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欲望都市04 Valley of the Twenty Something Guys





[00:00.00] 12.07.25 08:16:51



[00:50.64]Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away, 從前在一個(gè)遙遠(yuǎn)的國(guó)度里

[00:55.88]a certain man and a slightly less certain woman 有個(gè)可靠的男人 和一位不怎么可靠的女人

[00:60.28]kept bumping into one another. 彼此不期而遇

[01:03.08]They seemed to meet everywhere. 他們似乎到任何地方都會(huì)相遇

[01:09.04]On street corners. 無(wú)論是街角

[01:14.40]At parties. 或是在派對(duì)里

[01:16.00]lt was almost as if they were dating accidentally. 就好像偶然的約會(huì)一樣

[01:19.44]And then, after another chance meeting 一次又一次等待下次的相遇

[01:23.64]at a wealthy lawyer's new son's briss, 在富有的律師兒子的慶生會(huì)里

[01:28.80]they decided to pick a time to bump into each other on purpose. 他們決定選個(gè)時(shí)間有意邂逅

[01:33.80]Saturday, 10.30. The hottest new restaurant in Manhattan. 星期六十點(diǎn)半 在曼哈頓最熱門(mén)的餐廳

[01:38.84]Samantha's PR firm was handling the opening. 莎曼珊的公關(guān)公司 負(fù)責(zé)這間餐廳的開(kāi)幕式

[01:43.04]- Hi. - Hey. -你好 -你好

[01:45.32]So, isn't Brian great? 布萊恩好嗎?

[01:46.92]Charlotte had a new boyfriend. 夏綠蒂有新男友了

[01:48.68]He had her big three - looks, manners, money. 他有她要求的三個(gè)條件 外貌、教養(yǎng)、有錢(qián)

[01:52.68]He wants to buy a painting from my gallery. 他想跟我的畫(huà)廊買(mǎi)畫(huà)

[01:55.72]Love and a commission, she couldn't have been happier. 愛(ài)情和一筆傭金 沒(méi)有比這個(gè)使她更快樂(lè)的

[01:60.40]- All right, it's official, he's late. - Who? -好了,正式開(kāi)始,他遲到了 -誰(shuí)遲到了?

[02:01.92]- Mr. Big, who else? - Carrie, that's great! ls it a date? -大人物,不然還有誰(shuí)? -凱莉,太好了,約會(huì)嗎?

[02:07.56]No, he called it a ''thing''. He said meet me for a drink thing. 不,他稱之為相遇 一起喝杯飲料之類的

[02:11.96]He never used the ''D'' word. 他從不用約會(huì)這樣的字眼

[02:12.76]Well, thing is good. Thing comes before date. 相遇很好,約會(huì)總在相遇后

[02:16.04]Let's hope so. All right, l'm gonna go in. See you in there. 希望如此,好了,我要進(jìn)去了 待會(huì)兒見(jiàn)

[02:19.92]Where did Skipper go? 史奇普到哪里去了?

[02:21.40]How can you date that younger guy? They're so unfocused. 你怎么跟比你年輕的人約會(huì)? 他們太嫩了

[02:24.60]We're not dating, it's a fuck thing. 我們不是在約會(huì) 只是性伴侶

[02:29.08]Girls, isn't this fun? l've turned away 20 so far. 女孩們,這里好玩吧?

[02:32.84]People are actually crying. 很多人無(wú)法進(jìn)入,差點(diǎn)哭出來(lái)

[02:42.24]Something came up. He's not gonna meet me. 有事要發(fā)生,他沒(méi)辦法來(lái)

[02:46.24]Listen to this and tell me if he's not meeting me as a date 聽(tīng)好并告訴我 他把這次視為正式約會(huì)

[02:51.32]- or not meeting me as a friend. - All right. -或者只是朋友的約會(huì) -好,我懂

[02:53.08]Sometimes you need a second opinion. 有時(shí)候你需要朋友意見(jiàn)

[02:56.96]With doctors, real estate men. 當(dāng)問(wèn)題是有關(guān)醫(yī)生 房地產(chǎn)或男人時(shí)

[02:57.16]Well? 如何?

