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欲望都市08 Three’s a Crowd





[00:00.00] 12.07.25 08:19:08



[00:48.12]Once upon a time, in a magical land called Manhattan, 從前在名叫曼哈頓的魔幻之地

[00:51.100]a young woman fell in love. 一個年輕女子戀愛了

[00:59.00]Charlotte and Jack locked eyes 在鼻咽癌單身漢慈善拍賣會上 夏綠蒂跟杰克看對眼

[01:01.40]at a black tie benefit for Epstein/Barr.

[01:05.92]She chased him through every disease in New York. 她在紐約的所有疾病慈善會上 追逐著他的身影

[01:07.96]They've been officially dating 色素性視網(wǎng)膜炎慈善會后 他們正式約會

[01:09.12]since retinitus pigmentosis.

[01:15.72]Jack was perfect for her. 杰克非常適合她

[01:15.16]Architect, philanthropist, and the sex was amazing. 他是建筑師,慈善家 他們之間的性無以倫比

[01:21.44]Late one night, Jack popped the inevitable question. 某天晚上 杰克丟出一個必然的問題

[01:26.20]So... 那么…

[01:29.48]- What are your fantasies? - Oh, God. -你有什么幻想? -天啊

[01:32.28]l'd love to own my own gallery, and maybe a little cottage in Maine. 我想自己開一間畫廊 在緬因州有棟小別墅

[01:37.96]Well, actually l meant more like screwing in an airplane bathroom 事實上我指的是 像在飛機洗手間上亂搞的幻想

[01:43.44]kind of fantasies.

[01:45.60]The closest Charlotte had ever come to getting screwed on a plane 關(guān)于飛機跟亂搞 夏綠蒂最接近的幻想

[01:50.40]was losing her luggage. 是她的行李掉了

[01:55.64]l've always wanted to do it in my parents' bed. 我一直想在我爸媽的床上做愛

[01:57.04]- Wild, l like it. - What about you? -挺狂野的,我喜歡 -你呢?

[02:03.40]- You, me, and another woman. - Come on! -你,我跟另一個女人一起做 -少來了

[02:06.100]l'm serious. 我是認真的

[02:08.88]Charlotte, you have no idea how sexy you are, do you? 夏綠蒂 你不知道自己多性感,對吧?

[02:12.52]The idea of you touching another woman... 你撫摸另一個女人

[02:17.72]God, it makes me hard just thinking about it. 光是想我就硬了起來

[02:29.72]- Jack wants us to do a threesome. - Of course he does. Every guy does. -杰克想玩三P -當(dāng)然,每個男人都想玩三P

[02:33.52]Threesomes now are the blow job of the '90s. 三P等于是九十年代的吹簫

[02:37.72]- What was the blow job of the '80s? - Anal sex. -八十年代的吹簫是什么? -肛交

[02:41.04]Don't get pressured into it. lt's just a ploy to watch you be a lesbian. 別理他 他只是想試探你是不是同性戀

[02:44.92]- Don't knock it until you've tried it. - l had a threesome once in college. -沒做過就別亂說 -我大學(xué)時曾玩過三P

[02:48.52]l was drunk, and l woke up in someone else's bra. 當(dāng)時我喝醉了 醒來時穿著別人的胸罩

[02:52.48]Only do a threesome as the guest star - 玩三P時一定要當(dāng)來賓

[02:57.76]the girl the couple gets to come in, screw, and leave. 走進去后搞完就離開

[02:60.44]- The pinch hitter. - Exactly. lt's perfect. -那個代打者 -沒錯,那才是最好玩的

[03:04.12]Great sex, without wondering about your relationship. 你能享受魚水之歡 不必懷疑你跟男朋友的關(guān)系

[03:05.100]- But you don't have relationships. - Which is why l have great sex. -你沒有男朋友 -所以我做愛時很盡興

[03:09.88]- l've never done a threesome. - Because you have relationships. -我從沒玩過三P -因為你老在交男朋友

[03:12.88]- Well, l've never done a threesome. - Of course you haven't. -我永遠都不會玩三P -當(dāng)然

