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欲望都市06 Secret Sex





[00:00.00] 12.07.25 08:18:38



[00:47.16]Two weeks ago l had my picture taken... 兩周前我去拍沙龍照

[00:53.64]Look up. Good, good. 看上面,很好…

[00:59.60]lt was a promotional photo for my column 這是為了替我的專欄做宣傳

[01:02.44]scheduled to run on the side of a bus. 打算刊登在公車車身

[01:07.92]l had misgivings. 我相當(dāng)緊張

[01:11.88]Which were mollified when they said l could keep the dress. 但他們安慰我 說(shuō)我可以把宣傳服帶回家

[01:21.64]Friday night. 星期五晚上

[01:21.12]ln lieu of any actual social life of their own, 莎曼珊、米蘭達(dá)、夏綠蒂 為了幫我打點(diǎn)

[01:24.24]Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte had all stopped by to live vicariously 和大人物的首次正式約會(huì)

[01:27.48]through my first official date with Mr Big. 都犧牲了自己的社交活動(dòng)

[01:30.36]Carrie! 凱莉

[01:34.36]Honey it's fabulous. Bravo! 真是太美了

[01:40.84]lt's tits on toast, baby. 這件衣服很暴露 但是穿在你身上很好看

[01:42.16]But you make it work.

[01:43.92]lt's the ''naked dress''. 這件衣服若隱若現(xiàn) 你顯然打算今晚和他上床

[01:45.92]You're obviously gonna have sex with him tonight.

[01:48.48]- lt's our first date! - She's just gonna look like sex. -我們才第一次約會(huì) -她的穿著完全透露了渴望

[01:51.96]- That's right, l'm just the trailer. - Please, if it happens, it happens. -沒錯(cuò),今天只是預(yù)告 -拜托,會(huì)發(fā)生的事就會(huì)發(fā)生

[01:54.04]- Bottoms up. - Wait a second! -加油 -等一下

[01:58.16]lf you're serious about this guy, you can't sleep on the first date. 如果你在乎對(duì)方 就不會(huì)第一次約會(huì)就跟他上床

[02:02.40]Oh, God. Here she goes again with The Rules. 老天,又是“約會(huì)守則”

[02:03.40]The women who wrote that book, couldn't get laid. 寫那種書的女人 就是因?yàn)檎也坏缴洗驳膶?duì)象

[02:06.16]They constructed this whole bullshit theory 所以才發(fā)明這種狗屁理論

[02:08.56]to make women who can get laid feel bad. 好讓找到上床對(duì)象的女人難過(guò)

[02:11.88]lf you're serious about a guy, 如果你在乎對(duì)方

[02:14.32]keep him waiting for at least five dates. 就要讓他等到五次約會(huì)之后

[02:14.92]- Oh, you've gone up. - Yes. -你已經(jīng)約會(huì)五次了 -對(duì)

[02:19.88]The number of dates that you wait to have sex is proportional to your age. 等做愛的約會(huì)數(shù)目 應(yīng)該和年紀(jì)成正比

[02:22.16]Forget the math, don't fuck on a first date, you're fine. 別管數(shù)目字 反正首次約會(huì)不要做

[02:27.16]- Third date. - Too soon! -第三次約會(huì) -太快了

[02:30.64]A guy can just as easily dump you if you fuck him on the first date 要是第一次約會(huì)和對(duì)方上床 他會(huì)甩了你

[02:32.80]- as he can on the 10th. - When have you been on a 10th? 那第十次同樣有可能


[02:37.08]- By then you're emotionally involved. - Exactly! -到時(shí)你早就付出真情了 -沒錯(cuò)

[02:41.28]lsn't it better to find out if the sex is good 心碎之前先看性趣合不合 不是比較好嗎?

[02:42.16]before anybody's feelings get hurt?

[02:44.56]- lt's OK to feel hurt. - And you handle that so well! -心碎無(wú)所謂 -你一向擅長(zhǎng)控制情緒

[02:49.84]- There is a case for restraint. - When did you become a Victorian? 她就是懂得自我克制的人

[02:51.32]The Victorians valued romance. 你何時(shí)變成維多利亞時(shí)代的人?