[03:01.48]l have no idea. 我不知道

[03:01.16]And l finished first in my litigation class. 我已聽(tīng)取完證詞

[03:04.60]How pathetic do l feel asking you if a guy kinda likes me? 真可悲 我竟想問(wèn)你他是否有點(diǎn)喜歡我

[03:12.76]- There you are! - Hey! -你們可來(lái)了 -你好

[03:16.88]Carrie, Miranda, 凱莉,這位是米蘭達(dá)

[03:19.96]this is the hottest chef in New York, Jon. 他是紐約這里最受歡迎的大廚 約翰

[03:20.92]Jon. J-o-n. No ''H'', no last name. 約翰J-O-N,少了H 也沒(méi)有姓氏

[03:24.28]His strudel was so fabulous he didn't need one. 他烘焙的點(diǎn)心無(wú)人能及

[03:29.32]- And this is his very cute friend, Sam. - Hey. -這是他的朋友,山姆 -你好

[03:32.68]Sam? Who's named Sam? 山姆?哪位是山姆?

[03:33.28]- Me. Can l get you a drink? - Oh, good luck, the bar is packed. -是我,能請(qǐng)你喝杯飲料嗎? -祝你好運(yùn),吧臺(tái)那兒擠滿人

[03:39.20]No problem, the bartender's a buddy of mine. 沒(méi)問(wèn)題的,酒保是我好朋友

[03:40.72]- Miranda? - Martini. -米蘭達(dá)呢? -一杯馬丁尼

[03:42.48]20-something guys always know the really important ''B'' people - 二十多歲的小伙子 總和幾項(xiàng)東西有關(guān)

[03:48.28]busboys, bouncers. 服務(wù)生,保鑣

[03:51.08]Plus, they have cute butts. 外加他們有可愛(ài)的屁股

[03:53.72]That's The Times critic. l'd better go. 泰唔士報(bào)的評(píng)論找我 我該走了

[04:10.04]Did l mention l'm sleeping with him? 我提過(guò)我跟他上床的事嗎?

[04:18.52]Skipper! 史奇普!

[04:21.88]He's lost. We gotta... 他走失了,我們…

[04:24.24]They stopped making martinis, l got rum and Cokes, is that OK? 酒保不供應(yīng)馬丁尼了 我這里有蘭姆加可樂(lè),要嗎?

[04:29.12]Well, l hate rum and l hate Coke, but thanks. 我討厭蘭姆 也討厭可樂(lè),不過(guò)謝了

[04:33.72]- Martinis, ladies? - Well, look at you. -小姐們,你們的馬丁尼 -真有你的

[04:34.68]- l was a waiter at TGlF. - Fabulous. -我曾是星期五餐廳的服務(wù)生 -太好了

[04:40.28]- Hey. - Hey. -你好 -你好

[04:43.84]- Sam. - Skipper. -山姆 -史奇普

[04:46.20]They liked each other immediately. 他們馬上彼此有好感

[04:49.64]You want to see something? 你想看看什么嗎?

[04:55.08]Can you narrow that down a little bit? 你能把問(wèn)題范圍縮小點(diǎn)嗎?

[04:60.72]Wait. l didn't... 等等,我還沒(méi)…

[05:01.24]No fair! Do it over. Let me see. 不公平,再一次,讓我看

[05:08.52]- Hey! - Hey! -你好 -你好

[05:08.16]- lt's you. - l've been looking all over for you. -是你 -我到處找你

[05:11.28]And here you are, holding a tongue. 原來(lái)你在這里 在看別人的舌頭

[05:17.36]- You said you weren't coming. - l said l'd try to make it. -你說(shuō)你不來(lái)的 -我說(shuō)我盡量

[05:19.92]Well, yeah, but then you said that... 對(duì),但你后來(lái)又說(shuō)…

[05:22.60]- What did l say? - Never mind, never mind. -我說(shuō)什么? -算了…

[05:23.60]You're here, you have an hour. Let's have a drink. 你來(lái)了,有一個(gè)小時(shí)的時(shí)間 我們喝一杯

[05:26.40]l was trying to get inside for 30 minutes, and was looking for you for 20. 我花了三十分鐘才進(jìn)來(lái) 然后找你找了二十分鐘

[05:29.36]That leaves me with just enough time to tell you that, l'm out of time. 這時(shí)間夠讓我告訴你 我沒(méi)空了

[05:36.40]You have fun. 祝你玩得愉快

[05:36.64]Men in their 40's are like The New York Times crossword puzzle. 男人年過(guò)四十 就像紐約時(shí)報(bào)上的填字游戲

[05:41.68]Tricky, complicated, and you're never sure you've got the right answer. 狡猾又復(fù)雜,而你永遠(yuǎn) 不確定是否得到正確答案

[05:46.08]This place is tired. 待在這里好累

[05:48.24]- Do you want to get out of here? - Sure. -你想離開(kāi)這里嗎? -當(dāng)然

[05:53.44]Why not? 為什么不?