[03:18.56]You in a threesome? You won't even wear a thong! 你會玩三P? 你連丁字褲都不穿的

[03:20.76]- Jack thinks l'm sexy. - He's buttering you up. -杰克說我很性感 -他是在哄你

[03:24.60]First, you start thinking you're hot, then he brings up the threesome thing. 你得先覺得自己很性感 才會想要玩三P

[03:27.00]Boom! Suddenly you're kissing another woman while he beats off. 突然間你在吻另一個女人 他在一邊打手槍

[03:30.16]Please... 拜托

[03:32.36]Make sure the other woman isn't a friend. 另一個女人絕不能是你朋友

[03:33.36]Use somebody you meet in a bar or something. 找在酒吧或其他地方認識的人

[03:37.44]- That's romantic. - No, l think l'd feel safer with a friend. -真浪漫 -不,我覺得跟朋友做較安全

[03:41.28]Someone l could trust, like Carrie. 跟我可以相信的人做 譬如說凱莉

[03:43.32]Oh, gee, l'm flattered. 天啊,我受寵若驚

[03:48.00]But l'd go with someone who has a little more experience, like Sam. 但我要跟有經(jīng)驗的人做 譬如說莎曼珊

[03:52.84]Well, thanks. 謝謝

[03:53.04]But there is something sexy about a first-timer like Charlotte. 跟夏綠蒂這種菜鳥做 也挺性感的

[03:56.24]Really? 真的嗎?

[04:01.60]Oh, great, no, forget about me. 天啊,不,別理我

[04:04.36]- Oh, come on. - You know, l'd do it with you guys! -少來了 -我愿意跟你們做

[04:08.36]lt's like picking teams for dodge ball all over again. 這就像在挑躲避球的隊友

[04:12.24]Was Samantha right? Were threesomes the new sexual frontier? 莎曼珊說得對嗎? 三P是新的性流行嗎?

[04:19.40]No question. Guys were infatuated with threesomes. 毫無疑問地男人愛死三P了

[04:22.64]And when l started looking, they were everywhere. 我開始認真地去找 發(fā)現(xiàn)他們無所不在

[04:27.76]After all, our lives are built on threesomes. 畢竟在生活中無三不成禮

[04:31.60]Fat, low-fat, non-fat. First, business, economy. Moe, Larry, Curly. 全脂低脂脫脂,最初商業(yè)經(jīng)濟 摩伊、賴利、柯力

[04:36.68]Maybe we were never meant to do it with only one other person. 或許我們一直都不想 只跟另一個人做

[04:38.68]Maybe threesomes were the relationship of the future. 或許三P 是未來男女關(guān)系的趨勢

[04:43.56]Meanwhile, Samantha had been starring 同時莎曼珊在大演

[04:46.40]in a show l call ''Sam Does The Married Guy''. 我稱之為“莎曼珊 愛上有婦之夫”的戲碼

[04:50.72]- l love that you're not my wife. - l love that, too. -我愛死你不是我太太了 -我也一樣

[04:55.40]l mean, that thing you do with your hips. 我喜歡你擺動屁股的樣子

[04:57.04]Ruth won't even get on top. 蘿絲連胸罩都不肯脫

[04:59.92]Ken was 37, a wine importer, 肯三十七歲 他是葡萄酒進口商

[05:04.32]unhappily married to a woman who designed modular office furniture. 他的婚姻不幸福 太太是標準辦公室家具設(shè)計師

[05:08.60]This affair was the most exciting thing 這段外遇對他來說

[05:08.96]that had happened to him since the '94 Montrachet. 是除了94年的

[05:16.64]Five hours later, Charlotte's night was just beginning. 五小時后 夏綠蒂的夜晚才剛剛開始

[05:17.100]She and Jack had just had another fantastic date, dancing for dyslexia. 她跟杰克有個浪漫的約會 在讀寫障礙慈善會上跳舞

[05:24.12]So, what do you think of her? 你覺得她如何?

