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欲望都市第二季 偷情曲線The Cheating Curve





[00:00.00] 12.08.02 08:25:35





[00:50.24]They say that New Yorkers wlll attend the openlng of an envelope... 只要香檳源源不斷地供應(yīng)

[00:51.84]...as long as the champagne doesn't run dry. 紐約人連拆封典禮也會參加

[00:55.32]But tonlght's openlng at Charlotte's gallery for Yael... 但今晚夏綠蒂畫廊為女同志 畫家耶爾舉行的展覽開幕酒會

[00:59.16]...a lesblan palnter from Brooklyn Helghts...

[00:59.76]...actually transcended the bad wlne, stale cheese routlne. 卻超越了傳統(tǒng)劣酒 腐敗乳酪的固定模式

[01:03.64]It was lesblan chlc meets art-world cool. 瀟灑的女同志進(jìn)入藝術(shù)殿堂

[01:06.12]A surprlslngly fabulous combustlon that no one saw comlng. 悄悄地延燒出驚人的火花

[01:11.20]Charlotte was there wlth her latest fllng, Gareth Davls. 夏綠蒂和新男友蓋瑞戴維斯 一起出席

[01:13.52]A toxlc bachelor and the owner of Thorn, a downtown restaurant... 他是“荊棘”的老板 那是一家二流模特兒

[01:19.76]...frequented by second-tler models and the men who buy them salad. 和包養(yǎng)她們的金主 時常光顧的餐廳

[01:25.24]Mlranda brought Ethan Watson... 米蘭達(dá)的男伴是伊森華生 一個紀(jì)錄片導(dǎo)演

[01:26.44]...a documentary fllmmaker she had met the week before... 一周前她在很少人參加的 哈佛校友會上認(rèn)識的

[01:29.72]...at a sparsely attended Harvard Alumnl mlxer.

[01:35.16]And my date for the evenlng was Samantha. 而我今晚的伴是莎曼珊

[01:36.44]Not entlrely lnapproprlate glven the clrcumstances. 在這種場合還算恰當(dāng)

[01:38.36]Here. -沒人告訴我要自備男伴 -這是女同志畫展

[01:41.84]Nobody toId me it was B.Y.O. Man.

[01:43.84]What did you expect? It's a Iesbian art show.

[01:44.72]But don't straight guys foIIow them around to see what they're going to do? 難道正常的男人 不會好奇地圍著她們打轉(zhuǎn)嗎?

[01:49.88]Wait a second. You see that guy? 慢著,你看那個男的 我認(rèn)識他

[01:51.16]-Who? -I know him.

[01:54.24]-Who is he? -He's a trainer at my gym. -他是誰? -我健身房的教練

[01:56.96]And you shouId see his squat thrusts. I'm just gonna say heIIo. 你應(yīng)該看他示范動作 我要去打個招呼

[02:01.80]You know what, honey? I think I'm gonna go home. -我想回家了 -我馬上就回來

[02:03.32]-ReIax, I'II be right back. -I don't feeI very weII. -我不太舒服 -怎么了?

[02:06.60]-What's wrong? -I have a headache. It just hit me. -我頭痛 -需要止痛藥嗎?

[02:10.76]-You want a Percodan? -I'm fine. I just need some sIeep. 不用,我睡一覺就行了 你去吧,去交新朋友

[02:12.76]Go on, make new friends. -我再打給你 -好

[02:16.32]-I'II caII you. -Okay.

[02:22.72]Wlth Samantha, Mlranda and Charlotte all sultably occupled... 既然莎曼珊、米蘭達(dá) 以及夏綠蒂都各有男伴了

[02:24.08]...I flgured there was no better tlme to make my escape. 沒有比現(xiàn)在更適合逃走的時機

[02:28.44]The truth was, I had another engagement. 事實上我另有約會

[02:33.40]But I dldn't dare tell any of my frlends where I was golng... 但我沒告訴她們 我要去哪里或跟誰見面

[02:37.08]...or who I was plannlng to meet.

[02:46.12]-You Iook sensationaI. -You don't Iook so bad yourseIf. -你看起來真是艷光四射 -你也不賴

[02:48.92]This oId thing? I've had it for years. 這件舊襯衫?我穿好幾年了

[02:53.28]I knew lt was wrong. 我知道這是不對的

[02:56.16]Seelng an emotlonally unavallable man I had sworn off months earller. 和幾個月前因無法付出感情 我發(fā)誓要脫離的男人見面

[02:60.64]But the gullt worked llke an aphrodlslac. 但罪惡感就像催情劑

[03:04.44]I had never felt sexler or more allve ln my entlre llfe. 我這輩子從未覺得如此性感 充滿活力

[03:11.80]By mldnlght, Charlotte dlscovered Manhattan's latest group... 午夜前,夏綠蒂發(fā)現(xiàn)了一群 炫耀財富的新集團(tuán)

[03:14.80]...to flaunt thelr dlsposable lncome.:

[03:15.36]The power lesblan. 權(quán)力女同志 她們似乎擁有一切

[03:17.64]They seem to have everythlng.

