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高級休閑英語Unit 1 Shopping





[00:00.00]Unit 1 Shopping Task 1 Supermarket Confusion Exercises 1 and 2
[00:11.92]第一單元 購物 作業(yè)1 超市混亂 練習(xí)
[00:23.83]Barbara, you lived in China in the late eighties, didn't you?
[00:26.62]芭芭拉,你生活在80 年代末期,對嗎?
[00:29.41]Yes, 1987 to 1991 to be precise.When you went back to Britain,
[00:33.26]準(zhǔn)確地說是1987-1991 年。當(dāng)你回到英國的 時候,
[00:37.11]what was the most difficult thing ...for you ... you ... to get used to again?
[00:39.98]對你來說最困難的事情 是再次習(xí)慣嗎?
[00:42.84]I mean, like a culture shock.Er ...let me see ...You see,going back to your own country
[00:46.28]我的意思是,比如一種 文化沖擊。恩,讓我 想想,你看到了,回到 你自己的國家
[00:49.71]doesn't usually give you culture shock ... erm ... but I had been in China for four
[00:52.29]并不是經(jīng)常有文化沖擊 ...但是我在中國四年了
[00:54.86]years and.., well ... I suppose I had got used to life in China. Umm.
[00:57.13]我想我已經(jīng)習(xí)慣了中國 的生活。
[00:59.40]Well, yes ...there was something actually.
[01:02.60]What I really couldn't cope with in Britain was the supermarkets. Supermarkets? Why?
[01:05.97]我在英國真正不能應(yīng)付 的是超級市場。超級市 場?為什么?
[01:09.33]Well, basically, because there was just too much choice.Isn't that a good thing?
[01:12.28]基本上,因為這里有 太多的選擇。那不是 一件好事嗎?
[01:15.24]No, not if you're not used to it. It can be very confusing. In what way?
[01:18.24]不是,如果你不是很 習(xí)慣。它會弄的非常 混亂。是什么情形?
[01:21.25]Well, let me give you an example.If I wanted to buy washing deter- gent you know,
[01:24.14]讓我給你舉個例子。 如果我想買洗衣服
[01:27.04]to wash my clothes ... in China, that is ... I would just go to the general store
[01:29.13]來洗我的衣服.. .在 中國 ,那是.. .我只是去 一般的商店
[01:31.22]on the college campus and buy a packet of White Cat washing powder.
[01:33.07]在大學(xué)校園里 ,買一袋 白貓洗衣服.
[01:34.92]Oh yes, I remember White Cat, that's all we could buy then.
[01:37.21]哦 ,是的 ,我記得白貓, 那是我們當(dāng)時能買的。
[01:39.50]Yes, that's right. So there was no decision involved.
[01:41.66]沒錯。沒有其他有關(guān)的 選擇。
[01:43.82]So, you think that was a good thing?Well, not exactly. I mean,
[01:46.12]你認(rèn)為那是一件好事嗎? 不是很確切。我是指,
[01:48.42]of course it's good to have a little competi- tion between brands.
[01:49.88]當(dāng)然在品牌之間存在一 些小的競爭是好事
[01:51.34]I mean, then customers will choose the best one and that will have an improve ...
[01:54.40]消費者會選擇最好的, 其他的商品也會得到 改善...
[01:57.46]a beneficial effect on the others.I mean, the quality will improve if everyone buys the
[02:01.18]得到有益的效果。如果 每個人都買最好的,商品 的質(zhì)量也會提高。
[02:04.91]best.Mm. So, what's wrong with supermarke- ts? They give you the chance to
[02:08.15]超級市場出什么問題了? 它們提供一個機(jī)會
[02:11.39]choose the best make, don't they?Ye ... es, but there's just too much choice.