[05:27.20]- ls she hot? - Jack! -她性感嗎? -杰克

[05:29.16]You're right. 你說對了

[05:33.56]- Maybe she's more your taste. - Stop it. -或許她比較適合你的品味 -別說了

[05:37.32]- Have a light? - Sorry. l don't smoke. -你有火嗎? -抱歉,我不抽煙

[05:39.92]That's a shame. 太可惜了

[05:43.68]Did you see that? She was flirting with us. 你看到?jīng)]有?她在跟我們調(diào)情

[05:48.56]She was flirting with you. 她在跟你調(diào)情

[05:51.64]Charlotte, you're such a turn-on, and you have no idea. 夏綠蒂,你很誘人 只是你并不知道

[05:54.84]You're giving off this sexual energy all the time. 你經(jīng)常散發(fā)出性魅力

[05:59.00]A vibe like you've got a fire inside you. 就像你體內(nèi)有熊熊烈火一樣

[06:02.56]She'd be crazy not to be into you. 無法跟你融為一體 她會發(fā)瘋的

[06:04.24]Who knows whether it was her vodka or her vibe, 誰知道她是喝多了 還是她在發(fā)抖

[06:08.60]but Charlotte suddenly felt warm. 但夏綠蒂突然覺得一陣暖意

[06:12.32]- She put her hand on my leg. - So, should l ask her to join us? -她把手放在我腿上 -我該邀請她加入我們嗎?

[06:22.64]That night, she had an eye-opening experience. 那晚她大開眼界

[06:52.48]Charlotte hadn't been that excited since she became a cheerleader. 夏綠蒂自從當(dāng)上啦啦隊員后 再也沒有這么興奮過

[06:59.36]What do you think your dream meant? 你覺得你的夢有什么含意?

[07:01.12]l'm in a sandbox with Charlotte, Sam, and Carrie and they won't play with me. 我、夏綠蒂、莎曼珊跟凱莉 在沙堆里,她們不跟我玩

[07:05.40]Please, it's obvious. 拜托,這很明顯

[07:08.20]Miranda was dealing with her own nightmare. 米蘭達在處理她自己的夢魘

[07:09.24]l know it's juvenile, but it bothers me. l'm attractive, l'm smart... 我知道那很幼稚,卻頗為困擾 我有吸引力,又聰明

[07:14.52]people should want me for a threesome. 大家都應(yīng)該想跟我玩三P

[07:16.52]So, you're saying you're attracted to your girlfriends? 你是說你喜歡上你的女性朋友?

[07:20.60]No! But if your friends won't go down on you, who will? 不,但如果你朋友不肯跟你玩 還有誰會跟你玩?

[07:23.96]Well, that's some dream. 那只是一個夢

[07:25.28]lt was so real. l can't stop thinking about it. 那個夢太逼真了 我沒辦法不想到它

[07:28.92]- And l think l enjoyed it. - That's great. -我還挺喜歡那個夢的 -太棒了

[07:32.12]Dreams are a good way to experiment. 做夢是很棒的實驗方法

[07:34.72]lt's like buying a dress and keeping the tags on. 那像是買下一件洋裝 但不把標簽撕掉

[07:38.28]Do you think it means l should have a threesome? 你覺得那表示我該玩三P嗎?

[07:40.28]Jack says l have a fire inside me. 杰克說我體內(nèi)有熊熊烈火

[07:44.04]- Tell him they make a cream for that. - l'm serious! -告訴他有滅火器這種東西 -我是認真的

[07:46.52]- Don't do it just to make Jack happy. - Maybe it would bring us closer. -別為了讓杰克快樂而那么做 -或許那么做我們會更親密

[07:53.48]Sweetie, don't you think it's weird to sleep with someone you don't know 你不覺得那很奇怪嗎?

[07:54.92]跟一個你不認識的人睡覺 只為了跟杰克更親密?

[07:56.96]to get closer to Jack?

[07:57.40]But how well do we ever know the people we sleep with? 但我們對枕邊人又了解多少?

[08:02.32]That was Charlotte. Just when you think she's a Park Avenue Pollyanna, 夏綠蒂就是那樣,當(dāng)你覺得 她是個腦袋空空的拜金女時

[08:06.32]she'd say something so right on, you'd think she was the Dalai Lama. 她會說出達賴喇嘛式的名言

[08:11.96]ls my hair too shiny? 我的頭發(fā)太亮了嗎?

