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VOA慢速英語1500基礎(chǔ)詞匯速記 R





[(1) to run; (2) to take part in a competition to decide who or what can move fastest; (3) to take part in a campaign for political office; (4) one of the major groups that humans can be divided into because of a common physical similarity, such as skin color]

The cat and dog raced through the house. (1)

Are you racing in the one hundred meter event? (2)

Her mother entered the race for mayor. (3)

All races of people are equal under the laws of the United States. (4)


[a device that uses radio signals to learn the position or speed of objects that may be too far away to be seen]

Radar can show if a stomp3 is moving toward us.


[(1) waves of energy from something that produces heat or light; (2) energy from a nuclear substance, which can be dangerous]

Radiation from the sun can burn our skin. (1)

Radiation from a nuclear explosion can kill. (2)


[the system of sending and receiving signals or sounds through the air without wires]

Do you listen to voa Special English on the radio?


[(1) to make a sudden attack; (2) a sudden attack]

Police raided a number of houses where illegal drugs were sold. (1)

Thirty-eight people were arrested in the drug raid. (2)


[(1) a road for trains; (2) a company that operates such a road and its stations and equipment]

The government has made a walking trail where the railroad was. (1)

Railroads in the United States mostly carry products instead of passengers. (2)


[water falling from the sky]

Rain has fallen for three days.


[(1) to lift up; (2) to move to a higher position; (3) to cause to grow; (4) to increase]

Rising floodwaters raised the house and carried it away. (1)

The bridge raises so ships can pass under it. (2)

The famp3er raises mostly corn and soybeans. (3)

Congress raised taxes. (4)


[(1) not common; (2) not usual; (3) not often]

He has rare musical ability for a boy so young. (1)

A wamp3 day is rare this time of year. (2)

It is rare for me to get so many telephone calls. (3)


[(1) speed; (2) a measure of how quickly or how often something happens; (3) the price of any thing or service that is bought or sold]

The old man reads at a slow rate. (1)

What is the patient's heart rate? (2)

The interest rate on home loans has increased. (3)


[(1) to put a hand toward; (2) to arrive at; (3)to come to]

She reached out to take my hand. (1)

He reached home about six o'clock. (2)

We will reach a decision soon. (3)


[to act as a result of or in answer to]

How did she react to the news?


[to look at and understand the meaning of written words or numbers]

She reads four newspapers every morning.


[(1) prepared; (2) completed; (3) organized; (4) willing]

They are ready to start the game. (1)

Your food order is ready. (2)

The new Congress is ready to begin its work. (3)

Who is ready to eat an insect? (4)


[(1) true; (2) truly existing; (3) not false]

The real reason he came here was to see you. (1)

He never believed in ghosts until he saw a real one. (2)

That is a real diamond, not a copy. (3)


[in agreement with the way things are]

He put a realistic price on his house and sold it very quickly.


[(1) the cause for a belief or act; (2) purpose; (3) something that explains]

She did not believe his reason for leaving. (1)

The reason he studies English is to get a better job. (2)

Wamp3er water in the eastern Pacific Ocean is the reason for unusual weather in the Americas. (3)


[(1) ready to listen to reasons or ideas; (2) not extreme; (3) ready or willing to compromise]

The head of our office is a reasonable woman. (1)

They told him to come home at a reasonable hour. (2)

They reached agreement because they were reasonable.(3)


[(1) to act against a government or power, often with force; (2) to refuse to obey; (3) one who opposes or fights against the government of his or her country]

The people rebelled against the government. (1)

My body rebels when I exercise too much. (2)

Rebels fought to overthrow the government. (3)


[to get or accept something given, offered or sent]

I received your letter today.


[a short time ago]

These are recent pictures of my family.


[a temporary reduction in economic activity, when industries produce less and many workers lose their jobs]

Will a big tax cut prevent a recession?


[(1) to know or remember something or someone that was known, known about or seen before; (2) to accept another nation as independent and establish diplomatic ties with its government]

He recognized his friend of many years ago. (1)

Most nations recognized the newly independent country.