[02:13.80]選擇最好的物品,不是 嗎?但是這里有太多的 選擇。
[02:16.21]Oh?Yes, I mean, when you go into a supermarket ... in Britain,
[02:18.03]當(dāng)你在英國進(jìn)入一個 超市的時候,
[02:19.85]that is ... to buy washing powder, you're faced with a very long row of different
[02:22.01]去買洗衣粉,你面對 一排長長的不同牌子的 洗衣粉。
[02:24.17]brands. And it's just so confusing! I mean, you just don't know which one to take. So,
[02:27.10]這太混亂了 你不知道 要買哪一個。
[02:30.04]you try to read all the labels ... to find out the diff ...
[02:31.37]你要試著看所有的標(biāo)簽.. 去發(fā)現(xiàn)
[02:32.70]what's the difference between them all.Oh, I see. Yes, that could take a long time.
[02:35.99]它們之間的差別是什么。 我知道,那會需要很長 的時間。
[02:39.29]Well, yes, and the other problem is that we are under so much pressure
[02:41.77]是的,其他的問題是 在這么多的壓力下
[02:44.25]in Britain to buy the right product for the environment. You know,
[02:46.02]要根據(jù)環(huán)境買到正確的 商品。你知道,
[02:47.78]the detergent that pollutes the least. Oh, pressure from who? Well, social pressure.
[02:50.91]買污染最小的清潔濟(jì)。 來自誰的壓力?社會壓力
[02:54.05]You see, on the shelf you'll see 'green detergents'--
[02:55.59]你知道,在架子上你將 看到“綠色清潔濟(jì)”-
[02:57.14]that means they don't contain harmful chemicals that ... you know ...
[02:58.69]那是指他們不能容忍有害 的化學(xué)制品
[03:00.24]pollute the environment.Ah, I see. And if you buy the harmful ones ...
[03:02.58]污染環(huán)境。如果你買了 有害的商品...
[03:04.92]without knowing, I mean, because we all want to protect the environment ...
[03:06.55]在不知道的情況下,因為 我們都想保護(hù)環(huán)境...
[03:08.19]then you'll get other shoppers glaring at you accusingly,
[03:09.67]然后你會看到其他購物 者責(zé)難的眼光,
[03:11.14]like you've just committed a terrible crime!
[03:12.65]就象你剛剛犯了一個很 嚴(yán)重的錯誤
[03:14.17]Or friends will see it in your home and say something like,
[03:15.70]或者朋友們會在你的家里 看到,然后說一些這樣 的話
[03:17.23]'Don't you know that damages the environme- nt?' And you feel so guilty!Oh dear!
[03:19.91]你不知道那會污染環(huán)境 嗎?你會有犯罪感 哦, 天阿
[03:22.59]So, you want to look for the 'green detergents' ...
[03:24.17]于是,你想要找“綠色 清潔濟(jì)”
[03:25.76]and now there are different ones for washing whites
[03:27.00]現(xiàn)在這里有不同的洗 白色
[03:28.24]and for washing coloured clothes ... so, you see,we have to make that decision too
[03:30.62]和洗彩色衣服的產(chǎn)品.. 我們也必須要做決定。
[03:32.99]But what about the price?Ah, well, that's of course another consideration ...
[03:36.09]但是價格呢?那當(dāng)然是 另一個要考慮的
[03:39.18]can you afford to be green and buy differe- nt powders for differ- ent clothes?
[03:41.13]你能負(fù)擔(dān)的起為不同的 衣服買不同的綠色洗衣粉 嗎?
[03:43.07]Oh, and by the way, it's not acceptable to buy powder anymore ... now we ...
[03:45.45]順便說一句,買更多的 洗衣粉是接受不了的... 現(xiàn)在我們
[03:47.82]we have to buy liquid, as it pollutes less too.Mm ... I see your point.
[03:50.32]我們不得不買液體,因為 它污染少一些。我知道 你的觀點了。
[03:52.83]Can't you just pick the brand you know ... like ... er ... you know,
[03:55.20]你不能只選擇你認(rèn)識 的牌子,象是.. .你 知道
[03:57.58]a familiar brand name? Yes, but there are so many brands now. Many of them are familiar,
[04:00.48]一個熟悉的牌子的名字? 但是現(xiàn)在這里有太多的 商標(biāo)。許多是熟悉的,
[04:03.37]because you see their adverts on the TV all the time. Mind you,
[04:05.50]因為你經(jīng)常從電視的 廣告里看到。提醒你,
[04:07.62]another point is that many of these brand names actually belong to the same company !