[08:14.36]And then she'd say something else. 然后她又扯到別的地方去

[08:17.48]But the bigger question remained... 但還有一個更大的問題

[08:18.12]if Charlotte was considering a threesome, who wasn't? 如果連夏綠蒂都想玩三P 誰不想呢?

[08:22.44]The Village Voice had more ads for threesomes “村聲”里 尋找三P對象的廣告

[08:26.92]than for small rat-infested studios renting at $1 ,000 a month. 比月租一千塊的 小型爛工作室出租廣告還多

[08:30.40]But who answered these ads? 但誰會回應(yīng)這些廣告呢?

[08:31.28]Wall Street honcho seeks two horny gals 華爾街老板尋找兩個好色女

[08:34.24]for a fuck-fest at my summer home. No fatties, please. 在我的避暑小屋開性派對 胖女人勿試

[08:39.20]Sweet, suburban school teacher seeks two men to fulfill her fantasies. 甜美的郊區(qū)老師 尋找兩個男人來滿足她的幻想

[08:43.88]You be black or Hispanic. l'll be on time. 黑人或西班牙人都可 我會準時到達

[08:50.04]l need your dick now. 我現(xiàn)在就要你的老二

[08:52.64]X-files fanatic twosome seeks Scully look-alike for abduction fantasy. X檔案迷夫妻為滿足綁架幻想 尋找長得像史考莉的女孩

[08:58.60]Me, gorgeous with big boobs. You, a couple with class. 我是有大咪咪的美女 你們是有品味的夫妻

[09:02.88]Let's experience everything the city has. 讓我們來體驗這個城市的一切

[09:04.88]l'm into museums, blow jobs, theatre, and golden showers. 我什么都愿意做

[09:11.56]l seemed to be the only person 我似乎是唯一

[09:14.92]who still believed in the one-on-one relationship. 仍相信一對一愛情的人

[09:14.72]Mr Big and l were doing sleep-overs. 大人物跟我會在彼此家中過夜

[09:18.88]Which one? 哪一條?

[09:22.28]This one. 這條

[09:28.20]You better be careful. l could get used to this. 你最好小心一點 我可能會上癮的

[09:32.52]Why is it that putting a tie around a man's neck 為什么幫男人打領(lǐng)帶

[09:34.28]is sometimes even sexier than taking it off? 有時比幫男人 解開領(lǐng)帶還性感?

[09:38.56]What are you doing for lunch? l could swing an hour between meetings. 午休時你要做什么? 我可以溜出來一小時

[09:43.64]No, sorry. l can't. 抱歉,我沒空

[09:46.64]- l have to interview someone. - About what? -我得去跟別人面談 -談什么?

[09:51.28]Threesomes. Ever done one? 三P性游戲,你玩過嗎?

[09:54.40]Sure. Who hasn't? 當(dāng)然,誰沒玩過?

[09:57.16]Really? With who? 真的嗎?你跟誰?

[09:60.44]My ex-wife. 我前妻

[10:00.12]Suddenly my column was the last thing on my mind. 突然間 我將寫專欄的事拋諸腦后

[10:06.88]- You were married? - Yeah, l thought l told you. -你結(jié)過婚? -是啊,我以為我告訴過你

[10:10.96]No, no, you didn't. 你沒說過

[10:14.68]- An ex-wife, that's a new twist. - And they had wild sex, threesomes. -他有前妻,情況有了新變化 -他們性生活狂野,還玩三P

[10:19.32]We used to have wild sex, but now we have sweet sex. 年輕時我們的性生活都很狂野 但現(xiàn)在只能慢慢來

[10:21.100]- Wild beats sweet. - But he's not with her. -狂野還是比慢慢來好 -但現(xiàn)在他沒跟她在一起了

[10:24.88]Because they stopped having wild sex. 因為他們不再有狂野的性生活

[10:29.56]- Ken's wife won't give him a blow job. - That didn't make me feel better! -肯的太太不肯幫他吹 -我一點都不感到安慰

[10:33.12]He'll never leave his wife for you. They never do. 他永遠都不會為你離開他太太 男人永遠都不會那么做

[10:36.52]Thank God. Who needs the trouble? No muss, no fuss. 謝天謝地,誰都不想惹麻煩 我不用去忍受那些事

[10:39.08]Sounds like you're selling toilet cleaner. 你說起話來 跟廁所清潔劑推銷員一樣

[10:41.48]Does this color turn you on? 這個顏色能挑起你的情欲嗎?