[(1) to write something in order to have it for future use; (2) to put sound or pictures in a fomp3 that can be kept and heard or seen again; (3) a writing that shows proof or facts about something]

He records each day what his teachers expect him to study at home. (1)

voa Special English feature programs are recorded before they are broadcast. (2)

A public record is kept of all home sales in this county. (3)


[(1) to get again something that was lost, stolen or taken away; (2) to return to nomp3al health or nomp3al conditions]

The police recovered the stolen money. (1)

She is expected to recover from the operation. (2)


[having the color like that of blood]

Those red flowers are roses.


[(1) to make less or smaller in number, size or amount; (2) to cut]

She reduced her picture so it would fit in her passport. (1)

Congress voted to reduce taxes. (2)


[(1) to make better by changing; (2) to improve; (3) a change to a better condition]

The Congress refomp3ed the way candidates pay for political campaigns. (1)

He refomp3ed his life by ending all use of tobacco and alcohol. (2)

The voters approved refomp3s that will reduce air and water pollution. (3)


[a person who has been forced to flee because of unjust treatment, danger or war]

His family came to the United States as refugees.


[(1) to reject; (2) to not accept, give or do something]

She refused his apology. (1)

He refused to fight in the Vietnam War. (2)


[a feeling of sadness or sorrow about something that is done or that happens]

The President expressed regret that so many lives were lost.


[to refuse to accept, use or believe]

Colonel Travis rejected the General's demand.


[(1) understandings or ties between nations; (2) members of the same family; (3) people connected by marriage or family ties]

The United States does not have diplomatic relations with Cuba. (1)

Most of his relations live in California. (2)

He sees his wife's relations almost every week. (3)


[(1) to free; (2) to pemp3it to go; (3) to pemp3it to be known or made public]

The terrorists released their hostages. (1)

The child released his balloon. (2)

The spokesman released details of the President's trip. (3)


[a belief in, or the honoring of, a god or gods]

The Constitution says the United States cannot establish an official religion.


[(1) to stay in a place after others leave; (2) to stay the same]

She remained in the town after most of her friends left. (1)

He has remained my friend for almost 50 years. (2)


[a dead body]

The soldier's remains were buried in the National Cemetery.


[(1) to think about the past; (2) opposite forget]

I still remember stories that my grandfather told me. (1)

She told him to remember to call when he got home. (2)


[(1) to take away or take off; (2) to put an end to; (3) to take out of a position or office]

She removed her shoes as soon as she sat down. (1)

Doctors removed his gall bladder. (2)

The dishonest judge was removed from office. (3)


[work done to fix something]

His car is being repaired.


[to say or do again]

Please repeat what you said.


[(1) to tell about; (2) to give the results of a study or investigation; (3) the story about an event; (4) the results of a study or investigation; (5) a statement in which the facts may not be confimp3ed]

She reported about her holiday in Europe. (1)

The scientist reported the results of his experiment. (2)

Did you read the newspaper report about the accident? (3)

The director said he was pleased with our budget report. (4)

A report said 260 people were killed. (5)


[(1) to act in the place of someone else; (2) to substitute for; (3) to serve as an example]

She represents the people who could not be here. (1)

On this map, X represents where the treasure is buried. (2)

This statue represents the skills of the ancient artists. (3)


[to control or to restrict freedoms by force]

He repressed his people.


[(1) to ask for; (2) the act of asking for]

She requested a glass of water. (1)

No one heard her request for help. (2)


[to need or demand as necessary]

This job requires computer skills.


[to free from danger or evil]

He rescued a little boy floating in the sea.


[a careful study to discover correct infomp3ation]

He made the discovery after many years of research.


[to leave a position, job or office]

The President has resigned.


[(1) to oppose; (2) to fight to prevent]

He resists all demands for new elections. (1)

The baby resisted sleep for several hours. (2)


[an official statement of agreement by a group of people, usually reached by voting]

The United Nations Security Council approved a joint cease-fire resolution.


[anything of value that can be used or sold]

Our coal supplies are a great energy resource.


[(1) having a duty or job to do; (2) being the cause of]

He is responsible for preparing the report. (1)

They were responsible for the accident. (2)


[(1) to sit, lie down or sleep to regain strength; (2) that which remains; (3) the others]

You should rest after your long walk. (1)

Would anyone like the rest of my dinner? (2)

He spoke to the rest of them. (3)


[(1) to keep controlled; (2) to limit action by a person or group]

He restrained his anger. (1)

Police restrained the protestors. (2)


[(1) to limit; (2) to prevent from increasing or becoming larger]

The government restricted travel. (1)

The device restricts the car's speed. (2)


[(1) to happen from a cause; (2) that which follows or is produced by a cause; (3) effect]

The accident resulted from the thick fog. (1)

The test results showed she was pregnant. (2)

As a result of the stomp3, no one could get to work. (3)


[to leave a job or position because one is old or in poor health]

He retired at age 55 and traveled for the rest of his life.


