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《考研英語閱讀理解100篇 高分版》 Unit 21 - TEXT ONE





When honey bees began to desert their hives recently, never to return, it threw apiarists into a panic. What appeared to be perfectly healthy adult bees would flee their queen, the young and their food stores. Instead of ransacking the empty hive, other bees would avoid it like the plague. Yet there was nothing obviously wrong. Researchers have now identified the first tangible clue in the mystery—a relatively new virus.
Colony collapse disorder became widespread in America in the winter of 2006-07, when about a quarter of the nation's beekeepers were affected, each losing between 30% and 90% of their winged workers. Bees are valued not so much for their honey, which is worth some $200m a year in America, but for their work in pollinating crops. This brings the economy some $15 billion a year, as apiarists move their hives to land producing fruit, vegetables and nuts.
Finding exactly why colonies collapse has been taxing the minds of both federal and university scientists. There have been few bodies on which to conduct autopsies. Those adult bees that have been found dead near an abandoned hive have been riddled with almost every bee disease known to man. Now a report by Diana Cox-Foster of Pennsylvania State University and her colleagues, published in the September 6th issue of Science, points the finger at the Israeli acute paralysis virus. The lurgy in question was, the researchers suggest, imported from Australia.
Because many factors could be acting together to cause bee colonies to collapse, Dr. Cox-Foster and her colleagues decided to examine everything they could find within the empty hives. They collected samples from infected hives and compared them not only with samples from apparently healthy hives but also with an analysis of royal jelly—a bee secretion fed to the larvae—from China, which has not been affected by the mystery disorder. From their samples, the researchers extracted RNA—a chemical that carries and helps to decode genetic information. Their analysis revealed the presence of various bacteria, fungi and viruses that were lurking in the hives and the royal jelly. They then looked to see whether there was anything in the abandoned hives that was not found elsewhere.
What they found was a virus first identified in 2004 in the Middle East. Bees infected with Israeli acute paralysis virus shiver, their bodies become frozen and they die. But the virus itself cannot be the sole cause of colony collapse disorder. For a start, all the hives infected with it were also infested with a second nasty, the Kashmiri bee virus. Yet this virus was also present in many of the apparently healthy hives. Intriguingly, there was also a virus that the researchers were unable to classify. They suspect it may be a new lineage of the Kashmiri bee virus, but it could be something completely novel. This second virus was also found only in the abandoned hives.
The researchers reckon that the reason why so many honey bees are dying is down to a combination of factors that are found only, so far, in America. The Israeli acute paralysis virus may have had such a devastating effect there because of the presence of a parasite called the varroa mite. This parasite weakens the immune systems of bees, making the consequences of an infection more likely to be fatal. Tellingly, bees in Australia have not been infected by the parasite.
1. When honey bees desert their hives, the other bees will usually _____.
[A] stay far away from the empty hives because they are useless
[B] flee their queen, the young and their food stores away and steal the hives
[C] throw apiarists into a panic by plaguing the empty hives
[D] plunder the empty hives and take possession of all that is worth anything
2. When the bee colony collapse disorder became rampant in America, _____.
[A] the workers of the nation's beekeepers resigned from the beekeeping factory
[B] the apiarists moved their hives to land producing fruit, vegetables and nuts
[C] the crops could not grow to maturity as before short of effective pollination
[D] each apiarist suffered a loss of $200m to $1b a year as well as most of their workers
3. It has been a headache to find out why bee colonies collapse because of the following reasons except that _____.
[A] RNA experiment shows an intricate connection between the dead bees with their Chinese counterparts
[B] dead bees near a deserted hive are found to carry too many diseases
[C] there were almost no samples for scientists to do research on the dead bees
[D] the scientists could not identify exactly which disease was the main factor that causes the colonies collapse
4. Which one of the following statements is NOT true of the experiment carried out by Dr. Cox-Foster and her colleagues?
[A] They collected samples not only from infected hives, but also from healthy hives and royal jelly.
[B] They sorted out a chemical that provides relevant information from the genetic perspective.
[C] The research points out that an Israeli virus is the main cause of the collapse disorder since the virus was found in the hives and the royal jelly.