[03:20.72]Great shoes, klller eyewear and the secrets to lnvlslble makeup. 腳踩名貴的鞋子 臉上畫著自然到看不出的裸妝

[03:24.60]-I want that one. I'm gonna take it. -Didn't I say I was buying it? 那幅畫我要了

[03:26.60]-我已經(jīng)說我要買了 -你是要放大的

[03:27.80]-I thought you were taking the Iarge one. -I want both.

[03:32.04]For God's sakes. -我兩幅都要 -看在老天份上

[03:35.76]Charlotte had never sold out a show before ln her llfe. 夏綠蒂從未在展覽中售完畫作 她感到十分驚喜

[03:38.36]She was pleasantly surprlsed. 可惜,有個不太愉快的 意外等著她

[03:38.52]Unfortunately, there was a not so pleasant surprlse ln store for her.

[03:44.00]We're out of champagne. -香檳喝完了 -儲藏室還有一箱

[03:43.72]I'm sure I have an extra case or two in the back storeroom.

[04:00.28]Excuse me. 抱歉打擾

[04:03.00]ReIax, we're just kissing. 別激動,我們只是接吻而已

[04:11.12]I'II see you in there. 我們里頭見

[04:15.04]I can't beIieve he had the nerve to kiss her and stiII pretend he wasn't cheating. 他和那個女人正在接吻 還裝得一副沒偷腥的樣子

[04:19.88]Maybe he doesn't consider kissing cheating. 或許他認(rèn)為接吻不算偷腥

[04:22.68]Come on. It was onIy your second date. 你們才第二次約會

[04:23.68]So? Doesn't that guarantee me fideIity untiI the end of the evening? 直到那夜結(jié)束之前 他都應(yīng)該對我忠實

[04:27.44]Remember Ron, the married guy with kids on Park Avenue? 記得朗嗎,那個有婦之夫?

[04:29.64]He didn't consider fucking beIow 23rd Street cheating. 他認(rèn)為在23街以下 跟別的女人上床都不算偷腥

[04:34.72]That's insane. 男人偷腥的原因跟狗舔自己的 睪丸一樣:因為他們辦得到

[04:33.92]Men cheat for the same reason that dogs Iick their baIIs:

[04:36.68]Because they can. It's part of their bioIogy. 這是生物本能

[04:41.88]Instead of wasting aII this energy condemning it... 我們不但不該責(zé)備他們

[04:43.72]...maybe it's time we aII got in Iine with the reaIity of the situation. 反而要欣然接受現(xiàn)實

[04:48.24]That sounds very empowering, but you're forgetting one detaiI. -你忘了一個重要的細(xì)節(jié) -希望如此

[04:51.68]I hope so. -女人也會偷腥 -這不一樣

[04:50.48]-Women cheat. -But it's different.

[04:53.40]How? 我們不會隨便 勾搭看上眼的男人

[04:54.80]We don't go around randomIy attacking any man we're attracted to.

[04:58.04]-Speak for yourseIf. -We're not driven by testosterone. -別一概而論 -我們又不受睪丸酮控制

[05:02.00]Then what does drive us according to you? -不然我們受什么控制 -感情

[05:05.60]-Emotions. -You mean hormones. 你是說荷爾蒙

[05:07.20]No. I mean that IittIe voice inside of me that says, ''Mate for Iife.'' 我內(nèi)心深處有個小聲音不停說 “找尋終生伴侶”

[05:09.28]You can't Iisten to every fucking IittIe voice that runs through your head. 你不能聽信腦海中每個聲音 那會把你逼瘋

[05:15.76]It'II drive you nuts.

[05:16.36]The probIem is that you two have very different definitions of cheating. 問題在于你們兩個 對偷情的定義不同

[05:20.20]I don't toIerate it. -我絕不能容忍 -我則對人性抱持現(xiàn)實的態(tài)度

[05:21.88]And I'm more forgiving and reaIistic about human nature.

[05:27.80]That's because you cheat. 那是因為你會偷情

[05:29.96]I just don't think that you can define cheating in absoIute terms. 偷情無法用絕對的措辭來定義

[05:31.72]You think it's okay to cheat? -你的意思是偷情無罪? -也許有所謂的偷情曲線

[05:33.04]I think maybe there's a cheating curve.

[05:35.00]Someone's definition of what constitutes cheating... 一個人對于偷情的定義

[05:38.40]...is in direct proportion to how much they themseIves want to cheat. 和他渴望出軌的程度恰成正比

[05:42.00]That's moraI reIativism. -那是道德相對論 -我認(rèn)為是量子偷情論

[05:46.24]I prefer to think of it as quantum cheating.

[05:46.04]The fact is, the act of cheating is defined by the act of getting caught. 偷情的行為 要看有沒有被抓到而定

[05:50.96]One doesn't exist without the other. 兩者不能獨立存在

[05:55.80]I wondered, was Samantha rlght? 我不禁納悶莎曼珊說對了嗎?