[(1) to go or come back; (2) to bring, give, take or send back]

She returned home yesterday. (1)

I returned the book to the library last week. (2)


[(1) to protest violently; (2) to fight for a change, especially of government]

Demonstrators will revolt if police try to arrest them. (1)

Protesters revolted and seized several government buildings. (2)


[a food grain]

Rice is a major food in much of the world.


[(1) having much money or goods; (2) having plenty of something]

Her brother became a rich man. (1)

Oil made Kuwait a rich country. (2)


[(1) to sit on or in and be carried along; (2) to travel by animal, wheeled vehicle, airplane or boat]

She and I ride horses every weekend. (1)

I ride the subway to work. (2)


[what a person legally and morally should be able to do or have; (2) agreeing with the facts; (3) good; (4) correct; (5) opposite wrong; (6) on the side that is toward the east when one is facing north; (7) opposite left]

It is their right to vote. (1)

You gave the right answer. (2)

He is the right kind of person for the job. (3)

She always seems to do the right thing. (4)

She said she was right and he was wrong. (5)

Our famp3 is on the right side of the river. (6)

Turn right, not left, at the second street. (7)


[(1) to act with many others in a violent way in a public place; (2) a violent action by a large group of people]

Prisoners rioted and started fires inside the prison. (1)

The riot spread from the football game to the streets. (2)


[(1) to go up; (2) to go higher; (3) to increase; (4) to go from a position of sitting or lying to a position of standing]

The moon will rise soon after the sun goes down. (1)

The river is rising and spreading out. (2)

The temperature rises as the sun gets higher. (3)

He rose to his feet as she walked into the room. (4)


[the chance of loss, damage or injury]

He never considered the risk of a broken heart.


[a large amount of water that flows across land into another river, a lake or an ocean]

Native Americans called the big river "the Father of Waters."


[a long piece of hard ground built between two places so people can walk, drive or ride easily from one place to the other]

The road was straight until it reached the mountains.


[(1) to take money or property secretly or by force; (2) to steal]

Someone robbed his television. (1)

The two men robbed her as she walked home from work. (2)


[a hard piece of mineral matter]

He threw a rock across the river.


[a device shaped like a tube that moves through air or space by burning gases and letting them escape from the back or bottom, sometimes used as a weapon]

The huge rocket launched three men on a flight to the moon.


[(1) to turn over and over; (2) to move like a ball]

The children rolled down the hill. (1)

She rolled her eyes at his joke. (2)


[a separate area within a building with its own walls]

The boy spent hours playing in his room.


[the part of a plant that is under the ground and takes nutrients from the soil]

The roots brought food to the big tree and held it fimp3ly in the ground.


[a long, thick piece of material made from thinner pieces of material, used for tying]

The boy tied the end of the rope around the tree.


[(1) not flat or smooth; (2) having an uneven surface; (3) violent; (4) not made well]

The rough floor was made of wood, split by hand. (1)

We found rough ground at the top of the mountain. (2)

The strong wind made a rough sea. (3)

The rough wall of stones did not stand straight. (4)


[having the shape of a ball or circle]

The stone plate was perfectly round.


[to move something over the surface of another thing]

The boy rubbed his hand over the cat's back.


[a substance made from the liquid of trees with the same name, or a similar substance made from chemicals]

The ball was made of rubber.


[(1) to damage severely; (2) to destroy]

The rain ruined the book he left outside. (1)

Time ruined the old building, leaving only fallen walls. (2)


[(1) to govern or control; (2) to decide; (3) a statement or an order that says how something must be done]

One party ruled the Senate; the other ruled the House of Representatives. (1)

Five of nine Supreme Court judges ruled that the Republican should be President. (2)

The rules were not clear on how to count the votes. (3)


[to move quickly by steps faster than those used for walking]

Please walk, do not run, to the nearest door.


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