[04:10.01]另一個問題是許多商標(biāo) 的名稱實際上屬于同一 個公司
[04:12.41]Oh dear,how confusing! Yes, it is confusing! So you see, even now, I sometimes just
[04:16.15]哦,天阿,好亂阿 太糊涂了 所以你看到 了,即使現(xiàn)在,我有時候
[04:19.90]stand there unable to choose,and I think, 'Where is the White Cat?
[04:22.02]只是站在這里不能選擇, 我想,白貓在哪里?
[04:24.14]Life was so simple then.'
[04:26.01]Task 2 Consumer Rights Part One Exercises 1, 2 and 3
[04:45.56]作業(yè)2 消費者權(quán)利 第一部分
[05:05.11]Good morning. Our guest today on 'Your Right' is Caroline Hamilton,
[05:07.97]早上好。在你們的右邊 是我們今天的導(dǎo)游卡羅琳 漢密爾頓,
[05:10.83]a lawyer and adviser on the Consumer Rights Commission.
[05:12.49]一位消費者權(quán)益協(xié)會的 律師和顧問。
[05:14.14]Ms. Hamilton is going to answer some of your questions on your fights as a buyer.
[05:16.50]漢密爾頓將會回答一些 消費者提出的問題。
[05:18.86]Well, good morning,Ms. Hamilton.Good morning.
[05:20.66]早上好,漢密爾頓。 早上好。
[05:22.46]Thank you for coming on the show today. I wonder if you could start by outlining
[05:25.00]謝謝你來今天的展覽。 我想你是否能
[05:27.54]exactly what our fights as buyers are. Yes, certainly. Well, first of all,
[05:30.54]通過確切地描述作為 消費者我們反對的是什么 來開始。當(dāng)然可以,首先
[05:33.55]when you buy a product ... any sort of goods ...
[05:34.88]當(dāng)你買一個產(chǎn)品的時候, 無論哪一種貨物
[05:36.21]it should agree with the description of it. That means, if it's food, for example,
[05:38.82]它應(yīng)該與描述的一致。 那是說,如果它是食物, 例如,
[05:41.43]especially packaged food, then all the ingredients have to be listed correctly on
[05:44.02]尤其是包裝的食物,所 有的成分都必須正確地 列出
[05:46.61]the container.That's so that the buyer knows exactly what he or she is buying,
[05:49.60]在包裝上。以便購買者 準(zhǔn)確地知道自己買的是 什么,
[05:52.59]isn't it?Well, yes. You see many people have allergies to certain types of food,
[05:55.63]不是嗎?是的。你看到 很多人反感某一類型的 食物,
[05:58.67]or for other health reasons, should not eat certain substances,
[06:00.74]或是是因為其他健康的 原因,不能吃某一種 物質(zhì),
[06:02.81]so they have the right to know which substances are included.
[06:04.72]因此他們有權(quán)利知道 包含哪一種物質(zhì)。
[06:06.63]Mm. It could be dangerous, I suppose,
[06:07.91]我想對于一些人來說 那可能會危險,
[06:09.18]for some people if they eat the wrong things.
[06:10.62]如果他們吃了錯誤的 東西。
[06:12.06]Absolutely. And if they did so because they were wrongly informed by the label,
[06:14.49]絕對地,如果他們這樣 做了因為他們被標(biāo)簽 誤導(dǎo)了,
[06:16.92]then they would have the right to sue the manufacturer.
[06:19.80]That means they could take the manufacturer to court?
[06:21.53]是說他們會把廠商告上 法庭嗎?
[06:23.26]Yes, and demand compensation ..usually a certain sum of money worked out by medical
[06:26.50]是的,而且要求賠償... 通常是一定數(shù)目的金錢
[06:29.74]experts and lawyers... for the damage caused to their health.