[02:55.16]True romance cannot exist without good sex. 沒有魚水之歡 就不算真正的浪漫

[02:58.16]And yet you can have good sex with someone you don't respect. 和自己不在意的人 也可以有魚水之歡

[03:00.44]Or even remember. 或過(guò)后就忘的人

[03:06.80]All right, well, ladies l'm just going to dinner. 好了,各位,我要去吃晚餐了

[03:08.04]- Goodnight. - Goodbye, have fun. -晚安 -晚安,好好玩

[03:12.48]Bye! 再見

[03:18.56]Truth is l was dying to sleep with him. 其實(shí)我想上他想瘋了

[03:18.64]But isn't delayed gratification the definition of maturity? 但成熟的定義 不是克制欲望嗎?

[03:31.44]- lnteresting dress. - Meaning? -真有趣的衣服 -什么意思?

[03:37.64]lnteresting dress. 真有趣的衣服

[03:55.72]- Don't worry. l can restrain myself. - So can l. -別擔(dān)心,我會(huì)克制自己 -我也是

[04:08.44]l can't be hemmed in by rules. l go with my emotions. 我無(wú)法墨守規(guī)則 我一向照感覺行事

[04:13.84]Some of the greatest romances of all time began with sex on the first date... 有些偉大的愛情故事 也開始于頭一次約會(huì)就上床

[04:19.28]...l bet. 我敢打賭

[04:22.80]l will not be the first one to speak. 一定不是我先開口

[04:24.44]And if he never calls me again, l'll always think of him fondly... 要是他不打給我 我就把他想成…

[04:26.04]as an asshole. 一個(gè)大混蛋

[04:27.80]That was really... 這真是…

[04:30.80]Can you believe we... on the first date? 你相信嗎? 我們第一次約會(huì)就…

[04:35.80]l mean, l didn't plan that, you know. 我沒想到會(huì)這樣

[04:43.32]What do you think? 你覺得如何?

[04:50.52]l thought it was pretty fucking great. But what do l know? 我覺得棒呆了,我也不知道

[04:57.92]You feel like getting some Szechwan? 你想吃四川菜嗎?

[05:09.32]Had Mr Big discovered my weakness for great sex and greasy Chinese? 難道大人物發(fā)現(xiàn)我 喜歡做愛和中國(guó)菜?

[05:13.56]Or was going out to dinner a diversionary tactic 或者出去吃飯是調(diào)虎離山之計(jì)

[05:15.36]to keep me from spending the night? 以免我留下來(lái)過(guò)夜

[05:16.84]Before l was able to completely indulge my paranoia... 我還來(lái)不及思考就…

[05:22.80]lt was my pal, Mike Singer. We've known each other for ten years, 那是我的朋友麥可辛格 我們認(rèn)識(shí)十年了

[05:26.96]but never had sex, because we want to know each other for another ten. 不過(guò)從沒上過(guò)床 因?yàn)槲覀冞€想再維持十年友誼

[05:29.48]- Hey! - Carrie, what are you doing here? -你好 -凱莉,你在這里做什么?

[05:33.04]l'm with... l'll tell you all about it later. 我和…以后再告訴你

[05:38.12]- You look great. - Not too naked? -穿得真美 -不會(huì)太暴露嗎?

[05:41.08]Just naked enough. 剛剛好

[05:47.96]Hi, l'm Carrie Bradshaw. l'm an old friend of Mike's. 我是凱莉布雷蕭 是麥可的老朋友

[05:52.36]l'm Libby Biyalick. lt's so nice to finally meet a friend. 我是莉比碧亞利 總算遇到熟人了

[05:54.72]- So, l'll call you. - OK, great. -我再打給你 -好

[05:59.12]Well, have a good dinner. Nice to meet you. -用餐愉快 -很高興認(rèn)識(shí)你

[06:01.96]l left wondering why Mike didn't want to introduce me to his date. 不知麥可為何 不介紹我給他的女伴

[06:10.04]That very same night, something absolutely amazing 同一天晚上,有一件奇妙的事

[06:13.80]happened to Miranda. 發(fā)生在米蘭達(dá)身上

[06:18.24]Oh, my God! l'm so sorry. 老天,對(duì)不起

[06:22.96]She met someone in gym class. 她在體育課認(rèn)識(shí)一個(gè)人

[06:26.32]- Are you sure you're OK? - l'm fine. -你真的沒事嗎? -沒事

[06:29.12]So, what exactly about my head pissed you off? 我的頭哪里惹到你了

[06:34.80]l wish there was something l could do. 希望我能幫你做點(diǎn)事

[06:37.36]You could buy me dinner sometime. 你可以請(qǐng)我吃飯

[06:40.44]And a CAT scan. 還有斷層掃描

[06:40.24]His name was Ted Baker. 32, a sports medicine doctor 他叫泰德貝克,32歲 是運(yùn)動(dòng)療法醫(yī)生

[06:45.08]with an apartment overlooking the Natural History Museum. 他的公寓可以看到 自然歷史博物館

[06:48.60]Three prior serious relationships, none resulting in marriage. 之前談過(guò)三次戀愛 都沒有結(jié)果

[06:53.04]A kiss to make it better. 親一下會(huì)好一點(diǎn)

[06:56.56]So, really, can l call you sometime? 我可以打電話給你嗎?

