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《考研英語閱讀理解100篇 高分版》 Unit 25 - TEXT FOUR





Citigroup's board was locked in debate over its new leader yesterday, with no clear consensus over who would be tapped. Vikram S. Pandit, the former Morgan Stanley investment banker who joined Citigroup in July, remains the leading candidate, according to people briefed on the situation. But the search committee is still discussing other possibilities, depending on whether or not Robert E. Rubin would agree to stay on as chairman. No final decisions have been made, and not all of the directors have been persuaded that Mr. Pandit is the right choice.
The formal search for Citigroup's next chief executive began more than a month ago, after Charles O. Prince III resigned. But as its complexities mount, the search is beginning to resemble a game of multilevel chess. Citigroup's board is weighing the pros and cons of various leadership options, including the question of whether Mr. Pandit, 50, has enough operating experience to be its next chief. No one doubts his intellect, but some are concerned that he may not bring enough charisma or consumer banking knowledge to the job.
Mr. Rubin has lobbied hard for Mr. Pandit, but other board members are less convinced. If Citigroup's board chooses Mr. Pandit, the directors recognize that he will need a strong chairman to help him make the leap to his new job. That would mean persuading Mr. Rubin, who took on the chairman role only reluctantly last month, to stay on longer—or recruiting another seasoned leader for that job.
Robert B. Willumstad, Citigroup's former operations chief, might be one contender for the chairman role. He understands the internal workings of the financial empire and brings some consumer banking experience. Yet it was unclear whether he would accept being chairman without being named chief executive as well. Mr. Willumstad, 62, is currently the chairman of the American International Group (A.I.G.) and the head of Brysam Global Partners, a private equity firm backed by JPMorgan Chase. Leaving A.I.G. would be no real hardship. Extricating himself from Brysam would require some negotiation, although Mr. Willumstad's contract with JPMorgan does allow for his departure. But associates say that Mr. Willumstad, who left Citigroup in July 2005 after being passed over in favor of Mr. Prince, seems to be enjoying the cushy confines of private equity. Negotiating his return to Citigroup might require handing him the top job.
If Mr. Pandit does not get the job, there is growing concern that he will leave the company to save face. News reports have all but anointed him as Citigroup's next leader. Deciding on someone else would leave Citigroup's board in a double bind. Not only did they pay an estimated $800 million for an underperforming hedge fund to bring Mr. Pandit to Citigroup, but if he leaves they might also lose the best person to run its investment bank.
Citigroup's board could also choose an outside candidate, who could bring a fresh perspective to the beleaguered bank. Several names have surfaced, including Michael A. Neal, the vice chairman of General Electric Capital's big commercial arm. Experts suggest that any outsider would need six months to a year to get up to speed on Citigroup's sprawling operations and contentious politics. Between the current market turbulence and the growing frustration of investors, some doubt that the company can afford to give an outside candidate that much time.
1. Which one of the following statements is TRUE of the candidates of Citigroup's new leader?
[A] Vikram S. Pandit is the candidate who has won the trust of the majority of the search committee.
[B] Robert B. Willumstad will be the most competitive rival of Vikram S. Pandit.
[C] Michael A. Neal is also considered a powerful rival of Vikram S. Pandit.
[D] Robert B. Willumstad will only return to Citigroup when he is given the highest position.
2. The search for Citigroup's next chief executive is compared to a game of multilevel chess because _____.
[A] the search becomes very complex in the end
[B] the search involves in different levels of the board
[C] Citigroup's board weighs the pros and cons of various leadership options
[D] the search is conducted in several rounds of selection
3. Robert B. Willumstad left Citigroup in July 2005 probably because _____.
[A] he enjoyed the free environment of Brysam Global Partners
[B] he resented the unequal competition with Mr. Prince by the Citigroup board
[C] his lacked adequate strength in standing out of Citigroup's contentious politics
[D] he was defeated in the competition for the Citigroup leader
4. The possible results of Mr. Pandit's resignation if he loses this election are the following ones except _____.
[A] Citigroup will have to pay a big sum to get Mr. Pandit back
[B] Citigroup will suffer double losses
[C] Citigroup will lose its potential best investment banker
[D] Citigroup will play loose with its money
5. According to the last paragraph, an outsider will not probably be an ideal candidate because _____.
[A] an outsider is not familiar with the internal workings of Citigroup
[B] an outsider could not be adapted to the complex environment of the Citigroup's board
[C] Citigroup has a deadline of making the final decision of the search
[D] the present economic situation will not allow Citigroup to give much time to an outsider to make himself qualified

1. Which one of the following statements is TRUE of the candidates of Citigroup's new leader?
[A] Vikram S. Pandit is the candidate who has won the trust of the majority of the search committee.