[06:31.34]用來支付醫(yī)藥費和律師 費.. .對他們的健康造成 的毀壞。
[06:32.94]So food products must be fully described on the label of the container.
[06:35.17]因此食物產(chǎn)品必須在 包裝的標(biāo)簽上充分描述 清楚。
[06:37.40]And I suppose it must be in good quality? Oh yes, of course. The food must be fresh,
[06:41.04]我想它的質(zhì)量肯定不錯? 哦是的,當(dāng)然。食物必須 是新鮮的,
[06:44.67]or at least without any decay, and it must be free from contamination
[06:47.07]或者至少沒有任何的腐爛 ,它必須是不受
[06:49.46]from disease or poisonous substances. If you discover there is something seriously
[06:52.09]疾病或有毒物質(zhì)污染的。 如果你發(fā)現(xiàn)食物中有一些 嚴(yán)重的問題,
[06:54.72]wrong with a food product, you must contact the Public Health Bureau
[06:58.97]and they will attempt to remove all containers of the product from sale.
[07:00.89]他們將會試著從賣場里 移走所有的商品。
[07:02.82]Ah, what about contacting the manufacturers?
[07:04.90]Well,the Public Health Bureau will do this and will get a list of
[07:07.14]食品衛(wèi)生局會做這些, 并得到一份名單
[07:09.37]all the shops to which the product has been supplied. You see,
[07:11.11]是廠家所供應(yīng)的全部商店 的名單。你看到了,
[07:12.86]it's in the interest of the manufacturer to help,
[07:15.60]as they want to avoid further law cases. You see, you ... the buyer or consumer ...
[07:18.26]因為他們想要避免更多 的法律案件。你知道, 消費者或是買主
[07:20.92]also have the right to sue them over contaminated food products.
[07:22.87]也有權(quán)利控訴他們出售 污染的食物。
[07:24.81]Part Two Exercise 4
[07:24.31]第二部分 練習(xí)4
[07:23.81]Well, so much for food products. What about other goods, say, electrical appliances?
[07:27.54]有太多的食品了。其他的 商品怎么樣,說說, 電器用品呢?
[07:31.26]What are our rights there?Well, the same thing applies really.
[07:33.48]我們在這方面的權(quán)利呢? 同樣適用。
[07:35.69]The product must agree with its description.
[07:37.99]If the salesman tells you it can do something ... or ... you know ...
[07:39.83]如果銷售人員告訴你它 可以做一些事情.. .或者 你知道
[07:41.66]perform some function and you buy it because of that,
[07:43.32]完成一些功能,你因為 這樣才去買,
[07:44.98]then you have the right to complain if it doesn't perform th- at function correctly.
[07:47.37]然后如果它不能正常 工作,你有權(quán)利去抱怨。
[07:49.76]But if you only have the shopkeeper's word, how can you prove that he said that?
[07:52.71]但是如果你只相信店主 的話,你如何證實他說 的呢?
[07:55.67]Yes, it is a tricky thing to prove legally if you only have his word.
[07:58.19]如果你只有他的話,合法 地證實是件狡猾的事情。
[08:00.71]For this reason, you should always make sure you have a written description of
[08:03.04]為了這個原因,你應(yīng)該 總是確定你有一個手寫的 關(guān)于產(chǎn)品的說明。
[08:05.37]the product. Most electrical appliances are sold with an information
[08:07.82]許多電器用品銷售的 時候帶著
[08:10.26]leaflet from the manufacturer. This should tell you all the parts
[08:12.42]來自廠商的宣傳單頁。 這將告訴你所有的
[08:14.58]that should be included and all the functions it can perform.
[08:16.45]應(yīng)該包括的成分,和 所有的功能。
[08:18.33]It should also have an instruction manual telling you how to work it.