[07:02.52]Sure. 當(dāng)然

[07:05.76]He left a message on my machine when l got home. 我回家時(shí)發(fā)現(xiàn) 他留了一通電話錄音

[07:09.68]- He wants to go out this week. - That's fantastic! -他約我本周出去 -真不錯(cuò)

[07:13.24]No, it's too quick. Maybe that kick in his head scrambled his brains. 不,這樣太快了 也許我把他腦袋踢糊涂了

[07:18.60]No, too quick is sleeping with him on the first date. That's too quick. 不,第一次約會(huì)就上床才算快

[07:21.80]You both got excited and you went for it. Stop blaming yourself. 你們倆太興奮,才會(huì)那么大膽 別責(zé)怪自己

[07:25.76]No, l don't blame myself, l blame the dress. 我沒責(zé)怪自己,都是那件衣服

[07:27.08]The dress led me on, it had a life of its own. 那件衣服唆使我 好像自己有生命似的

[07:30.92]We went to this restaurant afterwards, you'll never guess who l ran into. 之后我們?nèi)ツ羌也蛷d 你絕對(duì)想不到我碰到了誰(shuí)

[07:35.12]- Who? - Mike Singer, on a date. -誰(shuí)? -麥可辛格,他在約會(huì)

[07:37.80]- The whole world's in love. - l'm not sure, l don't know. -全世界的人都戀愛了 -我也不確定

[07:40.28]He was acting very weird. 他的舉止很奇怪

[07:42.16]Like he didn't want me to meet her or something. 好像不希望我 看見他的女伴似的

[07:43.48]What's her name? 她叫什么名字?

[07:45.16]Her name was Libby Biyalick. 她叫莉比碧亞利

[07:47.04]Mike told me everything 我?guī)望溈稍诖簿咩逶【返?/p>

[07:49.44]while l helped him pick sheets at Bed Bath And Beyond. 挑選床單時(shí),他告訴了我實(shí)情

[07:51.12]- How long have you been seeing her? - A while. -你認(rèn)識(shí)她多久了? -一陣子

[07:57.80]ls this a painful topic? 你們有什么苦衷嗎?

[07:60.88]lt's just, she's not someone l date openly. 我只是不和她公開約會(huì)

[08:03.76]- Why, is she married? - No. -為什么?她結(jié)婚了? -沒有

[08:04.24]- ls she a cousin? - No. -是你的親戚嗎? -不是

[08:08.80]The thing is, she's smart, incredibly sweet, and the sex is great. 她很聰明、非常溫柔 技巧也很高超

[08:16.08]She's just not the one l see myself with. 只是她不是我理想中的對(duì)象

[08:19.28]Why not? 為什么?

[08:21.44]lt was about three months ago. 那是三個(gè)月前的事

[08:21.80]Mike had been dumped by Fiona Brooks, a cellist, 麥可被大提琴家 費(fèi)歐娜布魯克甩了

[08:25.72]who he was trying to forget as quickly as possible. 他想盡快忘記她

[08:31.36]They had both loved to cook, 他們都喜歡烹飪

[08:33.76]shopping for the week was a Saturday morning ritual. 他如常在周六早晨 購(gòu)買一周日用品

[08:35.56]So he was feeling particularly vulnerable when... 正當(dāng)他傷心欲絕時(shí)…

[08:37.04]Care to try some aged sheep's milk cheese from the Tyrolean Alps? 想嘗嘗提洛爾羊乳酪嗎?

