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Success Outside the Dress Code


Anyone who has felt like the odd duck of the group can take heart from new research from Harvard Business School that says sticking out in distinct ways can lend you an air of presence or influence.

Standing out in certain circumstances, like wearing sweats in a luxury store, also appears to boost an individual's standing.

One obvious way people signal what the researchers called 'status' is through visible markers, like what they wear and what they buy. Previous research has largely examined why people buy or wear branded items.

Less work has focused on what others think of those who try to communicate that they are different or worthy of attention. Efforts to be different are interesting because humans are wired to conform and be part of a group.

In a series of studies published in the Journal of Consumer Research in February, Silvia Bellezza, a doctoral student, and two Harvard professors sought to examine what observers thought of individuals who deviated from the norm in the workplace and in a retail setting. Some of the work was conducted in the lab on students. Other studies took place in the community and involved passersby or attendees of a seminar. Most of the studies included about 150 participants. What they found was that being a little different can socially benefit people -- in some situations.

'The problem is that conforming to norms is an easy and safe spot to be in,' Ms. Bellezza said. 'If you're willing to deviate, there are upsides.' It's also long been known that people veer from what's expected after they've built up enough trust within a group. But, she says, acting differently risks losing the benefits that come with conforming, such as shared group identity and automatic group trust.

In their first study, they asked shop assistants and pedestrians in Milan to rate what they thought of people who walked into luxury stores wearing gym clothes. The subjects also rated those who wore outfits typically considered more appropriate, like a dress and fur coat.

Pedestrians were more likely to think that a well-dressed individual was more likely to have the money to buy something in the store. Shop assistants thought the opposite. Those more familiar with the luxury retail environment were more likely to assume that a gym-clothes-wearing client was confident enough to not need to dress up more, and therefore more apt to be a celebrity making a purchase than someone wrapped in fur.

The same pattern emerged in subsequent studies conducted in other settings: Students afforded more respect to a fictitious bearded professor who wore a T-shirt than to a clean-shaven one who wore a tie. Candidates entering a business-plan competition who chose to use their own PowerPoint presentation background were tabbed more likely to win than those who used the standard background.

There are boundaries to the benefits of looking different, the Harvard work showed. If an individual was viewed as accidentally out of sync with everyone else, such as mistakenly wearing a red bow tie rather than black at a formal event, that erased positive feelings about him among those surveyed. Those opinions only improved when the survey group believed their contrarian acted differently on purpose.

'In order to think that the person's a big shot, you have to understand that the person is willingly engaging in this nonconforming conduct,' Ms. Bellezza says.

In addition, the environment must give cues that suggest a person's talent or wealth. Standing in the front of the classroom or walking confidently into a luxury store already imply some level of belonging. But when an observer didn't know whether the person they view is part of the group, eccentric dress was seen as a negative, according to the researchers.

People who tend toward the offbeat themselves show extra fondness for freethinking behavior in others. Francesca Gino, an associate business administration professor at Harvard Business School and an author on the paper, decided to test the theory outside the lab as well. She wore red Converse sneakers to teach a one-day event on small business management education. Dr. Gino found that those who identified themselves on a questionnaire as having a higher need to be unique were more likely to give her higher ratings than those who didn't.

'They inferred, 'She's so autonomous, she must do whatever she wants,' ' Ms. Bellezza says.

There are times when communicating high rank and competence becomes more important, such as during a shake-up in management at work. Signaling one's place in a group reduces uncertainty, but sometimes the goal may be to fit into the group, and sometimes to signal that one is a high-status person in the group, says David Dubois, a marketing professor at Insead in France and Singapore.

Willingness to deviate can be useful for groups as well, particularly when it comes to decision-making, says Charles Pavitt, a University of Delaware communications professor who studies social influence.

The person who brings up alternative points of view to make sure the group has sufficiently examined all options can help the group reach a better decision. If the group trusts the individual's intentions, this perspective will be considered seriously and the individual will still be considered part of the group, he says.

Perhaps the best strategy for preserving your place in the group while presenting offbeat ideas is to state explicitly that you are playing devil's advocate, Dr. Pavitt says.

Marshall Scott Poole, a communications professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, cautions that while groups tend initially to make an evaluation of status based on external characteristics, over time people focus less on those characteristics and more on behavior.

Dr. Poole's best practical advice: 'Don't talk a lot if you have high status. People will assume you're competent and when you talk, they will listen to you.'

哈佛商學(xué)院(Harvard Business School)一項新的研究能讓感覺自己很像人群中“另類”的人為之一振。這項研究稱,堅持走與眾不同的道路能賦予你一種存在感或影響力。




博士生西爾維婭·貝萊扎(Silvia Bellezza)及哈佛大學(xué)的兩名教授2月份在《消費者研究雜志》(Journal of Consumer Research)上發(fā)表了一系列研究的論文,在這些研究中,他們試圖考察觀察者如何看待在工作場所和零售店環(huán)境中不守定規(guī)的個人。一些研究是在實驗室里針對學(xué)生進行的。還有一些研究則是在社區(qū)環(huán)境中進行的,研究對象包括過路人和一個研討會的參加者。這些研究的參加人數(shù)大多在150名左右。他們發(fā)現(xiàn),在某些情況下,略顯與眾不同能讓人在社會交往中獲益。




在其他環(huán)境中進行的后續(xù)研究也呈現(xiàn)出相同模式:學(xué)生更尊敬虛擬圖片中身穿T恤衫、胡子拉碴的教授,而不是胡子刮得干干 、打著領(lǐng)帶的教授。在商業(yè)計劃大賽中,選擇使用自己的PowerPoint幻燈片背景的參賽選手被認為比使用標(biāo)準背景的選手更有希望勝出。




不走尋常路的人也會對其他人突破常規(guī)的行為青眼相待。哈佛商學(xué)院工商管理學(xué)副教授、研究論文作者之一弗朗西斯卡·吉諾(Francesca Gino)決定在實驗室之外也對該理論進行一番檢驗。



有時候,彰顯自己的地位和能力會有特殊意義,比如在職場管理層變動時。在法國和新加坡設(shè)有分校的歐洲工商管理學(xué)院(Insead)的市場營銷學(xué)教授戴維·杜布瓦(David Dubois)稱,顯示一個人在群體中的地位會減少不確定感,但也要具體問題具體對待,有時候目標(biāo)也許是融入這個群體,有時則是要顯示這個人在該群體中擁有較高地位。

特拉華大學(xué)(University of Delaware)研究社會影響問題的傳播學(xué)教授查爾斯·帕維特(Charles Pavitt)表示,特立獨行的意愿對群體來說也是很有用的,尤其是在決策方面。



伊利諾伊大學(xué)厄巴納-香檳分校(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)的傳播學(xué)教授馬歇爾·斯科特·普爾(Marshall Scott Poole)警告稱,雖然群體最初往往根據(jù)外在特征來衡量一個人的地位,但慢慢地,關(guān)注點會由這些外在特征轉(zhuǎn)向人的行為。



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