[10:44.80]Miranda was certainly determined. 米蘭達下定決心

[10:47.68]- lt's a little bit orange. - There's only one thing left to do. -有點橘 -現(xiàn)在只剩一個辦法

[10:52.64]- What, leave him before he leaves me? - You kidding? Check out the ex. -在他離開我前先離開他? -別鬧了,去探探他前妻底細

[10:60.20]Charlotte was right. We don't really know the people we sleep with. 夏綠蒂說得對 我們真的不了解枕邊人

[11:05.16]After all, what did l know about Mr Big? 畢竟我又了解大人物什么呢?

[11:08.16]Except he had an ex-wife named Barbara who worked in publishing. 只知道他前妻叫芭芭拉 她在出版界工作

[11:12.04]My plan was to pitch her a steamy bodice-ripping paperback. 我打算用 出羅曼史的企劃案來釣她

[11:16.72]She'd probably reject it, but l'd get five minutes face-to-face with her. 她很可能會拒絕我 但我可以跟她面對面談?wù)?/p>

[11:19.48]Carrie? 是凱莉嗎?

[11:22.28]Come right in. Barbara's ready for you. 快進來,芭芭拉已經(jīng)在等你了

[11:27.32]...Thanks, bye. Carrie Bradshaw. l am so excited. 謝謝,再見 凱莉布雷蕭,我真的很高興

[11:31.80]Sit down. l am a huge fan of your work. 請坐,我是你的超級書迷

[11:35.60]Good taste and beautiful. Could it get worse? 有品味又漂亮,她無懈可擊

[11:40.04]Special Olympics chairwoman. 特殊奧運主席

[11:42.80]Sorry. l haven't hung it yet. So, l'm dying to hear your pitch. 抱歉,我還沒空把它掛起來 我很期待你的企劃案

[11:45.12]l never knew you were interested in writing children's books. 我不知道你對寫童書有興趣

[11:49.88]Well, who doesn't love children's books? 誰不喜歡童書呢?

[11:54.28]Five minutes of bodice-ripping material wasted. 羅曼史的企劃案失敗

[11:57.96]So l did what any writer would do. l pulled an idea out of my ass. 于是我做了所有作家會做的事 我開始隨口瞎掰

[12:01.52]Well, my story is about a little girl... 故事的主角是個小女孩

[12:08.76]named Cathy. Little Cathy. 她叫做凱西

[12:10.88]-小凱西 -小凱西有何過人之處?

[12:11.16]And what makes Little Cathy special?

[12:13.64]Well, she's got these magic... 她有魔法…

[12:18.52]cigarettes. 香煙

[12:21.28]She has magic cigarettes? 她有魔法香煙?

[12:22.80]Yes, Little Cathy and her magic cigarettes. 對,小凱西有魔法香煙

[12:28.64]Whenever she lights up, she can go anywhere in the world. 只要一把煙點燃 她想去哪里都可以

[12:32.40]You know... Arabia, New Jersey. 她可以去阿拉伯、新澤西

[12:35.20]l mean that stuff is all gonna be worked out, of course. 當(dāng)然內(nèi)容還可以改

[12:38.76]You wanna write a children's book about smoking? 你要寫一本關(guān)于抽煙的童書?

[12:44.44]lt's a children's book for adults. 那是給大人看的童書

[12:50.12]- You are outrageous. l love it! - l thought you might. -你真是天才,我喜歡 -我就知道你會喜歡

[12:56.72]l've been dying to do something with an edge. This could be great. 我一直想做游走邊緣的題材 這本書可能會大紅大紫

[12:59.84]lt was the last straw. She was smart, beautiful, and she got me. 我受不了,她聰明漂亮 她迷倒我了

[13:03.72]l'd have to kill her. 我得殺了她

[13:07.32]Samantha was about to have a close encounter with the third kind. 莎曼珊 將跟外遇對象的太太見面

[13:14.80]- Oh, sorry. - l'm sorry... Ken! -抱歉 -對不起,是你啊

[13:17.04]- Sam. - You two know each other? -莎曼珊 -你們認識?