[05:56.80]A short cab ride later, Samantha, Jon, no ''H'', Sam and l 幾分鐘車(chē)程后,莎曼珊 約翰,山姆和我

[05:60.96]found ourselves at the nearby 20-something club. 出現(xiàn)在附近 二十幾歲年輕人待的俱樂(lè)部里

[06:05.64]l can't believe you made Jon leave his own opening. 我真不敢相信你居然 讓約翰離開(kāi)自己餐廳的開(kāi)幕式

[06:08.64]He's too happening to be seen someplace borderline tired. 他高興到分不清地方的界線了

[06:11.88]lt was a tough town, hot places had the life span of a med fly. 冷酷的城市,熱鬧的地方 生命飛快得過(guò)去

[06:16.56]- Samantha, everybody is in their 20's. - And so are we. 莎曼珊 這里都是二十幾歲的小伙子


[06:21.76]As l glanced around the room, 當(dāng)我環(huán)顧四周

[06:23.24]l was amazed at the variety of 20-something guys. 驚訝地發(fā)現(xiàn) 許多不同的年輕小伙子

[06:27.88]The groovy guy. 有時(shí)髦的家伙

[06:31.08]The corporate guy. 有紳士風(fēng)度的家伙

[06:32.100]The jock guy. 游手好閑的家伙

[06:37.68]The underage guy. 涉世未深的家伙

[06:41.12]There you are! How are you? 你來(lái)了,你好嗎?

[06:48.80]- Big couch. - Oh, here. -好大的沙發(fā) -坐這里

[07:01.68]l don't weigh too much? 我不會(huì)太重吧?

[07:02.88]You weigh like nothing. 你輕到像是沒(méi)有重量一樣

[07:04.60]What's cuter than that? 真可愛(ài)

[07:09.48]As we took a swig from our pony-necked beers, 我們喝的瓶裝啤酒 就好像給了我們一雙翅膀

[07:10.64]l remembered another type of 20-something guy. 我記得另外一型二十歲小伙子

[07:13.12]So, what's it like to kiss with that thing in? 和你嘴里的舌環(huán)接吻 是什么感覺(jué)?

[07:19.68]You want to find out? 你想知道嗎?

[07:26.88]The really good kisser guy. 還有善于接吻的家伙

[07:40.08]Hello. 你好

[07:43.24]- l am so fucked. - What's wrong? -我被搞得快瘋了 -怎么了?

[07:44.24]No, l mean, literally. l've been fucked every way you can be. 我的意思是… 我們?cè)嚤M所有的做愛(ài)方法

[07:49.84]lf you keep talking like that, l'll have to charge you by the minute. 如果你繼續(xù)用這種方式說(shuō)話 我要向你以分計(jì)費(fèi)

[07:54.72]As l searched for my morning Marlboro Light, 找適合早上抽萬(wàn)寶路淡煙時(shí)

[07:55.08]Samantha proceeded to give me a run down of her night with Jon. 莎曼珊繼續(xù)跟我敘述 昨晚和約翰的種種

[07:60.08]No ''H'', no inhibitions. 少了H,也少了約束

[08:01.48]We did it with him on top. Me on top. 我們做了,姿勢(shì)輪流在上面

[08:04.04]Me on my side. 我在側(cè)邊

[08:06.20]Him on his side? 然后換他在側(cè)邊?

[08:09.20]Oh, my God, yes. 天啊,沒(méi)錯(cuò)

[08:11.08]On his back, on his side, on his face. 從背后,旁邊,正面

[08:13.20]- Have you ever done that? - lt's too early to remember. -你有沒(méi)有嘗試過(guò)這樣? -太早起床想不起來(lái)

[08:17.44]Well, do it immediately. lt is fabulous. 趕快做吧,真的很棒

[08:20.92]These guys in their 20's, are up for anything. 這些二十出頭的小伙子 看到什么都能興奮

[08:23.00]How did it go with you and Sam? 你和山姆進(jìn)展得如何?

[08:25.40]We kissed. 我們接吻

[08:27.80]Just kissed? 只有接吻?

[08:29.68]No. We just kissed for five hours, 不止,我們接吻了五個(gè)小時(shí)

[08:34.16]at the club, in front of the club, on the corner of the club. 在俱樂(lè)部里的每個(gè)地方

[08:36.84]l forgot how much fun it is to just kiss, you know, 我?guī)缀跬私游堑臉?lè)趣 即使害我只睡兩小時(shí)

[08:39.60]even if l did only get two hours sleep.