[08:41.100]Thanks. 謝謝

[08:50.24]- lt's good. - lt's made by monks. -真好吃 -是僧侶制作的

[08:51.92]- Really? - Trappist monks. -真的? -特拉普僧侶

[08:57.80]Fresh goat cheese from the Napa Valley. 納帕谷的新鮮羊乳酪

[09:02.88]lt's delicious. 好好吃

[09:07.48]L'Explorateur. lt's a triple cream from France. 這是“探險(xiǎn)家” 一種法國(guó)三層奶酪

[09:23.84]Mike found himself very uninhibited. 麥可發(fā)現(xiàn)自己忽然輕松起來(lái)

[09:26.04]Since he didn't think Libby was that gorgeous, there wasn't any pressure. 他覺得莉比不是絕色美人 因此自己毫無(wú)壓力

[09:37.48]Next morning, he woke up and felt at ease, very relaxed. 次日早晨他醒來(lái)時(shí) 覺得很舒適自在

[09:41.04]l'm a creative director of an ad agency but... 我是廣告公司的企劃部經(jīng)理

[09:43.44]eventually l'd love to have my own shop. 我希望以后能自己開店

[09:46.72]l'd love to have my own shop, too. Well, cheese shop, l mean. 我也希望以后自己開店 我是說(shuō)乳酪店

[09:52.100]She was one of the only women he'd ever met 她是麥可所遇見的女人中

[09:56.64]who he felt he could just be with. 唯一讓他覺得輕松自在的

[09:59.36]- So what's the problem? - Look, she's not beautiful, 究竟問(wèn)題何在?

[10:00.36]她長(zhǎng)得不漂亮 我們沒有什么共通點(diǎn)

[10:03.80]we don't have a lot in common. Most of her friends are in dairy.


[10:09.76]But she's warm, and unpretentious and... 但她很溫暖、真誠(chéng),而且…

[10:13.16]it is the best sex l've ever had in my life. 是我這輩子做過(guò)最美好的一次

[10:16.56]What are you afraid of? What other people are going to think? 那你怕什么? 其他人會(huì)怎么想?

[10:19.72]She's not the right woman for me in the larger sense. 按照一般的想法,她不適合我

[10:25.68]So l keep her a secret. 所以我不告訴其他人

[10:29.00]l couldn't decide whether Mike was being shallow or honest. 我不知道麥可是 目光淺薄還是誠(chéng)實(shí)

[10:32.32]But the question nagged me for days. 但我一直在思考這個(gè)問(wèn)題

[10:35.84]How many of us out there are having great sex 有多少伴侶性關(guān)系美好

[10:39.80]with people we're ashamed to introduce to our friends? 但卻羞于向朋友介紹另一半?

[10:43.28]Have l ever had fabulous sex with someone l didn't want to admit to? 我有沒有和自己不認(rèn)可的人 享受過(guò)美好的性愛?

[10:48.44]Did l tell you about that jazz musician who lived with his mother in Queens? 我是否告訴過(guò)你和媽一起住 皇后區(qū)的爵士樂手?

[10:53.40]- Yeah, Alex. - What about the window washer? -有,叫亞歷斯 -還有那個(gè)洗窗工人?

[10:57.80]The one who doesn't wear any underwear? 不穿內(nèi)褲的那個(gè)?

[10:58.56]l met this gorgeous kid in Spy Bar last year. 去年在間諜酒吧遇到的帥哥

[11:02.48]He turned out to be in high school. 結(jié)果他才讀高中

[11:04.84]Evidently, Samantha had had lots of sex, 莎曼珊顯然經(jīng)驗(yàn)豐富

[11:08.36]none of which was secret. 每一次她都開誠(chéng)布公

[11:11.84]Fine, it just proves l'm not ashamed of anyone l've slept with. 那只證明了 我不以這些上床對(duì)象為恥

[11:13.88]OK, here it is. 就是這張

[11:22.04]Oh, you look... 你看來(lái)…

[11:24.20]Naked. 很暴露

[11:26.40]There it was, the dress that led me down the garden path with Mr Big. 就是這件衣服誘使我 和大人物上床

[11:31.52]- l shouldn't be embarrassed? - No, you look fabulous! -我不用感到尷尬? -不,你看來(lái)很美

[11:35.04]There's no such thing as bad publicity. 惡名遠(yuǎn)播是最糟糕的事

[11:37.96]You would say that, you're a publicist. 說(shuō)得對(duì),你是公關(guān)經(jīng)理

[11:40.52]We must go someplace fabulous 我們應(yīng)該找個(gè)適當(dāng)?shù)牡胤?/p>

[11:43.52]where we can toast you, where the bus goes by. 等公車經(jīng)過(guò),好好慶祝一番

[11:45.80]- You can invite Mr Big. - No, l don't think so. -還可以請(qǐng)大人物來(lái) -我覺得不好