[D] They found that there were all kinds of viruses in the royal jelly which were also present in the infected hives.
5. According to the researchers, so many honey bees are dying probably because of the following reasons except that _____.
[A] the bees were affected with Israeli acute paralysis virus which was fatal to them
[B] the hives were infected with a combination of the viruses that lead to massive deaths of the bees
[C] an unidentified virus which may be a new lineage of the Kashmiri bee virus or a new virus causes the disaster
[D] the varroa mite is believed to worsen the conditions of the infected bees and leave them more vulnerable to deadly diseases

1. When honey bees desert their hives, the other bees will usually _____.
[A] stay far away from the empty hives because they are useless
[B] flee their queen, the young and their food stores and steal the hives
[C] throw apiarists into a panic by plaguing the empty hives
[D] plunder the empty hives and take possession of all that is worth anything
1. 蜜蜂拋棄了自己的蜂巢時,其他的蜜蜂一般會 _____。
[A] 遠離空巢,因為這些空巢沒有用
[B] 離開它們的蜂后、幼蜂和食物儲藏地,并偷竊它們的蜂巢
[C] 給空巢帶來瘟疫,將養(yǎng)蜂人置于恐慌的境地
[D] 掠奪空巢并占有其中任何有價值的東西
答案:D 難度系數(shù):☆☆
分析:細節(jié)題。根據(jù)第一段:Instead of ransacking the empty hive, other bees would avoid it like the plague. 可見其他的蜜蜂沒有去掠奪空的蜂房,反而像躲避瘟疫一樣逃開。說明了在一般情況下,它們都是要洗劫空巢的。顯然,只有選項D為正確答案。
2. When the bee colony collapse disorder became rampant in America, _____.
[A] the workers of the nation's beekeepers resigned from the beekeeping factory
[B] the apiarists moved their hives to land producing fruit, vegetables and nuts
[C] the crops could not grow to maturity as before short of effective pollination
[D] each apiarist suffered a loss of $200m to $1b year as well as most of their workers
2. 蜜蜂王國崩潰的情況在美國各處普遍發(fā)生的時候,_____。
[A] 養(yǎng)蜂人的工人都從養(yǎng)蜂場辭職了
[B] 養(yǎng)蜂人將自己的蜂房移到產(chǎn)水果、蔬菜和堅果的地方
[C] 由于缺乏有效的授粉,作物不能像以前那樣長成熟了
[D] 養(yǎng)蜂人每年要損失兩億至十億美元,并失去大部分的工人
答案:C 難度系數(shù):☆
分析:根據(jù)第二段的分析:Bees are valued not so much for their honey, which is worth some $200m a year in America, but for their work in pollinating crops. This brings the economy some $15 billion a year, as apiarists move their hives to land producing fruit, vegetables and nuts. 可見,蜜蜂的真正價值在于可以給莊稼授粉。如果蜜蜂王國崩潰了,那么莊稼就得不到授粉,也就不能正常生長成熟了。因此,只有選項C符合題意。
3. It has been a headache to find out why bee colonies collapse because of the following reasons except that _____.
[A] RNA experiment shows an intricate connection between the dead bees and their Chinese counterparts
[B] dead bees near a deserted hive are found to carry too many diseases
[C] there were almost no samples for scientists to do research on the dead bees
[D] the scientists could not identify exactly which disease was the main factor that causes the colonies collapse
3. 要找出蜜蜂王國崩潰的原因是個令人頭疼的事情,因為下列除 _____ 外的其他原因。
[A] 核糖核酸試驗顯示了在死亡的蜜蜂和它們的中國遠親之間有一種復雜的聯(lián)系
[B] 在空巢附近發(fā)現(xiàn)的死蜜蜂身上帶有太多的疾病
[C] 幾乎沒有樣品可以供科學家研究死亡的蜜蜂
[D] 科學家不能精確地辨別出到底是哪個因素導致了蜜蜂王國的崩潰
答案:A 難度系數(shù):☆☆☆
分析:根據(jù)第三段,蜜蜂王國崩潰,一方面是由于沒有蜜蜂可供研究,而那些死蜂身上的疾病又太多,無法辨別是哪個引起的。因此,B、C和D都是原因,其中選項B對應的信息是:Those adult bees that have been found dead near an abandoned hive have been riddled with almost every bee disease known to man. 選項C對應的信息是:There have been few bodies on which to conduct autopsies. 選項D對應于:Finding exactly why colonies collapse has been taxing the minds of both federal and university scientists. 選項A對應的信息在第五段,從中我們可以發(fā)現(xiàn),文中比較的是“來自中國的蜂王漿”,而且也沒有提到intricate connection,因此該選項的表述與文章內(nèi)容不符,是正確答案。
