With a designed speed of 350 kph, the route connects the city of Shangqiu in central China's Henan province, and Hefei and Hangzhou, the capital cities of east China's Anhui and Zhejiang provinces. The northern section of the railway, from Shangqiu to Hefei, went into operation in December 2019, according to China State Railway Group.
商合杭高鐵(the Shangqiu-Hefei-Hangzhou high-speed railway)一路銜接鄭徐、合蚌、合福、合寧、寧安、寧杭和去年12月初剛通車的鄭阜等7條既有高鐵(existing high-speed railway),合安、湖杭、滬蘇湖等3條在建高鐵(high-speed railways under construction)和京港高鐵阜九段、阜淮、亳蚌、淮蚌、合新、巢馬、寧宣、宣績等8條規(guī)劃高速鐵路和城際鐵路(planned high-speed railways and inter-city railways),連接商丘、阜陽、合肥、蕪湖和杭州五個鐵路樞紐(railway hubs),是我國高速鐵路、客運專線建設中銜接關系最為復雜的項目。通過商合杭高鐵,旅客可以融入更為廣闊的全國高鐵網(high-speed railway network),更快到達更多目的地。
The opening of the new route will further optimize the railway network in the country’s central and eastern regions and greatly ease the mounting pressure on the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed line to provide a more convenient travel experience for passengers along the route, the company said.
The line is also expected to spur the rise of the central region and boost the integrated regional development of the Yangtze River Delta, it added.
交通強國 a country with strong transportation network
鐵路營運里程 mileage of operational railway
高速飛行列車 HyperFlight
軌道交通 rail traffic
動車 bullet train
城際列車 inter-city train