[11:46.92]l haven't heard from him since we spent the night together. 那天晚上過(guò)后我們就沒聯(lián)絡(luò)了

[11:49.20]Sweetie, forget about him. You're going to be on the side of a bus. 親愛的,忘了他 你要上公車車身看板

[11:54.88]Ten million men will be drooling over you 每天早上上班時(shí)間

[11:54.96]every morning on their way to work. 會(huì)有一大票男人垂涎你

[11:58.72]lt's the best personal ad l've ever seen in my life. 這是我這輩子看過(guò) 最棒的個(gè)人廣告

[11:60.92]Samantha had a particular knack 莎曼珊非常擅于

[12:03.60]for turning a desperate situation into a hopeless one. 將無(wú)助的情勢(shì)變成絕望

[12:07.20]Speaking of secret sex, did Charlotte ever tell you about the rabbi? 談到秘密性關(guān)系,夏綠蒂 有沒有告訴你那個(gè)猶太教士?

[12:11.16]The rabbi? -什么? -你知道我說(shuō)誰(shuí)

[12:12.44]- Excuse me? - You know who l'm talking about.

[12:16.96]l cannot believe you're interrogating me at work! 你們居然打擾我工作

[12:17.80]l'm sorry, it's my fault. 抱歉,是我的錯(cuò)

[12:22.08]Anyway, he wasn't a rabbi. He was a Hasidic folk artist from Brooklyn. 他不是猶太教士 是布魯克林哈什教傳統(tǒng)藝術(shù)家

[12:27.36]Close enough. 差不多

[12:28.04]Charlotte had seen Shmuel's work, 夏綠蒂欣賞過(guò)希謬的作品

[12:32.92]and arranged to meet him at his studio. 打算參觀他的畫室

[12:38.28]These are outstanding, so much life. 真特別的畫,充滿生命力

[12:42.68]- You have a beautiful way with light. - Thank you. -你把光影處理得很美 -謝謝

[12:51.28]- Now this one is really special. - That's my yeshiva. -這一幅最特別 -是我讀過(guò)的小學(xué)

[12:58.36]l wanted to capture the exuberance of youth. 我想捕捉青春的活力

[13:02.56]Charlotte was intoxicated by his talent, strangeness, 夏綠蒂為他的才華 異國(guó)風(fēng)情以及

[13:05.84]and the smell of his wool. 身上羊毛織品的味道所吸引

[13:08.80]Magical. 真神奇

[13:18.56]lt was so sexy, so forbidden. 真是激情禁忌的愛

[13:21.04]Daddy's little Episcopalian princess 一位天主教派的公主

[13:21.00]in the arms of one of God's chosen people. 躺在上帝選民的臂膀中

[13:27.92]We would talk about art, sex and the Torah. 我們談?wù)撍囆g(shù) 性愛和摩西五書

[13:30.20]Why didn't you introduce him to anybody? 你為何不把他介紹給我們?

[13:33.44]l was embarrassed. 我覺得好尷尬

[13:35.04]l couldn't really date him. And he couldn't date me. 我不會(huì)和他約會(huì) 他也不會(huì)和我約會(huì)

[13:39.04]- What would people think? - lf the sex is good, who cares? -別人會(huì)怎么想? -如果性趣相合,管別人怎么想

[13:42.52]You can't put this in your column. Promise! 別把這事寫在專欄里,你發(fā)誓

[13:45.80]l promise. 我發(fā)誓

[13:48.96]Was secret sex the ultimate form of intimacy, 秘密性愛是否因與世隔絕 保持純潔的狀態(tài)

[13:49.08]since it existed in a pure state, exempt from the judgment of the world? 而能成為 親密關(guān)系的最終形式?

[13:54.44]Or is it just another way to deny our feelings 或者這只是否定 自己感情的一種方式

[13:56.64]and emotionally compartmentalize our lives? 好讓這種感情 和真實(shí)生活區(qū)隔開來(lái)?

[14:05.24]- Hello? - Do you miss me yet? -誰(shuí)? -開始想我了嗎?

[14:09.08]- Who is this? - How have you been? -你是誰(shuí)? -過(guò)得如何?

[14:13.12]Great. 很好

[14:15.64]Fabulous. Fantastic, actually, and you? 太好了,那你呢?