[08:41.20]l didn't sleep at all. 我根本沒(méi)睡

[08:46.96]As Samantha went on about her sexual escapades, 當(dāng)莎曼珊還在向我炫耀時(shí)

[08:48.88]l glanced at my arm. 我瞥見(jiàn)我的手臂

[08:50.48]There it was in Bic blue. 上面有藍(lán)色的墨水

[08:52.76]20-something Sam's phone number. 是二十多歲的山姆的電話

[08:54.56]l had this urge to call but l'd just left him. 我很想打給他 但我采取先按兵不動(dòng)

[08:58.80]My lips were still swollen. 我的嘴唇還腫腫的

[09:01.08]Why this sudden craving? 為什么突然會(huì)有這種渴望?

[09:01.00]Are men in their 20's the new designer drug? 男人二十歲就是最新的春藥

[09:06.56]Yes, Samantha, Miranda and l were all recreational users, 是的,莎曼珊,米蘭達(dá)和我 都是愉悅享樂(lè)者

[09:08.72]but were we getting into something we couldn't handle? 但我們會(huì)不會(huì)惹上什么麻煩 是連我們都不能控制的呢?

[09:13.80]OK, we were attracted to younger men for various reasons. 我們因?yàn)榉N種原因 被年輕的男人吸引

[09:17.12]But l couldn't help but wonder, what do they see in us? 無(wú)法自拔,但我很納悶 他們?cè)趺纯创覀兡?

[09:19.08]Women in their 30's are just so grateful. 女人年過(guò)三十實(shí)在是太好了

[09:23.24]Every bullshit, nice thing you do is like throwing food to the starving. 你所做的任何蠢事、好事 就像丟食物給饑荒的人一樣

[09:27.16](杰克李威斯25歲 喜歡打棒球、溜狗)

[09:34.20]They give great head and know a lot about wine. 她們非常感謝 并知道很多關(guān)于酒的事

[09:36.40](瑞奇史汀27歲 股票分析師)

[09:38.96]They remind me of my mom. 她們使我想起我媽

[09:42.88](堤姆沃克24歲 醫(yī)學(xué)院學(xué)生)

[09:48.64]They know who they are and what they want. And l like that. 她們知道自己是誰(shuí) 想要什么,而我喜歡這樣

[09:51.60](史基波強(qiáng)森27歲 網(wǎng)站設(shè)計(jì)家)

[09:58.16]Two words - smart, pussy. 只有兩個(gè)詞可以形容 聰明、性感


[10:05.40]Later that week, Miranda and l compared notes. 那星期過(guò)后 米蘭達(dá)和我交換心得

[10:08.88]Shouldn't we be dating men our own age? 我們是不是應(yīng)該 和年紀(jì)相差不多的男人約會(huì)?

[10:09.20]Good luck finding one. 能找到真是你的運(yùn)氣

[10:10.68]There are no available men in their 30's in New York. 在紐約沒(méi)有三十幾歲的好男人

[10:13.28]Giuliani had them removed along with the homeless. 朱立安尼把他們 連同流浪漢一起趕走了

[10:19.64]What's really going on here? l mean, is it younger men feel safer? 到底怎么了? 年輕人比較有安全感嗎?

[10:23.20]What's really going on here is sex. 關(guān)鍵在于性

[10:26.00]Good old-fashioned, eager to please, do what l tell you to, Eagle Scout sex. 全套服務(wù),渴望取悅對(duì)方 照我的話做,高級(jí)童子軍性愛(ài)

[10:30.36]But l'm not having sex. lt's a kissing thing. 但我還沒(méi)做愛(ài),只是接吻而已

[10:33.92]So what's the big deal? lt's just a fling. 那又如何?只是一時(shí)的享樂(lè)

[10:36.24]lt's not like we're throwing out our schedules or anything. 又不是把我們的計(jì)劃都拋開(kāi) 或什么都不管了

[10:38.72]Sweetie, l gotta go. l'm late for a meeting with my editor. 甜心,我得走了 和編輯的會(huì)議我遲到了

[10:46.44]l didn't want to tell her l cancelled lunch with my editor 我不想說(shuō) 我取消了和編輯的開(kāi)會(huì)

[10:49.36]to go to Banana Republic and help 20-something Sam pick a shirt. 陪二十多歲的山姆 到香蕉共和國(guó)去買(mǎi)襯衫

[10:57.08]As l helped him try them on, l thought... 當(dāng)我?guī)退┥蠒r(shí),我想…

[11:00.20]he's sweet, fun, and l think he likes me. 他很甜又有趣,我想他喜歡我

[11:03.24]Could he be more than a fling? 他對(duì)我而言 會(huì)不會(huì)不只是一時(shí)的迷惑?

[11:07.24]Could he be a potential boyfriend? 他可能成為我的男友人選嗎?