[05:58.40]Is cheatlng llke the proverblal tree ln the forest? 偷情已經(jīng)變得稀松平常

[05:59.96]That lt doesn't exlst lf there's no one around to catch you? 如果沒被發(fā)現(xiàn)就不算嗎?

[06:02.56]In a gravlty-free world of anythlng goes, what constltutes cheatlng? 在一個無奇不有的世界 到底何謂偷情?

[06:09.96]Everybody cheats. 人人都會偷懶 這就是有教練的好處

[06:10.64]That's the great thing about having a trainer.

[06:13.88]Seven, keep your neck back. 七…脖子不要動

[06:15.48]Eight. 看到有人姿勢不正確 我就火冒三丈

[06:16.68]Pisses me off seeing peopIe train improperIy.

[06:18.36]I guess I better behave then. 那我最好照規(guī)矩來

[06:20.48]I'm aII about form and discipIine. 我最講究標(biāo)準(zhǔn)動作和嚴(yán)格把關(guān) 姿勢要正確,否則根本別做

[06:23.92]Do it right or don't bother doing it at aII.

[06:25.84]Yes. 是

[06:27.24]Samantha reallzed that whlle purlty of form exacted a prlce... 莎曼珊體會到完美的身材 雖然需要付出代價

[06:31.28]...lt also had lts own rewards. 它也有回報

[06:34.88]So how do you feeI? -你覺得怎么樣? -你讓我全濕了…滿身是汗

[06:35.44]You got me aII wet. I mean sweaty.

[06:39.44]Same time on Wednesday? -下周三同一時間? -就這么說定

[06:42.04]It's a date. 夏綠蒂聽膩了男人 毫無說服力的藉口

[06:43.92]Later that day, Charlotte reallzed she was tlred of llstenlng...

[06:46.60]...to another man's weak justlflcatlons.

[06:49.68]You don't understand. She's a frlend of my slster's from college. 她是我妹妹的一個老朋友

[06:51.44]She just moved to the city and her uncIe died Iast month. 上個月她叔叔過世 我只是想安慰她

[06:56.92]I was just trying to be supportive.

[06:56.72]Besides... 再說,你才是我想上床的對象

[06:59.60]...you're the one I want to sleep wlth.

[07:01.04]When she felt her llfe take a fortultous turn. 她感覺她的人生 偶然地轉(zhuǎn)了個彎

[07:04.12]Gareth, I've got to go. 蓋瑞,我得掛了

[07:06.68]Walt. What--

[07:12.24]Hi! Nice to see you. -幸會 -我來付畫款

[07:13.56]I just came in to pay for my painting.

[07:16.12]It's her painting for six months and then she's seIIing it back to me. 她先保管六個月 然后再賣回給我

[07:20.00]Excuse me. 我家才有寬敞的閣樓 和整面空曠的白墻壁

[07:22.20]I'm the one with the big Ioft and aII the empty white waIIs.

[07:26.08]Look at it. I am so excited. 你瞧那幅畫,我好興奮

[07:27.44]Excuse me. By the way, I Iove the Prada Ioafers. 不好意思 對了,你的普拉達(dá)鞋很好看

[07:30.84]Thanks. 謝了

[07:32.60]Power lesblans and thelr shoes are llke Wall Street brokers and thelr clgars. 權(quán)力女同志和她們穿的鞋 好比股票經(jīng)紀(jì)和他們抽的雪茄

[07:36.72]AIice toId me so many nice things about you. 愛麗絲對你夸贊不已 你從事藝術(shù)品買賣多久了?

[07:40.20]How Iong have you been doing the art thing?

[07:41.36]Ten years. No, 12 years. I'm Iosing track. 十年…不,十二年了 在這家畫廊待了快五年

[07:46.64]AImost five years at this gaIIery. What do you do?

[07:48.44]I'm a V.P. at Warner Music. EiIeen works on WaII Street. -你在哪兒工作? -我是華納唱片的副總裁

[07:51.60]How Iong have you been together? -你們在一起多久了? -以前的事了,現(xiàn)在只是朋友

[07:53.32]Used to be together. Five years. We're just friends now.

[07:57.28]That is so cooI. 真酷

[07:59.68]Want to join MeIissa and Drew in about an hour for a drink? 要不要和瑪莉莎 及珠兒喝一杯?

[08:02.72]Sure. WouId you Iike to join us for a drink? 好,你要不要跟我們一起去?

[08:06.92]I wish I couId, but-- -我很想去,可是… -可是什么?

[08:08.52]But what? 夏綠蒂想不出 一個拒絕的好理由

[08:11.00]The truth ls Charlotte couldn't thlnk of one really good reason not to go.

[08:13.88]I'd Iove to. 我很樂意去

[08:18.76]One drlnk at G-Spot, the hottest new glrl bar ln town... 在紐約最熱門的女同志酒吧 “G點”喝一杯之后

[08:21.32]...followed by dlnner and sclntlllatlng conversatlon at Luke's... 她們又去“路克”吃晚飯 席間妙語如珠

[08:24.84]...a hot new French-fuslon restaurant wlth an even hotter chef... 那是一家法式餐廳 主廚也是熱情的女同志

[08:28.36]...followed by late-nlght danclng at Love Tunnel... 之后的深夜熱舞 讓夏綠蒂重溫往日的快樂

[08:32.76]...left Charlotte exhllarated and happy as she'd been ln ages.