[14:15.100]Well, at the risk of sounding trite, 這樣說(shuō)可能太老套

[14:22.76]- l can't stop thinking about you. - l adore trite. 我一直在想你


[14:29.40]Listen, we should have a real first date. 聽我說(shuō) 我們應(yīng)該要真正約一次會(huì)

[14:33.48]You know? The traditional American type. 典型的美式約會(huì)

[14:33.40]Dinner and a movie? 吃晚餐,然后看電影?

[14:37.48]Of course, knowing us, we'll skip the movie. 我們可以跳過(guò)電影

[14:38.48]As long as we don't skip dinner. 只要不跳過(guò)晚餐

[14:41.32]What a relief. l had just escaped the sex on the first date curse. 真好,總算逃過(guò) 首次約會(huì)就上床的詛咒

[14:48.00]That weekend, l was with a man 那個(gè)周末我和他一起出去

[14:48.60]whose name l wanted to shout from the rooftops. 我真想把他的姓名公諸于世

[14:52.08]Let me get this straight... 我們把事情弄清楚

[14:54.36]- Your picture is going to be on a bus. - That's right. -你的照片要刊登在公車上 -對(duì)

[14:59.76]A cross town bus, or a downtown bus? 是走城外的公車 還是走市內(nèi)線的?

[15:01.32]The M2. lt goes right down 5th. -是M2線,走第五街那一班 -這條路線不錯(cuò)

[15:05.80]That's a good line.

[15:06.08]l'm getting together a group of friends tomorrow afternoon to watch it go by. 明天下午我要和朋友 一起看公車經(jīng)過(guò)

[15:10.00]l thought, maybe if you weren't doing anything... 如果你沒事的話…

[15:12.36]Hey, how are you? 你好嗎?

[15:14.48]Hey, how are you? lt's good to see you. 你好,真高興見到你

[15:17.64]- You remember Phyllis. - Of course, Phyllis, how are you? -你應(yīng)該記得菲莉絲 -當(dāng)然,你好,菲莉絲

[15:19.84]- Everything good? - Yeah, everything's dandy. -一切都好嗎? -都很好

[15:25.68]Well, that's what l hear. 別人也這么說(shuō)

[15:28.40]- So, good to see you. - Good to see you again. -很高興見到你 -我也很高興

[15:31.84]Bye-bye, cheers. 再見

[15:36.20]- Who was that? - Some guy l skied with in Aspen. -那是誰(shuí)? -在亞斯本滑雪認(rèn)識(shí)的

[15:41.72]l didn't understand. Had l become the invisible woman? 我不懂 我突然成了隱形人嗎?

[15:44.36]l tried not to let it bother me. 我努力說(shuō)服自己別煩腦這件事

[15:46.56]l also tried not to let it bother me that he took me back to Fung Wa, 他又帶我去風(fēng)華餐廳 我們第一次約會(huì)的餐廳時(shí)

[15:52.36]scene of our post-coital dinner. 我也努力說(shuō)服自己別擔(dān)心

[15:54.84]l can't make your party tomorrow. 我明天無(wú)法陪你去

[15:57.40]l wanted to introduce you to my friends. 我想把你介紹給我朋友

[15:58.48]Well, l'll be home later if you miss me. 如果你想我,我晚一點(diǎn)會(huì)在家

[16:04.84]As l surveyed the room, 我看著餐廳里面

[16:06.96]l realized it smelled like a cheap date you don't want anyone to meet. 忽然覺得在這里約會(huì)很沒尊嚴(yán) 大家都不想遇見熟人

[16:11.84]l told Mr Big l was on a deadline and had to get home. 我告訴大人物我要趕稿 必須回家了

[16:14.68]- Hello? - Listen, l have a question. -誰(shuí)? -我有問(wèn)題要問(wèn)你

[16:18.56]Of all the restaurants in Manhattan, why take Libby to Fung Wa? 曼哈頓那么多餐廳 你為何要帶莉比去風(fēng)華餐廳?

[16:23.92]lt's pretty obscure. Not much chance of seeing anybody l know. 那里很幽暗,不容易遇到熟人

[16:27.12]You mean, it's a place men take women they don't want to be seen with. 你是說(shuō)男人帶不想介紹 給別人的女友去那家餐廳?