[11:08.80]Please. This isn't Gap. 拜托,這里不是沒(méi)有別人

[11:15.28]And speaking of potential boyfriends. 說(shuō)到男友人選

[11:19.76]That week the crossword puzzle asked me to meet him for a drink, blank. 這周玩填字游戲的男人 邀我去喝一杯

[11:23.76]Not quite a date, five letters, starts with ''T''. 還不算是約會(huì) 只是喝一杯而已

[11:30.08]Whoever this is, l can't talk. l'm late for a drink thing. 哪位,我現(xiàn)在無(wú)法說(shuō)話 我約喝酒要遲到了

[11:34.60]l just need five minutes. l'm meeting Brian and l don't know what to do. 五分鐘就好,我要去見(jiàn)布萊恩 我不知道該怎么做才好

[11:38.28]- About what? - Well, last night after a movie, 是關(guān)于什么事的?

[11:41.16]we were walking down 2nd Avenue... 昨晚看完電影后 我們漫步到第二大道…

[11:43.40]Four minutes, Charlotte! 只剩四分鐘了,夏綠蒂

[11:45.00]l can't just blurt out what he asked me, it's embarrassing. 他問(wèn)我的話我無(wú)法說(shuō)出口 太難為情了

[11:47.52]What did the perfect boyfriend ask? 這位完美男友問(wèn)了什么?

[11:51.96]Meet me in front of your apartment in ten minutes. 十分鐘后在你的公寓門(mén)口見(jiàn)

[11:59.52]OK, words are essential. Tell me exactly how he worded it. 措辭很重要 告訴我他是怎么說(shuō)的

[12:03.52]We've been seeing each other for a couple of weeks. l really like you. 他說(shuō):我們約會(huì)了好幾個(gè)禮拜 我真的很喜歡你

[12:06.36]Tomorrow night after dinner, l want us to have anal sex. 明日晚餐后 我希望我們能肛交

[12:11.44]OK, next stop is gonna be 62nd and Madison. 下一站在麥迪遜街62號(hào)停

[12:12.16]- 62nd and Madison? - We're picking up Miranda. -麥迪遜街62號(hào)? -我們要接米蘭達(dá)

[12:15.76]- No, God, no. - Then we're picking up Samantha. -天啊,不 -然后我們還要去接莎曼珊

[12:17.80]You need all the support you can get and l'm late for drinks with Big. 你需要所有你能得到的援助 我和大人物的約會(huì)已經(jīng)遲到了

[12:22.08]Oh, that's great. 那真是太好了

[12:24.28]Even in her state of abject blackness, Charlotte was a dating optimist. 夏綠蒂即使在黑暗難堪情況里 她始終是個(gè)樂(lè)觀的約會(huì)者

[12:28.76]- How much do you like him? - A lot. -你有多喜歡他? -很喜歡

[12:31.92]Dating a few months until someone better comes along a lot? 你是抱著 騎驢找馬的心態(tài)較多?

[12:33.44]Or marrying him and moving to East Hampton a lot? 還是愿意為他遠(yuǎn)嫁東漢普頓?

[12:36.92]l don't know. l'm not sure. -我不知道,還不確定 -你最好趕快確定

[12:37.48]Well, you better get sure real quick.

[12:40.16]- You're scaring me. - Don't scare her. -你在嚇我 -別嚇?biāo)?/p>

[12:44.04]lt's all about control. 都跟控制有關(guān),如果他已到了 需要有力量來(lái)轉(zhuǎn)移

[12:44.68]lf he goes up there, there's going to be a shift in power.

[12:47.76]Either he'll have the upper hand or you will. 不是他在上就是你在上

[12:48.52]There's a camp that believes whoever holds the dick, holds the power, but... 會(huì)像帳篷一樣 誰(shuí)握住棚柱,誰(shuí)就握住力量

[12:53.52]Hello! You're driving. 開(kāi)你的車(chē)

[12:57.20]The question is... 問(wèn)題是…若他勃起對(duì)著你屁股 他會(huì)尊重你比較多還是少?

[12:56.96]if he goes up your butt, will he respect you more or less?