[08:34.36]There was somethlng relaxlng and llberatlng... 這是一趟解放之旅 來到一個不同的世界

[08:38.24]...ln travellng ln an alternate unlverse that contalned no thought of men.


[08:41.84]By the end of the nlght, Charlotte had truly made... 那晚 她結(jié)識了一些很棒的新朋友

[08:43.40]...some wonderful new frlends.

[08:56.72]That nlght, Mlranda was exhausted from her own nlght on the town. 米蘭達(dá)這一夜筋疲力盡

[08:59.12]She had spent the last four hours ln the dark wlth Ethan... 她和伊森花了四個小時

[09:01.60]...watchlng the classlc holocaust documentary Shoah. 觀賞經(jīng)典紀(jì)錄片“大屠殺”

[09:06.08]Shoah is so much better than that faky, stagy Schlndler's Llst. “大屠殺”比那部虛偽做作的 “辛德勒的名單”好多了

[09:10.04]Narrative fiIm can't begin to touch the horror of experience. 敘事電影根本別想碰觸 歷史的慘痛

[09:16.68]OnIy documentaries can reaIIy begin to capture the truth. 只有紀(jì)錄片才能捕捉真實

[09:21.08]In fact, the entire concept of narrative fiIm... 敘事電影的整個概念 不過是狗屁…

[09:25.76]...is just bogus.

[09:25.92]You know--

[09:34.28]Want to come back to my pIace? 要不要去我家?

[09:37.96]Mlranda was pleased to dlscover that Ethan was as passlonate ln bed... 米蘭達(dá)發(fā)現(xiàn)伊森在床上

[09:41.96]...as he was on the subject of non-narratlve fllm. 與他對非敘事電影一樣熱情

[09:44.56]But just as they were gettlng down to buslness... 當(dāng)他們正要辦事時 她意識到他們并不孤單

[09:45.60]...Mlranda reallzed they were not alone.

[09:53.36]What's that for? -那是干嘛? -可以助興

[09:57.28]Just something to get us in the mood.

[09:60.04]I think it's kind of sexy, don't you? 我覺得挺性感的 你不覺得嗎?

[10:00.12]Yeah, I guess it couId be. 也許吧

[10:06.80]Mlranda reallzed that Ethan's passlon for fllm... 伊森對電影的狂熱 呈現(xiàn)出一個很有意思的癖好

[10:09.56]...had taken on a new and lnterestlng twlst.

[10:13.24]A few nlghts later, after a late show of Gimme SheIter at the WaverIy... 半夜看完了紀(jì)錄片 “變調(diào)搖滾樂”

[10:16.16]...Mlranda dlscovered that Ethan's new frlends were hard to shake. 米蘭達(dá)發(fā)現(xiàn) 伊森的新朋友實在難以擺脫

[10:26.96]-Does that reaIIy need to be on? -No. 需要開著嗎?

[10:30.48]It just reaIIy turns me on. -那真的讓我性致勃勃 -有了我還不夠嗎?

[10:31.12]-Aren't I enough? -You're great. 你很棒,若你覺得受到干擾 我可以關(guān)掉聲音

[10:35.72]I can turn off the sound if it bugs you.

[10:41.16]CouId you move your head a bit to the right? 你能把頭往右移嗎?

[10:45.04]Yeah. That's great.

[10:49.96]That nlght, ln Mr. Blg's kltchen, I performed an unnatural act of my own. 那晚在大人物的廚房 我展現(xiàn)了難得一見的技藝

[10:56.88]I cooked. 我下廚做菜

[10:56.32]Volla. Fondue. 來了,火鍋上桌

[11:02.20]You didn't cook. You just heated up cheese. -你只是加熱起司 -還有把面包撕成一小塊

[11:03.08]And tore up IittIe pieces of bread.

[11:05.36]-I'm touched by your effort. -Okay. 你的努力真讓我感動

[11:10.52]It's the onIy recipe I couId ever master. 這是我唯一擅長的菜

[11:15.88]AII righty. 好了,現(xiàn)在…


[11:18.16]...teII me you Iove it. 告訴我你喜歡吃

[11:24.32]Tasty. 美味極了

[11:29.20]Now you teII me. 換你了

[11:37.64]It's horribIe. -好難吃 -現(xiàn)在可以去餐廳吃飯了嗎?

[11:39.76]Can we go to a restaurant now?

[11:44.00]I take it back. You're an exceIIent cook. 我收回那句話 你是個很棒的廚子

[11:50.36]I haven't toId my friends we're seeing each other. 我還沒跟我朋友說 我們又開始約會

[11:55.08]Neither have I. -我也沒說 -你根本沒朋友

[11:55.24]-That doesn't count. You have no friends. -I have interested parties.

[11:58.52]-我有生意上的伙伴 -你為何不告訴他們?