[08:20.85]它應(yīng)該也有一個說明 手冊告訴你如何操作。
[08:23.37]I suppose to be safe, you should always get the salesperson to demonstrate the
[08:25.74]我想那是安全的,你 應(yīng)該讓售貨員示范
[08:28.12]product and its working functions before you buy it...
[08:29.59]產(chǎn)品和它的功能,在你 購買以前
[08:31.07]in the shop, that is. Yes, of course.And you should have a guarantee
[08:33.30]在商店里,那是。當(dāng)然。 你應(yīng)該有個保證書
[08:35.53]for a certain period of time, so that if anything goes wrong you can bring it back
[08:38.23]對于一個確定的時期, 以便于如果有任何事情 發(fā)生你可以
[08:40.93]to the shop and get it repaired free of charge or replaced.
[08:43.02]拿回商店去免費修理或 退換。
[08:45.11]What should you do if the salesperson refuses to repair or replace it?
[08:47.72]如果售貨員拒絕修理 或退換你應(yīng)該做什么?
[08:50.33]Well,you should remain calm and insist on your rights.
[08:52.43]你應(yīng)該保持冷靜,堅持 你的權(quán)利。
[08:54.54]There is an information leaflet published by the Consumer Rights
[08:56.57]這是消費者權(quán)利協(xié)會的 宣傳單頁,
[08:58.61]Commission, which you can pick up from any Citizen's Advice Bureau free of charge.
[09:01.36]你可以免費投訴任何 建議。
[09:04.11]Wave this at the shopkeeper and read the relevant paragra- phs out loud to him.
[09:06.96]把這個給店主看,并 大聲朗讀有關(guān)的段落。
[09:09.80]By the way, it sometimes helps if you make your complaints in a loud voice,
[09:12.34]順便說一句,它有時會 在你大聲抱怨的時候 幫助你,
[09:14.88]as the shopkeeper will worry about his reputation
[09:16.48]因為店主會擔(dān)心他的 聲譽(yù)
[09:18.08]and won't want you to frighten off his other customers. Ah, good tip.
[09:20.65]不想讓你驚嚇到其他的 顧客。好辦法。
[09:23.23]But you say one shouldn't get angry. No, just remain calm and look confident.
[09:26.86]但是你說不應(yīng)該生氣。 不,只是保持冷靜, 外表自信。
[09:30.50]Don't panic or get upset.If the shopkeeper still refuses,
[09:32.84]不要驚慌或者心煩。如果 店主仍然拒絕,
[09:35.18]then say that you are going to consult your lawyer about suing him.
[09:37.48]那么說你打算請律師 控告他。
[09:39.79]This often frightens the shopkeeper into giving in to your demands.
[09:42.22]這通常會讓店主害怕, 而答應(yīng)你的要求。
[09:44.65]But what happens if he still refuses?Then you really should consult a lawyer.
[09:47.76]但是如果他仍然拒絕 會怎樣呢?那么你真的 應(yīng)該請一個律師。
[09:50.87]Can you contact the manufacturer directly? Yes, you can,
[09:53.39]你能直接聯(lián)系廠商嗎? 是的,你能,
[09:55.91]and you can complain about the shop where you bought the product.
[09:57.50]你可以投訴你購買產(chǎn)品 的商店。
[09:59.08]The manufacturers might then take action.They might replace the product for you directly,
[10:02.18]廠商或許會采取措施。 他們或許會直接為你 退換產(chǎn)品,
[10:05.27]or they might instruct the shop to do so. They would be unlikely to continue supplying
[10:08.01]或者他們會指示商店這 樣做。他們不會愿意繼續(xù)
[10:10.74]a shop that treats its customers badly, as it gives their product a bad name too.
[10:13.57]給這樣對待顧客的商店 供貨,因為它給他們的 產(chǎn)品一個不好的名聲。
[10:16.39]Well, now let's hear from our listeners.
[10:18.09]現(xiàn)在我們來聽聽聽眾的 意見。
[10:19.78]We have a caller on Line One who wishes to ask ... (fade out)
[10:37.26]我們有一個在線的 訪客希望能...


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