[13:01.44]That's the issue. 這才是重點(diǎn)

[13:03.52]No, no-smoking cab. 在車(chē)內(nèi)不能吸煙

[13:06.12]Sir, we're talking up the butt. A cigarette is in order. 先生,我們大談屁股 抽煙是適當(dāng)?shù)?/p>

[13:07.100]Front, back, who cares? A hole is a hole. 前面、后面,誰(shuí)在乎? 洞就是洞

[13:10.88]- Can l quote you? - Don't be judgmental. -我能引述你的話嗎? -別太主觀下定論

[13:14.08]You could use a little back door. 你可以使用小后門(mén)

[13:15.68]- l'm not a hole. - Honey, we know. -我不是洞 -寶貝,我們知道

[13:17.36]Look, all l'm saying is, that this is a physical expression 聽(tīng)著,我要說(shuō)的是 這是生理表現(xiàn)

[13:22.12]that the body was designed to experience. 我們被設(shè)計(jì)有此功能

[13:23.12]And PS, it's fabulous. 附注,那真是太棒了

[13:26.88]What are you talking about? l went to Smith. 你在說(shuō)什么?我受過(guò)高等教育

[13:29.76]l'm just saying with the right guy, and the right lubricant... 我只是在說(shuō)要和對(duì)的人 還有對(duì)的潤(rùn)滑劑…

[13:37.44]- What was that? - A preview. -那是什么? -預(yù)告

[13:54.96]Well, l can't believe it. 真不敢相信

[13:57.52]Same time, same place. Just you and me. 相同的時(shí)間,相同的地方 只有你跟我

[14:01.16]Well, sort of. Meet my friend, Jack. 差不多,這是我朋友,杰克

[14:10.52]Hi, how are you? 你好嗎?

[14:13.92]Marvelous. My second divorce. 好極了,我第二次離婚

[14:14.12]The bitch is getting everything the first didn't. 第二位拿走所有第一位沒(méi)拿的

[14:18.52]There he was, right in the middle of my drink thing - Mr. Marvelous. 是他打擾了我的“喝一杯”約會(huì) 這位好極了先生

[14:22.88]Jesus, look at that beautiful woman. 天啊,你看那位美女

[14:29.96]l'm gonna go ask her to join us for dinner. Excuse me. 我要去邀她來(lái)跟我們共進(jìn)晚餐 借過(guò)

[14:39.00]He called me, crying. 他打電話給我,嚎啕大哭

[14:45.100]Do you forgive me? 你會(huì)原諒我吧?

[14:51.40]Here's what. 聽(tīng)著

[14:55.56]Why don't you two have a guys night? 你們倆何不擁有男人之夜?

[14:58.76]You know, talk, cry, shoot bear. 可以聊天,哭鬧,射飛鏢

[15:00.12]l'm way behind on my column anyway. 我得趕我的專欄了

[15:04.80]Here. Next round on me. 拿去,下次輪到我

[15:06.80]We'll do our thing another time. 改天再約

[15:11.40]Sure? 你確定?

[15:14.96]Abso-fucking-lutely. 非常確定

[15:19.24]l didn't know what l was supposed to feel. 我不知道我應(yīng)該有什么感覺(jué) 是混亂,傷心還是難過(guò)?

[15:21.20]Confused, sad, rejected?

[15:23.60]l decided to walk to clear my head. 我決定用散步來(lái)和緩我的思緒

[15:26.56]Also, l just left my cab fare on the table. 因?yàn)樽?jì)程車(chē)的費(fèi)用 花在剛才桌上的那杯酒

[15:28.08]So l walked. l walked 48 blocks in $400 shoes. 所以只好走路 我用四百塊的鞋子走過(guò)48條街

[15:41.40]l just needed something to take the edge off. 我需要某個(gè)東西救我脫離

[15:48.28]A little kiss to make me feel better. 來(lái)一點(diǎn)香吻會(huì)讓我好過(guò)些

[16:04.08]But now, it wasn't working - l wasn't getting the same rush. 但現(xiàn)在不是在趕工作 我不需要趕時(shí)間

[16:09.32]Tonight, l needed more. 今晚,我需要更多

[16:14.28]Charlotte wondered when relationships had gotten so complicated. 夏綠蒂擔(dān)心 何時(shí)關(guān)系變得如此復(fù)雜

[16:16.80]She yearned for the time when dinner was followed by dessert, 她希望晚餐后來(lái)的是甜點(diǎn) 而不是潤(rùn)滑劑

[16:21.88]not lubricant.

[16:21.04]l can't, Brian. l want to, but l can't. 布萊恩,我不行 我想要,但是不行

[16:27.60]Actually, that's not true. l don't want to. 實(shí)際上,那不是真的 我并不想

[16:28.72]Or l do. l don't know what l want. l'm afraid if l don't, you'll dump me 或者我想,我不知道想要什么 我擔(dān)心如果我不做你會(huì)甩了我

[16:32.48]and if l do, l'll be the up-the-butt girl. l don't want to be the-up-the-butt girl. 如果我做了,會(huì)變成翹臀女孩 我不想變成翹臀女孩

[16:38.44]Men don't marry the up-the-butt girl. Who ever heard of Mrs. Up-the-butt? 男人不想娶翹臀女孩 有誰(shuí)聽(tīng)過(guò)翹臀太太嗎?