[B] Robert B. Willumstad will be the most competitive rival of Vikram S. Pandit.
[C] Michael A. Neal is also considered a powerful rival of Vikram S. Pandit.
[D] Robert B. Willumstad will only return to Citigroup when he is given the highest position.
1. 關(guān)于花旗銀行的新領(lǐng)導(dǎo)候選人,下列哪個陳述是正確的?
[A] Vikram S. Pandit獲得了遴選委員會大部分成員的信任。
[B] Robert B. Willumstad是Vikram S. Pandit最有力的競爭對手。
[C] Michael A. Neal也被視為Vikram S. Pandit的一個有力的競爭對手。
[D] Robert B. Willumstad只有在得到最高職位的時候才會回到花旗銀行。
答案:B 難度系數(shù):☆☆
分析:細節(jié)題。選項A,第一段提到了他們還在討論別的人選,由此可以看出,該委員會并不是大部分成員都愿意選他的。選項B,第四段提到:Robert B. Willumstad, Citigroup's former operations chief, might be one contender for the chairman role. 再從后文可以看出他是Vikram S. Pandit強有力的對手。選項C,從最后一段提到的內(nèi)容可以看出,選一個公司外的人并不大可能,因此該陳述錯誤。選項D,第四段提到了這一點,即:Negotiating his return to Citigroup might require handing him the top job. 但是文章中用了might這個詞,而選項的表述則過于絕對,因此該選項不正確。因此,正確答案為B。
2. The search for Citigroup's next chief executive is compared to a game of multilevel chess because _____.
[A] the search becomes very complex in the end
[B] the search involves in different levels of the board
[C] Citigroup's board weighs the pros and cons of various leadership options
[D] the search is conducted in several rounds of selection
2. 把選拔花旗銀行的下任首席執(zhí)行官比喻成多級別的國際象棋比賽,這是因為 _____。
[A] 選撥到最后變得非常復(fù)雜
[B] 選拔涉及董事會的各個階層
[C] 花旗銀行的董事會衡量了各個領(lǐng)導(dǎo)層的反對和支持意見
[D] 選拔要進行好多輪次
答案:A 難度系數(shù):☆☆☆
分析:推理題。根據(jù)第二段:But as its complexities mount, the search is beginning to resemble a game of multilevel chess. 即由于情況變得越來越復(fù)雜,選拔也變得好像多級別的國際象棋比賽了,由此可以看出,這樣的比喻也只是突出事情的復(fù)雜性而已。因此,答案為A。
3. Robert B. Willumstad left Citigroup in July 2005 probably because _____.
[A] he enjoyed the free environment of Brysam Global Partners
[B] he resented the unequal competition with Mr. Prince by the Citigroup board
[C] his lacked adequate strength in standing out of Citigroup's contentious politics
[D] he was defeated in the competition for the Citigroup leader
3. Robert B. Willumstad于2005年7月離開了花旗銀行,可能是因為 _____。
[A] 他喜歡Brysam全球合作伙伴公司輕松的氛圍
[B] 他怨恨花旗銀行的董事會沒有公平地對待他和Prince先生
[C] 他沒有適當(dāng)?shù)哪芰υ诨ㄆ煦y行復(fù)雜的政治斗爭中脫穎而出
[D] 他在花旗銀行領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人的競爭中被擊敗了
答案:D 難度系數(shù):☆☆☆☆
分析:推理題。根據(jù)第四段:But associates say that Mr. Willumstad, who left Citigroup in July 2005 after being passed over in favor of Mr. Prince, seems to be enjoying the cushy confines of private equity. 即Willumstad先生是在花旗銀行選擇了Prince先生而沒有考慮他的情況下,于2005年7月份離開的,而結(jié)合Prince是前任領(lǐng)導(dǎo)可以推斷出,Willumstad先生是因為競爭失敗了才離開公司的。因此,選項D為正確答案。