[11:58.60]-Why haven't you toId them? -I sensed you didn't want me to. -我覺得你不希望我說 -才怪

[12:02.28]BuIIshit. 你要我說什么?

[12:05.28]What do you want me to teII peopIe?

[12:07.20]-Nothing. -Good idea. Let's keep it quiet. -沒什么 -很好,那就保密吧

[12:12.16]-Why do you want to keep it quiet? -I just want to be agreeabIe. -你為什么想保密? -我只是迎合你

[12:19.20]The truth ls, I wasn't sure why I wanted to keep the fact... 我不知道為什么想把和大人物 重新交往的事瞞得那么緊

[12:22.36]...that I was seelng Blg agaln so under wraps.

[12:26.20]All I knew ls that lt felt somehow llllclt. 那似乎是不正當(dāng)?shù)?我甚至不想在他家過夜

[12:28.56]I dldn't even want to be caught waklng up there.

[12:32.32]That mornlng at 7.:00 a.m... 那天早上七點 當(dāng)我慢慢走回公寓時…

[12:33.40]...as I walked the Walk of Shame back to my apartment....

[12:35.72]-凱莉? -米蘭達(dá),天啊…

[12:40.96]My god! 你怎么會在這里?

[12:41.08]-What are you doing up here? -Teeth cIeaning.

[12:43.44]-At 7:00 a.m.? -I Iike to get it over with. How's Ethan? -我去洗牙 -在早上七點?

[12:45.68]我想趕快解決這件事 伊森還好嗎?

[12:49.32]-Aside from his porn addiction? -StiII? 除了他沉溺于色情片之外?

[12:52.32]It was kind of sexy at first, but it's getting borderIine humiIiating. 起初是很吸引人,但他越來越 過分,老說把頭移開…

[12:55.00]''Move your head here. Move your head there.'' 你不覺得真槍實彈 比看錄影帶刺激多了

[12:57.80]Isn't the reaI thing more exciting than a tape?

[12:59.68]Maybe it's a force of habit. 也許這只是習(xí)慣使然

[13:02.24]I get the feeIing he's more interested in the video than me. 我覺得他對影片中的 女主角更有興趣

[13:06.44]Like he's cheating on me with them whiIe we're having sex. I don't know. 那感覺就好像 他在我們做愛時對我不忠

[13:10.48]Am I expecting too much? -是我要求太多嗎? -你值得他全心全意的對待

[13:11.52]No, you deserve his undivided attention.

[13:14.40]Thank you. I have to go. I have a breakfast meeting. 謝謝,我得走了 八點要開早餐會

[13:18.24]-You're dressed up for the dentist! -Laundry day. -你看牙醫(yī)穿得太隆重了吧 -衣服送洗了

[13:23.44]-Got it. -Bye, sweetie. -明白 -再見,親愛的

[13:23.60]I felt horrlble. I had never lled to Mlranda before. 我覺得自己很惡劣 我從未向米蘭達(dá)撒謊

[13:26.00]But I was embarrassed to admlt that I was seelng Blg agaln. 但我不好意思承認(rèn) 和大人物見面的事

[13:31.76]The truth was, I was cheatlng on her and all my frlends wlth Mr. Blg. 我跟大人物 一起欺騙了她和所有朋友

[13:35.56]That afternoon, Samantha got very personal wlth her new tralner, Thor. 當(dāng)天下午,莎曼珊和她新的 健身教練索爾關(guān)系更加密切

[13:38.04]I feeI Iike such a cIiché. I bet you sIeep with aII your cIients. 我敢說你一定跟每個學(xué)員上床

[13:43.08]I reaIIy don't, but it's aIways been kind of a fantasy for me. 我沒有 但這一直都是我的幻想

[13:46.28]-Maybe I couId train you. -Why don't we take a shower first? -也許我可以訓(xùn)練你 -我們先去淋浴吧

[13:52.44]You got great Iegs. -你的腿好美 -早知道我就會刮毛

[13:53.24]If I knew we were going to be doing this, I'd have shaved them.

[13:56.80]That's aII right. I'II shave them for you. 我?guī)湍愎?/p>

[14:10.16]Are you a dirty girI? 你是個壞女孩嗎?

[14:15.64]I guess that depends on your definition of dirty. 那要看你對壞的定義為何

[14:21.56]And then to Samantha's surprlse and dellght... 接著,讓莎曼珊又驚又喜的是

[14:25.96]...Thor kept rlght on shavlng. 索爾的手并沒有停下來

[14:34.68]What is this thing guys have these days about wanting to shave your pubic hair? 男人為什么會想幫你刮陰毛?

[14:37.80]It's obvious. They want a IittIe girI. 他們對小女孩有憧憬

[14:41.44]ActuaIIy, in Thor's case, it was more Iike being branded. 索爾這么做 比較像是在我身上烙印

[14:44.16]What are you taIking about? 什么意思?