[16:41.92]No, no, no. l can't. 不…我不行

[16:43.72]l want children and nice bedding. 我喜歡小孩和好的寢具

[16:45.28]l just can't handle this right now. 現(xiàn)在我無(wú)法接受

[16:49.60]Can we fuck the regular way? 我們能正常地做愛(ài)嗎?

[16:53.48]Yes, please. 可以

[17:01.80]That night they made love the Charlotte way... 那晚他們以夏綠蒂的方式做愛(ài)

[17:02.72]polite and respectful on 300 count Egyptian cotton sheets. 有禮貌并且很尊重的 在三百針的埃及純棉床單上

[17:09.76]Meanwhile, downtown... 與其同時(shí),在城里…

[17:13.84]That was really great. 那真是太美了

[17:20.88]- You know. - Yeah? -你知道的 -知道什么?

[17:21.60]When you lay like that, 當(dāng)你這樣躺著時(shí)…

[17:23.68]you have the cutest little wrinkles on your neck. 脖子上有最可愛(ài)的小紋路

[17:28.96]Samantha realized as long as she dated someone younger, 莎曼珊了解 只要她和比較年輕的人約會(huì)

[17:30.16]she would always be older. 她總是比較老的一方

[17:34.32]She gave up 20-somethings right then and there. 她想到此 立刻放棄和二十幾小伙子約會(huì)

[17:35.88]As Samantha went cold turkey... 莎曼珊一步步冷卻…

[17:39.48]l got in deeper and deeper. 我越陷越深

[17:50.72]- That was... - Totally awesome. -這真是… -太不可思議了

[17:54.88]l was hooked. Gone. 我上鉤了,被釣走了

[17:54.40]Who cares about age, crossword puzzles, 誰(shuí)在乎年紀(jì)和填字游戲

[17:58.28]the cab money l'd left on the table? 也不在乎留在桌上的計(jì)程車(chē)費(fèi)

[18:01.24]This felt so good. l'd do anything to keep this high. 這感覺(jué)真好 做任何事只為讓自己興奮

[18:03.52]And just when l thought l couldn't get any higher. 我想沒(méi)有比這更高潮的

[18:07.32]He spooned me. 他愛(ài)撫我

[18:19.84]l woke up wanting more, or maybe not. 我醒來(lái)期待更多 結(jié)果完全相反

[18:23.84]ln the gray morning light, everything looked completely different. 早晨灰白的陽(yáng)光下 一切看起來(lái)都不一樣了

[18:27.32]Candles from Urban Outfitter, dirty laundry, a pizza box. 市中心裝飾店的蠟燭 臟衣服和披薩的空盒子

[18:31.84]Suddenly, reality hit. 突然間被現(xiàn)實(shí)擊中

[18:36.24]l'm in a 20-something apartment. 我在二十幾歲小伙子的公寓

[18:39.96]- Morning, babe. - Morning. -寶貝,早安 -早安

[18:42.44]Fuck! l had this amazing dream. 我做了一個(gè)奇怪的夢(mèng)

[18:47.16]My father and my ex-girlfriend were, like, dead or something. 我爸和我前女友死了之類的夢(mèng)

[18:50.84]How you doing? Nice to see you. 你還好嗎?很高興見(jiàn)到你

[18:54.32]- Coffee, l need coffee. - lt's in the kitchen. -咖啡,我要喝咖啡 -廚房里有

[18:57.32]And l had these big hands, like big aluminum hands. 我有這雙大手,像是鋁做的

[19:02.76]And l lived in this like big missile silo that was totally nuclear 我像是住在飛彈基地 那全都是核武

[19:08.56]surrounded by like my enemies and shit, 被敵人的艦隊(duì)包圍

[19:11.84]and one by one, they'd run at me. 一艘接一艘,都瞄準(zhǔn)我

[19:13.64]They got inside somehow. l don't remember, but they'd run at me 他們都躲在里面 記不清楚,但都瞄準(zhǔn)我

[19:17.88]and l would crush them to pieces with my big aluminum hands. 我用這雙鋁制的大手 把他們摧毀成碎片

[19:22.96]l, like, crushed this one guy. He had no face and stuff, but l crushed him. 我摧毀了那家伙,他沒(méi)有臉 也沒(méi)有內(nèi)在,但我摧毀了他

[19:30.92]l could crush anything with these big fucking hands, man. 我能用這雙手打敗任何人

[19:34.40]You don't have any coffee, you don't have any coffee filters. 你這里沒(méi)有咖啡 沒(méi)有泡咖啡的濾紙

[19:37.20]Oh, l'll make that. That's all right. 我會(huì)泡的,沒(méi)問(wèn)題

[19:39.88]Oh! And you were in the dream. 你還在夢(mèng)里

[19:42.96]As this beautiful unicorn woman with glass eyes. 還有這位獨(dú)角獸女人 有玻璃般的眼珠

[19:46.12]You, coffee. Me, bathroom. 你去泡咖啡,我去上廁所

[19:50.52]That would make a kick-ass song, wouldn't it? 可以哼廁所歌,對(duì)不對(duì)?