[16:31.00]Yes, it is perfect for that. Oh, sorry. 對(duì),那是最適合的地方,抱歉

[16:32.60]The evidence was mounting. 證據(jù)越來(lái)越明顯

[16:34.76]Was it possible that l had become Mr Big's secret sex girl? 我是否變成大人物的 秘密性伴侶?

[16:41.44]The next morning, Miranda discovered a shocking sex secret of her own. 次日早晨 米蘭達(dá)發(fā)現(xiàn)了驚人的情色秘密

[16:44.72]She had just spent a wonderful night with Ted, 她剛和泰德度過(guò)愉快的夜晚

[16:48.72]who had to leave early to catch a flight to DC for a spinal conference. 他一早就得搭機(jī)到華盛頓特區(qū) 參加脊髓研討會(huì)

[16:52.60]- l can go home, it's no big deal. - No, stay, it's 6:00am. -我可以回家,沒關(guān)系 -不,留下,現(xiàn)在才六點(diǎn)

[16:58.96]l'll be back tonight. Want to do something? 我今晚就回來(lái),要約碰面嗎?

[17:00.20]- l'd love to. - All right, l'll call you at work. -好 -我會(huì)打給你

[17:04.60]Have a good flight. 一路順風(fēng)

[17:12.56]Miranda waited for the dead bolt to drop, 米蘭達(dá)一等到門關(guān)上

[17:15.76]and then ransacked Ted's apartment for pictures of old girlfriends. 就搜查泰德的公寓 找前女友的相片

[17:23.00]She was not at all prepared for what she found. 她沒想到會(huì)搜出這些東西


[17:34.80]Yeah? You feel your cock where it wants to be every night? 是嗎? 你的老二每晚都跑到別處去?

[17:37.72]Every night when you come home and everything's done in the house... 每天晚上你回到家 家里都整理得干干凈凈…

[17:45.04]l don't know what to do. 我不知道怎么辦

[17:45.52]l can't admit to finding this, but now l don't know if l want to see him again. 真不敢相信找到這種東西 現(xiàn)在我不想再看到他

[17:51.72]How can you judge him until you spank him? 你沒打他屁股怎能妄加批評(píng)?

[17:55.48]- l'm only kidding. - But obviously this is what he's into. -開玩笑的 -他顯然熱衷此道

[17:59.40]Maybe it's just his fantasy life. 也許只是性幻想

[18:05.52]Later, the cream of New York gathered to toast the maiden voyage of my bus. 待會(huì)兒紐約的精英 就要向我的公車敬酒

[18:07.72]- Where's Mr Big? - He couldn't make it. -大人物呢? -他不能來(lái)

[18:12.32]What do you mean he couldn't make it? 為何不能來(lái)?

[18:13.96]l don't know, it's a work thing. 不知道,工作的事

[18:16.08]- But this is your bus party! - l told you, you shouldn't have... -但這是你的公車宴會(huì) -我說(shuō)過(guò)你不該…

[18:18.12]No, never mind. 算了

[18:22.72]What? He's not here because l slept with him on the first date? 什么?我第一次約會(huì)跟他上床 所以他就不來(lái)了?

[18:24.52]Basically, yes. lf you sleep with a man on the first date, 基本上沒錯(cuò) 第一次約會(huì)就和對(duì)方上床

[18:26.28]the relationship can't be more than sex. 雙方的關(guān)系就僅止于性

[18:32.56]l didn't want to admit she was right. Here it comes! -我不想承認(rèn),但她說(shuō)得對(duì) -公車來(lái)了

[18:36.32]l just wanted to see my bus and get the hell out of there. 我只想看看我的公車 然后馬上離開這里

[18:41.12]Oh, shit. 可惡

[18:41.64]- Carrie, hi, did l miss it? - Hi, not yet, no. -凱莉,我錯(cuò)過(guò)了嗎? -沒有

[18:46.20]- l thought you were bringing Libby... - Oh, yeah. -我以為你會(huì)帶莉比… -對(duì)了

[18:49.28]l finally asked her to join me in public and she turns me down. 最后我邀她和我公開露面 但她拒絕我

[18:51.24]Why? 為什么?