[13:17.64]- Sure. - Not really. -沒錯 -我們不熟

[13:22.56]Ruth, this is Samantha. She bought some pinot noir from me. 蘿絲,這位是莎曼珊 她跟我買過葡萄酒

[13:25.08]- Sam, this is my wife, Ruth. - Hi. -莎曼珊,這位是我太太蘿絲 -你好

[13:28.00]- Hi. - OK, we should be going. See ya. -你好 -我們該走了,再見

[13:32.44]That afternoon Samantha successfully screwed a guy in under two minutes. 那天下午莎曼珊不到兩分鐘 完全地擊垮了一個男人

[13:42.52]The more Miranda analyzed, the worse her nightmares got. 米蘭達越深入分析 就越難釋懷

[13:46.68]So the four of us get into a cab, only they won't let me sit with them. 我們四個搭計程車時 她們就是不跟我坐

[13:49.16]They make me sit with the driver, 她們要我跟司機坐 他長得像帕瑞吉家族的克里斯

[13:51.56]who's like Chris from The Partridge Family.

[13:55.76]You're still very upset about being sexually rejected by your friends. 你還在為朋友 不肯跟你發(fā)生性關(guān)系而難過

[13:59.72]Let me ask you something. 我要問你一件事

[14:02.20]Would you do a threesome with me? 你愿意跟我玩三P嗎?

[14:06.64]l think we need to talk about why you're asking me. 我們得談?wù)?你為什么要問我這個問題

[14:12.12]That's a ''no''? 你不愿意嗎?

[14:13.44]That night, l thought l could put the whole Barbara thing out of my mind. 那晚我以為 我能忘了芭芭拉的事

[14:20.00]After all, Mr Big was with me now. 畢竟大人物現(xiàn)在跟我在一起

[14:22.48]Nibbling his ear lobes? How sweet. 你在咬他的耳垂? 真的是太棒了

[14:26.44]Let me show you how it's really done. 我來教你該怎么做才對

[14:34.20]So, l guess you can't avoid a threesome, 看來誰都避免不了三P性關(guān)系

[14:34.68]even if it's only you in the bed, 即使現(xiàn)在躺在床上的人是你

[14:37.08]someone's always been there before you. 但在那之前 曾有人依偎在他身邊

[14:41.36]What just happened? Where'd you go? 怎么了?你要去哪里?

[14:45.92]- Preoccupied. - No kidding. About what? -我在想事情 -不會吧,你在想什么?

[14:50.92]Your ex-wife's breasts, your ex-wife's lips, your ex-wife's long legs. 你前妻的胸部、嘴唇跟長腿

[14:56.16]...My column. 我在想專欄的事

[14:57.04]l didn't tell you l was married because it was a long time ago. 我沒告訴你我結(jié)過婚 因為那是很久以前的事

[15:01.84]- What happened? - Alienation of affection, then divorce. -發(fā)生了什么事? -我們貌合神離,后來離婚了

[15:08.28]Let's not talk about the past, please. 別談過去的事了

[15:16.24]What Mr Big didn't realize was the past was sleeping right next to me. 大人物并不了解 我無法釋懷過去

[15:26.16]The next day the flesh and blood Barbara asked me to lunch. 隔天芭芭拉約我吃午餐

[15:31.16]- Hi. Thanks for meeting me. - Oh, thanks for inviting me. -謝謝你趕來 -謝謝你約我吃飯

[15:35.36]You changed your hair. 你換了發(fā)型

[15:38.12]Oh, thanks. 謝謝

[15:42.60]- Listen l have some news. - l'm back with Mr Big! -我有壞消息要通知你 -我跟大人物復(fù)合了

[15:44.28]The head guys didn't go for Little Cathy. 大頭們不喜歡小凱西的故事

[15:48.76]They wouldn't know a good book if it bit 'em in the ass. 就算好書送上門來 他們也不知道

[15:51.24]- Yeah, fuck 'em. - l still love the project, -對啊,別理他們 -我還是很喜歡你的企劃

[15:54.24]and at the risk of sounding like a groupie, 聽起來或許很煽情

[15:56.80]l'd really like to become friends. 我真的很想跟你做朋友

[15:60.56]Friends? 做朋友?

