies—and also lead to depression and risky coping behaviors like excessive drinking. 顯然,選項A、B和C都符合這一段中說明的各種疾病,只有選項D,文章中沒有提到焦慮,因此D是正確答案。
3. By the technique recommended by Redford Williams, the author implies that _____.
[A] one should be reasonable so as to keep good relationship with intimate partners
[B] one should divert oneself from the furious state so as to minimize family conflicts
[C] it is not so difficult to lessen the conflicts within the family
[D] you'd better think the other way when potential conflict is under your nose
3. 作者提到Redford Williams推薦的方法,作者想要表明的是 _____。
[A] 人們應當保持理智,以便與親密的人維持好的關系
[B] 人們應當將自己從憤怒的狀態(tài)中解脫出來,以此來減少家庭沖突
[C] 減少家庭紛爭并不是件很困難的事情
[D] 如果馬上就要發(fā)生沖突,最好換個角度考慮
答案:C 難度系數:☆
4. The strategy for minimizing conflicts in the family suggested by Redford Williams is that _____.
[A] people should undertake housework on one's own
[B] people should choose a brewing dispute rather than a sharp-tongued comment
[C] people should weigh if it is worth of having a feud
[D] people should learn to hold their anger when something unpleasant happens
4. Redford Williams提到的減少家庭矛盾的策略是 _____。
[A] 人們應該主動承擔家務
[B] 人們應當選擇尖刻的爭吵,而不是尖酸的評論
[C] 人們應當衡量一下值不值得發(fā)生沖突
[D] 人們應當在發(fā)生不愉快的事情時控制自己的情緒
答案:C 難度系數:☆☆☆
5. Which one of the following statements is TRUE of Tal Ben-Shahar's opinions on family conflict?
[A] Family conflict is necessary for maintaining the positivity in close relationship.
[B] Lack of family conflict will make people void of serious issues.
[C] Negativity in close relationship can indeed improve the relationship positively.
[D] Modest family conflict will do little harm to close relationship.
5. 關于Tal Ben-Shahar對于家庭沖突的看法,下列哪項陳述是正確的?
[A] 家庭沖突對于保持親密關系的積極的一面是必要的。
[B] 缺少家庭沖突會讓人們避免一些重大的事情。
[C] 親密關系中的負面性能夠積極地改進這種關系。
[D] 輕微的家庭沖突對親密關系幾乎沒有什么損害。
答案:D 難度系數:☆☆☆☆
分析:細節(jié)題。第七段提到了Tal Ben-Shahar的觀點,他認為只要家庭的主旋律是和諧的,那么有點沖突并不一定不好,如果真的什么矛盾都沒有,那么可能就是出現嚴重的問題了。選項中,D符合他的看法。而選項A、B和C都是對他的觀點比較極端和錯誤的理解。

那種折磨人的消極關系是有害的,部分是因為慢性壓力的影響,卡耐基·梅隆大學的心理醫(yī)師Sheldon Cohen說。除了會對心臟有損害外,持續(xù)不斷的壓力會破壞免疫系統(tǒng),為感冒、癌癥和其他疾病帶來可乘之機,也會引發(fā)抑郁和危險的行為,如飲酒過量。
幸運的是,減少家庭沖突的方法同解決與姻親、同事、鄰居及其他人的矛盾的方法差不多,杜克大學的行為科學家Redford Williams說。他推薦的一個方法是:在準備向某個人發(fā)起刻薄的言語攻擊時,先退后一步,斟酌一下是否要吵架。比如,這次輪到你主持每年一度的節(jié)日家庭聚餐了。你在準備了20個人的食物后又費勁地把所有的東西弄干凈,最后雖然疲憊不堪,但看到家里面貌一新總算感覺欣慰了。這時門鈴響了,你84歲的姨媽邁步走了進來,伸長脖子把四周掃視了一遍。“噢,你肯定沒有注意保持家里的整潔,”她大叫著,把自己的外套扔到你伸出的胳膊上。“很自然地,我們會勃然大怒,或者會在這一天剩下的時間里悶悶不樂。”Williams說。但是,他建議我們應該問自己四遍這個問題:這種情形很重要嗎?
并不是所有的沖突都不好,哈佛大學的講師Tal Ben-Shahar說,他出版了新書《快樂點:掌握每天快樂和長期幸福的秘訣》。“消極的情緒是正常的,只要積極的情緒能戰(zhàn)勝它。”他說。“如果沒有消極的情緒,反而是一個危險的信號”,人們可能忽視了一些重要的問題。

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