[18:53.84]She's met somebody else, who doesn't have my problems with intimacy. 她認(rèn)識(shí)了別人 對(duì)方?jīng)]有像我一樣的問(wèn)題

[18:55.84]- l'm sorry. - Quiet, here you come! -真遺憾 -安靜,車子來(lái)了

[19:11.04]Don't worry sweetie, don't worry. 別難過(guò),親愛的…

[19:15.24]Nobody in New York notices a bus until it's about to hit them. 紐約人不會(huì)注意公車 除非快被車撞

[19:17.80]That's right. 沒錯(cuò)

[19:19.20]Meanwhile, Miranda spent another wonderful evening with Ted 同時(shí)米蘭達(dá)又和泰德 度過(guò)愉快的夜晚

[19:24.76]and began to re-evaluate her options. 并且重新考慮她的選擇

[19:27.56]That was one of the most amazing meals l've ever had. Thank you. 這是我吃過(guò)最棒的一餐 謝謝你

[19:32.60]My pleasure. 我的榮幸

[19:35.20]You know, l missed you today. 我今天很想念你

[19:38.80]You did? 真的?

[19:41.16]l guess l've just been waiting all this time for a good kick in the head. 我想我等人踢我的頭等很久了

[19:43.16]And l thought all you really wanted was a good spanking. 我想你需要的是有人打你屁股

[19:50.24]- Excuse me? - You heard me. -什么? -你心知肚明

[20:04.84]Ted didn't take Miranda home that night. 泰德那晚沒帶米蘭達(dá)回家

[20:07.20]He never took her calls or returned her messages. 不再接她電話,也不回她留言

[20:08.56]And she never saw him at the gym again. 她再也沒在健身房見過(guò)他

[20:15.04]Very late that night, fuelled by a massive quantity of champagne, 那天深夜我喝了很多香檳

[20:18.72]l decided to say goodbye to Mr Big. 決定去向大人物告別

[20:28.20]l just came here to tell you that if you're embarrassed or ashamed 我來(lái)告訴你 如果你對(duì)我倆的關(guān)系

[20:31.56]to be involved with me in any way, that we can no longer see each other. 覺得尷尬或羞恥 那我們就不必再見面了

[20:37.84]The truth is, l blamed myself. 其實(shí)我責(zé)怪的是自己

[20:38.32]l wore the naked dress on our first date, l slept with him too fast, 我第一次約會(huì)就穿那么暴露 又太快和他上床

[20:42.36]and now l'm on a 5th Avenue bus with a penis on my head. 我掛在第五街公車的海報(bào) 還有個(gè)老二在頭旁邊

[20:48.08]What are you talking about? 你在說(shuō)什么?

[20:49.04]You won't introduce me to your friends. 你不介紹我給你朋友認(rèn)識(shí)

[20:51.16]You take me to that restaurant men use 帶我去那家專門讓男人

[20:54.84]for women they don't want to be seen with. 和不肯承認(rèn)的女友吃飯的餐廳

[20:57.28]You won't meet my friends. 不跟我朋友見面

[20:58.100]You have me in a niche. Certain events, restaurants, certain people. 把我藏起來(lái),做特定的事 去特定的餐廳、見特定的人

[21:05.56]Like l'm only a particular fragment 好像我的條件不配當(dāng)

[21:06.36]of the kind of person you think that you should be dating. 你應(yīng)該約會(huì)的那種人

[21:13.28]But l've only gotten to know a particular fragment. 但我只看見事情的一面

[21:15.32]Although, l'm beginning to know more. 不過(guò)后來(lái)我知道了實(shí)情

[21:18.96]No, this is not me. This is me reacting to your perception of me. 不,這不是我 這是你對(duì)我的誤解

[21:25.92]Oh, OK. 好吧

[21:27.80]Well... 這個(gè)…

[21:29.20]l think Fung Wa's is the best Chinese food in the city, 我覺得風(fēng)華是 市內(nèi)最好的中國(guó)餐廳

[21:34.76]so that's why we went there. 所以我們才去那里


[21:41.04]The guy we met in the street,

[21:42.52]l couldn't remember his name, which possibly means l have Alzheimer's. 我忘了他的名字 我大概有老人癡呆癥

[21:44.12]So that's what that was about. 所以我才那樣表現(xiàn)

[21:48.48]And this afternoon l had courtside tickets to the Knicks, 至于今天下午 我去看尼克隊(duì)比賽

[21:53.84]and that's all folks! 就是這樣

[21:56.56]l should have been jumping for joy, 我本來(lái)應(yīng)該高興

[21:59.44]but l only felt a hard knot of fear. 但我只感到害怕

[22:06.80]So you and me... 我們之間…

[22:07.88]Maybe this is for real? 你是真心的?

[22:16.32]Could be... 有可能…


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