[16:04.04]Two hours later, l was sleeping with the enemy. 兩小時后我跟敵人共枕

[16:06.32]- So, never married? - Once. A long time ago. -你沒過婚嗎? -很久以前結(jié)過一次

[16:09.80]- Really? What happened? - He had a wandering eye. -真的嗎?發(fā)生了什么事? -他喜歡四處偷腥

[16:14.80]lt wandered over to my best friend. 連我最好的朋友都不放過

[16:17.16]So, what about you? Are you seeing anyone? 你有男朋友嗎?

[16:23.72]No one special. 沒有

[16:26.36]For Samantha, the shit was about to hit the phone. 對莎曼珊來說 壞消息正要傳來

[16:29.100]- Hello. - lt's over. l told my wife! -你好 -結(jié)束了,我告訴我太太了?

[16:34.60]- Who is this? - lt's Ken. -你是哪位? -我是肯

[16:36.04]- Wait. You told Ruth about us? - l'm in love with you. -你把我們的事告訴蘿絲? -我愛上你了

[16:40.24]- Now we can be together. - No, no, no, no, no, no. -現(xiàn)在我們能在一起了 -不

[16:44.52]Hang on. 等一下

[16:47.20]- Hello. - Samantha? -你好 -是莎曼珊嗎?

[16:50.40]This is Ruth Scheer... Ken's wife. 我是蘿絲辛勒,肯的太太

[16:54.08]- Yeah, l found your number. - Hang on. -我查到你的電話號碼 -等一下

[16:56.16]- Listen to me. You love your wife. - No, l'm in love with you! -聽我說,你愛你太太 -不,我愛的是你

[17:00.72]No, no, no, no. 不

[17:03.08]Sam's no muss, no fuss affair was starting to feel very mussy. 莎曼珊不傷大雅的外遇事件 變成一場惡夢

[17:09.40]- l'm back. - l don't know who you are, -說吧 -我不知道你是誰

[17:11.36]but Ken and l love each other very much. 肯跟我彼此相愛

[17:12.76]- Of course you do. - And we have an unshakable bond. -那是當(dāng)然的事 -我們的關(guān)系密不可分

[17:17.00]l'm going to keep this marriage together. 我一定會維持這段婚姻

[17:22.32]Good for you! Listen, Ruth this was a huge mistake. 那太好了,聽著,蘿絲 這是個天大的錯誤

[17:24.08]lt didn't mean anything. lt was just sex. 除了性,那不具任何意義

[17:26.16]Exactly. 沒錯

[17:30.12]And if being sexually adventuresome will keep this marriage together, 如果性冒險能維持婚姻

[17:34.72]then l am prepared to join you... 我準備跟你…

[17:36.20]...with him...in bed. 還有他一同上床

[17:43.80]Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. 不

[17:46.44]Samantha was a guest star. Series regular was not in her contract. 莎曼珊是特別來賓 她不喜歡當(dāng)固定班底

[17:52.12]That night at the attention deficit ball, 那晚在募款舞會中

[17:56.88]Charlotte felt free to indulge her fantasy. 夏綠蒂放縱于她的幻想中

[17:59.84]lt's amazing what some sequins on a stick can do to free up inhibitions. 很難想像一個小小的面具 能讓人完全拋去束縛

[18:05.64]Who here is your type? 誰是你要的那一型?

[18:16.76]- Do you like peacocks? - Do you? -你喜歡孔雀嗎? -你呢?

[18:25.40]Then Charlotte did the unthinkable. 然后夏綠蒂 做了令人難以想像的事

[18:32.88]Oh, my God. Oh, my God. She winked at me. 天啊,她對我眨眼

[18:34.64]- Excellent. - l need to get out of here. -太棒了 -我得離開這里

[18:46.56]- Hey, you OK? - Yeah, yeah, l think so. -你沒事吧? -應(yīng)該沒事

[18:52.56]- So, how'd it feel? - Weird. -你覺得如何? -怪怪的

[18:54.84]Well, l enjoyed it. 我挺喜歡的

[18:58.12]- l do have another fantasy. - What's that? -我還有一個幻想 -是什么呢?