[14:47.52]He shaved me in a shape: a Iightning boIt. 他把那里修剪成閃電狀

[14:50.100]Where do you find these guys? Carrie, are you Iistening to this? 你從哪里認(rèn)識這些男人? 凱莉,你有沒有聽到?

[14:55.16]That very personaI trainer of Samantha's... 莎曼珊的教練 幫她把陰毛修成閃電狀

[14:59.04]...shaved her crotch in the shape of a Iightening boIt.

[15:00.24]ReaIIy. It's very creative. Sort of Iike X marks the spot. 很有創(chuàng)意 有點像是用X做記號

[15:06.68]You know, it's a very negIected area. 那地方常常被忽略 但現(xiàn)在人們開始注意它了

[15:09.32]But peopIe are reaIIy starting to pay attention.

[15:11.00]You can't just Iet it grow wiId. 你再也不能任由那里雜草叢生 修整陰毛的生意商機無限

[15:13.68]There's an entire business...

[15:16.24]...devoted to the upkeep and management of pubic hair. 這跟你穿什么鞋子一樣 代表著個人風(fēng)格

[15:17.52]It says as much about you as shoes. 恭喜 你找到一個很有天分的設(shè)計師

[15:18.100]CongratuIations, it sounds Iike you found yourseIf a very taIented styIist.

[15:23.88]What are you doing in there? 凱莉,你在里面干嘛?

[15:28.28]You know what? Can somebody get that? I'll be out ln a sec. 幫我開一下門好嗎?

[15:30.04]Sorry I'm Iate. 抱歉,我遲到了

[15:34.72]You didn't have to get aII dressed up for us. 跟我們出去不用這么盛裝吧

[15:35.20]Why not? You did your hair. 有何不可?你也除毛了

[15:38.80]It's not for you guys. I'm meeting Lydia and her friends tonight. 這不是為了你們 我要和莉蒂亞還有她朋友見面

[15:44.60]-Who's Lydia? -Haven't you heard? CharIotte's a Iesbian. -誰是莉蒂亞? -夏綠蒂是同性戀

[15:47.56]I am not a Iesbian. I just have some new Iesbian friends. 我才不是 我只是交了一些女同志朋友

[15:49.16]She's been out with them three times this past week. 這禮拜她已經(jīng)和她們 出去三次了

[15:54.40]So? 她們都很酷,而且生活 不會被男人搞得那么復(fù)雜

[15:54.80]They're cooI and they buy art and their Iives aren't compIicated by men.

[15:58.68]I was a major Iesbian in the fourth grade. 我四年級時是同性戀

[16:00.48]Wendy Kirsten. We kissed. It was nice. 和溫蒂克斯頓 我們接吻,感覺很好

[16:05.96]They know you're straight, right? 她們知道你愛的是男人嗎?

[16:05.92]I'm sure they do, but we don't even taIk about sex. It's a non-issue. 我肯定她們知道,我們甚至 不談?wù)撔詯?,這不是問題

[16:11.92]You have to teII them, otherwise you're just Ieading them on. 你得跟她們說清楚 否則就是在誤導(dǎo)她們

[16:16.00]You're nothing but a big cIit tease. 你只是心血來潮客串一下

[16:19.88]Are you saying that a straight woman and a gay woman can't be friends? 難道異性戀者 不能和女同志做朋友嗎?

[16:22.56]Of course, but you can't expect to move to Wonder Woman's isIand and not go native. 當(dāng)然可以,但你不能到了 神力女超人世界卻不入境隨俗

[16:29.60]Where's Carrie? -凱莉呢? -我們快趕不上電影了

[16:31.68]If she doesn't get out of the bathroom, we'II miss the movie.

[16:34.96]Is everything okay in there? 你在廁所里還好嗎?

[16:40.04]ActuaIIy, no. 老實說,不好,我需要幫忙

[16:40.96]I need heIp.

[16:44.40]This is embarrassing. I got a new diaphragm and it's stuck. 我新裝的避孕器卡住了

[16:48.68]How Iong has it been in there? -卡在里面多久了? -自從昨天晚上

[16:51.48]Since Iast night. 早上你說去洗牙…

[16:51.60]WhiIe you were getting your teeth cIeaned--

[16:55.92]I'm either gonna have to make an emergency visit to my gynecoIogist... 現(xiàn)在我不是去婦產(chǎn)科掛急診

[16:59.24]...or someone's gonna have to heIp me. -就是你們其中一個進(jìn)來幫我 -我的手不怎么靈巧

[17:01.24]I'd heIp you, but I'm not very dexterous.

[17:03.20]You're the Iesbian, go in there. 你是同性戀,你去

[17:06.88]No. 不要

[17:11.48]Go. 我來

[17:14.84]And I just had my naiIs done. 我才剛做完指甲

[17:21.72]You are so buying me dinner. 你非請我吃晚餐不可

[17:22.48]Wait. Aren't we skipping a beat here? 等等,你跟誰上床?

[17:24.60]Who are you sIeeping with?