4. The possible results of Mr. Pandit's resignation if he loses this election are the following ones except _____.
[A] Citigroup will have to pay a big sum to get Mr. Pandit back
[B] Citigroup will suffer double loss
[C] Citigroup will lose its potential best investment banker
[D] Citigroup will play loose with its money
4. 如果Pandit先生沒有當(dāng)選,那么他可能會辭職,辭職可能帶來的后果是以下除了 _____ 外的選項。
[A] 花旗銀行可能得向Pandit先生支付一大筆錢才能讓他重新回來
[B] 花旗銀行會遭受雙重損失
[C] 花旗銀行會失去可能的最好的投資銀行家
[D] 花旗銀行的錢打了水漂
答案:A 難度系數(shù):☆☆☆
5. According to the last paragraph, an outsider will not probably be an ideal candidate because _____.
[A] an outsider is not familiar with the internal workings of Citigroup
[B] an outsider could not be adapted to the complex environment of the Citigroup's board
[C] Citigroup has a deadline of making the final decision of the search
[D] the present economic situation will not allow Citigroup to give much time to an outsider to make himself qualified
5. 根據(jù)最后一段,公司外的人員不可能是理想人選,因為 _____。
[A] 公司外的人員對花旗銀行內(nèi)部的運營情況不熟悉
[B] 公司外的人員不能適應(yīng)花旗銀行董事會復(fù)雜的氛圍
[C] 花旗銀行選定領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人有限定的日期
[D] 目前的經(jīng)濟形勢不允許花旗銀行給公司外的人員足夠的時間來達到稱職
答案:D 難度系數(shù):☆☆☆
分析:推理題。最后一段提到了Experts suggest that any outsider would need six months to a year to get up to speed on Citigroup's sprawling operations and contentious politics. Between the current market turbulence and the growing frustration of investors, some doubt that the company can afford to give an outside candidate that much time. 即任何一個外來人員都需要六個月到一年的時間來熟悉狀況,但是目前經(jīng)濟形勢不好,投資者很焦急,不可能給外來的人員那么多適應(yīng)的時間。因此,答案為D。

昨天,花旗銀行的董事會討論其新任領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人的問題,但討論陷入僵局,對于人選沒有清晰而統(tǒng)一的意見。Vikram S. Pandit是前摩根斯坦利的投資銀行家,他于7月份加入花旗銀行,據(jù)與會人員表示,他仍然是頭號候選人。但是遴選委員會還在討論其他人選,這主要取決于Robert E. Rubin是否同意繼續(xù)擔(dān)任主席一段時間?,F(xiàn)在尚未最后決定,而且并不是所有的董事都認(rèn)為Pandit先生是最佳人選。
一個月前Charles O. Prince III辭職后,選拔花旗銀行新任領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人的工作就開始了。但是由于情況變得越來越復(fù)雜,選拔也變得好像多級別的國際象棋比賽了?;ㄆ煦y行的董事會衡量了各個領(lǐng)導(dǎo)層的反對和支持意見,包括現(xiàn)年50歲的Pandit先生是否有足夠的經(jīng)驗可以擔(dān)任下一屆的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人。對于他的睿智沒有人懷疑,但是有人擔(dān)心,他的個人號召力不夠或沒有足夠的消費者銀行知識,因此不能勝任這份工作。
Robert B. Willumstad是花旗銀行的前任首席運營官,也是主席職位可能的人選。他了解這個金融帝國的內(nèi)部運作情況,也具有一些個人銀行經(jīng)驗。但是還不能確定,他是否愿意在不被任命為首席執(zhí)行官的情況下接受主席一職。Willumstad先生今年62歲,現(xiàn)任美國國際集團主席和JPMorgan Chase資助的私募基金公司Brysam全球合作伙伴公司的經(jīng)理。離開美國國際集團可能不會很難,但是讓他從Brysam脫身則需要一些斡旋,盡管Willumstad先生與JPMorgan簽訂的合同允許他離開。但是會員們稱,Willumstad先生是在花旗銀行選擇了Prince先生而沒有考慮他的情況下,于2005年7月份離開的,他好像很喜歡私募基金輕松的環(huán)境。要讓他回到花旗銀行,可能就得把最高職位給他。
花旗銀行的董事會也可以在外部選取一個候選人,從而能給這家麻煩纏身的銀行帶來新氣象。已經(jīng)圈定了幾個這類的候選人,如通用電氣資金的商業(yè)分部部長Michael A. Neal。專家認(rèn)為,任何一個外來人員都可能需要六個月到一年的時間,才能與花旗銀行不斷擴張的業(yè)務(wù)以及復(fù)雜的政治氛圍合上拍。但現(xiàn)在一邊是市場動蕩,一邊是投資者不斷的失敗,因此一些人懷疑,公司是否能給一個外部的候選人那么多的適應(yīng)時間。

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