[19:02.48]Doing it upstairs at a party. 在賓客滿堂的派對中 溜到樓上的房間做愛

[19:25.16]Can l join you? 我能加入你們嗎?

[19:27.04]She realized that this was her moment. 她明白那一刻終于來了

[19:30.40]lf she was gonna take the plunge, it was now or never. 她想放縱于情欲中 就得把握這一刻

[19:54.96]Unfortunately, it was Jack who plunged first. 不幸的是 先一頭栽進去的人是杰克

[19:58.56]Apparently someone else's fire was stronger than Charlotte's. 看來另一個女人 比夏綠蒂更性感

[20:01.36]She was not the guest star in this fantasy. 她不是這場幻想的特別來賓

[20:13.36]Meanwhile, at a bar downtown... 同時在市區(qū)的酒吧中…

[20:24.92]- Miranda? - Hi. -你是米蘭達嗎? -你好

[20:25.48]What a relief. 真的是太好了

[20:28.56]Most of the women who answered our ad, well, 大部分回應(yīng)我們廣告的女人 都有點…

[20:34.16]you know, they were kind of... -她們丑斃了 -跟你完全不同

[20:35.12]- Butt ugly. - Oh, nothing like you.

[20:38.40]- Thanks. - We've never done this before. -謝謝 -我們從沒做過這種事

[20:42.00]lt's a huge fantasy of Mark's. l offered to do it for his 30th birthday. 這是馬克的夢想 也是我送他的三十歲生日禮物

[20:50.08]Whatever happened to giving a nice pen? 你怎么不送他筆呢?

[20:56.92]So are you doing anything tonight? 你今晚有事嗎?

[20:60.68]Let me just be clear. You want to do a threesome with me. 我得話把說清楚 你們想跟我玩三P

[21:06.16]lf you're busy, we understand. 如果你很忙,我們能了解

[21:07.12]l tell you what. Let me make a quick phone call, OK? 聽我說 我得去打通電話,好嗎?

[21:25.16]That night Miranda finally got her validation. 那晚米蘭達終于得到了肯定

[21:28.52]Her shrink had suggested she comes three times a week. 心理醫(yī)生建議她 一星期去找他三次

[21:33.96]l didn't see Mr Big for eight days. 我八天沒跟大人物見面

[21:35.24]- Well, that was a great meal. - Yeah, it was. -真的,還挺好吃的 -是啊

[21:42.32]Actually, the food was terrible and we were like strangers. 事實上食物爛透了 我們跟陌生人一樣

[21:45.00]What is wrong? 到底發(fā)生了什么事?

[21:47.40]Look. You tell me you have an ex-wife. 你告訴我你結(jié)過婚

[21:49.48]You tell me you guys had a three-way. Yes, l asked. 你們還玩過三P 對,是我開口問的

[21:52.76]But you drop this bomb, but you don't give me any details. 但你丟了一顆大炸彈 卻不跟我說個清楚

[21:55.72]You don't even tell me why you broke up. 甚至沒告訴我 你們?yōu)槭裁匆质?/p>

[21:60.12]- l cheated on her. - Yeah, l know. She told me at lunch. -我背著她偷人 -我知道,午餐時她告訴我了

[22:03.80]l know you know. She told me she told you. 我知道你已經(jīng)知道了 她告訴我她已經(jīng)跟你說過

[22:03.72]She told you? See, that's another thing. 是她跟你說的?還有這件事

[22:08.08]You didn't tell me that you're still talking. 你沒告訴我你們還有聯(lián)絡(luò)

[22:12.28]- l still talk to all my ex-wives. - l'm so not finding that funny. -我跟我所有的前妻都有聯(lián)絡(luò) -那一點都不好笑

[22:14.92]Listen, wait a minute. 等一下

[22:20.20]We had the threesome because we were both looking for someone else. 我們會玩三P 因為我們在尋找適合自己的人

[22:33.36]Do you know anyone who's right for me? 你認識任何適合我的人嗎?

[22:47.52]And then it was just the two of us. 我們言歸于好 我了解到玩三P的真正意義

[22:50.40]And l realized the real appeal of the threesome: it was easy.

[22:54.00]lt's intimacy that's the bitch. 很簡單



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