[17:27.76]It's something that started again a few weeks ago. 是從幾個星期前開始的

[17:31.24]I don't know if it's reaI so I didn't want to say anything. 我沒有告訴你們 不過…是大人物

[17:33.20]It's Big. -你跟大人物上床? -他對你那么差勁

[17:36.72]You're sIeeping with Big? He was such an asshoIe to you.

[17:40.16]Not reaIIy. Maybe sometimes. 不盡然如此

[17:40.68]-也許有時候… -你憑什么認(rèn)為這次會不同?

[17:42.96]Why do you think it'II be different this time?

[17:46.68]I don't know. I'm not sure they are, but it kind of feeIs okay. 我不知道,但情況似乎有改善

[17:50.40]If it feeIs okay, why are you sneaking around? 那你何必瞞著我們?

[17:52.20]We've got this physicaI, chemicaI... 我們在肉體和心靈上 都很有默契

[17:56.00]...kind of connection that's hard to shake. 這是很難說斷就斷的 你們饒了我吧

[17:57.16]So Iay off, okay? -所以這只是偶然的性關(guān)系? -也許

[17:59.76]-Now it's gonna be a casuaI sex thing? -Maybe.

[18:01.84]-That's gonna work. -Even I am not that naive. 就連我都沒這么天真

[18:04.16]I'm reaIIy not in the mood to see a movie anymore. 我沒心情看電影了

[18:08.52]-凱莉 -別這樣…

[18:11.28]Come on!

[18:15.40]I couldn't sleep at all that nlght. 那晚我徹夜未眠

[18:16.88]The problem was, my frlends were rlght. 我的朋友說得對

[18:19.16]Falllng lnto thls casual thlng wlth Blg, wlthout a sense of what happened... 和大人物陷入這種 前途茫茫的關(guān)系中

[18:22.40]...or where lt was golng, suddenly felt llke a huge mlstake. 我突然覺得大錯特錯

[18:30.40]The next mornlng, Charlotte attended brunch at the home of Patty Aston... 夏綠蒂去派蒂艾斯頓的家 參加早午餐聚會

[18:36.24]...the ex-wlfe of a Hollywood televlslon producer. 她的前夫是一位電視制作人

[18:38.72]If power lesblans represented Manhattan's chlcest new soclal hlve... 如果權(quán)力女同志是曼哈頓 最時髦的社交族群

[18:42.32]...Charlotte was about to meet thelr queen bee. 夏綠蒂即將和她們的女王見面

[18:43.100]Patty is an amazing Iady. 派蒂棒呆了,她是一百個慈善 團(tuán)體的董事,還去上飛行課程

[18:47.28]She's on the board of 100 charities and now she's taking fIying Iessons.

[18:50.36]She's got a house in TeIIuride. We're aII going there for Easter. 我們復(fù)活節(jié)要去她泰萊德的 別墅玩,你也應(yīng)該一起來

[18:54.84]-You shouId come. -I'd Iove to. 我很樂意 她的收藏也很不同凡響

[18:57.84]She aIso has some very interesting art.

[18:59.28]Dlana the Huntress. 狩獵女神黛安娜 我在拍賣會上買的

[19:03.56]I got her on saIe.

[19:05.80]This is CharIotte. 派蒂,她就是夏綠蒂

[19:07.44]A pIeasure. I've heard so many wonderfuI things about you. 我已經(jīng)久仰大名

[19:11.72]Likewise. 我剛和夏綠蒂 聊到你在泰萊德的別墅

[19:12.96]I was teIIing CharIotte about your amazing house in TeIIuride.

[19:14.100]Sounds wonderfuI. -聽起來很棒 -我去拿飲料,香檳好嗎?

[19:17.72]I'm gonna get us some drinks.

[19:18.28]-Champagne? -Sure. -你會滑雪嗎? -會,但滑得不好

[19:19.100]Do you ski?

[19:22.48]Yes, but not weII. I guess I'm what you'd caII a snow bunny.

[19:22.76]我就像所謂的小雪兔 老是蹦蹦跳跳摔個四腳朝天

[19:25.44]I just kind of hop down the bunny traiI.

[19:29.76]It's not a prerequisite, beIieve me. 這不是最重要的 置身山林的感覺非常舒服

[19:30.80]It's wonderfuI to Ieave the city and be in the mountains.

[19:33.28]AbsoIuteIy. 一點也沒錯

[19:35.28]You shouId pIan to join us the next time. I know Lydia wouId Iove it if you couId. 下次你應(yīng)該加入我們 莉蒂亞一定會很高興

[19:40.48]That's very generous of you. 你真慷慨

[19:41.44]But before we get on a pIane together, there's something we aII want to know. 不過首先大家都很想知道 你是同志嗎?

[19:47.44]Are you gay?

[19:49.12]No, I'm not. 我不是,但我非常享受 跟你們相處的時光

[19:53.12]But I do so enjoy the company of aII these women.