4. Which one of the following statements is NOT true of the experiment carried out by Dr. Cox-Foster and her colleagues?
[A] They collected samples not only from infected hives, but also from healthy hives and royal jelly.
[B] They sorted out a chemical that provides relevant information from the genetic perspective.
[C] The research points out that an Israeli virus is the main cause of the collapse disorder since the virus was found in the hives and the royal jelly.
[D] They found that there were all kinds of viruses in the royal jelly which were also present in the infected hives.
4. 關(guān)于Cox-Foster博士和其同事進行的試驗,下列哪個陳述是錯誤的?
[A] 他們不僅從染病的蜂巢搜集樣品,也從健康的蜂巢和蜂王漿中搜集。
[B] 他們挑選了一種能從基因角度提供有用信息的化學物質(zhì)。
[C] 研究指出,一種以色列病毒是蜂房崩潰的主因,因為他們在蜂房和蜂王漿中都發(fā)現(xiàn)了這種病毒。
[D] 他們在蜂王漿中發(fā)現(xiàn)的各種病毒在染病的蜂巢中也存在。
答案:C 難度系數(shù):☆☆☆☆
分析:細節(jié)題。根據(jù)第四段和第五段,首先,選項A顯然是正確的,對應第四段:They collected samples from infected hives and compared them not only with samples from apparently healthy hives but also with an analysis of royal jelly... 選項B有一定的難度,其實這種a chemical that provides relevant information from the genetic perspective就是第四段中提到的RNA,即核糖核酸。選項D是正確的,對應信息是文章第四段的Their analysis revealed the presence of various bacteria, fungi and viruses that were lurking in the hives and the royal jelly. 選項C的表述是不正確的,因為文章第五段指出了幾種病毒,但是沒有說明哪一種病毒是主因,因此,答案為C。
5. According to the researchers, so many honey bees are dying probably because of the following reasons except that _____.
[A] the bees were affected with Israeli acute paralysis virus which was fatal to them
[B] the hives were infected with a combination of the viruses that leads to massive deaths of the bees
[C] an unidentified virus which may be a new lineage of the Kashmiri bee virus or a new virus causes the disaster
[D] the varroa mite is believed to worsen the conditions of the infected bees and leave them more vulnerable to deadly diseases
5. 根據(jù)研究者們的觀點,這么多的蜜蜂死亡可能是因為下列除了 _____ 外的其他原因。
[A] 蜜蜂感染了致命的以色列急性麻痹病毒
[B] 蜂巢感染了一組病毒,導致了蜜蜂的大批死亡
[C] 一種無法識別的病毒,可能是克什米爾蜜蜂病毒的新變種或是一種全新的病毒,導致了災難的發(fā)生
[D] 人們認為,蜂螨使得染病的蜜蜂的情況變得更糟糕,使它們更加容易受到致命疾病的侵襲
答案:B 難度系數(shù):☆☆☆

這個產(chǎn)業(yè)崩潰的確切原因一直讓聯(lián)邦和大學的科學家們頭疼,因為沒有多少蜜蜂可供研究。而在被遺棄的蜂巢旁發(fā)現(xiàn)的死去的成年蜜蜂幾乎得過所有人類知道的蜜蜂可能得的病。賓西法尼亞州立大學的Diana Cox-Foster及其同事發(fā)表于9月6號的《科學》雜志上的一篇報道將矛頭指向了以色列急性麻痹病毒。研究者認為,這種疾病是從澳大利亞傳入的。

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