[19:52.08]- Unicorn woman. - Coffee. -獨(dú)角獸女人 -去泡咖啡

[20:02.64]Oh, that's my roommate. 那是我室友

[20:07.08]Every fiber in my 30-something being was screaming, you're too old for this. 在我三十幾歲的年紀(jì)里 常覺(jué)得太老了不適合做這種事

[20:10.68]And just when l thought l couldn't sink any lower. 正當(dāng)我想情況不能再糟時(shí)

[20:15.44]l need toilet paper! 我要衛(wèi)生紙

[20:19.84]l'm just using the last of it to make the coffee. 我把最后的紙用來(lái)泡咖啡了

[20:29.20]l decided the way to break free 我決定從沉淪中解脫 最好的方式

[20:32.68]was to move from one addiction to an even bigger one. 就是陷入另一個(gè)更大的欲望

[20:36.52]Shoes. 也就是買(mǎi)鞋子

[20:39.64]A couple of blocks and way too much money later, 經(jīng)過(guò)幾條街和花了不少錢(qián)后

[20:42.52]l realized l had just entered an interesting chapter in my life. 我了解我的人生 進(jìn)入新的有趣的一章

[20:45.60]l had out-grown the boys of my past 我對(duì)過(guò)去的男孩來(lái)說(shuō)太成熟

[20:48.44]and not quite grown into the men of my future. 對(duì)未來(lái)的男人來(lái)說(shuō) 我又不夠成熟

[20:54.40]Hi, how are ya? -你好 -你好嗎?

[20:56.52]Why is it in a city of ten million men, 為什么在這有 上千萬(wàn)男人的城市中

[20:56.60]you always see the one you don't want and never see the one you... 總是遇到你不想見(jiàn)的那一個(gè) 卻永遠(yuǎn)遇不到你…

[21:00.48]- Hi. - Hi. -你好 -你好

[21:04.96]- What are you doing down there? - Oh, it's a wobbly table. -你在下面做什么? -這桌子不太穩(wěn)

[21:08.64]Guess l have the touch. Would you care to join us? 還好我手扶著 你要不要加入我們?

[21:10.92]Hinge. 關(guān)鍵

[21:12.40]What? 什么?

[21:14.20]Your crossword puzzle. Five letters, to bring together. Hinge. 你的填字游戲,差五個(gè)字母 就完成了,那個(gè)字是“關(guān)鍵”

[21:20.04]- Well, nice seeing you. Bye. - Excuse me. -很高興見(jiàn)到你,再見(jiàn) -稍待

[21:25.36]Just so you know, l would have gotten hinge on my own. Maybe. 只想告訴你,或許 我找到自己的關(guān)鍵所在了

[21:28.48]l have no doubt. 我相信

[21:32.68]Now Jack's hooked up, l'm single again. 現(xiàn)在杰克有了新對(duì)象 而我又恢復(fù)單身了

[21:33.28]Maybe we could have dinner sometime? 也許我們能一起共進(jìn)晚餐

[21:36.88]l don't know. 我不確定

[21:38.24]l'm good at crossword puzzles. l'm not so good at people puzzles. 我擅長(zhǎng)玩填字游戲 卻不擅長(zhǎng)猜別人的謎語(yǔ)

[21:43.16]Anywhere you want. Just you and me. 地點(diǎn)任你選,只有我和你

[21:47.92]Call me. 你再打電話給我

[21:49.80]As l walked away, l had a thought - 當(dāng)我離去時(shí),我有個(gè)想法 也許所有的男人都像毒品一樣

[21:51.56]maybe all men are a drug. Sometimes they bring you down

[21:56.16]and sometimes, like now, they get you so high. 有時(shí)候他們使你低潮

[21:55.84]有時(shí)候,就像現(xiàn)在 他們讓你神魂欲醉

[22:02.04]Damn. 真該死

[22:04.40]lt would have been so cool if l hadn't looked back. 如果我不回首,那真是太酷了


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