[19:54.36]Everyone's so smart and funny. 每個人都既聰明又風(fēng)趣

[19:58.28]After spending too much time and attention on men... 在男人身上花太多注意力之后

[20:02.96]...it feeIs Iike such a safe, warm environment. 這里是一個安全、溫馨的環(huán)境

[20:03.52]And whiIe sexuaIIy, I feeI that I am straight... 雖然性向上我愛的是男人

[20:09.72]...there's a very powerfuI part of me that connects to the femaIe spirit. 但有一部分的我 和女性精神是緊密連結(jié)的

[20:14.08]Sweetheart, that's aII very nice... 這些都很好

[20:15.48]...but if you're not going to eat pussy, you're not a dyke. 但若你不和女人上床 你便不是同志

[20:23.88]Later that afternoon, followlng a partlcularly gruellng workout wlth Thor... 經(jīng)過索爾的魔鬼訓(xùn)練之后

[20:28.68]...Samantha declded to take a relaxlng steam. 莎曼珊決定來個放松的蒸氣浴

[20:40.52]That asshoIe! 那個混帳

[20:44.76]That day at the gym... 莎曼珊發(fā)現(xiàn) 閃電的確會出現(xiàn)兩次

[20:47.48]...Samantha dlscovered that llghtnlng does lndeed strlke twlce.

[20:53.52]That evenlng, Mlranda was treated to a double blll. 米蘭達(dá)則得欣賞兩出戲碼

[20:55.100]Nanook of the North at Allce Tully Hall... 在艾莉絲杜利廳看完 “北方的南努克”

[20:60.96]...and Steady as She BIows at Ethan Watson's Porn Palace. 然后是伊森色情片皇宮放映的 “高潮迭起”

[21:03.88]HoId it right there. 停在那兒別動

[21:10.40]AII right, that's enough! 夠了,這可不是同步轉(zhuǎn)播

[21:12.92]This is not a synchronized event.

[21:16.28]Look, I Iike you. 聽著,我喜歡你 但這越來越荒謬了

[21:18.80]But this is ridicuIous. It's either the women in the video or me. 不是A片女郎就是我 你只能選一個

[21:21.08]Your choice, but you can't have both.

[21:25.56]It's not that simpIe. 米蘭達(dá),這沒那么簡單 我只認(rèn)識你幾星期

[21:27.72]I've onIy known you for a few weeks.

[21:29.52]But I've been invoIved with these women for years. 而她們已經(jīng)陪伴我好幾年了

[21:34.68]I am so out of here. 我真的要走了

[21:43.24]That nlght, for the flrst tlme ever, Blg took me out danclng. 當(dāng)晚,大人物第一次 帶我去跳舞

[21:48.32]It was llke he knew I needed to talk to hlm... 仿佛他想讓談話 盡可能變得困難

[21:48.28]...and declded to make lt as dlfflcult as posslble.

[21:52.76]Our attractlon, or addlctlon, or whatever, was strong. 我們互相強烈地吸引 但我知道我得更進(jìn)一步

[21:56.16]But I knew I had to be stronger. 這表示我們正式復(fù)合了嗎?

[21:56.96]Does this mean we're seeing each other again? OfficiaIIy?

[22:02.32]If you say so. -如果你要這么說的話 -這種回答令人很火大

[22:03.52]That is an infuriating response.

[22:06.100]I don't know what ''officiaIIy'' means. 我不知道何謂正式

[22:11.68]''OfficiaIIy'' means officiaIIy. 正式就是…正式

[22:15.12]You know, for reaI. 你知道,就是來真的

[22:20.84]Every moment of my Iife is for reaI, baby. 我生命中每一刻 都是來真的,寶貝

[22:23.28]Just answer me this: Why did we break up? 只要回答我這個問題 我們?yōu)槭裁捶质?

[22:31.44]You teII me. 應(yīng)該你告訴我 是你把我一個人丟在街上不管

[22:33.64]You're the one who Ieft me high and dry with two tickets to St. Barts.

[22:36.32]You didn't say what I wanted to hear. 你不肯說我想聽的話

[22:41.76]Is that it? -是嗎? -不只如此

[22:44.84]No, not just that. 我想告訴他我害怕他永遠(yuǎn)不會 如我希望的那樣愛我

[22:46.16]I wanted to tell hlm I was afrald he could never love me...

[22:48.92]...the way I wanted to be loved. 我害怕他除了自己誰也不愛

[22:50.00]I was afrald that he dldn't really have the capaclty...

[22:54.12]...to love anyone but hlmself.

[22:56.00]I was afrald that, glven the chance, he'd break my heart agaln. 我害怕他會再次傷我的心

[22:60.20]But I cheated and just sald.... 但我只輕描淡寫地說了一句… 我害怕

[23:02.76]I guess I was afraid.

[23:09.72]I can teII you one thing. 我可以告訴你一件事 我真的很想你

[23:13.80]I sure did miss you officiaIIy.


[23:18.36]Did you cry? 你有沒有哭?

[23:23.72]No. 沒有,不過我倒是聽了一堆 法蘭克辛納屈的歌

[23:26.60]But I did Iisten to a heII of a Iot of Sinatra.

[23:30.20]And there lt was. I guess we were back together offlclally. 就這樣,我想我們正式復(fù)合了

[23:35.24]Whatever that means. 不管那是什么意思


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